

We have a whole generation that has either grown up home schooled, Harry Potter fed, classically read – or been indoctrinated by politically correct, often anti-Christian, public schools. They eat, sleep, and live differently than their elders; in equal measure being both more conservative and liberal than their forebears, depending on the issue. When they come to the Church, what do they seek?


To the Church in Sardis: Be Watchful

Fr. John shares from the Evangelist John's words to the Church of Sardis in the book of the Revelation (3:1-6).


If You Can Catch Him

Fr. John talks about the importance of living according to the gospel and remaining a part of the Christian race.


Everybody Has a Hatchet

We all have ways to work through our hang ups. Whether we run away from the things we fear or rush headlong toward them, taking a moment to consider the story we’re telling can go a long way in helping and preserving us.


Ditch Dieting

How are we supposed to enjoy our bodies when advertising markets unrealistic ways of looking, living, and eating? Rita discusses ways to celebrate the Paschal season, and life in general, without succumbing to media-imposed standards of beauty.


Learning from A Monastery's Kitchen

In this podcast we discover wonderful wisdom from A Monastery's Kitchen to bring Christ into everything we do.


Catching Our Breath

Sometimes, the hardest kind of pressure to deal with is the kind that just doesn't let up. What can we do to break in on that stress? How can we stop and catch our breath? Join Fr. Nick and Dr. Roxanne Louh live for practical advice.


Men, Ketchup and the Resurrection

You have to listen to get the connection. Hint: Men and Women are just different!


Welcome to Chapter Two - Catching Up

Elissa updates the Raising Saints audience on some new projects they might find interesting, and establishes a new plan for the future of Raising Saints.


Episode 9: Finding God in the Devil of Hell's Kitchen

Join Steve and Christian this week as they explore the Netflix original series Daredevil. They discuss what they love about the series, why superheroes appeal to our desire for a savior, and whether they’d be good guys or bad guys. Also, the top 5 superpowers of all time.


Episode 20: The Lion, the Witch, and the Podcast

Steve and Christian take a look at the classic children’s books The Chronicles of Narnia. They discuss transcendence, transformation, and using allegory to point to Christ. They close with their top 5 Narnia characters.


Episode 86: Bandersnatch'd

The guys take a hack at the Black Mirror’s groundbreaking choose-your-own-adventure episode, Bandersnatch! Besides being thoroughly creeped out by it, the guys discuss participatory culture, the role of freedom in the human life, and how our desire to control is born out of fear. They close with their Top 5 Breakings Though the Fourth Wall.


Episode 130: Fetch the Bolt Cutters

“I used to think that being blacklisted would be grist for the mill until I realized I’m still here.” - Fiona Apple The guys explore the new Fiona Apple album: "Fetch the Bolt Cutters." They discuss life under quarantine, cycles of sin, and how Christ breaks us free.


Episode 163: The Mitchells vs The Machines

"Families can be hard, but they're so worth fighting for. They might be one of the only things that are." Steve and Christian watched the new Netflix film, "The Mitchells vs. The Machines." The guys discuss family, belonging, and being corrects vs being connected. Philanthropy Spotlight: Christ's last words to the Apostles were "Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all people". Since 1987, OCMC has sent Missionaries and Mission Teams to work, worship and witness around the world. Continue this tradition by joining a Virtual Mission Team. If not you, then who? Find out more at


The Ecclesio-Political System of Byzantium and Its Shortcomings

Fr. John draws attention to a feature of Byzantine statecraft in which the Emperor persecuted and manipulated the leadership of the Church.


When the Romantic Agony Became Personal: The Music of Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Most Americans know Tchaikovsky as the composer of the delightful dances contained within the Nutcracker Ballet. As Fr. John Strickland shows, however, there is much more to be heard in their melodies, and little that was delightful about the emotionally agonized life behind them. Using selections from a variety of works, he explores how the romantic agony came for Tchaikovsky in his boyhood and thereafter never departed. Special attention is given to an analysis of the famous Sixth Symphony, nicknamed Pathetique. First performed just days before the composer's abrupt death, the work brings the generation of the romantics to a heart-rending and emblematic conclusion.


Costco, Clemson, and Christianity

Fr. John reflects on a few experiences at Costco, and then about Clemson and Christianity.


The Suitcase: A Story About Giving

The Suitcase: A Story About Giving by Jane G. Meyer, illustrated by Chiara Pasqualotto (Paraclete Press, 2017) Available at Paraclete Press.


A Miracle by St. Kendeas / The Boy, A Kitchen, and His Cave

1. In her inaugural broadcast, Chrissi reads her own composition for younger children - Under the Grapevine: A Miracle by St. Kendeas of Cyprus (Conciliar Press 2006) and for the older children part 1 of The Boy, a Kitchen, and His Cave by Catherine K. Contopoulos (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press 2002).


The Man and the Vine / The Monk Who Grew Prayer / The Boy, a Kitchen, and His Cave

2. Chrissi reads The Man and the Vine by Jane G. Meyer (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press), The Monk Who Grew Prayer by Claire Brandenburg (Conciliar Press), and the conclusion of The Boy, a Kitchen, and His Cave by Catherine Contopoulos (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press).


The Boy, a Kitchen, and His Cave - 1

151. The Boy, a Kitchen, and His Cave by Catherine K. Contopoulos, part one (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2002).


The Boy, a Kitchen, and His Cave - 2/Conclusion

152. The Boy, a Kitchen, and His Cave by Catherine K. Contopoulos, part two/conclusion (St. Vladimir's Seminary Press, 2002).


My Journey From Witchcraft To Orthodoxy - Part 2

Kevin continues his discussion with former Wicca priestess, Sara Hillis. At the end of the interview, he references her music which can be found at


My Journey From Witchcraft To Orthodoxy - Part 1

Meet Sara Hillis, musician and English literature scholar who became a witch priestess before encountering Christ and finding the Orthodox Church!


Guest Co-Host Fr. David Thatcher

Fr. David Thatcher joins Fr. Evan Armatas as guest co-host to take questions about church structure, the Gospel message, disillusionment, and more.


Guest Co-Host Fr. David Thatcher

Fr. David Thatcher is the co-host with Fr. Evan Armatas tonight. They take on some knotty questions that take some time to answer including the dilemma of an Orthodox mom and her out of wedlock pregnant daughter. They also address the question of Yoga and the first of the 55 maxims of Fr. Thomas Hopko - Be always with Christ.


Keeping Watch

Listen to excerpts from this past Sunday's bulletin at St. John the Compassionate Mission, serving the most vulnerable in Toronto.


In the Kitchen with Thomas Wolfe

Martha reminds us that the reason we cook is for love.


The Kitchen: Command Central

Our kitchens serve many functions; there we prepare celebrations and we heal wounds. We nourish ourselves and others. Today Martha shares some observations about her own kitchen.


Making 8-bit music from scratch at the Commodore 64 BASIC prompt

Linus Åkesson just casually being amazing again #


How to Watch the News

Fr. Apostolos addresses sin as the animating principle behind the blood-letting we are witnessing around the world. References are drawn primarily from the Prophet Isaiah whose insights are as relevant today as they were 2,700 years ago.


Salvation, Not A Sales Pitch

On Stewardship Sunday, Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily that includes three testimonies from the newest Holy Trinity members and converts to Holy Orthodoxy.


Keeping Watch With Christ

Subdeacon Emmanuel is the homilist for the Great and Holy Thursday service.


Zacchaeus – from a sermon of St. John Maximovitch

Lessons from the story of Zacchaeus.


All Saints or All Witches?

Fr. Emmanuel Kahn gives the homily and compares Halloween with All Saints' Day.


Real Love Is Matched By Action


Who Has Bewitched You?


There's Always A Catch


It's Witchcraft!


Prayer = Watchfulness!


No Shortcuts


Watch-out for Shortcuts


Real Love Is Matched By Action


Prayer = Watchfulness


No Shortcuts!


The Morning After: LG’s new twisty display tech can stretch up to 50 percent

LG Display’s new free-form screen technology can expand from 12 to 18 inches, with a resolution of 100ppi. The display also uses a micro-LED light source smaller than 40 micrometers, so it can apparently be stretched over 10,000 times. While this probably isn’t your next smartphone, we could see the tech in clothing, car panels and more.

LG Display has pushed the boundaries of screen tech for a while, revealing folding screens before foldable phones appeared, roll-up TVS before roll-up TVs went on sale and transparent displays before they appeared in fancy stores, theme parks and elsewhere. So expect to see this Bop-it of displays somewhere, eventually.

— Mat Smith

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Netflix is crowing that its ad-supported tier now boasts 70 million global users. Amy Reinhard, president of advertising at Netflix, says the company continues “to see steady progress across all countries’ member bases.” But there isn’t any information about existing customers. It’s very possible a lot of people downgraded from a premium tier to an ad-supported tier.

Continue reading.


Fujifilm is developing a medium-format, 102-megapixel cinema camera, the company said in a surprise announcement. Due next year, the GFX Eterna will carry a boxy, modular design reminiscent of Sony’s FX6. The new camera will have a medium format GFX 102-megapixel (MP) CMOS II HS sensor, the same one used on the GFX100 II. That sensor is 43.8mm x 32.9 mm in size — that’s 1.7 times larger than the full-frame sensor on the FX.

The benefits will be extra dynamic range, potentially high resolution and a very shallow depth of field, which should enable cinematic shots with the right lens. Having said that, Fujifilm currently has no GFX glass designed specifically for film production. It’s working on it, though.

Continue reading.

This article originally appeared on Engadget at


The Orthodox Stitcher

Bobby Maddex interviews Stacey Anderson, an Orthodox Christian living in the Highlands of Scotland who is working on an interesting art project related to Fr. Thomas Hopko of blessed memory.


Ye Watchers and Ye Holy Ones

Fr. Pat discusses three points related to the Feast of All Saints.


Too Smart for their Britches

Preaching from 1 Corinthians 3:18 through 4:8, Fr. Pat discusses wisdom and knowledge, intellectual self-deception and the wisdom of God.


The Final Outcome is Not in Doubt

In the raising of the son of the widow of Nain, a liturgical parallel to the raising of Lazarus, Luke declares Jesus as Lord and Victor not only over death, but over everything.