
ETL Development (Microstrategy Developer)

Company: FIS Global Business Solutions India Private Limited
Experience: 1 to 6
location: India
Ref: 24827886
Summary: Job Description : Position Type : Full time Type Of Hire : Experienced (relevant combo of work and education) Education Desired : Bachelor of Computer Science Travel Percentage : 25% Are you curious, motivated, ....


Dot Net Developer Req for CANADA & AUSTRALIA

Company: Pear Visa Immigration Services Private Limited
Experience: 2 to 9
Salary: 78.10 to 92.60
location: Australia, Canada
Ref: 24231088
Summary: Producing code using .NET languages (C#, VB .NET) Upgrading, configuring and debugging existing systems Providing technical support for web, desktop or mobile....


Software Developer Required in Canada & Australia

Company: Pear Visa Immigration Services Private Limited
Experience: 2 to 10
Salary: 75.50 to 94.40
location: Australia, Canada
Ref: 24209852
Summary: We are looking for a Software Developer to build and implement functional programs. You will work with other Developers and Product Managers throughout the software....


OECD Development Centre and UN Women event - 5 July

The OECD Development Centre will present the 2012 Social Institutions and Gender Index at UN Women in New York on 5 July. The event will be hosted by the UN Women Research and Data Section and chaired by Michelle Bachelet, Executive Director of UN Women.


Job Creation and Local Economic Development in the United States

This publication highlights new evidence on policies to support job creation, bringing together the latest research on labour market, entrepreneurship and local economic development policy to help governments support job creation in the recovery. It also includes a set of country pages featuring, among other things, new data on skills supply and demand at the level of smaller OECD regions (TL3).


US push to make its development aid more effective is paying off

The United States has maintained foreign aid volumes through the aftermath of the global economic crisis and has visibly improved the focus and effectiveness of its development assistance. These trends should be maintained and reforms to the U.S. Agency for International Development should be consolidated, according to a new OECD Review.



Company: Resource Access Management Solutions Private Limited
Experience: 15 to 20
location: Bengaluru / Bangalore
Ref: 24416052
Summary: Company: Global Investment Bank Experience: 15 - 20 Yrs Job Location: Bangalore Key Skills: IT Risk Risk Management Proactive Risk Management Risk Monitoring and closure of Audit Issues ....


Job Creation and Local Economic Development in New Zealand

This publication highlights new evidence on policies to support job creation, bringing together the latest research on labour market, entrepreneurship and local economic development policy to help governments support job creation in the recovery. It also includes a set of country pages featuring, among other things, new data on skills supply and demand at the level of smaller OECD regions (TL3).


New Zealand in a good position to raise development aid ambitions

New Zealand is a valued development partner for its small island neighbours, delivering aid effectively and using its experience of natural disasters to help manage risks in the region. It complements its development assistance by using liberal trade and employment systems to support poor countries, according to the OECD’s latest Peer Review of New Zealand.


New Zealand - DAC Peer Review of Development Co-operation 2015

While New Zealand is a comparatively small donor, it boasts an internationally-recognised aid programme with specific understanding of the unique Pacific context. It is seen as a flexible and predictable humanitarian donor.


Sr.. ETL Developer (Talend, AWS cloud).

Company: Datamine Infotech
Experience: 4 to 8
location: Bengaluru / Bangalore
Ref: 24822481
Summary: Need to interface with business users, Source SMEs and identify all the functional data requirements. Prepare High Level Design and ETL design. Create optimized logical and physical data models aligned with all key DWH modelling....


Business Development Executive @ Vadodara

Company: Talent Corner Hr Services Private Limited
Experience: 1 to 3
location: Vadodara, Vadodara
Ref: 24815385
Summary: Job Description : Job Description Carry out Back Office Sales Processes to attract new clients. Work with senior team members to identify and manage risks Maintain fruitful relationships with clients ....


Asst/Dy Manager HR-Ludhiana (M/F MBA,6yr, Recruitment, KRA/KPIs,PMS,Trg & Development)

Company: P & I Management Consultants
Experience: 0 to 50
location: India, Ludhiana
Ref: 24729187
Summary: Job Description: Job Description  Recruitment/Resourcing: Responsible for managing the complete recruitment life cycle for sourcing the best talent of all levels from diverse sources after identification of....


Canada: Leveraging Training and Skills Development in SMEs - An analysis of two urban regions Montreal and Winnipeg

This paper looks at a study carried out among 80 small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in two Canadian cities, Montréal and Winnipeg, based on a survey and case studies, which show the importance of innovation among Canadian SMEs. These innovations in turn create new demands for skill development, both through formal training and in informal activities.


Job Creation and Local Economic Development in Canada

This publication highlights new evidence on policies to support job creation, bringing together the latest research on labour market, entrepreneurship and local economic development policy to help governments support job creation in the recovery. It also includes a set of country pages featuring, among other things, new data on skills supply and demand at the level of smaller OECD regions (TL3).


Job Creation and Local Economic Development in the Netherlands

This publication highlights new evidence on policies to support job creation, bringing together the latest research on labour market, entrepreneurship and local economic development policy to help governments support job creation in the recovery. It also includes a set of country pages featuring, among other things, new data on skills supply and demand at the level of smaller OECD regions (TL3).


Conference: Innovation in skills development for SMEs competitiveness (Ankara, Turkey)

The conference discussed the results of the project as well as policy recommendations on training and skills development for the creation of an innovative and competitive SME sector in OECD countries.


Job Creation and Local Economic Development in Turkey

This publication highlights new evidence on policies to support job creation, bringing together the latest research on labour market, entrepreneurship and local economic development policy to help governments support job creation in the recovery. It also includes a set of country pages featuring, among other things, new data on skills supply and demand at the level of smaller OECD regions (TL3).


Competition policy in developing countries: Helping markets perform better

Competition policy is vital for creating opportunities for small business and big industry alike. It benefits consumers by reducing prices and increasing the choice of goods and services. This joint World Bank Group-OECD event showcased countries whose pro-competition reform efforts serve as examples for their regional and international peers and introduced tools to guide the design of new and improved policies.


Rising tax revenues: a key to economic development in Latin American countries

Increased domestic resource mobilization is widely accepted as crucial for countries to successfully meet the challenges of development and achieve higher living standards for all their people.


OECD reports new developments in tax information exchange

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria has presented a report to G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors that highlights measures to ensure that all taxpayers pay their fair share.


OECD engages with developing countries on BEPS

Over 300 senior tax officials from more than 100 jurisdictions and international organisations met in Paris on 26-27 September 2013 during the 18th Annual Tax Treaty Meeting to discuss solutions to unintended double non-taxation caused by base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS).


Statement of outcomes of the Fourth Meeting of the OECD Taskforce on Tax and Development

The OECD’s Task Force on Tax and Development met in Seoul, on 30-31 October 2013. Governments, international and regional organisations, civil society and business representatives reviewed progress made since the previous meeting and explored further ways to help developing countries better mobilise their domestic resources.


Paper on transfer pricing comparability data and developing countries released for comment

This paper sets out four possible approaches to addressing the concerns over the lack of data on transfer pricing comparables expressed by developing countries.


Tax for development: why better public services matter

Tax for development: why better public services matter


Rising tax revenues: A key to economic development in emerging Asian countries

Tax revenues are currently rising as a proportion of national incomes in Indonesia and Malaysia but continue to be substantially lower than for Korea, Japan and other OECD countries, according to a new OECD report.


Part 1 of a report to G20 Development Working Group on the impact of BEPS in Low Income Countries

At the G20’s request, the OECD is leading the development of a strategy to address base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS). The Development Working Group has asked the OECD to draw together the experiences of developing countries and international organisations in a report on the main sources of BEPS in developing countries and how these relate to the OECD/G20 BEPS Action Plan on this issue.


OECD and G20 pursue efforts to curb multinational tax avoidance and offshore tax evasion in developing countries

The OECD has been mandated by the G20 to develop toolkits to support developing countries addressing base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS) and to launch pilot tests to assist them to move towards automatic exchange of information.


The post-2015 agenda must steer a transformational shift towards sustainable development

As the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) approach their expiry date, we must focus our efforts on ensuring a brighter, more inclusive and sustainable future for all. We face a plethora of common issues: growing inequalities; changing consumption patterns and population dynamics; increasing natural resource scarcity; and ongoing illicit financial flows.


Developed and developing countries gather at the OECD to tackle BEPS

Almost 300 senior tax officials from more than 100 countries and international organisations met in Paris on 25-26 September 2014 during the 19th Annual Global Forum on Tax Treaties to discuss solutions to unintended double non-taxation caused by base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS).


Public comments received on the Paper on Transfer Pricing Comparability Data and Developing Countries

This page shows a full table of comments received from the public on the Interim Draft Paper on Transfer Pricing Comparability Data and Developing Countries.


Developing countries to play greater role in OECD/G20 efforts to curb corporate tax avoidance

The OECD released today its new Strategy for Deepening Developing Country Engagement in the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project, which will strengthen their involvement in the decision-making processes and bring them to the heart of the technical work.


Workshop with developing countries to plan deepened engagement in BEPS Project

On 10-11 December, officials from fourteen developing countries discussed ways to maximise benefits from their recent commitment to enhanced engagement in the BEPS Project.


Developing countries participate in global meetings to counter BEPS

Delegates from over 90 jurisdictions have gathered at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris in two meetings devoted to discussing solutions to base erosion and profit shifting (BEPS).


Work underway for the development of the BEPS Multilateral Instrument

Work on the development of the Multilateral‎ Instrument to implement the tax treaty-related Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Action Plan began on 27 May 2015 in Paris. As per the OECD/G20 mandate, the ad hoc Group that will complete the work under Action 15 has been established, with over 80 countries participating.


Tax Inspectors Without Borders: OECD and UNDP to work with developing countries to make tax audits more effective

The OECD and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) have launched a new initiative to help developing countries bolster domestic revenues by strengthening their tax audit capacities.


Increasing tax revenues is crucial to development in emerging Asian economies

Increasing tax revenues and ensuring sustainable domestic resource mobilisation will be critical as emerging Asian economies seek to boost the provision of public goods and services and improve economic growth and living standards.


OECD’s Gurría urges countries to act on UN Sustainable Development Goals

OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría today called on all countries to fully engage with the new Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and said advanced and emerging economies had a particular responsibility to translate the global goals into national policy and to support developing countries in doing the same.


Fifth plenary meeting of the Task Force on Tax and Development

This event will review progress on tax and development made in 2015, including in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Financing for Development Conference, the Addis Tax Initiative, the OECD/G20 Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) Project, Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes and Tax Inspectors Without Borders (TIWB).


BEPS implementation and beyond: Developed and developing countries gather at the OECD to tackle reforms to the international tax system

In-depth discussions took place this week as the international community continues to make progress on the international tax agenda. Officials from more than 100 countries drawing from tax authorities, ministries of finance, development agencies, as well as regional and international organisations, business and civil society came together in a series of meetings hosted by the OECD.


Developed and developing countries gather at OECD to deepen their engagement to implement BEPS package

On 1-3 March 2016, the OECD hosted two important events for the international tax community. The Task Force on Tax and Development and the Global Forum on Transfer Pricing gathered over 230 participants representing 84 jurisdictions and 11 international and regional organisations.


Latin America and the Caribbean: Tax revenues rise slightly but remain well below OECD levels

Despite a continuing slowdown in economic growth, tax revenues in Latin American and Caribbean countries rose slightly in 2014, as a proportion of national incomes, according to new data from the annual Revenue Statistics in Latin America and the Caribbean publication.


Rising tax revenues are key to economic development in African countries

Tax revenues in African countries are rising as a proportion of national incomes, according to the inaugural edition of Revenue Statistics in Africa. In 2014, the eight countries covered by the report - Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Mauritius, Morocco, Rwanda, Senegal, South Africa and Tunisia - reported tax revenues as a percentage of GDP ranging from 16.1% to 31.3%.


The Platform for Collaboration on Tax releases discussion draft on effective capacity building on tax matters in developing countries

The four organisations, working jointly as the members of the new Platform for Collaboration on Tax have developed a series of recommendations and enabling actions which are laid out in this draft summary document. The Platform organisations seek comments from interested stakeholders on these recommendations by 8 July 2016.


Public comments received for the discussion draft on the development of a multilateral instrument to implement the tax treaty related BEPS measures

On 31 May 2016, public comments were invited on technical issues identified in a Request for Input related to the development of a multilateral instrument to implement the tax-treaty related BEPS measures. This document compiles the comments received in response to that request for input.


OECD announces further developments in BEPS implementation

The OECD has released a discussion draft which deals with the design and operation of the group ratio rule under BEPS Action 4 and the standardised IT-format for the exchange of tax rulings between jurisdictions under BEPS Action 5. It also announced that Angola has become the 83rd member of the Inclusive Framework on BEPS.


Report by the Platform for Collaboration on Tax to the G20: Enhancing the Effectiveness of External Support in Building Tax Capacity in Developing Countries

G20 Finance Ministers, in their communique of February 2016, called upon the IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Group to “recommend mechanisms to help ensure effective implementation of technical assistance programmes, and recommend how countries can contribute funding for tax projects and direct technical assistance, and report back with recommendations” at their July meeting.


Tax Side Events: Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation - 2nd High-Level Meeting

These three tax events held on the side-lines of the 2nd High-Level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Co-operation in Nairobi were organised by the OECD in partnership with UNDP, UN, World Bank, International Monetary Fund and with support from a geographically wide and diverse coalition of partners including governments and regional tax organisations.


OECD announces further developments in international tax co-operation

Six treaty partners of Hong Kong (China) signed a competent authority agreement with Hong Kong (China) bringing the total number of CAAs to nine. Panama deposited its instrument of ratification for the Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters.


The Platform for Collaboration on Tax invites comments on a draft toolkit designed to help developing countries address the lack of comparables for transfer pricing analyses

Responding to a request by the Development Working Group of the G20, the Platform for Collaboration on Tax – a joint initiative of the IMF, OECD, UN and World Bank Group – has developed a draft toolkit designed to assist developing countries in an important area of international tax policy: transfer pricing.