
Psychosocial characteristics of drug-abusing women / by Marvin R. Burt, principal investigator ; Thomas J. Glynn, Barbara J. Sowder ; Burt Associates, Inc.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1979.


Professional and paraprofessional drug abuse counselors : three reports / Leonard A. LoSciuto, Leona S. Aiken, Mary Ann Ausetts ; [compiled, written, and prepared for publication by the Institute for Survey Research, Temple University].

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1979.


Evaluation of drug abuse treatments : based on first year followup : national followup study of admissions to drug abuse treatments in the DARP during 1969-1972.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1978.


National polydrug collaborative project : treatment manual I : medical treatment for complications of polydrug abuse.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1978.


National polydrug collaborative project : treatment manual 3 : referral strategies for polydrug abusers.

Rockville, Maryland : National Institute on Drug Abuse, 1977.


Evaluation of the NIDA drug abuse prevention campaign, 1983-1984 : final report.

[United States] : National Technical Information Service, United States Department of Commerce, 1984.


Drug abuse treatment evaluation : strategies, progress, and prospects / editors Frank M. Tims, Jacqueline P. Ludford.

Springfield, Virginia. : National Technical Information Service, 1984.


Identifying on-the-job behavioral manifestations of drug abuse : a guide for work supervisors / [Harold Reinich].

New York : Experimental Manpower Laboratory at Mobilization for Youth, Inc., [1971]


A survey of alcohol and drug abuse programs in the railroad industry / [Lyman C. Hitchcock, Mark S. Sanders ; Naval Weapons Support Center].

Washington, D.C. : Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration, 1976.


The nature and treatment of nonopiate abuse : a review of the literature. Volume 2 / Wynne Associates for Division of Research, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Department of Health, Education and Wel

Washington, D.C. : Wynne Associates, 1974.


Evaluation of treatment programs for abusers of nonopiate drugs : problems and approaches. Volume 3 / Wynne Associates for Division of Research, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Alcohol, Drug Abuse and Mental Health Administration, Department of Health,

Washington, D.C. : Wynne Associates, [1974]


O problema do abuso de drogas prevenção através investigação, pesquisa e educação / Murillo de Macedo Pereira, Vera Kühn de Macedo Pereira.

São Paulo : Governo do Estado de Sao Paulo, Secretaria da Segurança Pública, 1975.


A pesquisa sobre o problema do abuso de drogas / Murillo de Macedo Pereira.

São Paulo : Serviço Grafíco da Secretaria da Segurança Pública, 1976.


Drug abuse information source book / [Foreword by Edward S. Brady].

[West Point, Pa.] : [Merck Sharp & Dohme], [1977?]


Path-Based Spectral Clustering: Guarantees, Robustness to Outliers, and Fast Algorithms

We consider the problem of clustering with the longest-leg path distance (LLPD) metric, which is informative for elongated and irregularly shaped clusters. We prove finite-sample guarantees on the performance of clustering with respect to this metric when random samples are drawn from multiple intrinsically low-dimensional clusters in high-dimensional space, in the presence of a large number of high-dimensional outliers. By combining these results with spectral clustering with respect to LLPD, we provide conditions under which the Laplacian eigengap statistic correctly determines the number of clusters for a large class of data sets, and prove guarantees on the labeling accuracy of the proposed algorithm. Our methods are quite general and provide performance guarantees for spectral clustering with any ultrametric. We also introduce an efficient, easy to implement approximation algorithm for the LLPD based on a multiscale analysis of adjacency graphs, which allows for the runtime of LLPD spectral clustering to be quasilinear in the number of data points.


Provably robust estimation of modulo 1 samples of a smooth function with applications to phase unwrapping

Consider an unknown smooth function $f: [0,1]^d ightarrow mathbb{R}$, and assume we are given $n$ noisy mod 1 samples of $f$, i.e., $y_i = (f(x_i) + eta_i) mod 1$, for $x_i in [0,1]^d$, where $eta_i$ denotes the noise. Given the samples $(x_i,y_i)_{i=1}^{n}$, our goal is to recover smooth, robust estimates of the clean samples $f(x_i) mod 1$. We formulate a natural approach for solving this problem, which works with angular embeddings of the noisy mod 1 samples over the unit circle, inspired by the angular synchronization framework. This amounts to solving a smoothness regularized least-squares problem -- a quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) -- where the variables are constrained to lie on the unit circle. Our proposed approach is based on solving its relaxation, which is a trust-region sub-problem and hence solvable efficiently. We provide theoretical guarantees demonstrating its robustness to noise for adversarial, as well as random Gaussian and Bernoulli noise models. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first such theoretical results for this problem. We demonstrate the robustness and efficiency of our proposed approach via extensive numerical simulations on synthetic data, along with a simple least-squares based solution for the unwrapping stage, that recovers the original samples of $f$ (up to a global shift). It is shown to perform well at high levels of noise, when taking as input the denoised modulo $1$ samples. Finally, we also consider two other approaches for denoising the modulo 1 samples that leverage tools from Riemannian optimization on manifolds, including a Burer-Monteiro approach for a semidefinite programming relaxation of our formulation. For the two-dimensional version of the problem, which has applications in synthetic aperture radar interferometry (InSAR), we are able to solve instances of real-world data with a million sample points in under 10 seconds, on a personal laptop.


Robust Asynchronous Stochastic Gradient-Push: Asymptotically Optimal and Network-Independent Performance for Strongly Convex Functions

We consider the standard model of distributed optimization of a sum of functions $F(mathbf z) = sum_{i=1}^n f_i(mathbf z)$, where node $i$ in a network holds the function $f_i(mathbf z)$. We allow for a harsh network model characterized by asynchronous updates, message delays, unpredictable message losses, and directed communication among nodes. In this setting, we analyze a modification of the Gradient-Push method for distributed optimization, assuming that (i) node $i$ is capable of generating gradients of its function $f_i(mathbf z)$ corrupted by zero-mean bounded-support additive noise at each step, (ii) $F(mathbf z)$ is strongly convex, and (iii) each $f_i(mathbf z)$ has Lipschitz gradients. We show that our proposed method asymptotically performs as well as the best bounds on centralized gradient descent that takes steps in the direction of the sum of the noisy gradients of all the functions $f_1(mathbf z), ldots, f_n(mathbf z)$ at each step.


Exact Guarantees on the Absence of Spurious Local Minima for Non-negative Rank-1 Robust Principal Component Analysis

This work is concerned with the non-negative rank-1 robust principal component analysis (RPCA), where the goal is to recover the dominant non-negative principal components of a data matrix precisely, where a number of measurements could be grossly corrupted with sparse and arbitrary large noise. Most of the known techniques for solving the RPCA rely on convex relaxation methods by lifting the problem to a higher dimension, which significantly increase the number of variables. As an alternative, the well-known Burer-Monteiro approach can be used to cast the RPCA as a non-convex and non-smooth $ell_1$ optimization problem with a significantly smaller number of variables. In this work, we show that the low-dimensional formulation of the symmetric and asymmetric positive rank-1 RPCA based on the Burer-Monteiro approach has benign landscape, i.e., 1) it does not have any spurious local solution, 2) has a unique global solution, and 3) its unique global solution coincides with the true components. An implication of this result is that simple local search algorithms are guaranteed to achieve a zero global optimality gap when directly applied to the low-dimensional formulation. Furthermore, we provide strong deterministic and probabilistic guarantees for the exact recovery of the true principal components. In particular, it is shown that a constant fraction of the measurements could be grossly corrupted and yet they would not create any spurious local solution.


A note on the “L-logistic regression models: Prior sensitivity analysis, robustness to outliers and applications”

Saralees Nadarajah, Yuancheng Si.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 1, 183--187.

Da Paz, Balakrishnan and Bazan [Braz. J. Probab. Stat. 33 (2019), 455–479] introduced the L-logistic distribution, studied its properties including estimation issues and illustrated a data application. This note derives a closed form expression for moment properties of the distribution. Some computational issues are discussed.


Robust Bayesian model selection for heavy-tailed linear regression using finite mixtures

Flávio B. Gonçalves, Marcos O. Prates, Victor Hugo Lachos.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 34, Number 1, 51--70.

In this paper, we present a novel methodology to perform Bayesian model selection in linear models with heavy-tailed distributions. We consider a finite mixture of distributions to model a latent variable where each component of the mixture corresponds to one possible model within the symmetrical class of normal independent distributions. Naturally, the Gaussian model is one of the possibilities. This allows for a simultaneous analysis based on the posterior probability of each model. Inference is performed via Markov chain Monte Carlo—a Gibbs sampler with Metropolis–Hastings steps for a class of parameters. Simulated examples highlight the advantages of this approach compared to a segregated analysis based on arbitrarily chosen model selection criteria. Examples with real data are presented and an extension to censored linear regression is introduced and discussed.


L-Logistic regression models: Prior sensitivity analysis, robustness to outliers and applications

Rosineide F. da Paz, Narayanaswamy Balakrishnan, Jorge Luis Bazán.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 3, 455--479.

Tadikamalla and Johnson [ Biometrika 69 (1982) 461–465] developed the $L_{B}$ distribution to variables with bounded support by considering a transformation of the standard Logistic distribution. In this manuscript, a convenient parametrization of this distribution is proposed in order to develop regression models. This distribution, referred to here as L-Logistic distribution, provides great flexibility and includes the uniform distribution as a particular case. Several properties of this distribution are studied, and a Bayesian approach is adopted for the parameter estimation. Simulation studies, considering prior sensitivity analysis, recovery of parameters and comparison of algorithms, and robustness to outliers are all discussed showing that the results are insensitive to the choice of priors, efficiency of the algorithm MCMC adopted, and robustness of the model when compared with the beta distribution. Applications to estimate the vulnerability to poverty and to explain the anxiety are performed. The results to applications show that the L-Logistic regression models provide a better fit than the corresponding beta regression models.


Failure rate of Birnbaum–Saunders distributions: Shape, change-point, estimation and robustness

Emilia Athayde, Assis Azevedo, Michelli Barros, Víctor Leiva.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 2, 301--328.

The Birnbaum–Saunders (BS) distribution has been largely studied and applied. A random variable with BS distribution is a transformation of another random variable with standard normal distribution. Generalized BS distributions are obtained when the normally distributed random variable is replaced by another symmetrically distributed random variable. This allows us to obtain a wide class of positively skewed models with lighter and heavier tails than the BS model. Its failure rate admits several shapes, including the unimodal case, with its change-point being able to be used for different purposes. For example, to establish the reduction in a dose, and then in the cost of the medical treatment. We analyze the failure rates of generalized BS distributions obtained by the logistic, normal and Student-t distributions, considering their shape and change-point, estimating them, evaluating their robustness, assessing their performance by simulations, and applying the results to real data from different areas.


Bayesian robustness to outliers in linear regression and ratio estimation

Alain Desgagné, Philippe Gagnon.

Source: Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, Volume 33, Number 2, 205--221.

Whole robustness is a nice property to have for statistical models. It implies that the impact of outliers gradually vanishes as they approach plus or minus infinity. So far, the Bayesian literature provides results that ensure whole robustness for the location-scale model. In this paper, we make two contributions. First, we generalise the results to attain whole robustness in simple linear regression through the origin, which is a necessary step towards results for general linear regression models. We allow the variance of the error term to depend on the explanatory variable. This flexibility leads to the second contribution: we provide a simple Bayesian approach to robustly estimate finite population means and ratios. The strategy to attain whole robustness is simple since it lies in replacing the traditional normal assumption on the error term by a super heavy-tailed distribution assumption. As a result, users can estimate the parameters as usual, using the posterior distribution.


A Distributionally Robust Area Under Curve Maximization Model. (arXiv:2002.07345v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Area under ROC curve (AUC) is a widely used performance measure for classification models. We propose two new distributionally robust AUC maximization models (DR-AUC) that rely on the Kantorovich metric and approximate the AUC with the hinge loss function. We consider the two cases with respectively fixed and variable support for the worst-case distribution. We use duality theory to reformulate the DR-AUC models and derive tractable convex optimization problems. The numerical experiments show that the proposed DR-AUC models -- benchmarked with the standard deterministic AUC and the support vector machine models - perform better in general and in particular improve the worst-case out-of-sample performance over the majority of the considered datasets, thereby showing their robustness. The results are particularly encouraging since our numerical experiments are conducted with training sets of small size which have been known to be conducive to low out-of-sample performance.


Robust location estimators in regression models with covariates and responses missing at random. (arXiv:2005.03511v1 [stat.ME])

This paper deals with robust marginal estimation under a general regression model when missing data occur in the response and also in some of covariates. The target is a marginal location parameter which is given through an $M-$functional. To obtain robust Fisher--consistent estimators, properly defined marginal distribution function estimators are considered. These estimators avoid the bias due to missing values by assuming a missing at random condition. Three methods are considered to estimate the marginal distribution function which allows to obtain the $M-$location of interest: the well-known inverse probability weighting, a convolution--based method that makes use of the regression model and an augmented inverse probability weighting procedure that prevents against misspecification. The robust proposed estimators and the classical ones are compared through a numerical study under different missing models including clean and contaminated samples. We illustrate the estimators behaviour under a nonlinear model. A real data set is also analysed.


A stochastic user-operator assignment game for microtransit service evaluation: A case study of Kussbus in Luxembourg. (arXiv:2005.03465v1 [physics.soc-ph])

This paper proposes a stochastic variant of the stable matching model from Rasulkhani and Chow [1] which allows microtransit operators to evaluate their operation policy and resource allocations. The proposed model takes into account the stochastic nature of users' travel utility perception, resulting in a probabilistic stable operation cost allocation outcome to design ticket price and ridership forecasting. We applied the model for the operation policy evaluation of a microtransit service in Luxembourg and its border area. The methodology for the model parameters estimation and calibration is developed. The results provide useful insights for the operator and the government to improve the ridership of the service.


Distributional Robustness of K-class Estimators and the PULSE. (arXiv:2005.03353v1 [econ.EM])

In causal settings, such as instrumental variable settings, it is well known that estimators based on ordinary least squares (OLS) can yield biased and non-consistent estimates of the causal parameters. This is partially overcome by two-stage least squares (TSLS) estimators. These are, under weak assumptions, consistent but do not have desirable finite sample properties: in many models, for example, they do not have finite moments. The set of K-class estimators can be seen as a non-linear interpolation between OLS and TSLS and are known to have improved finite sample properties. Recently, in causal discovery, invariance properties such as the moment criterion which TSLS estimators leverage have been exploited for causal structure learning: e.g., in cases, where the causal parameter is not identifiable, some structure of the non-zero components may be identified, and coverage guarantees are available. Subsequently, anchor regression has been proposed to trade-off invariance and predictability. The resulting estimator is shown to have optimal predictive performance under bounded shift interventions. In this paper, we show that the concepts of anchor regression and K-class estimators are closely related. Establishing this connection comes with two benefits: (1) It enables us to prove robustness properties for existing K-class estimators when considering distributional shifts. And, (2), we propose a novel estimator in instrumental variable settings by minimizing the mean squared prediction error subject to the constraint that the estimator lies in an asymptotically valid confidence region of the causal parameter. We call this estimator PULSE (p-uncorrelated least squares estimator) and show that it can be computed efficiently, even though the underlying optimization problem is non-convex. We further prove that it is consistent.


Towards Frequency-Based Explanation for Robust CNN. (arXiv:2005.03141v1 [cs.LG])

Current explanation techniques towards a transparent Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) mainly focuses on building connections between the human-understandable input features with models' prediction, overlooking an alternative representation of the input, the frequency components decomposition. In this work, we present an analysis of the connection between the distribution of frequency components in the input dataset and the reasoning process the model learns from the data. We further provide quantification analysis about the contribution of different frequency components toward the model's prediction. We show that the vulnerability of the model against tiny distortions is a result of the model is relying on the high-frequency features, the target features of the adversarial (black and white-box) attackers, to make the prediction. We further show that if the model develops stronger association between the low-frequency component with true labels, the model is more robust, which is the explanation of why adversarially trained models are more robust against tiny distortions.


Ketamine : from abused drug to rapid-acting antidepressant



Combustion emissions

Schofield, Keith.
9780128191279 (electronic bk.)


A treatise on topical corticosteroids in dermatology : use, misuse and abuse



Robust sparse covariance estimation by thresholding Tyler’s M-estimator

John Goes, Gilad Lerman, Boaz Nadler.

Source: The Annals of Statistics, Volume 48, Number 1, 86--110.

Estimating a high-dimensional sparse covariance matrix from a limited number of samples is a fundamental task in contemporary data analysis. Most proposals to date, however, are not robust to outliers or heavy tails. Toward bridging this gap, in this work we consider estimating a sparse shape matrix from $n$ samples following a possibly heavy-tailed elliptical distribution. We propose estimators based on thresholding either Tyler’s M-estimator or its regularized variant. We prove that in the joint limit as the dimension $p$ and the sample size $n$ tend to infinity with $p/n ogamma>0$, our estimators are minimax rate optimal. Results on simulated data support our theoretical analysis.


Robust elastic net estimators for variable selection and identification of proteomic biomarkers

Gabriela V. Cohen Freue, David Kepplinger, Matías Salibián-Barrera, Ezequiel Smucler.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 4, 2065--2090.

In large-scale quantitative proteomic studies, scientists measure the abundance of thousands of proteins from the human proteome in search of novel biomarkers for a given disease. Penalized regression estimators can be used to identify potential biomarkers among a large set of molecular features measured. Yet, the performance and statistical properties of these estimators depend on the loss and penalty functions used to define them. Motivated by a real plasma proteomic biomarkers study, we propose a new class of penalized robust estimators based on the elastic net penalty, which can be tuned to keep groups of correlated variables together in the selected model and maintain robustness against possible outliers. We also propose an efficient algorithm to compute our robust penalized estimators and derive a data-driven method to select the penalty term. Our robust penalized estimators have very good robustness properties and are also consistent under certain regularity conditions. Numerical results show that our robust estimators compare favorably to other robust penalized estimators. Using our proposed methodology for the analysis of the proteomics data, we identify new potentially relevant biomarkers of cardiac allograft vasculopathy that are not found with nonrobust alternatives. The selected model is validated in a new set of 52 test samples and achieves an area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC) of 0.85.


Busemann functions and semi-infinite O’Connell–Yor polymers

Tom Alberts, Firas Rassoul-Agha, Mackenzie Simper.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 3, 1927--1955.

We prove that given any fixed asymptotic velocity, the finite length O’Connell–Yor polymer has an infinite length limit satisfying the law of large numbers with this velocity. By a Markovian property of the quenched polymer this reduces to showing the existence of Busemann functions : almost sure limits of ratios of random point-to-point partition functions. The key ingredients are the Burke property of the O’Connell–Yor polymer and a comparison lemma for the ratios of partition functions. We also show the existence of infinite length limits in the Brownian last passage percolation model.


Robust regression via mutivariate regression depth

Chao Gao.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 1139--1170.

This paper studies robust regression in the settings of Huber’s $epsilon$-contamination models. We consider estimators that are maximizers of multivariate regression depth functions. These estimators are shown to achieve minimax rates in the settings of $epsilon$-contamination models for various regression problems including nonparametric regression, sparse linear regression, reduced rank regression, etc. We also discuss a general notion of depth function for linear operators that has potential applications in robust functional linear regression.


Robust estimation of mixing measures in finite mixture models

Nhat Ho, XuanLong Nguyen, Ya’acov Ritov.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 2, 828--857.

In finite mixture models, apart from underlying mixing measure, true kernel density function of each subpopulation in the data is, in many scenarios, unknown. Perhaps the most popular approach is to choose some kernel functions that we empirically believe our data are generated from and use these kernels to fit our models. Nevertheless, as long as the chosen kernel and the true kernel are different, statistical inference of mixing measure under this setting will be highly unstable. To overcome this challenge, we propose flexible and efficient robust estimators of the mixing measure in these models, which are inspired by the idea of minimum Hellinger distance estimator, model selection criteria, and superefficiency phenomenon. We demonstrate that our estimators consistently recover the true number of components and achieve the optimal convergence rates of parameter estimation under both the well- and misspecified kernel settings for any fixed bandwidth. These desirable asymptotic properties are illustrated via careful simulation studies with both synthetic and real data.


Robust modifications of U-statistics and applications to covariance estimation problems

Stanislav Minsker, Xiaohan Wei.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 694--727.

Let $Y$ be a $d$-dimensional random vector with unknown mean $mu $ and covariance matrix $Sigma $. This paper is motivated by the problem of designing an estimator of $Sigma $ that admits exponential deviation bounds in the operator norm under minimal assumptions on the underlying distribution, such as existence of only 4th moments of the coordinates of $Y$. To address this problem, we propose robust modifications of the operator-valued U-statistics, obtain non-asymptotic guarantees for their performance, and demonstrate the implications of these results to the covariance estimation problem under various structural assumptions.


Needles and straw in a haystack: Robust confidence for possibly sparse sequences

Eduard Belitser, Nurzhan Nurushev.

Source: Bernoulli, Volume 26, Number 1, 191--225.

In the general signal$+$noise (allowing non-normal, non-independent observations) model, we construct an empirical Bayes posterior which we then use for uncertainty quantification for the unknown, possibly sparse, signal. We introduce a novel excessive bias restriction (EBR) condition, which gives rise to a new slicing of the entire space that is suitable for uncertainty quantification. Under EBR and some mild exchangeable exponential moment condition on the noise, we establish the local (oracle) optimality of the proposed confidence ball. Without EBR, we propose another confidence ball of full coverage, but its radius contains an additional $sigma n^{1/4}$-term. In passing, we also get the local optimal results for estimation , posterior contraction problems, and the problem of weak recovery of sparsity structure . Adaptive minimax results (also for the estimation and posterior contraction problems) over various sparsity classes follow from our local results.


As Trump returns to the road, some Democrats want to bust Biden out of his basement

While President Donald Trump traveled to the battleground state of Arizona this week, his Democratic opponent for the White House, Joe Biden, campaigned from his basement as he has done throughout the coronavirus pandemic. The freeze on in-person campaigning during the outbreak has had an upside for Biden, giving the former vice president more time to court donors and shielding him from on-the-trail gaffes. "I personally would like to see him out more because he's in his element when he's meeting people," said Tom Sacks-Wilner, a fundraiser for Biden who is on the campaign's finance committee.


A New Bayesian Approach to Robustness Against Outliers in Linear Regression

Philippe Gagnon, Alain Desgagné, Mylène Bédard.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 15, Number 2, 389--414.

Linear regression is ubiquitous in statistical analysis. It is well understood that conflicting sources of information may contaminate the inference when the classical normality of errors is assumed. The contamination caused by the light normal tails follows from an undesirable effect: the posterior concentrates in an area in between the different sources with a large enough scaling to incorporate them all. The theory of conflict resolution in Bayesian statistics (O’Hagan and Pericchi (2012)) recommends to address this problem by limiting the impact of outliers to obtain conclusions consistent with the bulk of the data. In this paper, we propose a model with super heavy-tailed errors to achieve this. We prove that it is wholly robust, meaning that the impact of outliers gradually vanishes as they move further and further away from the general trend. The super heavy-tailed density is similar to the normal outside of the tails, which gives rise to an efficient estimation procedure. In addition, estimates are easily computed. This is highlighted via a detailed user guide, where all steps are explained through a simulated case study. The performance is shown using simulation. All required code is given.


Hierarchical Normalized Completely Random Measures for Robust Graphical Modeling

Andrea Cremaschi, Raffaele Argiento, Katherine Shoemaker, Christine Peterson, Marina Vannucci.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 4, 1271--1301.

Gaussian graphical models are useful tools for exploring network structures in multivariate normal data. In this paper we are interested in situations where data show departures from Gaussianity, therefore requiring alternative modeling distributions. The multivariate $t$ -distribution, obtained by dividing each component of the data vector by a gamma random variable, is a straightforward generalization to accommodate deviations from normality such as heavy tails. Since different groups of variables may be contaminated to a different extent, Finegold and Drton (2014) introduced the Dirichlet $t$ -distribution, where the divisors are clustered using a Dirichlet process. In this work, we consider a more general class of nonparametric distributions as the prior on the divisor terms, namely the class of normalized completely random measures (NormCRMs). To improve the effectiveness of the clustering, we propose modeling the dependence among the divisors through a nonparametric hierarchical structure, which allows for the sharing of parameters across the samples in the data set. This desirable feature enables us to cluster together different components of multivariate data in a parsimonious way. We demonstrate through simulations that this approach provides accurate graphical model inference, and apply it to a case study examining the dependence structure in radiomics data derived from The Cancer Imaging Atlas.


Jointly Robust Prior for Gaussian Stochastic Process in Emulation, Calibration and Variable Selection

Mengyang Gu.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 3, 877--905.

Gaussian stochastic process (GaSP) has been widely used in two fundamental problems in uncertainty quantification, namely the emulation and calibration of mathematical models. Some objective priors, such as the reference prior, are studied in the context of emulating (approximating) computationally expensive mathematical models. In this work, we introduce a new class of priors, called the jointly robust prior, for both the emulation and calibration. This prior is designed to maintain various advantages from the reference prior. In emulation, the jointly robust prior has an appropriate tail decay rate as the reference prior, and is computationally simpler than the reference prior in parameter estimation. Moreover, the marginal posterior mode estimation with the jointly robust prior can separate the influential and inert inputs in mathematical models, while the reference prior does not have this property. We establish the posterior propriety for a large class of priors in calibration, including the reference prior and jointly robust prior in general scenarios, but the jointly robust prior is preferred because the calibrated mathematical model typically predicts the reality well. The jointly robust prior is used as the default prior in two new R packages, called “RobustGaSP” and “RobustCalibration”, available on CRAN for emulation and calibration, respectively.


Low Information Omnibus (LIO) Priors for Dirichlet Process Mixture Models

Yushu Shi, Michael Martens, Anjishnu Banerjee, Purushottam Laud.

Source: Bayesian Analysis, Volume 14, Number 3, 677--702.

Dirichlet process mixture (DPM) models provide flexible modeling for distributions of data as an infinite mixture of distributions from a chosen collection. Specifying priors for these models in individual data contexts can be challenging. In this paper, we introduce a scheme which requires the investigator to specify only simple scaling information. This is used to transform the data to a fixed scale on which a low information prior is constructed. Samples from the posterior with the rescaled data are transformed back for inference on the original scale. The low information prior is selected to provide a wide variety of components for the DPM to generate flexible distributions for the data on the fixed scale. The method can be applied to all DPM models with kernel functions closed under a suitable scaling transformation. Construction of the low information prior, however, is kernel dependent. Using DPM-of-Gaussians and DPM-of-Weibulls models as examples, we show that the method provides accurate estimates of a diverse collection of distributions that includes skewed, multimodal, and highly dispersed members. With the recommended priors, repeated data simulations show performance comparable to that of standard empirical estimates. Finally, we show weak convergence of posteriors with the proposed priors for both kernels considered.


Chris Costa's Bust'em - :biotruths:


Ancient Egyptian Funeral Home Reveals Embalmers Had a Knack for Business

Funeral parlors' enterprising staff offered burial packages to suit every social strata and budget


george bush and tony blair- gay bar       [2m20s]

geaorge bush and tony blair sing gay bar (originally by electric 6)


Inflated power bills another hit to businesses dealing with COVID closures

Some New Brunswick business owners already facing a cash crunch because of COVID-19 have received an unwelcome shock from NB Power: electricity bills that don’t take into account how little energy they’ve been consuming.

  • News/Canada/New Brunswick


Man convicted of double murder in Fort Frances charged in $2.2M Winnipeg drug bust

Two men are charged in connection with an illegal drug distribution operation after Winnipeg police seized more than $2.2 million worth of methamphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy.

  • News/Canada/Manitoba


How one Sudbury business owner is getting ready to reopen her hardware store

As the province of Ontario starts to relax some COVID-19 restrictions, one Sudbury business owner says it feels great to be opening back up.

  • News/Canada/Sudbury