
Issues Of The Environment: What Happens Next With The Gelman 1,4 Dioxane Plume

The 1,4 dioxane plume emanating from the old Gelman Sciences facility on Wagner Road in Scio Township continues to expand through groundwater in the greater Ann Arbor area. At a recent public forum, the federal Environmental Protection Agency said it would take decades to get the contamination designated as a Superfund site and clean-up could take decades beyond that. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks to Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners chair Jason Morgan about what is happening now to better address the environmental threat.


Issues Of The Environment: Huron River Watershed Council Update On PFAS Legislation And Litigation

PFAS contamination continues to threaten Michigan's environment, as well as the health of its citizens. Over the past month, action at the state level has been taken to fight this problem. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," Rebecca Esselman, executive director of the Huron River Watershed Council, discusses progress and challenges with WEMU's David Fair.


Issues Of The Environment: The Search For Tax Parity For Electric Vehicles

By all accounts, electric vehicles are the future. Right now, EV’s comprise a small percentage of the automotive marketplace. A new study from the Ecology Center in Ann Arbor shows the electric vehicles owners are paying far more in taxes and fees and that can serve as a disincentive to purchase. The center’s Charles Griffith joined WEMU’s David Fair for this week’s "Issues of the Environment" to share the study’s findings and discuss the need to create policy that will create tax parity for EV vehicles.


Issues Of The Environment: Making The Environment A Priority In Michigan's Budget

Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently released the latest Michigan state budget, and it includes funding for a number of environmental programs. And, it builds on the initiatives launched in her first budget cycle as governor. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks over environmental priorities, progress, and challenges with State Senator Jeff Irwin.


Issues Of The Environment: University Of Michigan Freezes New Investments In Fossil Fuels-Now What?

In an attempt to reduce its carbon footprint, the University of Michigan has pledged to freeze its investments in fossil fuel companies. This move has drawn praise from such activist groups as the U-M's Climate Action Movement (CAM). But it also says the school needs to go much further. CAM member and U-M doctoral student Noah Weaverdyck discusses it all with WEMU's David Fair on this week's "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: The Battle For Environmental Protections And Future Sustainability

Since President Donald Trump took office, 58 environmental protection policies have been rolled back or rescinded. 37 more are in the process of being taken off the books. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair checks in with 12th District Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingell about efforts to thwart federal policies that threaten environmental health and sustainability.


Issues Of The Environment: Pushing For "Energy Freedom" In The Michigan Legislature

A series of "energy freedom" bills, which would allow customers to diversify energy generation and usage is before the Michigan Legislature. For this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks with Ed Rivet, executive director of the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum, about a new strategy to move the measures forward.


Issues Of The Environment: Washtenaw’s Food Network Provides Resilience During Times Of Crisis

Many services have felt the sting of the coronavirus outbreak. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," Kathy Sample, founder/owner of Argus Farm Stop, joins WEMU's David Fair for a conversation about the importance of local food during this unprecendented time.


Issues Of The Environment: Chemical Impacts In Fighting The Spread Of COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has lead to major changes for homes and businesses, including more frequent use of chemicals and disinfectants. While they do help, some can be dangerous to human health and the environment. Professor John Meeker , senior associate dean for research at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, spoke with WEMU's David Fair about how best to safely use these products on "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: COVID-19, Chemicals, And The Ann Arbor Municipal Water Supply

Maintaining water service and safety remains an essential service during Governor Whitmer's "Stay Home, Stay Safe" executive order. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks with the manager of Ann Arbor's water treatment services, Brian Steglitz, about managing the system to filter out virus and chemical contamination.


Issues Of The Environment: Keeping The AAATA Operational And Available During The Pandemic

Many aspects of daily life have been dramatically changed due to COVID-19, and public transportation is certainly no exception. Although services like the Ann Arbor Area Transportion Authority (AAATA) promote a cleaner environment, they still have financial obligations and public health matters to consider. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," AAATA CEO Matt Carpenter explains how his organization and other forms of public transit in Michigan are adapting to the pandemic in a conversation with WEMU's David Fair.


Issues Of The Environment: Properly Disposing Of PPEs And Other Waste During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Centers for Disease Control continues to recommend wearing gloves and masks while in public. More and more people are following recommended guidelines. However, getting rid of those personal protective equipment (PPE) items is often being done improperly. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks with Washtenaw County Public Works manager Theo Eggermont about proper disposal to protect public health and the environment.


Issues Of The Environment: Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years! Part One - Origins In Ann Arbor

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. A group of environmentally aware and concerned students at the University of Michigan formed the group ENACT during a rather heady time on campus in 1969. Through activity and organization, it led to the first-ever Earth Day in 1970. In Part 1 of a special, Earth Day edition of "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair caught up with David Allan to look back at the five decades since that event. Allan was a founding member and co-chair of ENACT and an organizer for the first Earth Day.


Issues Of The Environment: Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years! Part 2 - Looking Ahead During COVID-19

Today marks the 50th Earth Day in the United States, which traces its origins to Ann Arbor. Normally, there would have been a huge celebration, but the coronavirus pandemic has put a halt to that. For Part 2 of a special, Earth Day edition of "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair spoke with Jonathan Overpeck, dean of the U-M School for Environment and Sustainability. They discuss an online celebration of Earth Day and look ahead to what the future may hold.


Issues Of The Environment: COVID-19 Brings Major Disruptions To Food Production And Supply

Food production has been seriously disrupted to the coronavirus pandemic. It has forced producers, including dairy farmers, to dispose of more of their supplies, which has led to more food waste. Joe Diglio, president/CEO of the Michigan Milk Producers Association, has a conversation with WEMU's David Fair about how the problems are being addressed in this week's "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: Washtenaw County Flood Greater In 2020

It's been forecast that this spring will be quite wet. That could bring flooding to portions of Washtenaw County. Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner Evan Pratt joined WEMU's David Fair to discuss planning for such issues and the proactive nature of work already underway on this week's "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: Celebrating 25 Years Of Bringing Environmental Information To You

Every week, for a quarter of a century now, WEMU's David Fair has delivered "Issues of the Environment," which has brought information involving our community's environmental health. He has welcomed numerous guests to discuss matters, such as managing food waste, monitoring climate change, and fighting hazardous chemicals like PFAS. This week, David welcomes Washtenaw County water resources commissioner Evan Pratt for a look back at 25 years of "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: Ann Arbor Aims For Carbon Neutrality After Declaring Climate Emergency

Last year, the City of Ann Arbor declared a "climate emergency." Now, the city aims to be carbon neutral by the year 2030. Missy Stults, City of Ann Arbor's Sustainability and Innovations Manager, provides further details on the plan with WEMU's David Fair in this week's "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: The Relationship Between Environmental Justice And Winter Health

A number of Americans have difficulty paying their energy bills, which can be very dangerous to a person's health during the winter months. Dr. Tony Reames, an assistant professor at the U-M's School for Environment and Sustainability, is now researching ways to better understand the correlation between environmental health and income. Dr. Reames discusses his work with WEMU's David Fair for this week's "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: New Report Highlights Environmental Health Risks For Michigan Children

Pollution found in our air and water can lead to serious health issues. A new report from the Children’s Environmental Health Network explored such risks, especially for children. Michigan Environmental Council program director Tina Reynolds discusses the report with WEMU's David Fair in this week's "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: What Happens Next With The Gelman 1,4 Dioxane Plume

The 1,4 dioxane plume emanating from the old Gelman Sciences facility on Wagner Road in Scio Township continues to expand through groundwater in the greater Ann Arbor area. At a recent public forum, the federal Environmental Protection Agency said it would take decades to get the contamination designated as a Superfund site and clean-up could take decades beyond that. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks to Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners chair Jason Morgan about what is happening now to better address the environmental threat.


Issues Of The Environment: Huron River Watershed Council Update On PFAS Legislation And Litigation

PFAS contamination continues to threaten Michigan's environment, as well as the health of its citizens. Over the past month, action at the state level has been taken to fight this problem. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," Rebecca Esselman, executive director of the Huron River Watershed Council, discusses progress and challenges with WEMU's David Fair.


Issues Of The Environment: The Search For Tax Parity For Electric Vehicles

By all accounts, electric vehicles are the future. Right now, EV’s comprise a small percentage of the automotive marketplace. A new study from the Ecology Center in Ann Arbor shows the electric vehicles owners are paying far more in taxes and fees and that can serve as a disincentive to purchase. The center’s Charles Griffith joined WEMU’s David Fair for this week’s "Issues of the Environment" to share the study’s findings and discuss the need to create policy that will create tax parity for EV vehicles.


Issues Of The Environment: Making The Environment A Priority In Michigan's Budget

Governor Gretchen Whitmer recently released the latest Michigan state budget, and it includes funding for a number of environmental programs. And, it builds on the initiatives launched in her first budget cycle as governor. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks over environmental priorities, progress, and challenges with State Senator Jeff Irwin.


Issues Of The Environment: University Of Michigan Freezes New Investments In Fossil Fuels-Now What?

In an attempt to reduce its carbon footprint, the University of Michigan has pledged to freeze its investments in fossil fuel companies. This move has drawn praise from such activist groups as the U-M's Climate Action Movement (CAM). But it also says the school needs to go much further. CAM member and U-M doctoral student Noah Weaverdyck discusses it all with WEMU's David Fair on this week's "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: The Battle For Environmental Protections And Future Sustainability

Since President Donald Trump took office, 58 environmental protection policies have been rolled back or rescinded. 37 more are in the process of being taken off the books. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair checks in with 12th District Michigan Congresswoman Debbie Dingell about efforts to thwart federal policies that threaten environmental health and sustainability.


Issues Of The Environment: Pushing For "Energy Freedom" In The Michigan Legislature

A series of "energy freedom" bills, which would allow customers to diversify energy generation and usage is before the Michigan Legislature. For this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks with Ed Rivet, executive director of the Michigan Conservative Energy Forum, about a new strategy to move the measures forward.


Issues Of The Environment: Washtenaw’s Food Network Provides Resilience During Times Of Crisis

Many services have felt the sting of the coronavirus outbreak. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," Kathy Sample, founder/owner of Argus Farm Stop, joins WEMU's David Fair for a conversation about the importance of local food during this unprecendented time.


Issues Of The Environment: Chemical Impacts In Fighting The Spread Of COVID-19

The coronavirus pandemic has lead to major changes for homes and businesses, including more frequent use of chemicals and disinfectants. While they do help, some can be dangerous to human health and the environment. Professor John Meeker , senior associate dean for research at the University of Michigan's School of Public Health, spoke with WEMU's David Fair about how best to safely use these products on "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: COVID-19, Chemicals, And The Ann Arbor Municipal Water Supply

Maintaining water service and safety remains an essential service during Governor Whitmer's "Stay Home, Stay Safe" executive order. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks with the manager of Ann Arbor's water treatment services, Brian Steglitz, about managing the system to filter out virus and chemical contamination.


Issues Of The Environment: Keeping The AAATA Operational And Available During The Pandemic

Many aspects of daily life have been dramatically changed due to COVID-19, and public transportation is certainly no exception. Although services like the Ann Arbor Area Transportion Authority (AAATA) promote a cleaner environment, they still have financial obligations and public health matters to consider. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," AAATA CEO Matt Carpenter explains how his organization and other forms of public transit in Michigan are adapting to the pandemic in a conversation with WEMU's David Fair.


Issues Of The Environment: Properly Disposing Of PPEs And Other Waste During COVID-19 Pandemic

The Centers for Disease Control continues to recommend wearing gloves and masks while in public. More and more people are following recommended guidelines. However, getting rid of those personal protective equipment (PPE) items is often being done improperly. In this week's "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair talks with Washtenaw County Public Works manager Theo Eggermont about proper disposal to protect public health and the environment.


Issues Of The Environment: Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years! Part One - Origins In Ann Arbor

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. A group of environmentally aware and concerned students at the University of Michigan formed the group ENACT during a rather heady time on campus in 1969. Through activity and organization, it led to the first-ever Earth Day in 1970. In Part 1 of a special, Earth Day edition of "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair caught up with David Allan to look back at the five decades since that event. Allan was a founding member and co-chair of ENACT and an organizer for the first Earth Day.


Issues Of The Environment: Earth Day Celebrates 50 Years! Part 2 - Looking Ahead During COVID-19

Today marks the 50th Earth Day in the United States, which traces its origins to Ann Arbor. Normally, there would have been a huge celebration, but the coronavirus pandemic has put a halt to that. For Part 2 of a special, Earth Day edition of "Issues of the Environment," WEMU's David Fair spoke with Jonathan Overpeck, dean of the U-M School for Environment and Sustainability. They discuss an online celebration of Earth Day and look ahead to what the future may hold.


Issues Of The Environment: COVID-19 Brings Major Disruptions To Food Production And Supply

Food production has been seriously disrupted to the coronavirus pandemic. It has forced producers, including dairy farmers, to dispose of more of their supplies, which has led to more food waste. Joe Diglio, president/CEO of the Michigan Milk Producers Association, has a conversation with WEMU's David Fair about how the problems are being addressed in this week's "Issues of the Environment."


Issues Of The Environment: Washtenaw County Flood Greater In 2020

It's been forecast that this spring will be quite wet. That could bring flooding to portions of Washtenaw County. Washtenaw County Water Resources Commissioner Evan Pratt joined WEMU's David Fair to discuss planning for such issues and the proactive nature of work already underway on this week's "Issues of the Environment."


What Do You Miss When You Miss Church?

What do you miss when you miss church? Can we be saved if we don't attend church?

  • Pastor Doug's Weekly Message


EU-Kommission fordert Verlängerung des Einreisestopps

Die EU-Kommission will eine Verlängerung des Einreisestopps nach Europa bis zum 15. Juni. Die Lage in Europa und weltweit bleibe wegen der Corona-Pandemie instabil. Entscheiden muss aber letztendlich jedes Land für sich.


Noch immer misstrauen viele Deutsche dem Onlinebanking

In vielen Staaten vor allem Skandinaviens nutzt fast die gesamte Bevölkerung eine digitale Bankverbindung. In Deutschland sind es 86 Prozent. Vor allem Jüngere aber nutzen lieber das Smartphone als den Bankschalter


Reisewarnung bis Ende April – das müssen Sie jetzt wissen

Die allgemeine Reisewarnung ist die höchste Eskalationsstufe der Hinweise des Auswärtigen Amts. Normalerweise wird sie nur für Kriegsgebiete und besonders gefährliche Regionen ausgesprochen – jetzt gilt sie weltweit. Was Reisende wissen müssen.


Narzissten neigen immer wieder zum Seitensprung

Ihr Liebhaber zeigt ein angeschlagenes Selbstwertgefühl oder Angst vor Nähe? Überlegen Sie sich gut, ob er der richtige ist – denn er könnte irgendwann auch Sie betrügen.


Was Sie über „Covid-19-Pässe“ wissen müssen

In vielen Ländern wird darüber diskutiert, Immunitätsausweise auszustellen. Sie sollen Menschen, die eine Infektion hinter sich haben, endlich wieder Urlaub und damit eine Rückkehr in den Alltag ermöglichen. Was sagen Immunologen und die WHO dazu?


960- Tyler Childers, Johnny Staats, Mary Gauthier, Miss Tess & The Talkbacks, Bil Lepp

Our 36th Anniversary with Tyler Childers, Johnny Staats & the Delivery Boys, Mary Gauthier, Miss Tess & The Talkbacks, Bil Lepp. Recorded in Charleston, WV on December 1, 2019.Support is provided by Adventures on the Gorge.


What Do You Miss When You Miss Church?

What do you miss when you miss church? Can we be saved if we don't attend church?

  • Pastor Doug's Weekly Message


Puppy Adoptions / Melissa Jones's Soulful Sound / New Arrivals

Bay Area dog shelters are seeing a huge increase in interest despite being closed to the public. We’ll find out how dog adoptions work while we’re sheltered in place. Then, Oakland singer Melissa Jones says there’s no one sound for black artists. And, we hear a reading from San Francisco author Wendy Liu .


COVID-19 Testing In The Mission / Golden Gate Parkcast / New Arrivals

We look at the results of a cutting-edge community testing program in the Mission and what it says about race, inequality, and housing. Then, we go across town to find Shakespeare in Golden Gate Park . And, we dive into more contemporary literature in our series, " New Arrivals ."


The Cuban Crisis and Mission Opportunity

Luz had never heard Bible truth in her language—until she attended a Spanish-speaking Amazing Facts prophecy series! She devoured the message and wanted more. Today, you can greatly multiply the number of Spanish materials and websites for our Latino friends when you sacrificially support this ministry. Thank you for changing her life and helping to bring the message of life to the people of Cuba.


Miss You Bad (feat. Mark Knopfler) bowalton - Miss You Bad (feat. Mark Knopfler)




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