gin Effective ICZM strategy identified for harbour dredging By Published On :: Wed, 1 Jun 2011 11:59:41 +0100 Removing sediment from harbour beds to allow ships to enter can significantly accelerate coastal erosion, the gradual wearing away of land by the sea. A new study highlights this damage and identifies a compensation strategy used in an Italian harbour to mitigate coastal erosion as a good example of effective Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM). Full Article
gin Four key techniques to encouraging pro-environmental behaviour By Published On :: Thu, 31 May 2012 15:28:58 +0100 A new analysis of how to encourage pro-environmental behaviour highlights four effective techniques: goal-setting, prompts or reminders, witnessing the behaviour of others and introducing new behaviours that correspond with existing beliefs. Full Article
gin Recycled plastic reduces carbon footprint of packaging By Published On :: Thu, 6 Jun 2013 13:51:04 +0100 Increasing the use of recycled materials could substantially reduce the carbon footprint of plastic packaging, research suggests. A new study of the life-cycle of plastic trays has shown that increasing the proportion of recycled material could lead to a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Full Article
gin Four key techniques to encouraging pro-environmental behaviour By Published On :: Thu, 31 May 2012 15:35:10 +0100 A new analysis of how to encourage pro-environmental behaviour highlights four effective techniques: goal-setting, prompts or reminders, witnessing the behaviour of others and introducing new behaviours that correspond with existing beliefs. Full Article
gin ‘Emerging risks’ identified as first of four key stages in a risk cycle By Published On :: Thur, 14 September 2017 9:23:19 GMT The phrase ‘emerging risk’ has been widely used in scientific and business communities, but without consensus on how to define and govern such a risk. A new study proposes that risk emergence goes through four states, from ‘unknown unknowns’ to risks that are fully in the public domain. Understanding emergence as a process can help decision makers detect and manage risks on the basis of scientific evidence. Full Article
gin High-tech imaging reveals precolonial Mexican manuscript hidden from view for 500 years By Published On :: Fri, 19 Aug 2016 13:42:54 +0000 Researchers from the University of Oxford's Bodleian Libraries and from universities in the Netherlands have used high-tech imaging to uncover the details of a rare Mexican codex dating from before the colonization of the Americas. The newly revealed codex, or book, has been hidden from view for almost 500 years, concealed beneath a layer of plaster and chalk on the back of a later manuscript known as the Codex Selden, which is housed at the Bodleian Libraries. Scientists have used hyperspectral imaging to reveal pictographic scenes from this remarkable document and have published their findings in the Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. read more Full Article Paleontology & Archaeology
gin Flexibility is key to managing urban sprawl By Published On :: Thu, 12 Jul 2012 14:46:24 +0100 As society changes, it places new demands on its surroundings. New research has found that some EU countries are better able to manage the undesirable expansion of cities, the concept known as ‘urban sprawl’, because they have a flexible spatial planning policy that can easily adapt to changes. Urban sprawl is a term used to describe the expansion of residential suburbs around city centres, driven by peoples’ desire to live in larger houses and the ease of transport made possible by cars. Full Article
gin Managing flood risk: more realistic models need to take account of spatial differences By Published On :: Thur, 19 April 2018 9:23:19 GMT Effective flood-risk management requires accurate risk-analysis models. Conventional analysis approaches, however, are based on the evaluation of spatially homogenous scenarios, which do not account for variation in flooding across a river reach/ region. Since flood events are often spatially heterogeneous (i.e. unevenly distributed), this paves the way for error. Now, scientists have developed a novel framework for risk analysis that accounts for their heterogeneity, and successfully demonstrated the accuracy of the approach by applying it in a proof-of-concept exercise in Vorarlberg, Austria. By facilitating improved prediction and quantification of flood events, this model is likely to inform future flood-risk management and related decision-making. Full Article
gin Limiting bioenergy crops to marginal land would not work, says study By Published On :: Thu, 21 Mar 2013 12:06:50 +0100 Large-scale cultivation of bioenergy crops on marginal land is unfeasible, according to a recent study. While limiting bioenergy crops to less productive land could cut the sector’s impact on food prices, the financial incentive to grow crops on more productive land may be too strong for landowners to ignore, the researchers suggest. Full Article
gin Managing infectious disease under climate change By Published On :: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 12:56:17 GMT Health experts have called for a proactive, joined-up approach to public health in Europe under a changing climate. A recent study has examined the evidence for the influence of the climate on infectious disease and proposes a new integrated network for environmental and health data. Full Article
gin Managing water demand, reuse and recycling By Published On :: Thu, 21 Jun 2012 15:19:41 +0100 To meet demand, more and more water is being abstracted from the land and transported long distances. This thematic issue addresses the most pressing policy issues within this field as Europe looks for an effective strategy to deal with water supply and consumption. Full Article
gin Managing and Monitoring the Natura 2000 Network By Published On :: Thu, 10 Jan 2013 09:14:10 +0100 Published to mark the 20th anniversary of the Habitats Directive, this latest Thematic issue examines the challenges and successes in managing and restoring biodiversity in the Natura 2000 network. Full Article
gin How bridging organisations aid design and uptake of EU agri-environment schemes By Published On :: Tues, 27 June 2017 9:23:19 GMT Managing landscapes effectively requires the involvement of a wide variety of stakeholders. The views and interests of these different groups can be effectively integrated by agri-environment 'collaboratives' — a type of bridging organisation which can be found in varying forms in Europe. Using data from Germany and the Netherlands, a study concludes that these groups make important contributions to landscape management, ranging from implementing policy to generating income. Full Article
gin Online Banking Password keeps changing By Published On :: 2018-06-01T21:59:06-05:00 Full Article
gin Noise maps suggest too many people exposed to damaging noise levels By Published On :: Thu, 3 Nov 2011 14:15:19 GMT Nearly 85% of residents in central Dublin, Ireland, could be exposed to damaging levels of night-time traffic noise, according to a recent study. The researchers explain how they assessed population exposure to noise and calculate the impacts of several noise reduction measures, providing information that could help EU Member States meet the Environmental Noise Directive’s requirements. Full Article
gin Strategies for encouraging CSR in SMEs By Published On :: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 14:05:47 +0100 A recent Spanish study has examined the implications of corporate social responsibility (CSR) strategies in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) related to sustainable development, as well as the role public administrations play in this process. The findings offer ideas that could be included in government policies aimed at promoting social responsibilities and sustainability, especially for SMEs. Full Article
gin Impact of one-off dredging deposits important for licensing By Published On :: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 15:49:19 GMT New insights into the impact of dredging on the environment highlight the distinction between small, frequent deposits of sediments arising from maintenance dredging, and larger one-off capital deposits. Understanding this distinction is crucial for effective licensing and monitoring of dredging. Full Article
gin Changing climate could increase hazards in Alpine regions By Published On :: Thu, 3 Jun 2010 11:55:41 +0100 Climate change could cause increasing but unpredictable hazard risks in mountainous regions, according to a new study. The study analyses the effects of two extreme weather events - the 2003 heatwave and the 2005 flood - on the Eastern European Alps to demonstrate how similar events, predicted to become more frequent under a changing climate, could have an impact on Alpine regions. Full Article
gin Options for managing the variability of wind power explored By Published On :: Thu, 12 May 2011 12:14:46 +0100 As wind power becomes more important in the energy mix, so too does the need to manage its variability. A new study has reviewed the options and indicates that, although state-of-the art technologies exist to maximise gains from wind power, they need proper and insightful management. Full Article
gin Natural fertilisation of sea hints at effects of geoengineering projects By Published On :: Fri, 21 Oct 2011 10:21:20 GMT New research investigating the effects of naturally occurring iron fertilisation in the sea suggests that large scale geoengineering projects designed to sequester carbon in the deep sea could have a dramatic impact on marine ecosystems. The study found that the organic matter arriving at the sea floor and the species that live there are very different, depending on whether waters are fertilised by iron leached from nearby islands or not. Full Article
gin Crop yields largely unharmed in geoengineered climate By Published On :: Thu, 29 Mar 2012 12:00:08 +0100 Concerns about the negative impacts of ‘sunshade’ geoengineering on global food security are not supported by a recent modelling study, the first to simulate yield changes in a geoengineered climate. However, to mitigate climate change, the researchers suggest actions to reduce CO2 emissions are safer than introducing geoengineering projects, partly because some regions may actually suffer reduced crop yield in a geoengineered climate. Full Article
gin Bioengineered microbes turn seaweed into biofuels By Published On :: Thu, 19 Apr 2012 13:47:14 +0100 Turning brown seaweed into biofuels is one option that has been proposed to help meet the world's growing energy demands from renewable sources. Recent research has overcome a major barrier to converting the majority of sugars in seaweed into bioethanol and other valuable products by using genetically engineered bacteria to break down the seaweed. Full Article
gin Dutch study shows policy effective in reducing packaging By Published On :: Thu, 19 May 2011 12:26:10 +0100 Policies to reduce packaging are effective as long as they remain in place for at least five years and aim for an absolute reduction in packaging volume, experiences from the Netherlands suggest. A study of Dutch packaging policy found that packaging levels fell when such policies were in place, but that the amount of packaging has since risen as policies have become more short-term and focused on reducing packaging levels relative to changes in GDP. Full Article
gin Manufacturers should stress ‘green’ packaging qualities to educate consumers on real impact By Published On :: Thur, 29 August 2019 11:23:19 GMT Consumers in France, Germany and the USA perceive ‘environmentally friendly’ packaging to be reusable, recyclable and ‘biodegradable’1, finds a new study. These results suggest that producers should emphasise the end-of-life merits of packaging to appeal to consumers’ environmental concerns, and design packaging that is reusable, recyclable and ‘biodegradable’. However, they also indicate a need to raise public awareness of packaging’s true life-cycle environmental impacts, such as those during production and transport, which are greater than consumers generally perceive them to be. Full Article
gin Food packaging: a practical guide to environmental footprint labelling By Published On :: Tues, 19 November 2019 11:23:19 GMT Food packaging waste is currently under scrutiny. In the context of its Circular Economy Action Plan, the EU is addressing this through, among others, its Product Environmental Footprint (PEF) initiative , which aims to enhance the reliability of environmental claims — both in a business-to-consumer and in a business-to-business context. The initiative aims, therefore, to boost the market of green and circular products. However, a review of the methods available for assessing the environmental sustainability of packaging now highlights the difficulty of clearly characterising packaging's environmental impact. The study suggests a new, fully quantifiable framework that could help to standardise assessment methods and bring 'environmental footprint labelling' to fruition. Full Article
gin Changing the Batteries on SKYCADDIE 2.5 By Published On :: 2014-06-14T09:54:49-05:00 Full Article
gin Solar geoengineering schemes impacts differ across regions By Published On :: Thu, 7 Oct 2010 11:43:28 +0100 Injecting light-reflecting particles into the atmosphere to counteract rising levels of greenhouse gas emissions cannot stabilise both temperatures and rainfall in all regions of the world at the same time, according to recent research. This raises serious questions about how such a process could be managed. Full Article
gin Mining scientific databases for emerging topics: a new tool for policy By Published On :: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 09:12:34 GMT Identifying emerging research areas and technologies is important for decision makers, but notoriously difficult to do. This study presents a new way of searching the literature to identify emerging topics, which will help policymakers, industry and funding bodies to make better decisions. Full Article
gin New tool assesses the life-cycle impact of emerging technologies — despite data gaps By Published On :: Thur, 10 May 2019 11:23:19 GMT Researchers use life-cycle assessment (LCA) as a tool to evaluate the environmental impact of products and technologies across their entire lifetime — from extraction of raw material to end-of-life (disposal or recycling). It is challenging to apply the conventional LCA method to new or emerging technologies, however, due to the sheer quantity of data needed for such studies. This study proposes a screening-to-LCA method that uses available data to systematically evaluate the performance of such technologies, and support the uptake of those that are most environmentally sustainable. Full Article
gin Technology services and its changing role during the Covid-19 era By Published On :: 2020-05-01T16:26:21+05:30 Since ‘virtual’ is the new normal, get imaginative on how you work, how you stay in touch and use technology to make this unique experience also a memorable on. Full Article
gin Images from Sun's edge reveal origins of solar wind By Published On :: Fri, 02 Sep 2016 10:08:42 +0000 Ever since the 1950s discovery of the solar wind - the constant flow of charged particles from the sun - there's been a stark disconnect between this outpouring and the sun itself. As it approaches Earth, the solar wind is gusty and turbulent. But near the sun where it originates, this wind is structured in distinct rays, much like a child's simple drawing of the sun. The details of the transition from defined rays in the corona, the sun's upper atmosphere, to the solar wind have been, until now, a mystery. read more Full Article Astronomy & Space
gin Economic incentives for bringing e-waste into the circular economy By Published On :: Thu, 12 Nov 2015 9:23:19 GMT An economic analysis of 14 common categories of waste electric and electronic equipment (WEEE) has highlighted the economic value of bringing e-waste streams into the circular economy. The overall worth is calculated as €2.15 billion to European markets, with a potential rise to €3.67 billion as volumes increase. Full Article
gin Link between weather and chronic pain is emerging through innovative smartphone research By Published On :: Wed, 07 Sep 2016 19:42:34 +0000 Preliminary findings from a mass participation study have indicated a link between weather conditions - specifically rain and lack of sunshine - and chronic pain. read more Full Article Psychology & Sociology
gin Ringing in a new era: India ready for next phase of growth in mobile tech By Published On :: 2017-01-15T08:19:54+05:30 The first inkling of the potential of the industry came with the appearance of smartphones like Nokia 9000, which found ready acceptance among professionals, entrepreneurs and even enterprises. Full Article
gin Why waste a crisis? Re-imagining India’s electronics industry By Published On :: 2020-05-01T14:30:00+05:30 As electronics manufacturers are set to resume operations in India, it is apparent that in the short term there is no alternative to sourcing from China, as urgent replenishment of inventories clearly implies continued dependence on it. Full Article
gin Seven top tips for staging the perfect virtual event By Published On :: 2015-07-09T01:00:43+05:30 BT decided to showcase its technology by hosting a virtual media summit for AMEA and we knew that we could save money and invite more people if we made it virtual. Full Article
gin Gender and our brains : how new neuroscience explodes the myths of the male and female minds / Gina Rippon By Published On :: Rippon, Gina, author Full Article
gin Benefits of logging residues as bioenergy depend on fuel they replace By Published On :: Thu, 25 Nov 2010 11:57:45 GMT Benefits gained from the use of logging residues as a fuel depend more on the type of fossil fuel they replace than on the distance the residues have to travel, according to new research. Residues that replace coal produce the greatest reductions in CO2 emissions. Full Article
gin A behaviour and attitude-changing two-step PES scheme in Peru By Published On :: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 12:15:31 +0100 A two-stage payment for ecosystem services (PES) scheme that first changes public behaviour and attitudes towards conservation before implementing payments would be more effective than a community conservation approach or a single-stage PES scheme, according to a recent study. This approach was found to be successful for a forest conservation project in Peru. Full Article
gin Fire patterns in Spain under a changing climate By Published On :: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT A recent study has found that fire regimes have changed in Spain over the past 42 years. The pattern of changes has affected the number of fires and burned area, reflecting a changing climate and environmental conditions, such as land use changes caused by a population shift from rural to urban areas, and modern fire suppression activities. Full Article
gin Imagined life : a speculative scientific journey among the exoplanets in search of intelligent aliens, ice creatures, and supergravity animals / James Trefil, Michael Summers By Published On :: Trefil, James, 1938- author Full Article
gin Managing electricity demand could maximise wind power benefits By Published On :: Thu, 15 Jul 2010 12:00:57 +0100 Controlling energy demand instead of supply could help solve the problems of variability associated with wind power, according to new research. In the case of Portugal, it was estimated that measures to reduce electricity demand could reduce the peak consumption by 17.4 per cent in 2020. Full Article
gin Influencing environmental behaviour through nudging and information By Published On :: Thu, 18 Jun 2014 9:23:19 GMT One of the greatest challenges facing environmental policymakers is encouraging people to behave more sustainably. A recent study explores how 'nudging' people to make environmentally friendly choices, together with providing information, can be a successful combination for achieving behavioural change. Full Article
gin Industry may not be paying its way in packaging waste management By Published On :: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 9:23:19 GMT Many EU businesses are failing to cover the net cost of recycling packaging waste, new research suggests. Industry is required to take responsibility for treating and recycling waste packaging in the EU; however, this study shows that producers in France, Portugal and Romania do not fully cover waste management costs. Full Article
gin Resource-efficient Portuguese packaging waste management system brings multiple benefits By Published On :: Tue, 30 June 2015 9:23:19 GMT A Portuguese waste management system for packaging has brought a range of environmental, economic and social benefits, according to a recent study. One of the scheme’s main achievements was that it avoided around 116 kilotons (kt) of CO2 equivalent emissions in a single year, equal to the emissions associated with the electricity use of 124 000 households. These emissions were largely circumvented because the system recovers large amounts of energy and materials from the waste packaging. Full Article
gin Noise from human activity can impair foraging in bats By Published On :: Thu, 03 September 2015 9:23:19 GMT Human-generated noise can reduce the foraging activity of wildlife and should be taken into account during conservation planning, a new study suggests. The test showed that traffic noise decreased the foraging activity of Daubenton’s bat (Myotis daubentonii) by inducing an avoidance response. The new experimental approach could be used to identify how noise disturbs any species capable of detecting noise. Full Article
gin ‘Bridging’ organisations increase farmer commitment to Common Agricultural Policy By Published On :: Thu, 21 Jan 2016 09:12:34 GMT ‘Network bridging organisations’, such as farmer unions, Regional Nature Parks and Local Action Groups, promote cooperation between farmers, non-state collective actors and state actors under the Common Agricultural Policy. This study finds that farmers who have regular contact with these organisations show a higher commitment to long-term practice change. This could represent an opportunity to improve the effectiveness of payments for environmental services in Europe. Full Article
gin Changing research assessments could encourage knowledge dissemination By Published On :: Tue, 22 Mar 2016 09:12:34 GMT Research assessments should focus more on engagement processes and less on impacts and outcomes, a new study suggests. The authors examined researchers’ intended impacts and motivational factors, and stated that a change in research evaluation methods, together with better direction from university managers, could help incentivise knowledge exchange and engagement between departments and non-academic entities. Full Article
gin Impact of one-off dredging deposits important for licensing By Published On :: Thu, 25 Feb 2010 15:25:55 GMT New insights into the impact of dredging on the environment highlight the distinction between small, frequent deposits of sediments arising from maintenance dredging, and larger one-off capital deposits. Understanding this distinction is crucial for effective licensing and monitoring of dredging. Full Article
gin Managing water shortages under a growing population By Published On :: Thu, 2 Dec 2010 11:14:55 GMT A new study has analysed water shortages around the world over the past two millennia. Population growth has been a significant pressure on supplies and will continue to increase in threat in future. Dealing with water scarcity will therefore increasingly require improved water governance, management and policy measures, which are fully integrated into societal development. Full Article