
Who let the dogs out? A few Spaniards defy coronavirus lockdown

Under partial lockdown due to the spiraling coronavirus pandemic, Spaniards are allowed to leave home only for essential outings, walking a dog being one of them.


The end of the open plan office? Workspaces get post-pandemic makeovers

One-way corridors, buffer zones around desks, and clear plastic screens to guard against colleagues' coughs and sneezes may become office standards after coronavirus stay-at-home orders are lifted, say occupational experts.


Half of Spaniards will see lockdown eased from Monday as death toll falls

Spain's daily death toll from the coronavirus fell to its second lowest since mid-March on Saturday, as half the country prepared to move to the next phase of an exit from one of Europe's strictest lockdowns.


Barca win women's title as Spanish non-professional leagues declared over

Barcelona's women's team were officially declared champions of Spain's Liga Iberdrola on Friday after the national soccer federation's executive committee agreed to end all non-professional competitions due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


Tom Cruise aims higher with movie shot on space station

Action star Tom Cruise is working on a movie shot in outer space, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration said on Tuesday.


Steve Carell? Real U.S. Space Force chief wanted Bruce Willis to play him

The real chief of the U.S. Space Force said on Wednesday he had hoped actor Bruce Willis would have played him on the upcoming Netflix show lampooning the military's newest branch of service - instead of comic actor Steve Carell.


'Never give up, never despair': Queen praises Britons on VE Day

Britain's Queen Elizabeth honoured those who died in World War Two on Friday, the 75th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day, and used the occasion to say she was proud of how people had responded to the coronavirus pandemic.


Half of Spaniards will see lockdown eased from Monday as death toll falls

Spain's daily death toll from the coronavirus fell to its second lowest since mid-March on Saturday, as half the country prepared to move to the next phase of an exit from one of Europe's strictest lockdowns.


Maharashtra dispatches 70 buses to bring back students stuck in Kota

There are around 1,800 students from Maharashtra who are stuck in Kota.


[ASAP] Remodeling of the Oligosaccharide Conformational Space in the Prebound State To Improve Lectin-Binding Affinity

DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.9b00594


[ASAP] Layer-Spacing-Enlarged MoS<sub>2</sub> Superstructural Nanotubes with Further Enhanced Catalysis and Immobilization for Li–S Batteries

ACS Nano
DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c01124


Poesie Espagnole. Poesie 41.

Montpellier : Seghers, Montpellier No 305.64., 1941.


Women in the Nation. By Mrs. Despard.

[London] : Published by the Women's Freedom League, 1, Robert Street, Adelphi, W.C., [19--]


Woman's Franchise and Industry. By C. Despard.

[London?] : [s.n.], [19--]


Alemania devota de España.

Londres : The "Universe", [191-]


Web Information Systems and Technologies [Electronic book] : 14th International Conference, WEBIST 2018, Seville, Spain, September 18-20, 2018, Revised Selected Papers / edited by María José Escalona, Francisco Domínguez Mayo, Tim A. Majchr

Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2019.


W.T. Stead : nonconformist and newspaper prophet [Electronic book] / Stewart J. Brown.

Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2019.


Virtual sites as learning spaces : critical issues on languaging research in changing eduscapes [Electronic book] / Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, Giulia Messina Dahlberg, Ylva Lindberg, editors.

Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2019]


The value of science in space exploration [Electronic book] / James S.J. Schwartz.

New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2020.


Turkish origin migrants and their descendants : hyphenated identities in transnational space [Electronic book] / Ayhan Kaya.

Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2019]


Three dimensional space-time analysis theory of geotechnical seismic engineering [Electronic book] / Changwei Yang... [et al.].

Singapore : Springer, c2019.


Tensor Spaces and Numerical Tensor Calculus [Electronic book] / Wolfgang Hackbusch.

Cham : Springer, c2019.


Spaces of dissension [Electronic book] : towards a new perspective on contradiction / Julia Lossau, Daniel Schmidt-Brücken, Ingo H. Warnke, editors.

Wiesbaden : Springer VS, [2019]


Space mining and manufacturing [Electronic book] : off-world resources and revolutionary engineering techniques / Davide Sivolella.

Cham, Switzerland : Springer, c2019.


Scala programming for big data analytics : get started with big data analytics using Apache Spark [Electronic book] / Irfan Elahi.

[New York] : Apress, [2019]


Principles of Clinical Medicine for Space Flight [Electronic book] / Michael R. Barratt, Ellen S. Baker, Sam L. Pool, editors.

New York, NY : Springer, 2019.


Pervasive Systems, Algorithms and Networks [Electronic book] : 16th International Symposium, I-SPAN 2019, Naples, Italy, September 16-20, 2019, Proceedings / Christian Esposito, Jiman Hong, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo, editors.

Cham : Springer, 2019.


Machine learning with PySpark : with natural language processing and recommender systems [Electronic book] / Pramod Singh.

[Berkeley, CA] : Apress, [2019]


Literary Self-Translation in Hispanophone Contexts = La Autotraducción Literaria en Contextos de Habla Hispana : Europe and the Americas = Europa y América [Electronic book] / Lila Bujaldón de Esteves, Belén Bistué, Melisa Stocco

Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2019]





Lesbian Activism in the (Post- )Yugoslav Space : Sisterhood and Unity [Electronic book] / Bojan Bilić, Marija Radoman, editors.

Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2019]


The Human Person [Electronic book] : What Aristotle and Thomas Aquinas Offer Modern Psychology / Thomas L. Spalding, James M. Stedman, Christina L. Gagné, Matthew Kostelecky.

Cham : Springer, c2019.


Empirical investigations of social space [Electronic book] / Jörg Blasius, Frédéric Lebaron, Brigitte Le Roux, Andreas Schmitz, editors.

Cham : Springer, c2019.


Dark skies : space expansionism, planetary geopolitics, and the ends of humanity [Electronic book] / Daniel Deudney.

New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2020.


Cyberspace safety and security [Electronic book] : 11th International Symposium, CSS 2019, Guangzhou, China, December 1-3, 2019, Proceedings. Part I / Jaideep Vaidya, Xiao Zhang, Jin Li (eds.).

Cham : Springer, c2019.


Cyberspace safety and security [Electronic book] : 11th International Symposium, CSS 2019, Guangzhou, China, December 1-3, 2019, Proceedings. Part II / Jaideep Vaidya, Xiao Zhang, Jin Li (eds.).

Cham : Springer, 2020.


Cyberspace data and intelligence, and cyber-living, syndrome, and health : International 2019 Cyberspace Congress, CyberDI and CyberLife, Beijing, China, December 16-18, 2019, Proceedings. Part II [Electronic book] / Huansheng Ning (ed.).

Singapore : Springer, 2019.


Cyberspace data and intelligence, and cyber-living, syndrome, and health : International 2019 Cyberspace Congress, CyberDI and CyberLife, Beijing, China, December 16-18, 2019, Proceedings. Part I [Electronic book] / Huansheng Ning (ed.).

Singapore : Springer, 2019.


Creative hubs in question : place, space and work in the creative economy [Electronic book] / Rosalind Gill, Andy C. Pratt, Tarek E. Virani, editors.

Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, 2019.


Business Information Systems Workshops [Electronic book] : BIS 2019 International Workshops, Seville, Spain, June 26-28, 2019, Revised Papers / Witold Abramowicz, Rafael Corchuelo (eds.).

Cham : Springer, 2020.


Artificial intelligence in medicine [Electronic book] : Knowledge repsentation and transparent and explainable systems : AIME 2019 International Workshops, KR4HC/ProHealth and TEAAM, Poznan, Poland, June 26-29, 2019, Revised Selected Papers / Mar Marcos..

Cham : Springer, c2019.


Heels and History: What sparkly, red platform boots tell us about American culture

Written by Debra Schmidt Bach, Curator of Decorative Arts The New-York Historical Society recently acquired a pair of custom-made boots created for actor Kevin Smith Kirkwood for his role in the hit Broadway musical Kinky Boots, which tells the story of Charlie Price, a young Englishman who inherits his family’s failing shoe factory. While trying...

The post Heels and History: What sparkly, red platform boots tell us about American culture appeared first on Behind The Scenes.


4th International Symposium of Space Optical Instruments and Applications: Delft, The Netherlands, October 16 -18, 2017 / editors, H. Paul Urbach and Qifeng Yu

Online Resource


Exploring the universe: a collection of research reviews on contemporary astrophysics and space science / Banibrata Mukhopadhyay, Supdipta Sasmal, editors

Online Resource


Hubble Space Telescope: discoveries / produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI)

Online Resource


Space weather of the heliosphere: processes and forecasts: proceedings of the 335th Symposium of the International Astronomical Union held at the University of Exeter, United Kingdom, July 17-21, 2017 / edited by Claire Foullon, Olga E. Malandraki

Hayden Library - QB529.I67 2018


Russia's posture in space: prospects for Europe / Marco Aliberti, Ksenia Lisitsyna

Online Resource


Five photons: Remarkable Journeys of Light Across Space and Time / James Geach

Online Resource


Critical Space Infrastructures: Risk, Resilience and Complexity / Alexandru Georgescu [and 3 others]

Online Resource


Exoplanet science strategy / Committee on Exoplanet Science Strategy, Space Studies Board, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences

Online Resource