
Education, modern development, and indigenous knowledge [electronic resource] : an analysis of academic knowledge production / Seana McGovern

McGovern, Seana


Organizational development and alignment [electronic resource] : the Tensegrity mandala framework / Gagandeep Singh, Raghu Ananthanarayanan


CLP approaches PM, Railway Minister

CLP approaches PM, Railway Minister


[ASAP] Development of Mischmetal–Fe–Co–B Permanent Magnet Alloys via High-Throughput Methods

ACS Combinatorial Science
DOI: 10.1021/acscombsci.9b00190


Manyjilyjarra - English pictorial dictionary of landscape terms / [prepared for Kanyirninpa Jukurrpa by Clair Hill and Andrew Turk with assistance from Martu language speakers: Gladys Bidu; Jakayu Biljabu; Nancy Chapman; Mulyatingki Marney; Minyawu Miller


Zhongguo Suzhou fa zhan bao gao : 2011 Suzhou lan pi shu = The development report of China's Suzhou / zhu bian, Yan Li ; fu zhu bian, Pu Ronggao


Zhongguo liu dong ren kou fa zhan bao gao. 2013 = Report on China's migrant population development / Guo jia wei sheng he ji hua sheng yu wei yuan hui liu dong ren kou si bian ; [zhu bian Wang Pei'an]


Zhong jie yu fa zhan de hua ti tu chu lei xing xue yan jiu = Topic prominence in typological interlanguage development of Chinese students' English / Yang Lianrui zhu

Yang, Lianrui, 1963- author


Jiao shi jiao yu ji shu neng li fa zhan de cha yi xing yan jiu = Study on the differences of the development of teachers' educational technology ability / Qiu Jingling zhu

Qiu, Jingling, 1969-


[ASAP] Development of Ketone-Based Brominating Agents (KBA) for the Practical Asymmetric a-Bromination of Aldehydes Catalyzed by Tritylpyrrolidine

ACS Catalysis
DOI: 10.1021/acscatal.0c01596


Marmoset monkey vocal development and a news roundup

Asif Ghazanfar discusses how marmoset parents influence their babies' vocal development and Hanae Armitage talks with Sarah Crespi about the influence of livestock on biodiversity hotspots, trusting internet search results, and ant-like robots. Hosted by Susanne Bard. [Img: Carmem A. Busko, CC BY-2.5]


Podcast: Scoliosis development, antiracing stripes, and the dawn of the hobbits

Listen to stories on lizard stripes that trick predators, what a tiny jaw bone reveals about ancient “hobbit” people, and the risks of psychology’s dependence on online subjects drawn from Mechanical Turk, with online news intern Patrick Monahan.   Brian Ciruna talks about a potential mechanism for the most common type of scoliosis that involves the improper flow of cerebral spinal fluid during adolescence with host Sarah Crespi.   [Image: irin717/iStock/Music: Jeffrey Cook]


Podcast: An ethics conundrum from the Nazi era, baby dinosaur development, and a new test for mad cow disease

This week, we chat about how long dinosaur eggs take—or took—to hatch, a new survey that confirms the world’s hot spots for lightning, and replenishing endangered species with feral pets with Online News Editor Catherine Matacic. Plus, Science’s Alexa Billow talks to Megan Gannon about the dilemma presented by tissue samples collected during the Nazi era. And Sarah Crespi discusses a new test for mad cow disease with Kelly Servick.   Listen to previous podcasts.   [Image: NASA/flickr; Music: Jeffrey Cook]


The development and validation of a GC-MS method for the quantification of glycolaldehyde formed from carbohydrate fragmentation processes

Anal. Methods, 2020, 12,1975-1987
DOI: 10.1039/C9AY02639H, Paper
Samin Fathalinejad, Esben Taarning, Peter Christensen, Jan H. Christensen
Glycolaldehyde is a small sugar-like molecule that is readily formed by the thermochemical fragmentation of carbohydrates and it has similar physico-chemical properties to sugars.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Development of a magnetic dispersive micro-solid-phase extraction method based on a deep eutectic solvent as a carrier for the rapid determination of meloxicam in biological samples

Anal. Methods, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0AY00095G, Paper
Samira Rastbood, Mohammad Reza Hadjmohammadi, Seyedeh Maedeh Majidi
An environmentally friendly magnetic dispersive micro solid phase extraction based on a deep eutectic solvent as a carrier and disperser of adsorbents.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Quality by Design (QbD) approach for the development of a rapid UHPLC method for simultaneous determination of aglycone and glycoside forms of isoflavones in dietary supplements

Anal. Methods, 2020, 12,2082-2092
DOI: 10.1039/C9AY02778E, Paper
Kornelija Lasić, Ana Mornar, Biljana Nigović
Systematic development of a UHPLC method by QbD approach as performed for simultaneous determination of aglycone (genistein, daidzein, biochanin A and formononetin) and glycoside (genistin, daidzin, sissotrin, ononin) forms of isoflavones.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Development of a paper-immobilized yeast biosensor for the detection of physiological concentrations of doxycycline in technology-limited settings

Anal. Methods, 2020, 12,2123-2132
DOI: 10.1039/D0AY00001A, Paper
Rachel A. Miller, Galen Brown, Elsa Barron, Jamie L. Luther, Marya Lieberman, Holly V. Goodson
To combat pharmaceutical counterfeiting in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), there is a need for improved low-cost, portable methods that monitor pharmaceutical concentrations relevant to dosage forms and physiological fluids.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Development and validation of a real-time microelectrochemical sensor for clinical monitoring of tissue oxygenation/perfusion

Anal. Methods, 2020, Advance Article
DOI: 10.1039/D0AY00206B, Paper
Gama Theophile Gnahoré, Jack L. Kelly, Saidhbhe L. O'Riordan, Fiachra B. Bolger, Michelle M. Doran, Michelle Sands, John P. Lowry
Oxygen is critically important to tissue viability and there is increasing demand for its reliable real-time clinical monitoring in order to prevent, diagnose and treat several pathological disorders, including hypoxia, stroke and reperfusion injury.
To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


Contemporary Developments in Statistical Theory [electronic resource] : A Festschrift for Hira Lal Koul / edited by Soumendra Lahiri, Anton Schick, Ashis SenGupta, T.N. Sriram

Cham : Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2014


Fortran for scientists and engineers / Stephen J. Chapman, BAE Systems Australia

Chapman, Stephen J., author


Infra development critical for growth, achieving $5 trillion economy by FY25: FinMin report

Infra development will especially be critical for the success of the Make in India programme as manufacturing competitiveness critically depends on infrastructure, the final report of the task force submitted to Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said.


Building a multimodal future: connecting real estate development and transportation demand management to ease gridlock / Justin B. Schor, Federico Tallis

Rotch Library - HE308.S36 2019


Transportation workforce planning and development strategies / Robert Puentes, Alice Grossman, Brianne Eby, Alex Bond

Barker Library - TE7.N2755 no.543


Landscape development and management practices for urban freeway roadsides / Beverly J. Storey, John Habermann

Barker Library - HE336.E94 S76 2019


Risk-based structural evaluation methods: best practices and development of standards / Michel Ghosn, Graziano Fiorillo, Ming Liu, and Bruce Ellingwood

Online Resource


The African affairs reader : key texts in politics, development, and international relations / edited by Nic Cheeseman, Lindsay Whitfield and Carl Death


Covid-19: APMC wholesale market in Navi Mumbai to be shut from May 11 to 17

The Mumbai Metropolitan Region is the worst-affected region in the country, with over 10,000 reported cases.


Indian companies are contributing lavishly to PM-CARES – even amid layoffs and pay cuts

The quasi-private relief fund does not stand up to scrutiny.


FDA Approves Capmatinib and Companion Assay

The Food and Drug Administration has approved capmatinib for treatment of adults with metastatic non–small cell lung cancer harboring MET exon 14 skipping mutations, as detected by an FDA-approved test.
FDA Approvals


Capmatinib Shows Impressive Results in METex14-Mutated NSCLC

Capmatinib produced rapid, deep responses in patients with advanced non–small cell lung cancer harboring MET exon 14 (METex14) skipping mutations, according to a presentation at the AACR virtual meeting I.
Medscape Medical News


Development of the Uncertainty Communication Checklist: A Patient-Centered Approach to Patient Discharge From the Emergency Department

Clear communication with patients upon emergency department (ED) discharge is important for patient safety during the transition to outpatient care.


Science and Technology Parks and Regional Economic Development: An International Perspective / Sara Amoroso, Albert N. Link, Mike Wright, editors

Online Resource


Ecological modelling for sustainable development / editors, Koh Hock Lye [and four others]

Online Resource


Sustainable development goals: their impacts on forests and people / edited by Pia Katila, Carol J. Pierce Colfer, Wil de Jong, Glenn Galloway, Pablo Pacheco, Georg Winkel

Online Resource


Peri-urban China: land use, growth, and integrated urban-rural development / Li Tian and Yan Guo

Rotch Library - HD923.T53 2019


Agrarian capitalism and the development of the coffee industry in colonial Zimbabwe: 1900-1980 / by Takesure Taringana

Hayden Library - SB270.Z55 T37 2018


Wall entrapment of peritrichous bacteria: A mesoscale hydrodynamics simulation study

Soft Matter, 2020, Accepted Manuscript
DOI: 10.1039/D0SM00571A, Paper
S. Mahdiyeh Mousavi, Gerhard Gompper, Roland G. Winkler
Microswimmers such as E. Coli bacteria accumulate and exhibit an intriguing dynamics near walls, governed by hydrodynamic and steric interactions. Insight into the underlying mechanisms and predominant interactions demand a...
The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry


[ASAP] Development of Lipid-Coated Semiconductor Nanosensors for Recording of Membrane Potential in Neurons

ACS Photonics
DOI: 10.1021/acsphotonics.9b01558


Assessment of the in-house laboratory independent research at the Army's Research, Development, and Engineering Centers / Army Research Program Review and Analysis Committee, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences

Online Resource


India committed to provide military equipment to Nepal

Military supplies had stopped in 2005 after deposed King Gynendra Shah assumed absolute powers.


Turmoil over Telangana: Top 10 developments

Here are the top eight latest developments on the Telangana issue.


Patna serial blasts: Top ten developments

Jharkhand Police also pointed out that there were similarities between Patna and Bodh Gaya blasts.


Modi hits back at PM, says Sardar Patel belonged to the whole nation

Modi and Advani laid foundation stone of world's tallest statue of Sardar Patel.


Relief for CPM leader Vijayan in corruption case, CBI court drops him from accused list

Observers believe the verdict could pave the way for Vijayan's return to the electoral scene.


Lack of development forcing people in Chhattisgarh into Naxalism: Sonia

The state has not been able to progress because of BJP's wrong policies, Sonia said.


CWG scam: PMO refuses info on Shunglu recommendations on CAG

Commonwealth Games were held from December 3-14, 2010 in the national capital.


Developments in language theory [electronic resource] : 10th international conference, DLT 2006, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, June 26-29, 2006 : proceedings / Oscar H. Ibarra, Zhe Dang (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2006]


Developments in language theory [electronic resource] : 11th International Conference, DLT 2007, Turku, Finland, July 3-6, 2007 : proceedings / Tero Harju, Juhani Karhumäki, Arto Lepistö (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2007]


Developments in language theory [electronic resource] : 8th International Conference, DLT 2004, Auckland, New Zealand, December 13-17, 2004 : proceedings / [Cristian S. Calude, Elena Calude, Michael J. Dinneen (eds.)]

Berlin : Springer, [2005]


Developments in language theory [electronic resource] : 9th international conference, DLT 2005, Palermo, Italy, July 4-8, 2005 : proceedings / Clelia De Felice, Antonio Restivo (eds.)

Berlin ; New York : Springer, [2005]