
British writer Samantha Harvey wins Booker Prize for space novel Orbital - Al Jazeera English

  1. British writer Samantha Harvey wins Booker Prize for space novel Orbital  Al Jazeera English
  2. Samantha Harvey’s ‘beautiful and ambitious’ Orbital wins Booker prize  The Guardian
  3. Samantha Harvey wins the Booker prize for “Orbital”  The Economist
  4. British writer Samantha Harvey’s space-station novel ‘Orbital’ wins 2024 Booker Prize  CNN
  5. Booker Prize Is Awarded to Samantha Harvey’s ‘Orbital’  The New York Times


Stop Using Chrome On Your iPhone, Warns Apple—Millions Of Users Must Now Decide - Forbes

  1. Stop Using Chrome On Your iPhone, Warns Apple—Millions Of Users Must Now Decide  Forbes
  2. 4 new Chrome improvements for iOS  The Keyword
  3. Chrome on your iPhone can search using pictures and words at the same time  The Verge
  4. Google Rolls Out Four New Chrome Features for iOS  iPhone in Canada
  5. Chrome 131 for iOS adding new Google Drive, Maps integrations  9to5Google


Même dans le chrono, Thomas résiste au temps

Tom Dumoulin.
Dans la vingtième étape, un contre-la-montre sélectif entre Saint-Pée-sur-Nivelle et Espelette (31 km), victoire du Néerlandais Tom Dumoulin, une toute petite seconde devant Chris Froome, qui récupère sa marche sur le podium. Troisième de l’étape, le Gallois Geraint Thomas remporte son premier Tour de France.

Sur la route du Tour, envoyé spécial.
D’abord il plut sur les routes du pays basque, ensuite l’asphalte se réchauffa avant de sécher sommairement comme pour favoriser les ...


Paris : Imaginons les Places de demain. Et si on s’occupait des rues d’aujourd’hui ?

A gauche, Barbès. A droite, la nouvelle Place du Panthéon. Aux mêmes heures !
C’est une vaste opération lancée depuis 2015 par la Mairie de Paris. «Donner plus de place à celles et ceux qui ont envie de vivre dans une ville plus pacifiée, avec moins de voitures et moins de stress» selon les mots d'Anne Hidalgo. Sept grandes places parisiennes vont être « réinventées » : ...


Une accusation à point nommé contre Asia Argento, quel hasard !

J'ai lu les titres et articles de presse à propos d'Asia Argento et de sa supposée agression contre Jimmy Bennett. Ça sent le traquenard à plein nez. 

Le type assure avoir été agressé sexuellement par l'actrice à l'âge de 17 ans. Il se fout de la gueule de qui, le petit traumatisé ? La prétendue agression ne l'empêchait pas de titrer quelques semaines après que "Maman" lui manquait. Pour la petite histoire, les deux acteurs jouent à la mère et au fils depuis qu'ils ont tourné ensemble dans un film alors que Jimmy avait 7 ans et qu'Asia incarnait sa ...


Biden nomme une émissaire sur les droits de l'homme en Corée du Nord

(Belga) Le président américain Joe Biden a nommé lundi une émissaire spéciale sur les droits de l'Homme en Corée du Nord, un poste laissé vacant pendant tout le mandat de l'ancienne administration de Donald Trump.

Le poste a été confié à une diplomate de carrière, Julie Turner, qui dirige actuellement la section Asie du bureau des droits de l'homme au sein du département d'État américain. Il avait été laissé vacant depuis janvier 2017, alors que l'ancien président Donald Trump cherchait à nouer des liens avec Pyongyang, rencontrant le dirigeant nord-coréen Kim Jong Un à trois reprises. Cela avait conduit à apaiser les tensions entre les deux pays, sans que cela ne débouche sur un accord à long terme. Le poste, qui a le rang d'ambassadeur, avait été créé par une loi en 2004 visant à faire pression sur la question des droits de l'homme en Corée du Nord, l'un des pays les plus autoritaires au monde. La tension est montée de façon spectaculaire ces derniers mois entre la Corée du Nord et son voisin du Sud ainsi que les États-Unis et le Japon en raison du nombre record en 2022 de tirs de missiles par Pyongyang. Dans son dernier rapport annuel sur les droits de l'homme, le département d'État avait dénoncé de vastes abus dans le pays communiste reclus, y compris l'emprisonnement de masse et le travail forcé. Mme Turner, qui parle couramment le français et le coréen selon sa biographie officielle, doit encore être confirmée à ce poste par un vote du Sénat américain. (Belga)


Big Brother is Watching But He Doesn’t Understand: Why Forced Filtering Technology on the Internet Isn’t the Solution to the Modern Copyright Dilemma

by Mitchell Longan[1] Introduction The European Parliament is currently considering a proposal to address problems of piracy and other forms of copyright infringement associated with the digital world.[2] Article 13 of the proposed Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single


Predicting Innovation: Why Facebook/WhatsApp Merger Flunked

By Hasan Basri Cifci[1] In the world of 2014, the Commission of Facebook/WhatsApp merger case[2] concluded that integration and interoperation of Facebook and WhatsApp were unfeasible. However, Facebook integrated its three subsidiaries (WhatsApp, Instagram, and Facebook) under its brand in


En renonï¿œant aux dividendes, l'Etat va perdre 2,4 milliards d'euros

Pas de dividendes en pᅵriode de crise. En annonᅵant qu'il n'accorderait aucune aide (comme des reports de cotisation) aux entreprises qui verseraient des dividendes ᅵ leurs actionnaires, le gouvernement a tentᅵ...


La justice stoppe une enquï¿œte potentiellement gï¿œnante sur Jean Castex, trois jours aprï¿œs sa nomination comme Premier ministre

Hasard du calendrier ou volontᅵ de prᅵserver le nouveau Premier ministre ? Selon Mediapart, une enquᅵte judiciaire ouverte par le parquet de Perpignan, potentiellement gᅵnante pour Jean Castex, a ᅵtᅵ...


A vin nouveau, outres neuves ?

(Chronique d'avant-plage) Emmanuel Macron a écrit aux Français pour louer le parlementarisme et la stabilité institutionnelle. Il a pourtant contourné le Parlement pendant 7 ans et méprisé les Présidents des deux chambres en se contentant de les informer de la dissolution. Alors, avec un tel garant, que fait-on ?


Enabling smart city technologies: impact of smart city-ICTs on e-Govt. services and society welfare using UTAUT model

Smart cities research is growing all over the world seeking to understand the effect of smart cities from different angles, domains and countries. The aim of this study is to analyse how the smart city ICTs (e.g., big data analytics, AI, IoT, cloud computing, smart grids, wireless communication, intelligent transportation system, smart building, e-governance, smart health, smart education and cyber security) are related to government. services and society welfare from the perspective of China. This research confirmed a positive correlation of smart city ICTs to e-Govt. Services (e-GS). On the other hand, the research showed a positive influence of smart city ICTs on society's welfare. These findings about smart cities and ICTs inform us how the thought paradigm to smart technologies can cause the improvement of e-GS through economic development, job creation and social welfare. The study offers different applications of the theoretical perspectives and the management perspective which are significant to building a society during recent technologised era.


Adaptive terminal sliding mode control of a non-holonomic wheeled mobile robot

In this paper, a second-order sliding mode adaptive controller with finite time stability is proposed for trajectory tracking of robotic systems. In order to reduce the chattering phenomenon in the response of the variable structure resistant controller, two dependent sliding surfaces are used. In the outer loop, a kinematic controller is used to compensate the geometric uncertainty of the robot, and in the inner loop, the proposed resistive control is used as the main loop. On the other hand, considering the dynamic uncertainty and disturbance of the robot, an adaptive strategy has been used to estimate the uncertainty limit during the control process in order to eliminate the need for basic knowledge to determine the uncertainty limit in the resistant structure. The proposed control method demonstrates significant enhancements in performance, with the linear velocity error improving by approximately 80%, leading to a more accurate and responsive system.


Robust and secure file transmission through video streaming using steganography and blockchain

File transfer is always handled by a separate service, sometimes it is a third-party service in videoconferencing. When sending files during a video session, file data flow and video stream are independent of each other. Encryption is a mature method to ensure file security. However, it still has the chance to leave footprints on the intermediate forwarding machines. These footprints can indicate that a file once passed through, some protocol-related logs give clues to the hackers' later investigation. This work proposes a file-sending scheme through the video stream using blockchain and steganography. Blockchain is used as a file slicing and linkage mechanism. Steganography is applied to embed file pieces into video frames that are continuously generated during the session. The scheme merges files into the video stream with no file transfer protocol use and no extra bandwidth consumed by the file to provide trackless file transmission during the video communication.


What we know and do not know about video games as marketers: a review and synthesis of the literature

The video game industry (VGI) has evolved considerably, transitioning from a niche market to a substantial sector. The VGI's magnitude and the societal implications tied to video game consumption have naturally piqued the interest of scholars in marketing and consumer behaviour. This research serves a dual purpose: firstly, it consolidates existing VG literature by evaluating articles, concepts, and methodologies, systematically tracing their evolution; secondly, it outlines potential directions and implications for forthcoming research. Within this literature, a predominant focus lies on articles investigating purchase decisions concerning VGs, followed by those exploring the integration of video game consumption into broader social contexts. Notably, a limited number of articles delve into player-game interactions and experiences within gaming worlds. This imbalance can be attributed to the fact that such inquiries are often suited to psychology and multidisciplinary journals, while the marketing discipline has predominantly addressed the VGI from a marketing management standpoint.


Springs of digital disruption: mediation of blockchain technology adoption in retail supply chain management

Supply chain management practices are vital for success and survival in today's competitive Indian retail market. The advent of COVID-19 pandemic necessitates a digital disruption in retail supply chain management centred on efficient technology like blockchain in order to enhance supply chain performance. The present research aims to decipher the nature of associations between supply chain management practices, blockchain technology adoption and supply chain performance in retail firms. The research is based on primary survey of specific food and grocery retailers operating on a supermarket format stores in two Indian cities. The findings pointed towards the presence of significant and positive association of all the constructs with each other. Moreover, the mediating role of blockchain technology adoption was also revealed, i.e., it partially mediates the effects of supply chain management practices on supply chain performance.


International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology


Application of integrated image processing technology based on PCNN in online music symbol recognition training

To improve the effectiveness of online training for music education, it was investigated how to improve the pulse-coupled neural network in image processing for spectral image segmentation. The study proposes a two-scale descent method to achieve oblique spectral correction. Subsequently, a convolutional neural network was optimised using a two-channel feature fusion recognition network for music theory notation recognition. The results showed that this image segmentation method had the highest accuracy, close to 98%, and the accuracy of spectral tilt correction was also as high as 98.4%, which provided good image pre-processing results. When combined with the improved convolutional neural network, the average accuracy of music theory symbol recognition was about 97% and the highest score of music majors was improved by 16 points. This shows that the method can effectively improve the teaching effect of online training in music education and has certain practical value.


Enhancing clean technology's dynamic cross technique using value chain

Numerous Indian economic sectors have been impacted by the COVID-19 epidemic, with many being forced to the verge of extinction. As a result, this essay analyses the importance of supply chains for grapes and the manufactured goods made from them, including beverages and currants, in a specific state that happens to be India's top grape-producing region. In order to identify the sites of rupture brought on by the pandemic and to recommend policy changes to create a resilient system, a value chain analysis is performed. Value chain management has emerged as one of the key strategies businesses use today to boost productivity and costs when they are up against greater rivalry in the marketplace, however, with several new challenges, such as concerns over security, environmental protection, compensation, and business accountability. According to the value chain study, the level of value addition for intermediary agents, such as pre-harvest contractors, has increased after COVID-19 at the expense of farmers. Various policy approaches are explained to enhance the grape value chain using the knowledge gained from Porter's value chain results and supply and demand shocks.


Design of an intelligent financial sharing platform driven by digital economy and its role in optimising accounting transformation production

With the expansion of business scope, the environment faced by enterprises has also changed, and competition is becoming increasingly fierce. Traditional financial systems are increasingly difficult to handle complex tasks and predict potential financial risks. In the context of the digital economy era, the booming financial sharing services have reduced labour costs and improved operational efficiency. This paper designs and implements an intelligent financial sharing platform, establishes a fund payment risk early warning model based on an improved support vector machine algorithm, and tests it on the Financial Distress Prediction dataset. The experimental results show that the effectiveness of using F2 score and AUC evaluation methods can reach 0.9484 and 0.9023, respectively. After using this system, the average financial processing time per order decreases by 43%, and the overall financial processing time decreases by 27%. Finally, this paper discusses the role of intelligent financial sharing platform in accounting transformation and optimisation of production.


Computer aided translation technology based on edge computing intelligent algorithm

To explore the computer-aided translation technology based on the intelligent algorithm of edge computing. This paper presents the research on computer-aided translation technology based on edge computing intelligent algorithm. In the K-means computer edge algorithm, it analyses the traditional way of average resource allocation and the way of virtual machine allocation. In the process of online solution, we have a more detailed understanding of the data information at the edge, and also avoid the connection relationship between network users and the platform, which has a certain impact on the internal operation efficiency of the system. The network user group is divided into several different types of existence through K-means computer algorithm, and various information resources are counted according to their own characteristics. Computer-aided translation technology can significantly improve the quality of translation, improve the translation efficiency, and reduce the translation cost.


Application of AI intelligent technology in natural resource planning and management

This article studies the application of artificial intelligence technology in natural resource planning and management. This article first introduces the background of NR and AI intelligent technology, then conducts academic research and summary on NR planning management and AI intelligent technology. Then, an algorithm model based on multi-objective intelligent planning algorithm is established. Finally, simulation experiments are conducted, and experiments summary and discussion are provided. The experimental results show that the average efficiency value of the four stages of NR planning and management before use is 5.25, and the average efficiency value of the four stages of NR planning and management after use is 7. The difference in the average efficiency value before and after use is 1.75. It can be seen that the use of AI intelligent technology can effectively improve the efficiency of natural resource planning and management.


Research on low voltage current transformer power measurement technology in the context of cloud computing

As IOT develops drastically these years, the application of cloud computing in many fields has become possible. In this paper, we take low-voltage current transformers in power systems as the research object and propose a TCN-BI-GRU power measurement method that incorporates the signal characteristics based on the transformer input and output. Firstly, the basic signal enhancement extraction of input and output is completed by using EMD and correlation coefficients. Secondly, multi-dimensional feature extraction is completed to improve the data performance according to the established TCN network. Finally, the power prediction is completed by using BI-GRU, and the results show that the RMSE of this framework is 5.69 significantly lower than other methods. In the laboratory test, the device after being subjected to strong disturbance, its correlation coefficient feature has a large impact, leading to a large deviation in the prediction, which provides a new idea for future intelligent prediction.


Application of digital twin virtual design and BIM technology in intelligent building image processing

Intelligent digital virtual technology has become an indispensable part of modern construction, but there are also some problems in its practical application. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the design of intelligent building image processing systems from many aspects. Starting from image digital processing methods, this paper studies the digital twin virtual design scene construction method and related algorithms, converts the original image into a colour digital image through a greyscale algorithm, and then combines morphological knowledge and feature point extraction methods to complete the construction of a three-dimensional virtual environment. Finally, through the comparison of traditional image processing effects with smart building images based on digital twins and BIM technology, the results show that the optimised image processing results have higher clarity, sharper contrast, and a sensitivity increased by 5.84%, presenting better visual effects and solving the risk of misjudgement caused by inaccurate image recognition.


Fostering innovative work behaviour in Indian IT firms: the mediating influence of employee psychological capital in the context of transformational leadership

This empirical study investigates the mediating role of two components of psychological capital (PsyCap), namely self-efficacy and optimism, in the context of the relationship between transformational leadership (TL), work engagement (WE), and innovative work behaviour (IWB). The study was conducted among IT professionals with a minimum of three years of experience employed in Chennai, India. Data collection was executed using a Google Form, and both measurement and structural models were examined using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 23.0. The findings of this study reveal several significant relationships. Firstly, transformational leadership (TL) demonstrates a robust positive association with work engagement (WE). Furthermore, work engagement (WE) positively correlates substantially with innovative work behaviour (IWB). Notably, the study underscores that two crucial components of psychological capital, specifically self-efficacy and optimism, mediate the relationship between transformational leadership (TL) and work engagement (WE). These findings carry valuable implications for IT company managers. Recognising that transformational leadership positively influences both work engagement and employees' innovative work behaviour highlights the pivotal role of leaders in fostering a productive and innovative work environment within IT organisations.


Do authentic leaders influence innovative work behaviour? An empirical evidence

The purpose of this research is to investigate how genuine leaders impact the creativity and innovative behaviour (IWB) of information technology (IT) employees. It also examines the impact of perceived organisational support as a mediator in the correlations between authentic leadership as well as innovative behaviours. This study explores the influence of authentic leadership via the employee's IWB using aspects from social exchange theory as well as social cognitive theory. The data was collected from a sample of 487 employees of the IT sector in India. The partial least square method is applied to test the structural relationship of the research framework. Findings reveal that authentic leadership positively impact innovative work behaviour and perceived organisation support mediates authentic leadership and IWB. Additionally, when organisations and leaders support the employees and value their creative thinking then the employee replicates IWB in the organisation. The practical and theoretical implications are discussed.


International Journal of Work Innovation


Knowing thy neighbour: creating and capturing value from a firm's alliance experiences

Intellectual assets, especially its relational forms, have become increasingly important to explain a firm's innovation. To examine relational forms of intellectual assets (IA), this study theoretically and empirically advances a concept of alliance management capability (AMC) to explain the value creation and capture aspects of a firm's innovation process. The concepts of value-creating alliance experiences (VCAE) and value capturing alliance experiences (VCPAE) were introduced in which a firm's ability to learn from these alliance experiences increases the firm's ability to discover and govern partnerships that bring the firm's innovations to market. Hypotheses were developed and empirically examined in the biotechnology industry. A contribution of this study is that a firm's VCAE and VCPAE introduce a greater 'openness' to a firm's innovation process. This openness enables a firm to better adapt and respond to the opportunities of the market and thus impact a firm's competitive advantage to innovate.


The relationship between 'creative slack' as an intangible asset and the innovative capabilities of the firm

The notion of creative slack purposefully refers to the notion of organisational slack proposed by Penrose (1959), who suggested that managers in organisations always have some stock of unused resources that inevitably accumulate when developing projects and are the primary factors determining the growth and innovation of the firm. In this contribution, we aim at adding a new dimension to the notion of organisational slack. Our view is that in many innovative organisations the slack of unused ideas is essentially a creative one, which is accumulated in diverse communities through multiple projects. This creative slack is a key intangible asset and a source of knowledge creation and innovation. To explain how organisations may benefit from exploiting the creative slack accumulated by communities, we rely on the analysis of two case studies, that of the Hydro-Québec Research Institute (IREQ), and of Ubisoft Montreal.


International Journal of Technology Management


Role of career adaptability and optimism in Indian economy: a dual mediation analysis

The face of the hospitality sector in India is continuously changing and in times of career transitiveness, it is important to know the factors that support a successful career. The current research aims to explore the relationship between career planning, employee optimism, career adaptability and career satisfaction in the Indian hospitality sector. The study included 283 employees from Indian hospitality sector. Additionally, the study used SEM and bootstrap method to measure the dual mediating relationship between career planning, employee optimism dimensions, career adaptability dimensions, and career satisfaction in Indian setting. The results indicated that optimism dimensions and career adaptability dimensions partially mediate the relationship between career planning and career satisfaction in Indian hospitality sector. The study suggests useful implications for academia and industrial purpose. The limitations and future research avenues have been discussed. The study would contribute to the sparse literature on employee optimism, career planning, career adaptability and subjective career success. It would contribute to the social cognitive career theory (SCCT).


International Journal of Knowledge and Learning


E-portfolio Assessment System for an Outcome-Based Information Technology Curriculum


Studios, Mini-lectures, Project Presentations, Class Blog and Wiki: A New Approach to Teaching Web Technologies


Straddling the Divide: Towards an Associate Degree in Information Technology


Didactics of Information Technology (IT) in a Science Degree: Conceptual Issues and Practical Application


Database Security: What Students Need to Know


Improving Outcome Assessment in Information Technology Program Accreditation


Using Digital Logs to Reduce Academic Misdemeanour by Students in Digital Forensic Assessments


Pattern of Plagiarism in Novice Students’ Generated Programs: An Experimental Approach


A Meta-ethnographic Synthesis of Support Services in Distance Learning Programs


Collaborative Writing with Web 2.0 Technologies: Education Students’ Perceptions


Windows 8: What Educators Need to Know


Technology-based Participatory Learning for Indigenous Children in Chiapas Schools, Mexico


Incorporating Knowledge of Legal and Ethical Aspects into Computing Curricula of South African Universities


Enhancing Students’ Interest in Science and Technology through Cross-disciplinary Collaboration and Active Learning Techniques