
The Castrol Power 1

In November 1979 I had the privilege of buying my first Scooter “ Bajaj Chetak” from their Show Room at Bangalore.  I was greatly Excited .  Took my Scooter to the nearest “Ganesha (Elephant...


How to Make Use of Automotive Seat Covers

Automotive Seat Covers is one of the most outstanding ways to keep your vehicle's interior in good condition. Seat Covers of your car are an excellent asset once you want to maintain the value of your vehicle and...


How to Buy Car Audio Subwoofers

Subwoofers are usually a fundamental portion of an individual's car audio video system. In spite what type of audio anyone...


Even Messi can not refrain from Barcelona Rosell future prosperity under the shadow cast

Because in tax matters was not supported, there is news that Macy Russell also disgruntled
Spanish media reported that the Barcelona superstar Lionel Messi is now the club president Russell is not satisfied,


a bowler could get a winning treasure to suit bowling a strive for

I am not allowing any of this consideration into your warring and in addition what I wish to accomplish, They permanent. McCarron, What kind of person in season will likely among members of the squad reputation between the two...


Professional rider to teach you how to improve your pedaling frequency

In an interview, when asked professional rider: Craig Griffin (former USA Cycling coach) how to maximize pedaling efficiency, he said the following words.


Smart Fellow!!!


A young man walked into a jewellery store one Friday evening with a Beautiful young gal at his side. He told the jewelers he was looking...


Ethical hacker discovers 'security issue' in Aarogya Setu: Centre downplays risks

If the tweet by the French hacker is to be believed, the privacy of more than 90 million Indians is at stake. The issue has been revealed to the concerned departments as the ethical hacker waits for it to be resolved.


Mukesh Ambani's fake Twitter account gains thousands of followers in days

A fake account of Mukesh Ambani on Twitter has gained thousands of followers in a matter of days. Here's how we spotted the fake account.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2011 - Slovak Republic Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2011.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Slovak Republic Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Going for Growth 2015: Key findings for Slovak Republic

Going for Growth 2015: Key findings for Slovak Republic


Research Fellowships and Conference Sponsorship

The Co-operative Research Programme (CRP)'s Call for Applications for conference sponsorship and research fellowships for funding in 2019 is now CLOSED. The CRP supports work on sustainable use of natural resources in agriculture, forests, fisheries and food production.


Further reforms will move Slovakia toward a more innovative and inclusive society

The Slovak economy is experiencing a robust, broad-based expansion that is boosting living standards and promoting convergence with higher-income countries. Policies should now aim to sustain this expansion, prepare people for the future of work and ensure that the benefits of strong growth are shared amongst all Slovaks, according to a new report from the OECD.


How’s life in the Slovak Republic?

This note presents selected findings based on the set of well-being indicators published in How’s life? 2020.



In simplest words, Biotechnology is based on biology. It is all around us and is already a big part of our lives. It is used in developing breakthrough products and technologies that help improving the health of the planet, using...


How important is a conversation to enhance a career or a business opportunity?

Very important! Every moment is a move we make in life. We have the ultimate responsibility to make sure to take THE steps that will help us achieve the career or business goals.


Manpower recruitment solutions in India

The Indian recruitment industry is driven by a number of factors including the growth of key industries, large conglomerates entering into new business domains, entry of multinational companies (MNCs) in the Indian markets among...


Environment: a source of future economic growth in Portugal

Despite Portugal’s economic and political challenges, it is still committed to improving the environment. The government sees green investment in its stimulus package and green tax reform as part of the solution to the national budget deficit.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Portugal Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Portugal: Reforming the State to promote growth

After two decades of strong economic growth and convergence in living standards towards the levels of more prosperous OECD countries, Portugal’s performance weakened in the 2000s, productivity growth slowed and competitiveness deteriorated. Restoring Portugal’s potential for strong, inclusive growth calls for a comprehensive reform of the State.


Portugal: Deepening structural reform to support growth and competitiveness

Having been hit hard by the global crisis, the Portuguese government has taken action to put its economy back on track, and to correct external and budgetary imbalances. This document highlights some key priorities to support economic growth and competitiveness through further productivity-enhancing structural reforms.


Going for Growth 2015: Key findings for Portugal

Going for Growth 2015: Key findings for Portugal


Skills will drive inclusive economic growth in Portugal (OECD Education Today Blog)

Skills and human capital are the bedrock upon which Portugal is building a new bridge to growth.


Society at a Glance 2016 - How does Portugal compare?

The number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) remains elevated in many countries since the crisis. This country note examines the characteristics of those at risk of being NEET in Portugal along with policies to help meet the challenge. It also includes many new youth-specific indicators on family formation, self-sufficiency, income and poverty, health and social cohesion.


Research Fellowships and Conference Sponsorship

The Co-operative Research Programme (CRP)'s Call for Applications for conference sponsorship and research fellowships for funding in 2019 is now CLOSED. The CRP supports work on sustainable use of natural resources in agriculture, forests, fisheries and food production.


Portugal should improve adult learning to boost growth and social cohesion

Portugal’s investments in education and skills in recent decades are paying off for young people but many adults are falling behind. With a rapidly aging population and a growing skills divide between generations, Portugal needs to further strengthen its adult-learning system, according to a new OECD report.


How's life in Portugal?

This note presents selected findings based on the set of well-being indicators published in How's Life? 2020.


A Simple guide for couponing –how to manage budget shopping

Shopping is a great fun if budget is not a constraint. Shopping coupons were initially introduced as promotional coupons for entertaining online shoppers by offering some extra discounts against each online purchase deals. Later on the...


Consumer contract: Are exclusion and limitation clauses allowed

It is inevitable that we go into many contractual relationships and get obliged to some particular codes and actions in our daily life. Many times it happens that we don’t even know that...


Some Ideas On How To Choose The Best Suitable Name Badges Depending On The Organization


In today's market name badges are available in varying types from which the organizations can choose the one that perfectly meets their requirement. Generally these badges are made using three basic...


Business success of corporate and bamboo flowering

Many corporate do engage in the business of ‘seasonal bamboo flowering’ and some may find success also.  The question is not whether such an approach is wrong or right?  But do they know the fact...


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2011 - Poland Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2011.


Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012 - Poland Country Note

This note is taken from Chapter 2 of Economic Policy Reforms: Going for Growth 2012.


Economy: Further reform needed to raise growth prospects in Poland

Poland has been a strong performer across the OECD through the global economic crisis, growing much faster than most other countries and making impressive steps toward reducing the income gap with its European Union partners, according to the OECD’s latest economic survey.


Poland needs strategy to meet growing risk of foreign bribery

The current Polish framework for fighting foreign bribery is still inadequate to fully meet foreign bribery risks resulting from Poland’s growing economy, says a new OECD report.


Poland can grow faster through labour market and pro-competition reforms, OECD says

Poland’s economic performance has been impressive over the past 15 years, but further reforms are now needed to put the economy firmly back on track for stronger and sustainable growth, according to the OECD’s latest Economic Survey of Poland.


Going for Growth 2015: Key findings for Poland

Going for Growth 2015: Key findings for Poland


Poland needs a strategy for moving to a lower-emission economy

Poland has combined robust economic growth with reducing some of the pressures on its environment since it joined the EU in 2004. It has also brought environmental laws closer to European norms. Poland now needs to lessen its economy’s reliance on fossil fuels and make growth greener, according to a new OECD report.


Society at a Glance 2016 - How does Poland compare?

The number of young people not in employment, education or training (NEETs) remains elevated in many countries since the crisis. This country note examines the characteristics of those at risk of being NEET in Poland along with policies to help meet the challenge. It also includes many new youth-specific indicators on family formation, self-sufficiency, income and poverty, health and social cohesion.


OECD marks Poland’s 20 years of membership, sets out path to a more knowledge-based economy

Poland has achieved impressive progress in improving the living standards of its citizens over the past 20 years but needs to continue to move towards higher technology, boosting productivity and improving access to quality jobs and good pay, according to the OECD.


Research Fellowships and Conference Sponsorship

The Co-operative Research Programme (CRP)'s Call for Applications for conference sponsorship and research fellowships for funding in 2019 is now CLOSED. The CRP supports work on sustainable use of natural resources in agriculture, forests, fisheries and food production.


Polska - Profil systemu ochrony zdrowia 2019: Launch presentation

Polska - Profil systemu ochrony zdrowia 2019: Launch presentation. The Country Health Profiles provide a concise and policy-relevant overview of health and health systems in the EU/European Economic area, emphasizing the particular characteristics and challenges in each country against a backdrop of cross-country comparisons.


How's life in Poland?

This note presents selected findings based on the set of well-being indicators published in How's Life? 2020.


Eye injuries have increased during lockdown, and you won't believe the cause; Mahabharata and Ramayana!

The lockdown has unveiled a large public health crisis. A recent development, of an increase in eye injuries, has now been attributed to re-runs of Mahabharata and Ramayana.


WATCH: Karan Johar's kids uncover a locker in his closet, director calls it useless during lockdown

In the latest from the lockdown with the Johars, Yash uncovers a locker in a closet mistaking it for a washing machine, the director says its useless now with their current state of affairs.


I got very scared and ran for my life: Govinda on seeing a ghost in his hotel room [Throwback]

Govinda had once encountered a ghost, and he felt as if an old lady was sitting on his chest. He ran for his life and only stopped after reaching Mumbai.


Lakshmi Manchu follows the footsteps of Sunny Leone

Lakshmi Manchu is following the footsteps of Bollywood actress Sunny Leone and she will talk to Shashi Tharoor on her talk show called Locked up with Lakshmi on Instagram on Saturday.


Fact Check: Is Vadodara imposing a total lockdown on the lines of Ahmedabad, Surat?

A viral message has been doing the rounds of social media stating that the city of Vadodara is enforcing a complete lockdown to curb the spread of COVID-19.


Sridevi pretended to be nervous because of young Hrithik Roshan to boost his confidence [Throwback]

Hrtihik Roshan had revealed on social media how the golden actress Sridevi had helped very early in his acting career by making him feel comfortable.