
Climate change disclosure in G20 countries: Stocktaking of corporate reporting schemes

This report on climate change disclosure in G20 countries takes stock of mandatory climate change reporting schemes in G20 countries and identifies commonalities and divergences between the various schemes.


Climate disclosure: knowledge powers change

Everybody is interested in the impacts of what companies are doing and the environmental practices and impacts of doing business are coming under increasing scrutiny. OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría looks at how both governments and investors are ready to scale up climate disclosure and the use of climate information.


OECD Workshop on corporate disclosure and responsible business conduct

7 December 2017, Paris - This workshop addressed the growing demand for transparency and information on how companies deal with human rights, environmental, social and other "non-financial" issues with a particular focus on how companies are identifying and addressing impacts in their supply chains.


South Africa Imports of Miscellaneous Manufactured Goods

Imports of Miscellaneous Manufactured Goods in South Africa decreased to 967.45 ZAR Million in March from 1420.49 ZAR Million in February of 2020. Imports of Miscellaneous Manufactured Goods in South Africa averaged 1636.51 ZAR Million from 2014 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 2495.75 ZAR Million in October of 2018 and a record low of 967.45 ZAR Million in March of 2020. This page includes a chart with historical data for South Africa Imports of Miscellaneous Manufactured Goods.


South Africa Imports - Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles (Cmlv)

Imports - Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles (Cmlv) in South Africa increased to 3985.70 ZAR Million in March from 3017.60 ZAR Million in February of 2020. Imports - Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles (Cml in South Africa averaged 9980.07 ZAR Million from 2014 until 2020, reaching an all time high of 21209.71 ZAR Million in December of 2019 and a record low of 1338.01 ZAR Million in January of 2015. South Africa accounts for Imports of Miscellaneous Manufactured Articl using cumulative values for each year (CMLV). This page includes a chart with historical data for South Africa Imports of Miscellaneous Manufactured Articles (c.


OECD presents outputs of OECD/G20 BEPS Project for discussion at G20 Finance Ministers meeting

The OECD presented today the final package of measures for a comprehensive, coherent and co-ordinated reform of the international tax rules to be discussed by G20 Finance Ministers at their meeting on 8 October, in Lima, Peru.


Fiscal incentives for R&D and innovation in a diverse world

Public policy has an important role to play in promoting research and development (R&D) and the development, diffusion, and use of new knowledge and innovations. Fiscal incentives, including tax policies, should be directed at specific barriers, impediments or synergies to facilitate the desired level of investment in R&D and innovations.


The equity implications of fiscal consolidation

In several OECD countries, ongoing fiscal consolidation might have a negative impact on the static income distribution. However, this conclusion should be treated only as an approximate first step in the analysis.


Measuring Fiscal Decentralisation, Concepts and Policies

This book deals with two issues. The first concerns the various measurement of fiscal decentralization in general and their usefulness for policy analysis. The second and more specific issue concerns the taxonomy of intergovernmental grants and the limits of the current classifications.


The system of revenue sharing and fiscal transfers in China

The main features of China’s current sub-national finance arrangements date back to the 1994 tax reform. China has a multi-level government structure that shares national tax revenues through a system of tax sharing and transfers, and divides spending assignments and responsibilities.


Choosing fiscal consolidation instruments compatible with growth and equity

This study proposes a structured approach to selecting instruments of fiscal consolidation that are consistent with growth, equity and global-rebalancing objectives, which is then illustrated with a particular application.


Governments should target prudent debt levels and fiscal rules will help get there

Governments should set prudent debt targets to ensure that public finances serve to promote economic growth and stability, according to new OECD research.


Tackling the three main challenges in Costa Rica: fiscal reform, reverting the slowdown in productivity and reducing inequality

Costa Rica’s economic, social and environmental achievements are impressive. It has succeeded in combining rising living standards, virtually universal health care, pension and primary education systems with sustainable use of natural resources.


Does Fiscal Decentralisation Foster Regional Convergence?

Across the OECD, GDP per capita is converging. In contrast, regional disparities – or differences in GDP per capita across jurisdictions – are rising, mainly as a result of widening productivity differences. Fiscal decentralisation could help reduce them again. According to new OECD research, assigning more ownsource revenue to sub-national governments dampens regional GDP disparities and underpins regional convergence.


Using the fiscal levers to escape the low-growth trap

Using fiscal levers to escape the low-growth trap


Make better use of fiscal initiatives to escape low-growth trap, OECD says in latest Global Economic Outlook

Expansionary fiscal initiatives and maintaining trade openness are needed to push the global economy out of today’s low-growth trap, according to the OECD’s latest Global Economic Outlook.


Estonia: Using fiscal space for a more inclusive growth

Estonian growth is picking up again strongly in 2017 and the level of activity has finally surpassed its pre-crisis level, almost 10 years after the outset of the financial crisis. However, poverty remains among the highest in the OECD.


Ensuring fiscal sustainability in Japan in the context of a shrinking and ageing population

With gross government debt of 219% of GDP in 2016, Japan’s fiscal situation is in uncharted territory and puts the economy at risk.


The fiscal projection framework in long-term scenarios

The paper describes the fiscal framework used in long-term economic scenarios, with some emphasis on revisions made since the 2013 vintage of the long-term model.


The distribution of taxable income and fiscal benefits in Spain: new evidence from personal income tax returns (2002-2011)

The personal tax system has a large influence on incentives to work, save and invest and hence growth. At the same time it is a key policy lever for income redistribution.


Costa Rica: Restore fiscal sustainability and make growth more inclusive

Costa Rica has made impressive economic and social progress in recent years, with robust economic growth facilitating near-universal access to education, health care and pensions.


Costa Rica: Restoring fiscal sustainability and setting the basis for a more growth-friendly and inclusive fiscal policy

Consecutive years of primary deficits have led to mounting public debt of almost 50% of GDP, one of the fastest increases in Latin America over the last decade.


A sustainable European currency needs a common fiscal stabilisation instrument

The euro area sovereign debt crisis has exposed important flaws in the design of the Economic and Monetary Union, especially when it comes to dealing with macroeconomic shocks.


Europe's new fiscal rules

Europe is putting in place a new system of fiscal rules following the euro area sovereign debt crisis and decades of rising government to debt-to-GDP ratios. These include the so-called "six pack" to upgrade the Stability and Growth Pact to a new Treaty incorporating the "fiscal compact".


Choosing the pace of fiscal consolidation

In many OECD countries debt has soared to levels threatening fiscal sustainability, necessitating its reduction over the medium to longer term. This paper uses stylised simulations in a small, calibrated macroeconomic model which features endogenous interactions between fiscal policy, growth and financial markets.


The equity implications of fiscal consolidation

In several OECD countries, ongoing fiscal consolidation might have a negative impact on the static income distribution. However, this conclusion should be treated only as an approximate first step in the analysis.


Improving the fiscal framework to enhance growth in an era of fiscal consolidation in Slovakia

The challenge for fiscal policy in Slovakia is to achieve fiscal consolidation in a way which supports the fragile recovery and protects spending on areas which are important for re-embarking on a trajectory of high trend growth and underpinning a catch-up in living standards.


Measuring Fiscal Decentralisation, Concepts and Policies

This book deals with two issues. The first concerns the various measurement of fiscal decentralization in general and their usefulness for policy analysis. The second and more specific issue concerns the taxonomy of intergovernmental grants and the limits of the current classifications.


Restoring Japan’s fiscal sustainability

With gross government debt surpassing 200% of GDP, Japan’s fiscal situation is in uncharted territory. In addition to robust nominal GDP growth, correcting two decades of budget deficits requires a large and sustained fiscal consolidation based on a detailed and credible multi-year plan that includes measures to control spending and raise revenue.


Fiscal federalism and its impact on economic activity, public investment and the performance of educational systems

Intergovernmental fiscal frameworks usually reflect fundamental societal choices and history and are not foremost geared towards achieving economic policy objectives. Yet, like most institutional arrangements, fiscal relations affect the behaviour of firms, households and governments and thereby economic activity.


Italy and the euro area crisis: securing fiscal sustainability and financial stability

Italy’s policy of fiscal consolidation and growth-friendly structural reforms has substantially improved its economic prospects, but the adverse sentiment that the country has faced in the sovereign bond market over the past years has deep roots.


Choosing fiscal consolidation instruments compatible with growth and equity

This study proposes a structured approach to selecting instruments of fiscal consolidation that are consistent with growth, equity and global-rebalancing objectives, which is then illustrated with a particular application.


Fiscal consolidation across government levels. Part 1: How much, what policies?

This paper provides an overview of fiscal consolidation efforts at the central and sub-central government level, both during the current and past consolidation episodes.


Fiscal consolidation across government levels. Part 2: Fiscal rules for sub-central governments, update of the institutional indicator

Fiscal rules that constrain sub-central government (SCG) budgeting are very common across the OECD, but there are substantial cross-country differences in their implementation and impact. This paper presents the 2011 update of the fiscal rules database established in 2005.


Fiscal consolidation across government levels. Part 3: Intergovernmental grants, pro- or counter-cyclical?

This paper provides empirical analysis that measures the cyclical properties of intergovernmental transfers (or grants). Modelling a fiscal policy reaction function this paper tests whether the transfers systems in OECD countries are pro- or counter-cyclical, i.e. whether they offset cyclical fluctuations of sub-central economies or, on the contrary, exacerbate them.


A simple fiscal stress testing model - case studies of Austrian, Czech and German economies

This paper develops a simple model-based framework for stress testing fiscal consolidation strategies under different scenarios of future shocks


Improving fiscal federal relations for a stronger Mexico

Mexico has achieved a high degree of decentralisation in public services, but the Mexican fiscal federal system has important shortcomings. States and municipalities have become heavily dependent on federal transfers to finance a growing share of public spending.


How to achieve growth- and equity-friendly fiscal consolidation?

Despite sustained efforts made in recent years to rein in budget deficits, a majority of OECD countries still face substantial fiscal consolidation needs. The choices made about which spending areas to curtail and which taxes to hike will have implications for near-term activity and long-term growth as well as for equity and the current account.


Fiscal devaluation – can it help to boost competitiveness?

The recent crisis has revealed large differences in external competitiveness between euro area member countries. Since nominal exchange rate devaluation is not an option for members of a currency area, governments in troubled member countries have been considering so-called fiscal devaluation, i.e. a shift from employers’ social security contribution to value added tax, as an alternative means to restore competitiveness.


Cross-country spillovers from fiscal consolidations

In many OECD countries, government debt reached levels over recent years that call for reduction over the medium to longer term to ensure public finance sustainability. This paper investigates the international transmission of fiscal consolidation shocks via trade flows.


Social Media Use by Governments: A Policy Primer to Discuss Trends, Identify Policy Opportunities and Guide Decision Makers

This working paper takes a comparative snapshot of social media use in and by OECD governments. The focus is on government institutions, as opposed to personalities, and how they manage to capture the opportunities of new social media platforms to deliver better public services and to create more open policy processes.


Fiscal decentralisation in Colombia: new evidence regarding sustainability, risk sharing and "fiscal fatigue"

Colombia has engaged in a sustained process of fiscal decentralisation over the past decades. Evidence is presented that the current framework is conducive to fiscal sustainability, especially after the reforms in the late 1990s and early 2000s.


Governments should target prudent debt levels and fiscal rules will help get there

Governments should set prudent debt targets to ensure that public finances serve to promote economic growth and stability, according to new OECD research.


Macroeconomic uncertainties, prudent debt targets and fiscal rules

The objective of this paper is to define long-run prudent debt targets for OECD countries and country-specific fiscal rules. To this end, a semi-structural macroeconomic model for OECD countries and primary balance reaction functions are estimated.


Fiscal constitutions: an empirical assessment

Fiscal constitutions comprise the set of rules and frameworks guiding fiscal policy that are enshrined in a country’s fundamental laws.


Achieving fiscal consolidation while promoting social cohesion in Japan

With gross government debt of 226% of GDP, Japan’s fiscal situation is in uncharted territory and puts the economy at risk. Japan needs a detailed and credible fiscal consolidation plan, including specific revenue increases and measures to control spending to restore its fiscal sustainability.


Adjusting fiscal balances for the business cycle: new tax and expenditure elasticity estimates for OECD countries

This paper re-estimates the elasticities of government revenue and expenditure items with respect to the output gap for OECD countries. These elasticities are used by the OECD to calculate cyclically adjusted fiscal balances. The study updates the earlier 2005 study using the most recent datasets and tax codes, the coverage being confined in this paper to 35 countries, the 34 OECD member states and Latvia.


Does Fiscal Decentralisation Foster Regional Convergence?

Across the OECD, GDP per capita is converging. In contrast, regional disparities – or differences in GDP per capita across jurisdictions – are rising, mainly as a result of widening productivity differences. Fiscal decentralisation could help reduce them again. According to new OECD research, assigning more ownsource revenue to sub-national governments dampens regional GDP disparities and underpins regional convergence.


Fiscal decentralisation and regional disparities

Fiscal decentralisation can lead to a more efficient provision of local public goods and services and promote a better match between policies and citizens’ preferences.


Fiscal decentralisation and income inequality: empirical evidence from OECD countries

This paper investigates the relationship between fiscal decentralisation and economy-wide disposable income inequality.