
ICRC audiovisual archives

The ICRC’s collections of sound recordings, film footage, videos and photos illustrate and document the activities of the ICRC and of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement as a whole from the end of the 19th century up to the present day, in all operational contexts


Periodicals archive online : JISC collections selection 2

This is a subset of full text journal backfiles in the arts, humanities, and social sciences from the Periodicals Archive Online collection, dating from 1891-.


2019 Biennial Conference of Oral History Australia: a report

The 2019 Biennial Conference of Oral History Australia  was held at the State Library of Queensland in October.  The ope


Teachers Wanted: S.C. Company Hires Cash-Strapped Educators for Warehouse Jobs

Nephron Pharmaceuticals, a drug manufacturing company in West Columbia, S.C., recently hired 650 current and retired teachers through a new program designed to provide educators with additional income.


This Teacher Is Suing Her District Over Working for Free, Buying School Supplies

School districts have "unconscionably and impermissibly shifted operating costs of the classrooms directly on the financial backs of our teachers," the lawsuit alleges.


D.C. Charters Aren't Pushing Kids Out. But They're Not Always Welcoming Them In, Either

The District of Columbia's charters aren't always "backfilling" seats, and there's little financial incentive for them to do so.


Lame-Duck Indiana Chief Complains About Two Accountability Systems, Governance

As the state rolls out a new school accountability system and a separate federal accountability system, disputes have flared between the state department and school board over which underperforming schools should get extra federal money.


How Lemonade Stands Are Teaching Kids 21st-Century Business Skills (Video)

Concerned that schools don't notice or nurture business skills, nonprofits are using the humble lemonade stand to foster entrepreneurship.


Lame-Duck Indiana Chief Frustrated Over K-12 Governance

Jennifer McCormick, a Republican who will not run for re-election in 2020, says the state's government structure "causes confusion and stretches resources."


Indiana Educators Race to Renew Teaching Licenses Before Deadline

Thousands of Indiana teachers are scrambling to begin renewing their professional teaching licenses before new rules that state lawmakers approved this spring take effect July 1.


Indiana Wants Teachers to Do Externships. So Some Are Headed to the Brewery

Teachers across the state are outraged over a new rule that requires 15 hours of workforce-related professional development.


Kansas High Court Again Finds State School Funding Inadequate

The Kansas Supreme Court has again ruled that the money the state legislature provides its schools is constitutionally inadequate.


Des lésions trophiques consécutives aux maladies du système nerveux : these ... / par X. Arnozan.

Paris : V. Adrien Delahaye, 1880.


Des lesions veineuses chez les arteriosclereux / par Henry Thiebaut.

Paris : G. Masson, 1890.


Des maladies de la France dans leurs rapports avec les saisons, ou, Histoire médicale et meteorologique de la France. [t. 1] / par le Docteur Fuster.

Paris : Dufart, 1840.


Des metrorrhagies essentielles ou idiopathiques / par J. Th. Dupuy.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1892.


Des troubles psychiques dans le goitre exophthalmique / par L. Boeteau.

Paris : G. Steinheil, 1892.


A description of the diseased conditions of the knee-joint which require amputation of the limb, and those conditions which are favourable to excision of the joint : with an explanation of the relative advantages of both operations as far as can be ascert

London : J. Churchill, 1865.


A description of the genus Cinchona, comprehending the various species of vegetables from which the Peruvian and other barks of a similar quality are taken. Illustrated by figures of all the species hitherto discovered. To which is prefixed Professor Vahl

London : printed for B. and J. White, 1797.


Descriptive anatomy of the horse and domestic animals / chiefly compiled from the manuscripts of Thomas Strangeways and Professor Goodsir by J. Wilson Johnston and T.J. Call.

Edinburgh : MacLachlan and Stewart, 1870.


Descriptive catalogue of the museum illustrative of Dr Evory Kennedy's lectures on midwifery, and the diseases of women and children.

[Edinburgh?] : [publisher not identified], 1840.


A descriptive catalogue of wet preparations, casts, drawings, models, books, etc., contained in the Museum of the Birmingham and Midland Counties Lying-in Hospital and Dispensary for the Diseases of Women and Children / arranged and edited in compliance w

Birmingham : printed by M. Billing, 1847.


A descriptive list of anthropometric apparatus : consisting of instruments for measuring and testing the chief physical characteristics of the human body.

Cambridge : printed by C.J. Clay at the University Press, 1887.


Deutsche Literaturgeschichte des 19.Jahrhunderts / von Carl Weitbrecht.

Leipzig : C.J. Goschen, 1908.


The development of the child / by Nathan Oppenheim.

New York : Macmillan, 1898.


The development of the teaching of law in the University of Edinburgh / by John P. Coldstream.

Edinburgh : printed by Morrison & Gibb, 1884.


Diagnose und Therapie der Krankheiten des Menschen : mit Zugrundelegung der Lehren und Recepturen der ersten medicinisch-chirurgischen Autoritäten, und Anführung von 1500 Receptformeln im metrischen Gewichte, nebst einem Anhange über Balneo

Wien : M. Perles, 1878.


Diagnostik der chirurgischen Krankheiten / von Dr E. Albert.

Wien : Holder, 1896.


Diatetik im alterthum : Eine historische Studie / von Julian Marcuse ... Mit einem vorwort von Dr. E.V. Leyden.

Stuttgart : Enke, 1899.


A dictionary of medicine : including general pathology, general therapeutics, hygiene, and the diseases of women and children / by various writers ; edited by Richard Quain ; assisted by Frederick Thomas Roberts and J. Mitchell Bruce.

London : Longmans, Green, 1894.


Dictionnaire de médecine, de chirurgie, de pharmacie, des sciences accessoires et de l'art vétérinaire / de P.-H. Nysten.

Londres : J.-B. Baillière, 1855.


Dictionnaire de médecine et de thérapeutique médicale et chirurgicale : comprenant le résumé de toute la médecine et de toute la chirurgie, les indications thérapeutiques de chaque maladie, la médecine opératoi

Paris : G. Bailliere, 1873.


Dictionnaire des drogues simples et composées, ou dictionnaire d'histoire naturelle médicale, de pharmacologie et de chimie pharmaceutique / par A. Chevallier... et A. Richard.

Paris : Béchet jeune, 1827-1829.


Dictionnaire des termes de médecine, chirurgie, art vétérinaire, pharmacie, histoire naturelle, botanique, physique, chimie, etc.; / Par Bégin [and others].

Paris : Béchet : Bailliere : Crevot, 1823.


Die acute Entzundung des hautigen Labyrinthes des Ohres (Otitis labyrinthica s. intima) irrthumlich fur Meningitis cerebro-spinalis epidemica gehalten : fur praktische Aerzte dargestellt / von R. Voltolini.

Breslau : E. Morgenstern, 1882.


Die acute Pneumonie, und ihre sichere Heilung mit Quecksilberchlorür ohne Blutentziehung / eine Monographie von Max Wittich.

Erlangen : F. Enke, 1850.


Die allgemeine chirurgische Pathologie und Therapie : in einundfünfzig Vorlesungen : ein Handbuch für Studirende und Aerzte / von Theodor Billroth und Alex. v. Winiwarter.

Berlin : G. Reimer, 1893.


Die allgemeine chirurgische Pathologie und Therapie : in fünfzig Vorlesungen : ein Handbuch für Studirende und Aerzte / von Theodor Billroth.

Berlin : G. Reimer, 1863.


Die allgemeine chirurgische Pathologie und Therapie : in fünfzig Vorlesungen : ein Handbuch für Studirende und Aerzte / von Theodor Billroth.

Berlin : G. Reimer, 1876.


Die ältesten Schriftsteller über die Lustseuche in Deutschland von 1495 bis 1510, nebst mehreren Anecdotis späterer Zeit, gesammelt und mit literarhistorischen Notizen und einer kurzen Darstellung der epidemischen Syphilis in Deutschland /

Gottingen : Dieterich, 1843.


Die angeborene Pylorusstenose im Säuglingsalter / von Jussuf Ibrahim.

Berlin : S. Karger, 1905.


Die Anwendung der Galvanokaustik im Innern des Kehlkopfes und Schlundkopfes : nebst einer kurzen Anleitung zur Laryngoskopie und Rhinoskopie / von Rudolph Voltolini.

Wien : W. Braumuller, 1867.


Die Apologie der Heilkunst : eine griechische Sophistenrede des fünften vorchristlichen Jahrhunderts / bearbeitet, übersetzt, erläutert und eingeleitet von Theodor Gomperz.

Wien : F. Tempsky, 1890.


Die äusseren (sc. chirurgischen) Krankheiten der Arbeiter / von Ludwig Hirt.

Leipzig : Hirt, 1878.


Die Bestattung der Toden in Bezug auf Hygieine, geschichtliche Entwicklung und Gesetzliche Bestimmungen betrachtet / betrachtet von A. Wernher.

Giessen : J. Ricker, 1880.


Die Castration in rechtlicher, socialer und vitaler Hinsicht / von Conrad Rieger.

Jena : Fischer, 1900.


Die chirurgische Behandlung des Kropfes / von Anton Wolfler.

Berlin : A. Hirschwald, 1887-1891.


Die chirurgischen Krankheiten des Kindesalters / von Ferdinand Karewski.

Stuttgart : F. Enke, 1894.


Die chirurgischen und medizinischen Krankheiten des Schädels und Gehirns und Psychiatrische Klinik / von Hans Locher.

Erlangen : F. Enke, 1869.


Die Cholera Asiatica, deren, Ursachen, Behandlung und Verhütung auf Grund der während der 1866 er Epidemie in der Seidau bei Budissin gemachten Erfahrungen / monographisch dargestellt von Carl Julius Büttner.

Leipzig : Duncker & Humblot, 1868.