
Bucking the Trend: Uranium Market Gains Traction

Jordan Trimble of Skyharbour Resources lays out the reasons why the uranium bear market is coming to an end, and why his company is poised to take advantage of the upturn, in this conversation with Maurice Jackson of Proven and Probable.


Uranium's Stealth Bull Market Garners Momentum

With the supply/demand balance moving in favor of miners, the outlook for uranium stocks is the brightest it has been in years, according to McAlinden Research Partners.


Shark ‘hotspots’ and fishing activities overlap in the North Atlantic Ocean

Sharks aggregate in ‘hotspots’ in the North Atlantic Ocean and are at risk from overfishing by longliner vessels that target the same areas for fishing, a recent study has concluded. Researchers found that the shark and fishing-fleet ranges overlapped by 80% in the North Atlantic and call for international regulation of shark catches to protect at-risk shark populations.


Green marketing strengthens business for electronics manufacturers

Organisations are increasingly applying green business principles. According to a recent study, electronics manufacturing companies in Taiwan that practice green supply chain management (GSCM) have a better business performance than companies that do not. Those with a strong green marketing focus performed the best, successfully competing with their rivals.


Hacker group floods dark web with data stolen from 11 companies

A hacking group has started to flood a dark web hacking marketplace with databases containing a combined total of 73.2 million user records over 11 different companies. [...]


Parkinson's study could pave way for early detection test

A test that can detect Parkinson's disease in the early stages of the illness has moved a step closer.

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  • Health & Medicine


EU Allergy and Asthma Network marks its achievements

The Global Allergy and Asthma European Network (GA2LEN), established in 2005 to facilitate excellence in allergy research across clinical and research institutions in Europe, has recently published a report on its major achievements.


Social marketing to improve community-level green behaviour

A community-level initiative in the UK has successfully used social marketing techniques to encourage participants to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. On average, participants reduced their emissions footprint by 2 tonnes every year. Based on the initiative, the authors of this study propose a framework to guide future community engagement.


Shark feeding may be affected by ocean acidification

Ocean acidification may affect sharks’ sense of smell, causing them to avoid food, reports new research. In lab tests, the study found that sharks exhibited less feeding behaviour when they were kept in tanks of acidified seawater. These changes could pose a risk to the health of sharks, with knock-on effects for whole marine ecosystems.


Social research needed before introducing market-based waste policy

A better understanding of the social factors that affect market-based environmental policies could enhance their success, according to researchers. An analysis of reactions to a proposed waste disposal system in Greece indicated that both trust between citizens and trust in institutions could be highly influential in its implementation.


Can supermarkets encourage customers to cut food waste through social media? Analysis of UK campaign shows mixed results

A study has evaluated three types of media campaign conducted by a large UK supermarket to encourage shoppers to reduce their food waste. These used social media, an e-newsletter and a print/digital magazine, respectively. Although they all appeared to lead to reductions in food waste to some extent, similar behavioural changes were also seen for customers who had not participated in any of the campaigns.


Supermarket food waste — alternative waste strategies can reduce the environmental impact

Researchers have examined environmental and economic impacts of supermarket food waste in a new study. Bread and meat products made the largest contribution to the environmental footprint of the supermarket assessed. Alternative waste strategies, such as using bread waste as animal feed, have the potential to reduce these impacts.


Parks and beaches may improve children’s behavioural development

City children who spend lots of time in green spaces, such as parks, and at the beach are less likely to have emotional and social difficulties, indicates new research from Barcelona. The study of over 2000 children supports theories that green and blue infrastructure have benefits for our health and wellbeing.


The market for more eco-friendly lighting

Use of environmentally-friendly LED lighting in Europe could play an important role in reducing energy consumption. A new report has now assessed the market for a mass adoption of such light sources, highlighting the need to ensure that the European lighting industry remains competitive.


Reconciling dwarf galaxies with dark matter

Dwarf galaxies are enigmas wrapped in riddles. Although they are the smallest galaxies, they represent some of the biggest mysteries about our universe. While many dwarf galaxies surround our own Milky Way, there seem to be far too few of them compared with standard cosmological models, which raises a lot of questions about the nature of dark matter and its role in galaxy formation.

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  • Astronomy & Space


Market framework not appropriate for most ecosystem services

Ecosystem services, such as coastal protection or water supply, form an integral part of ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change. However, preserving and restoring ecosystems and their services relies on the economic system that supports these efforts. Ecosystem services will not be best protected by the classic market framework, new research suggests.


Onymos and Risan strike partnership for mobile apps development technologies in the APAC markets

Onymos has transformed the art of mobile apps development, where open standards HTML, JavaScript and CSS technologies are made use of, which in turn, cuts down the development time from months to days.


Link between total cost of ownership and market share of hybrid and electric vehicles

Hybrid and electric vehicles emit lower levels of carbon dioxide and air pollutants than conventional petrol and diesel vehicles, yet their market uptake in the EU remains limited. New research provides an assessment of the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) — which combines purchase and operating expenses — of different vehicle types. By comparing historical data on hybrid, petrol and diesel vehicles in three countries (Japan, the UK and the USA), researchers found a strong link between TCO and market share of those vehicles. They also identified a number of ways in which policymakers may promote the adoption of cleaner vehicles through the provision of financial incentives.


Wood from illegal harvesting in EU markets estimated

Illegal timber imports into the EU were between 8 and 18 million m³ in 2009, representing 6-13% of total imports, new research suggests. Although figures for illegal logging are associated with high uncertainties, the authors claim that these figures provide the best available estimates for policy and decision makers.


Old rural parks can provide important refuges for forest biodiversity

Woodlands in the grounds of old manor houses or castles can provide high quality habitat for numerous forest species, a recent study from Estonia concludes. The researchers found that, compared to nearby forests, old rural park woodlands appeared to be better at supporting biodiversity.


Support eco-innovation by communicating future markets

A recent analysis of the barriers to eco-innovation has indicated that uncertainty about future market demand for innovation holds back commercialisation of eco-innovations. Policy could solve this problem cost-effectively by helping communicate future market needs to innovators, which could bring together public and private purchasers to indicate future demand.


Meeting the need for green skills in Europe's job market

For a new green economy to be successful, governments should support the development of green skills in the labour market, according to a new report. This could be achieved by improving or adding to the existing core skills of workers, whilst mainstreaming environmental awareness into education and training.


Researchers call for joint carbon and water cap-and-trade market

A joint water and carbon cap-and-trade system could lead to a more sustainable future, a recent study suggests. Such a system could account for the important links between energy, water and climate change, while at the same time, ensuring economic growth.


Hackers put over half million Zoom app login details for sale on dark web: Reports

The video-conferencing app has seen a global usage during the coronavirus lockdowns.


Kerala gives 3-months moratorium to IT firms operating from state-run parks

The Kerala government on Monday decided to waive off rent for three months for all the IT/ITeS companies who have taken up to 10,000 square ft of space for operating in government-owned buildings.


Covid-19 to bring India software market growth down to 4.1%

The decline in growth rate is likely because enterprises relook at their buying decisions owing to increased focus on profitability, said IDC's report.


Jharkhand's coal mine to get Zyfra 'intelligent' solution

The collaboration with Zyfra was to ensure availability of the latest technology intelligence, like IIOT and AI capabilities


India server market revenue hits $280.1 mn in Q3 2019

The overall server market in India witnessed a Year-over-Year (YoY) growth of a dismal 0.8 per cent in terms of revenue to reach $280.1 million in the third quarter (Q3) versus $277.8 million in Q3 of 2018, a new report by International Data Corporation (IDC) said on Wednesday.


Amazon invests Rs 2,500 crore in marketplace and data centre units

The investment follows a Rs1,715 crore infusion into Amazon’s payments and wholesale arms last month.


The scope of ecotourism to finance national park conservation

How can ecotourism be managed so that tourists' visits are compatible with the protection of species and their habitats? In a new study, researchers developed a tool to calculate the trade-off between tourism and the protection of an endangered bird in an Austrian national park, in order to optimise conservation and visitor management.


Old rural parks can provide important refuges for forest biodiversity

Woodlands in the grounds of old manor houses or castles can provide high quality habitat for numerous forest species, a recent study from Estonia concludes. The researchers found that, compared to nearby forests, old rural park woodlands appeared to be better at supporting biodiversity.


Rising temperatures and acidification in the oceans spell danger for shark populations

Increasing temperatures and rising ocean acidification could reduce the health and survival of young sharks, new research has shown. Bamboo shark embryos incubated under ocean temperatures and acidity predicted for 2100 showed survival rates of 80% compared to 100% survival under present-day conditions. Once hatched, survival measured at 30 days was only 44% for those under predicted climate change conditions, again compared to 100% for those experiencing current temperature and acidity.


Silage harvesting partly responsible for decline in skylarks

Farmland birds like skylarks are attracted to nest in agricultural grassland, but repeated harvesting for silage causes most nests to fail. This study showed that skylark breeding success in silage was too low to sustain local populations. The researchers say that grass silage is a hostile environment for breeding skylarks and conservation efforts should focus on making other parts of the landscape more attractive and productive for nesting birds.


Approaches to park management influence attitudes towards nature

Green spaces like urban parks can counteract the loss of plant and animal species caused by urbanisation. For many city dwellers, parks provide most of their experiences of natural spaces. Researchers have compared different methods of park management in Paris and Berlin, and assessed how they influence citizens' attitudes towards nature.


Solar park impacts on microclimate, plants and greenhouse gas emissions

A UK solar park has been found to change the local microclimate, reports recently published research. Moreover, the microclimate coupled with management activities had an impact on greenhouse gas emissions and plant-community diversity and productivity under the solar panels. The study’s authors say their research provides a starting point for considering how to improve solar-park design in order to deliver co-benefits for biodiversity and farming, and minimise any negative environmental effects.


Mussel biomarkers gauge pollution in European estuaries

Coastal areas are under threat of pollution from a variety of marine activities. This study focused on pollution caused by a range of activities with no specific discharge point (diffuse pollution) in three areas — a European harbour, marina and industrial area — by measuring biological responses in mussels. The researchers say biomarkers are useful for assessing diffuse contamination and comparing pollution between sites.


Seven UV filters with potential endocrine-disrupting properties found at low levels in eggs of seven wild bird species, national park, Spain

Personal Care Products (PCPs) are of increasing global concern, as thousands of tonnes enter the environment every year. Similar to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), some substances used in PCPs are toxic, persist in the environment and accumulate in the bodies of organisms that take them in. This study focused on the presence of ultraviolet filters (UV-Fs) (used in PCPs such as sunscreens and cosmetics) in the unhatched eggs of wild birds.


Policy, not market alone, must dictate future transport emissions

Existing technologies could reduce emissions of CO2 and air pollutants from land transport by almost a third. But, reductions will not be delivered through markets alone, according to a recent assessment, particularly for CO2. The researchers argue that strong policy interventions will be essential to mitigating climate change caused by emissions from land transport.


Parallel parking improves air quality on urban pavements

Pedestrians are exposed to different levels of pollution on the pavements depending on how parked cars at the roadside are arranged, according to the first in a series of new studies in this area. The researchers modelled different parking regimes and found that less pollution reached the pavement when cars were parked sideways on, rather than at an angle to the street. Their results may help urban planners design more pedestrian-friendly streets.


Air pollution and the brain: potential neurological risk shown in Parkinson’s study

Elderly patients with Parkinson’s disease are at greater risk of emergency hospitalisation, as well as premature death, following short periods of increased air pollution by fine particles, finds a US study. The researchers believe that these findings support the theory that fine particles may affect the brain. They also found possible links between pollution and hospitalisation rates for diabetes patients.


Case Study : GSK Nutritional Healthcare: Market leader makes customer care miles better

Care isn’t just part of the name at GSK Nutritional Healthcare. It’s at the heart of its customer help lines. But Ashley Thomas knew that the company’s legacy telephone technology was becoming a bit of a hindrance. Keen to boost customer service with new technology, a review of the market led Ashley to BT Cloud Contact


The Housing Market Needs More Than Low Mortgage Rates

New York Times


Online homebuyers offer to sell your home fast in booming San Antonio market

CBS San Antonio


Sales, Marketing, or Customer Service


The Woodlands Farmers Market is Closed, but tentatively opening May 23, 2020


43 Bark Bend Place


Media war: Sharks circle to dump Nine boss from top job

Following a roller coaster four years in the job, some members of Nine Entertainment’s board are now pushing openly for the removal of company CEO Hugh Marks.


Zillow Group Pauses Home Buying in Zillow Offers in Response to COVID-19 and Market Uncertainty


MOORMANS RIVER BRIDGE REHABILITATION STARTS NOV. 5 - Clark Road will be closed to through traffic Nov. 5-16

CULPEPER — The Virginia Department of Transportation will close the Route 674 (Clark Road) bridge over a branch of the Moormans River in Albemarle...