on Now you can own this rare collector’s edition book set of wildlife fine art photography By www.diyphotography.net Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:42:53 +0000 Wildlife photography fans now have a unique opportunity to own a true collector’s piece from renowned wildlife photographer David Lloyd. For the first time, David... The post Now you can own this rare collector’s edition book set of wildlife fine art photography appeared first on DIY Photography. Full Article news Photography Book wildlife photography
on Bluetti’s new Elite200 V2 wants to power your camera gear on location By www.diyphotography.net Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 18:40:36 +0000 Finding power on location can be tough, especially when those locations are out in the middle of nowhere. It’s been getting a lot easier in... The post Bluetti’s new Elite200 V2 wants to power your camera gear on location appeared first on DIY Photography. Full Article news Bluetti Gear Announcement power
on Self-promotion By jontangerine.com Published On :: Thu, 13 May 2010 09:14:43 PDT The world has changed. Everything we do is more immediately visible to others than ever before, but much remains the same; the relationships we develop are as important as they always were. This post is a few thoughts on self-promotion, and how to have good relationships as a self-publisher. Meeting people face to face is ace. They could be colleagues, vendors, or clients; at conferences, coffee shops, or meeting rooms. The hallway and bar tracks at conferences are particularly great. I always come away with a refreshed appreciation for meatspace. However, most of our interactions take place over the Web. On the Web, the lines separating different kinds of relationships are a little blurred. The company trying to get you to buy a product or conference ticket uses the same medium as your friends. Freelancers and small companies (and co-ops!) can have as much of an impact as big businesses. ‘I publish therefore I am’ could be our new mantra. Hence this post, in a way. Although, I confess I have discussed these thoughts with friends and thought it was about time I kept my promise to publish them. Publishing primarily means text and images. Text is the most prevalent. However, much more meaning is conveyed non-verbally. ‘It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.’ Text can contain non-verbal elements like style — either handwritten or typographic characters — and emoticons, but we don’t control style in Twitter, email, or feeds. Or in any of the main situations where people read what we write (unless it’s our own site). Emoticons are often used in text to indicate tone, pitch, inflection, and emotion like irony, humour, or dismay. They plug gaps in the Latin alphabet’s scope that could be filled with punctuation like the sarcasm mark. By using them, we affirm how important non-verbal communication is. The other critical non-verbal communication around text is karma. Karma is our reputation, our social capital with our audience of peers, commentators, and customers. It has two distinct parts: Personality, and professional reputation. ‘It’s not what was said, it’s who said what.’ So, after that quick brain dump, let me recap: Relationships are everything. We publish primarily in text without the nuance of critical non-verbal communication. Text has non-verbal elements like style and emoticons, but we can only control the latter. Context is also non-verbal communication. Context is karma: Character and professional reputation. Us Brits are a funny bunch. Traditionally reserved. Hyperbole-shy. At least, in public. We use certain extreme adjectives sparingly for the most part, and usually avoid superlatives if at all possible. We wince a little if we forget and get super-excited. We sometimes prefer ‘spiffing’ accompanied by a wry, ironic smile over an outright ‘awesome’. Both are genuine — one has an extra layer in the inflection cake. However, we take great displeasure in observing blunt marketing messages that try to convince us something is true with massive, lobe-smacking enthusiasm, and some sort of exaggerated adjective-osmosis effect. We poke fun at attempts to be overly cool. We expect a decent level of self-awareness and ring of honesty from people who would sell us stuff. The Web is no exception. In fact, I may go so far as to say that the sensibilities of the Web are fairly closely aligned with British sensibilities. Without, of course, any of our crippling embarrassment. In an age when promoting oneself on the Web is almost required for designers, that’s no bad thing. After all, running smack bang through the middle of the new marketing arts is a large dose of reality; we’re just a bunch of folks telling our story. No manipulation, cool-kid feigned nonchalance, or lobe-smacking enthusiasm required. Consider what the majority of designers do to promote themselves in this brave new maker-creative culture. People like my friend, Elliot Jay Stocks: making his own magazine, making music, distributing WordPress themes, and writing about his experiences. Yes, it is important for him that he has an audience, and yes, he wants us to buy his stuff, but no, he won’t try to impress or trick us into liking him. It’s our choice. Compare this to traditional advertising that tries to appeal to your demographic with key phrases from your tribe, life-style pitches, and the usual raft of Freudian manipulations. (Sarcasm mark needed here, although I do confess to a soft spot for the more visceral and kitsch Freudian manipulations.) There is a middle ground between the two though. A dangerous place full of bad surprises: The outfit that seems like a human being. It appears to publish just like you would. They want money in exchange for their amazing stuff they’re super-duper proud of. Then, you find out they’re selling it to you at twice the price it is in the States, or that it crashes every time it closes, or has awful OpenType support. You find out the human being was really a corporate cyborg who sounds like you, but is not of you, and it’s impervious to your appeals to human fairness. Then there are the folks who definitely are human, after all they’re only small, and you know their names. All the non-verbal communication tells you so. Then you peek a little closer — you see the context — and all they seem to do is talk about themselves, or their business. Their interactions are as carefully crafted as the big companies, and they treat their audience as a captive market. Great spirit forefend they share the bandwidth by celebrating anyone else. They sound like one of us, but act like one of them. Their popularity is inversely proportional to their humanity. Extreme examples, I know. This is me exploring thoughts though, and harsh light helps define the edges. Feel free to sound off if it offends, but mind your non-verbal communication. :) That brings me to self-promotion versus self-aggrandisement; there’s a big difference between the two. As independent designers and developer-type people, self-promotion is good, necessary, and often mutually beneficial. It’s about goodwill. It connects us to each other and lubricates the Web. We need it. Self-aggrandisement is coarse, obvious, and often an act of denial; the odour of insecurity or arrogance is nauseating. It is to be avoided. If you consider the difference between a show-off and a celebrant, perhaps it will be clearer what I’m reaching for: The very best form of self-promotion is celebration. To celebrate is to share the joy of what you do (and critically also celebrate what others do) and invite folks to participate in the party. To show off is a weakness of character — an act that demands acknowledgement and accolade before the actor can feel the tragic joy of thinking themselves affirmed. To celebrate is to share joy. To show-off is to yearn for it. It’s as tragic as the disdainful, casual arrogance of criticising the output of others less accomplished than oneself. Don’t be lazy now. Critique, if you please. Be bothered to help, or if you can’t hold back, have a little grace by being discreet and respectful. If you’re arrogant enough to think you have the right to treat anyone in the world badly, you grant them the right to reciprocate. Beware. Celebrants don’t reserve their bandwidth for themselves. They don’t treat their friends like a tricky audience who may throw pennies at you at the end of the performance. They treat them like friends. It’s a pretty simple way of measuring whether what you publish is good: would I do/say/act the same way with my friends? Human scales are always the best scales. So, this ends. I feel very out of practise at writing. It’s hard after a hiatus. These are a few thoughts that still feel partially-formed in my mind, but I hope there was a tiny snippet or two in there that fired off a few neurons in your brain. Not too many, though, it’s early yet. :) Full Article
on Web Fonts, Dingbats, Icons, and Unicode By jontangerine.com Published On :: Wed, 18 Aug 2010 07:33:46 PDT Yesterday, Cameron Koczon shared a link to the dingbat font, Pictos, by the talented, Drew Wilson. Cameron predicted that dingbats will soon be everywhere. Symbol fonts, yes, I thought. Dingbats? No, thanks. Jason Santa Maria replied: @FictiveCameron I hope not, dingbat fonts sort of spit in the face of accessibility and semantics at the moment. We need better options. Jason rightly pointed out the accessibility and semantic problems with dingbats. By mapping icons to letters or numbers in the character map, they are represented on the page by that icon. That’s what Pictos does. For example, by typing an ‘a’ on your keyboard, and setting Pictos as the font-face for that letter, the Pictos anchor icon is displayed. Other folks suggested SVG and JS might be better, and other more novel workarounds to hide content from assistive technology like screen readers. All interesting, but either not workable in my view, or just a bit awkward. Ralf Herrmann has an elegant CSS example that works well in Safari. Falling down with CSS text-replacement A CSS solution in an article from Pictos creator, Drew Wilson, relies on the fact that most of his icons are mapped to a character that forms part of the common name for that symbol. The article uses the delete icon as an example which is mapped to ‘d’. Using :before and :after pseudo-elements, Drew suggests you can kind-of wrangle the markup into something sort-of semantic. However, it starts to fall down fast. For example, a check mark (tick) is mapped to ‘3’. There’s nothing semantic about that. Clever replacement techniques just hide the evidence. It’s a hack. There’s nothing wrong with a hack here and there (as box model veterans well know) but the ends have to justify the means. The end of this story is not good as a VoiceOver test by Scott at Filament Group shows. In fairness to Drew Wilson, though, he goes on to say if in doubt, do it the old way, using his font to create a background image and deploy with a negative text-indent. I agreed with Jason, and mentioned a half-formed idea: @jasonsantamaria that’s exactly what I was thinking. Proper unicode mapping if possible, perhaps? The conversation continued, and thanks to Jason, helped me refine the idea into this post. Jon Hicks flagged a common problem for some Windows users where certain Unicode characters are displayed as ‘missing character’ glyphs depending on what character it is. I think most of the problems with dingbats or missing Unicode characters can be solved with web fonts and Unicode. Rising with Unicode and web fonts I’d love to be able to use custom icons via optimised web fonts. I want to do so accessibly and semantically, and have optimised font files. This is how it could be done: Map the icons in the font to the existing Unicode code points for those symbols wherever possible. Unicode code points already exist for many common symbols. Fonts could be tiny, fast, stand-alone symbol fonts. Existing typefaces could also be extended to contain symbols that match the style of individual widths, variants, slopes, and weights. Imagine a set of Clarendon or Gotham symbols for a moment. Wouldn’t that be a joy to behold? There may be a possibility that private code points could be used if a code-point does not exist for a symbol we need. Type designers, iconographers, and foundries might agree a common set of extended symbols. Alternatively, they could be proposed for inclusion in Unicode. Include the font with font-face. This assumes ubiquitous support (as any use of dingbats does) — we’re very nearly there. WOFF is coming to Safari and with a bit more campaigning we may even see WOFF on iPad soon. In HTML, reference the Unicode code points in UTF-8 using numeric character references. Unicode characters have corresponding numerical references. Named entities may not be rendered by XML parsers. Sean Coates reminded me that in many Cocoa apps in OS X the character map is accessible via a simple CMD+ALT+t shortcut. Ralf Herrmann mentioned that unicode characters ‘…have “speaking” descriptions (like Leftwards Arrow) and fall back nicely to system fonts.’ Limitations Accessibility: Limited Unicode / entity support in assistive devices. My friend and colleague, Jon Gibbins’s old tests in JAWS 7 show some of the inconsistencies. It seems some characters are read out, some ignored completely, and some read as a question mark. Not great, but perhaps Jon will post more about this in the future. Elizabeth Pyatt at Penn State university did some dingbat tests in screen readers. For real Unicode symbols, there are pronunciation files that increase the character repertoire of screen readers, like this file for phonetic characters. Symbols would benefit from one. Web fonts: font-face not supported. If font-face is not supported on certain devices like mobile phones, falling back to system fonts is problematic. Unicode symbols may not be present in any system fonts. If they are, for many designers, they will almost certainly be stylistically suboptimal. It is possible to detect font-face using the Paul Irish technique. Perhaps there could be a way to swap Unicode for images if font-face is not present. Now, next, and a caveat I can’t recommend using dingbats like Pictos, but the icons sure are useful as images. Beautifully crafted icon sets as carefully crafted fonts could be very useful for rapidly creating image icons for different resolution devices like the iPhone 4, and iPad. Perhaps we could try and formulate a standard set of commonly used icons using the Unicode symbols range as a starting point. I’ve struggled to find a better visual list of the existing symbols than this Unicode symbol chart from Johannes Knabe. Icons in fonts as Unicode symbols needs further testing in assistive devices and using font-face. Last, but not least, I feel a bit cheeky making these suggestions. A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. Combine it with a bit of imagination, and it can be lethal. I have a limited knowledge about how fonts are created, and about Unicode. The real work would be done by others with deeper knowledge than I. I’d be fascinated to hear from Unicode, accessibility, or font experts to see if this is possible. I hope so. It feels to me like a much more elegant and sustainable solution for scalable icons than dingbat fonts. For more on Unicode, read this long, but excellent, article recommended by my colleague, Andrei, the architect of Unicode and internationalization support in PHP 6: The Absolute Minimum Every Software Developer Absolutely, Positively Must Know About Unicode and Character Sets. Full Article
on I’ve shot at this location a few times but for some reason... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Sun, 18 Dec 2016 12:03:12 -0500 I’ve shot at this location a few times but for some reason I’ve never seen it from the other side. Literal proof that shooting with other creatives gives you new perspective. ???? (at Toronto, Ontario) Full Article
on Thanks for all the positive support and reception to my... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Mon, 19 Dec 2016 17:09:05 -0500 Thanks for all the positive support and reception to my Lightroom presets so far, especially to those who pulled the trigger and became my first customers! I’d love to hear your feedback once you try them out! . Still time to enter the giveaway or to take advantage of the 50% sale! See my last post for full details and the link in my profile. ❤️ (at Toronto, Ontario) Full Article
on Bricks are better black. ◾️ (at Toronto, Ontario) By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Tue, 20 Dec 2016 17:02:40 -0500 Bricks are better black. ◾️ (at Toronto, Ontario) Full Article
on Lights, camera, action. ???? — A few more days left to get 50% off... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Wed, 21 Dec 2016 08:03:46 -0500 Lights, camera, action. ???? — A few more days left to get 50% off my custom Lightroom presets! Link in profile. (at Toronto, Ontario) Full Article
on Merry Xmas everyone! It’s giveaway time! ???????? . Thank you to... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Sun, 25 Dec 2016 12:14:57 -0500 Merry Xmas everyone! It’s giveaway time! ???????? . Thank you to all those who participated in my preset giveaway this week! The support makes all the hard work and extra effort worth it! . Without further ado, the randomly drawn winners of my custom Lightroom presets are @l9lee @rchellau @bokeh.jay! Congrats and check your DMs soon for details! ???? . You still have until tomorrow to grab my presets (which this shot was edited with) for 50% off! They’ll be going back to regular price after so don’t miss out! ???? (at Toronto, Ontario) Full Article
on Trying to straighten all the lines on this shot is a sure fire... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Mon, 26 Dec 2016 17:20:04 -0500 Trying to straighten all the lines on this shot is a sure fire way to go blind. ???? (at London, United Kingdom) Full Article
on I’ve gone subway hopping for photos in every city... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 08:08:19 -0500 I’ve gone subway hopping for photos in every city I’ve been to except the one I live in. ???? (at Toronto, Ontario) Full Article
on I just realized that I can export my entire story all at once... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Tue, 27 Dec 2016 17:02:17 -0500 I just realized that I can export my entire story all at once now, which means uploading my tutorials to my Facebook page will be a million times easier (it was tedious to stitch all the individual clips together before). ???? . Related: I posted a story this morning deconstructing the edit on yesterday’s shot. . Also related: I uploaded the 3 tutorials from my November feature on @thecreatorclass to my Facebook page this morning too. More to come! (at London, United Kingdom) Full Article
on This might as well be a Herschel ad. ???? (at London, United... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Wed, 28 Dec 2016 17:05:36 -0500 This might as well be a Herschel ad. ???? (at London, United Kingdom) Full Article
on This trip solidified my conviction to learning photography. A... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Fri, 30 Dec 2016 12:01:57 -0500 This trip solidified my conviction to learning photography. A lot has happened since this shot was taken. Can you pinpoint the moment you decided to pursue photography? (at Toronto, Ontario) Full Article
on Four days from now I’ll be boarding a one way flight to... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Mon, 02 Jan 2017 09:32:40 -0500 Four days from now I’ll be boarding a one way flight to San Francisco to take on the next evolution of my role at @shopify. Leaving the city that I’ve called home my entire life and the people who have defined everything I am was one of the most uncomfortable decisions I’ve ever had to make. But this wouldn’t be the first time I’ve chased discomfort in my career. . I wrote about my ongoing pursuit for discomfort this morning in hopes of inspiring others to do the things that scare and challenge them this year. You can find the link in my profile. . Happy 2017! ???? . ????: @jonasll (at San Francisco, California) Full Article
on Quick survey: on average, what time is it when you check... By blog.verneho.com Published On :: Tue, 03 Jan 2017 08:20:25 -0500 Quick survey: on average, what time is it when you check Instagram for the first time on any given day? (Be sure to include your timezone!) . PS: Thank you for all the incredible support on yesterday’s announcement. ❤️ (at Toronto, Ontario) Full Article
on How to Change Your iPhone's DNS Servers By www.macinstruct.com Published On :: Mon, 08 Apr 2013 13:10:34 +0000 Just like in Mac OS X, you can change the DNS servers on your iPhone. This can significantly speed up Safari and other iPhone apps that use the Internet. For a general introduction to DNS, and to learn why you would want to change the DNS servers on your iPhone, see How to Change Your Mac's DNS Servers. Before we start, you should know a couple things about how iOS handles DNS. First, these instructions only work for Wi-Fi connections - iOS does not allow you to change the DNS servers when connected to cellular networks. Also, the changes are network specific, so you'll need to change the DNS servers every time you connect to a new wireless network. The good news is that iOS remembers the settings, so you won't have to do anything the second time you connect to a network. Here's how to change your iPhone's DNS servers: From the iPhone's home screen, tap Settings. Tap Wi-Fi. The screen shown below appears. The available wireless networks in range of your iPhone appear, as shown below. Find your wireless network in the list, and then click the arrow. The screen shown below appears. Tap the DNS field. Delete the current DNS servers, and enter the new DNS servers. (If you enter more than one DNS server, be sure sure to separate the servers with commas.) To use OpenDNS, enter and To use Google DNS, enter and Test your new DNS servers to make sure they're working. If you're using OpenDNS, visit the OpenDNS test page. If you're using Google Public DNS, follow these testing instructions. That's it! You've updated your iPhone's DNS servers! Related Articles How to Find the Best DNS Servers How to Change Your Mac's DNS Servers How to Change Your iPad's DNS Servers Change an AirPort Extreme's DNS Servers Meet Your Macinstructor Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at: matt@macinstruct.com. Full Article
on Controlling AirPort Network Access with Time Limits By www.macinstruct.com Published On :: Tue, 09 Apr 2013 13:39:03 +0000 If you own an AirPort base station, you can use the Timed Access feature to control the days and times when users access the Internet. This could come in handy in a variety of situations. For example, if you own a cafe and provide free wi-fi access, you can configure the AirPort to block all access to the Internet when your business is closed. And if you have children, you can set time limits for specific devices in your home. There are two ways to use the timed access feature. You can create a default allow policy to allow all devices to access the Internet at any time, and then specify custom schedules for specific devices. Or you can create a default deny policy to prevent all devices from accessing the Internet according the schedule you specify, and then exempt specific devices by creating custom schedules. Here's how to control AirPort network access with time limits: Open the AirPort Utility application. (It's in Applications → Utilities.) The window shown below appears. Click the AirPort Extreme's icon. The status pop-up window appears. Click Edit. The settings window appears. Select the Network tab. The window shown below appears. Select the Enable Access Control checkbox. Click Timed Access Control. The window shown below appears. Select the Unlimited (default) option. By default, this allows all of the devices connected to your AirPort to access the Internet all day, every day, but you can change this to block Internet access for all devices (except the ones you specify later) during the times you set. If you'd like to limit the days and times that a specific device can access the Internet, click the + button under the Wireless Clients field. The window shown below appears. Enter a name for the device in the Description field. Enter the device's MAC address in the MAC Address field. You can use the following tutorials to find the device's MAC address. How to Find Your Mac's MAC Address How to Find Your iPad's MAC Address How to Find Your iPhone's MAC Address Use the + button under the Wireless Access Times field to create a schedule for this device's Internet access. Once you've added all of your devices and customized the schedules, click Save. Click Update. The AirPort will restart to apply the changes. Congratulations! You have successfully set time limits for the devices connecting to your AirPort network. The schedule you created is effective immediately. Meet Your Macinstructor Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at: matt@macinstruct.com. Full Article
on Tell Your iPhone to Forget a Wireless Network By www.macinstruct.com Published On :: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 13:08:54 +0000 When you connect an iPhone to a wi-fi network, the iPhone remembers that network and will automatically attempt to connect to it in the future. This is a great feature for wi-fi networks you trust and use frequently. But mistakes happen. If you connect to the wrong network at a coffee shop, your iPhone will automatically attempt to join that network every time you visit the coffee shop in the future. And if the password for a known network changes, your iPhone might have trouble connecting to it. What's the solution? Telling your iPhone to forget the wi-fi network. Forgetting a network will remove the network's password and prevent your iPhone from joining it automatically in the future. Here's how to tell your iPhone to forget a wireless network: From the home screen, tap Settings. Tap Wi-Fi. The window shown below appears. Locate the wireless network you want the iPhone to forget, and then tap the blue arrow next to the network name. The window shown below appears. Tap Forget this Network. The iPhone will forget the wireless network. You have successfully told your iPhone to forget the wi-fi network. The iPhone will not attempt to connect to the network in the future. And if the network required a password, that password has been forgotten. Related Articles How to Connect an iPhone to a Wi-Fi Network Make Your iPhone Ask to Join Wi-Fi Networks Meet Your Macinstructor Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at: matt@macinstruct.com. Full Article
on Make Your iPhone Ask to Join Wi-Fi Networks By www.macinstruct.com Published On :: Thu, 11 Apr 2013 13:04:59 +0000 By default, your iPhone automatically connects to known wi-fi networks. (To stop an iPhone from automatically connecting, you can tell your iPhone to forget a wi-fi network.) But what happens if you take your iPhone to a new location? You'll need to manually connect your iPhone to a wi-fi network. That's a hassle. But if you have the foresight and inclination, you can save yourself time in the future by making your iPhone ask to join wi-fi networks when no known networks are available. Instead of having to open settings to join a network, you'll be able to easily select a network from an on-screen prompt. Here's how to make your iPhone ask to join wi-fi networks: From the home screen, tap Settings. Tap Wi-Fi. The window shown below appears. Move the Ask to Join Networks slider to the On position. The next time you're in a location with no known networks, your iPhone will prompt you to connect to an available wi-fi network, as shown below. In the future, this prompt will be displayed when no known networks are available. (To actually see the prompt, you'll need to do something that requires network access, like try to check your email or open a webpage.) To connect to a wi-fi network, select a network and enter a password, if one is required. Related Articles How to Connect an iPhone to a Wi-Fi Network Tell Your iPhone to Forget a Wireless Network Meet Your Macinstructor Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at: matt@macinstruct.com. Full Article
on How to Connect an iPhone to a Wi-Fi Network By www.macinstruct.com Published On :: Fri, 12 Apr 2013 13:31:05 +0000 If you're a new iPhone owner, one of the first things you'll want to learn how to do is connect your iPhone to a wireless network. That's because there are certain times when your cellular data connection just won't cut it, even if you're lucky enough to have an unlimited data plan. Using Facetime, downloading content from iTunes, and even surfing the web can be painfully slow without a wi-fi connection. Fortunately, it's a relatively simple process to connect an iPhone to a wi-fi network. Just be sure to commit this process to memory, because it's something you'll need to do over and over again, unless you set your iPhone to automatically detect and prompt you to connect to wi-fi networks. Here's how to connect an iPhone to a wi-fi network: From the home screen, tap Settings. Tap Wi-Fi. The window shown below appears. Verify that the Wi-Fi slider is in the On position. This allows your iPhone to detect and connect to wireless networks. Tap the wireless network you want to join. If the network is not password protected, the iPhone will connect immediately. If the wireless network you selected is protected with a password, you will be prompted to enter a password, as shown below. Enter the password and then click Join to connect to the network. If the wireless network you selected is protected with a captive portal, you will be prompted to enter a password, or a username and password combination. These are increasingly common in hotels, airports, and on college campuses. Congratulations! Your iPhone is now connected to the wi-fi network. From now on, the iPhone will automatically connect to this network when it is in range. If you accidentally selected the wrong wi-fi network, you can tell your iPhone to forget it. How to Tell if Your iPhone is Connected to a Wi-Fi Network There are several indicators you can use to verify that your iPhone is connected to a wi-fi network. The easiest way to visually check to the status bar in the upper-left corner of the iPhone's screen. The wi-fi symbol is displayed when you are connected to a network, as shown below. If you're curious about which wi-fi network the iPhone is connected to, open the Wi-Fi settings. The network name is displayed in the sidebar, and a checkmark is also displayed next to the connected network, as shown above. Related Articles Tell Your iPhone to Forget a Wireless Network Make Your iPhone Ask to Join Wi-Fi Networks Meet Your Macinstructor Matt Cone, the author of Master Your Mac, has been a Mac user for over 20 years. A former ghost writer for some of Apple's most notable instructors, Cone founded Macinstruct in 1999, a site with OS X tutorials that boasts hundreds of thousands of unique visitors per month. You can email him at: matt@macinstruct.com. Full Article
on David Wolf, Oranges and Stones By flakphoto.com Published On :: 2014-10-07T16:06:59+00:00 David Wolf Oranges and Stones, , 2012 Website - DavidWolfPhotographs.com David Wolf is a devoted film photographer, making both color and black and white prints by hand in the traditional darkroom. His work has been exhibited internationally at such venues as Aperture, The Griffin Museum of Photography, the Photographic Center Northwest, the Lishui International Photography Festival in China, and the Salon de la Photo during Paris Photo. David’s photographs have been acquired by a variety of private and institutional collections, including the Bibliotheque nationale de France, Paris; the Prentice and Paul Sack Photographic Trust of the Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco; the Santa Barbara Museum of Art; and the deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum, Lincoln, MA. He recently won top honors in both the International Photography Awards and the Grand Prix de la Decouverte, International Fine Art Photography Competition. His work has appeared in such publications as Harper’s, aCurator, and Fraction Magazine. A Boston native and Brown University graduate, David now calls San Francisco home, where his work is represented by Corden|Potts Gallery. Full Article
on Mona Kuhn, AD 6309 By flakphoto.com Published On :: 2014-10-15T12:47:51+00:00 Mona Kuhn AD 6309, Joshua Tree, California, 2013/2014 (winter) Website - MonaKuhn.com Mona Kuhn is best known for her large-scale, dream-like photographs of nudes. Her work often reference classical themes with a light and insightful touch. Kuhn’s approach to her photography is unusual in that she usually develops close relationships with her subjects, resulting in images of remarkable naturalness and intimacy, and creating the effect of people naked but comfortable in their own skin. Kuhn was born in São Paulo, Brazil, in 1969, of German descent. She received her BA from The Ohio State University, before furthering her studies at the San Francisco Art Institute in 1996. She is currently an independent scholar at The Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. Kuhn’s first monograph, Photographs, was debut by Steidl in 2004; immediately followed by Evidence (2007), Native (2010), and Bordeaux Series (2011). Mona's upcoming book is titled Private (release 2014). Mona Kuhn's work has been exhibited and/or included in the collections of The Louvre Museum in France, The J.Paul Getty Museum, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, The Pérez Art Museum in Miami, The Museum of Photographic Art in San Diego, The George Eastman House, the Griffin Museum in Boston, Miami Museum of Art, the Cincinnati Art Museum, North Carolina Museum of Art, Georgia Museum of Art, The International Center of Photography in NYC. In Europe, her work has been exhibited at the Royal Academy of Art in London England, Le Louvre in France, Deichtorhallen in Hamburg Germany, Musée de l'Élysée in Switzerland, Centre d'art Contemporain at Musée Chaleroi in France, the Leopold Museum in Vienna Austria, and the Australian Center for Photography in Sydney. Currently, Mona lives and works in Los Angeles. Full Article
on "What is deceptive, especially in the West, is our assumption that repetitive and mindless jobs are..." By blog.kylemeyer.com Published On :: Wed, 12 Oct 2011 12:30:00 -0700 “What is deceptive, especially in the West, is our assumption that repetitive and mindless jobs are dehumanizing. On the other hand, the jobs that require us to use the abilities that are uniquely human, we assume to be humanizing. This is not necessarily true. The determining factor is not so much the nature of our jobs, but for whom they serve. ‘Burnout’ is a result of consuming yourself for something other than yourself. You could be burnt out for an abstract concept, ideal, or even nothing (predicament). You end up burning yourself as fuel for something or someone else. This is what feels dehumanizing. In repetitive physical jobs, you could burn out your body for something other than yourself. In creative jobs, you could burn out your soul. Either way, it would be dehumanizing. Completely mindless jobs and incessantly mindful jobs could both be harmful to us.” - Dsyke Suematsu from his white paper discussed at Why Ad People Burn Out. Full Article Dsyke Suematsu
on "In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. When an artist uses..." By blog.kylemeyer.com Published On :: Fri, 28 Oct 2011 12:13:00 -0700 “In conceptual art the idea or concept is the most important aspect of the work. When an artist uses a conceptual form of art, it means that all of the planning and decisions are made beforehand and the execution is a perfunctory affair. The idea becomes a machine that makes the art. This kind of art is not theoretical or illustrative of theories; it is intuitive, it is involved with all types of mental processes and it is purposeless. It is usually free from the dependence on the skill of the artist as a craftsman.” - Artist Sol Lewitt on conceptual art. Full Article
on Canadian with Suspected Avian Flu in Critical Condition By drudge.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 11:33:20 -0500 A British Columbia (BC) teen from the Fraser Health region who was hospitalized with an earlier announced presumptive positive H5 avian flu infection is in critical condition, the province's top health official said today. Full Article news
on The End of America's Well-Intentioned Empire By drudge.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 12:31:45 -0500 Dan Perry: The world was hugely interested in the U.S. presidential election -- and everywhere people are wondering what the return of Donald Trump will mean in geopolitics. But is America interested in the world? Full Article news
on Pentagon Secrets Leaker Sentenced to 15 Years By drudge.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:33:24 -0500 A federal judge on Tuesday sentenced a Massachusetts Air National Guard member to 15 years in prison after he pleaded guilty to leaking highly classified military documents about the war in Ukraine. Full Article news
on Guardian no Longer Posting on X By drudge.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 15:42:32 -0500 We wanted to let readers know that we will no longer post on any official Guardian editorial accounts on the social media site X (formerly Twitter). We think that the benefits of being on X are now outweighed by the negatives and that resources could be better used promoting our journalism elsewhere. Full Article news breaking
on Behind the Curtain: The Trump, Musk Fusion By drudge.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 16:30:23 -0500 President-elect Trump and Elon Musk, two billionaires with strikingly similar DNAs, are fusing into a new, powerful governing-media paradigm. Full Article news
on Arizona Attorney General Won't Drop Trump Fake Electors Case By drudge.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 17:33:01 -0500 Allies of Donald Trump who were charged in Arizona for illegally trying to overturn the 2020 election can still expect to face justice despite his return to the White House, the state's attorney general has said. Full Article news
on Trump's Staff Picks Show Sway of Don Jr., Tucker Carlson By drudge.com Published On :: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 20:32:56 -0500 President-elect Donald Trump has only begun to fill out the ranks of his incoming administration. His first choices confirm that his son Donald Jr. and the former Fox TV personality Tucker Carlson have emerged as major influences over his picks. Full Article news
on Phil Wilson (2007) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 2007-07-16 Phil Wilson is a Web Software Developer for the University of Bath where he develops n-tier J2EE web applications, and has been doing this for various companies for five years. Phil's interests include web standards, Web usability, collaborative Web tools, Firefox hacking and the Semantic Web. Phil facilitated a workshop sessions on "The Eternal Beta - Can it Work in an Institution?". Full Article
on Scott Wilson (2007) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 2007-07-17 Scott Wilson works for CETIS. He was initially responsible for turning the CETIS site into THE portal for learning technology standards. Scott is an Assistant Director of CETIS, and has a special interest in standards for infrastructure and enterprise integration. Scott facilitated a workshop session on "XCRI: Syndicating the Online Prospectus" with Ben Ryan. Full Article
on Emma Tonkin (2007) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 2007-07-16 Emma Tonkin is an Interoperability Focus Officer at UKOLN, based at the University of Bath, England. Following a postgraduate degree in HCI, she is currently pursuing a PhD with the Mobile and Wearable Computing group at the University of Bristol, England. Her research interests include collaborative classification, automated classification and mobile and ubiquitous computing. Emma facilitated a workshop session on "Usability testing for the WWW". Full Article
on Adrian Stevenson (2007) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 2007-07-16 Adrian Stevenson works for the Learning Technology Services Team which is part of Internet Services at the University of Manchester. He is responsible for investigating and assessing emerging Web and elearning technologies and is the organiser of the University's eLearning Technologies Group. His experience is in Web-based systems design and development using HTML, XML and Web Service technologies. Adrian has also worked for MIMAS, a national data centre based at the University of Manchester, on the JISC-funded JORUM project (2002-2005). Prior to this he was a Web Developer for Multimedia Services at Leeds Metropolitan University (2001-2002) and the Web Editor at King's College London (2000-2001). Adrian first studied Economics and later Continental Philosophy at the University of Warwick. Following this he became a professional guitarist in a number of bands based in London, as well as a Sound Engineer for a number of independent artists including My Bloody Valentine. Adrian facilitated a workshop session on "Know Me Knowing YouTube". Full Article
on Debbie Nicholson (2007) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 2007-07-16 Debbie Nicholson has worked at the University of Essex for 13 years. Having previously worked in the Timetable Office and Systems Administration, she now works in the Web Support Unit (WSU) and has been there for 5 years. She is part of a team of 6 people who are responsible for the maintenance and development of the University corporate pages, the University Web site design service, Web support across the University and Web related training for staff. Debbie facilitated a workshop session on "So, What Would You Do With 45 Sixteen Year Olds?". Full Article
on Claire Gibbons (2007) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 2007-07-17 Claire Gibbons is the Web Officer for the University of Bradford, working within the department of Marketing and Communications. Claire is responsible for the external face of the University's web presence and works closely with departments and Schools to ensure consistency of University brand and message as well as compliance with standards and legislation, such as SENDA. Claire is also studying for the Chartered Management Institute Diploma in Management - which has sparked her current (and slightly obsessive) interest in organisational culture. Claire is also working on the new University visual identity roll-out for the University of Bradford and the Content Management System Project. Claire facilitated a workshop session on "People, Processes and Projects - How the Culture of an Organisation can Impact on Technical System Implementation" with Russell Allen. Full Article
on Simon Ball (2007) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 2007-07-17 Simon Ball is a Senior Advisor at Techdis. Simon now leads the work of TechDis in Higher Education, in addition to leading on E-Assessment across the sectors. Over the coming months Simon will be developing and putting into operation a new operating plan for the TechDis Higher Education work, including directing specific messages to senior managers, exploring the area of inclusion funding, and further developing the TechDis range of staff development and instructional materials to raise the base level of inclusion provision across HE. Simon facilitated a workshop session on "Contextual Accessibility in Institutional Web Accessibility Policies" with David Sloan. Full Article
on IWMW2008 group created on Facebook By www.facebook.com Published On :: Thu, 10 Apr 2008 09:00:00 GMT An IWMW2008 group has been created on Facebook. Join up now!. [10 April 2008] Full Article
on Parallel Sessions now available on the IWMW 2008 Web site By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: Mon, 5 May 2008 09:00:00 GMT Details of the parallel sessions available for delegates to attend are now available from the Web site. [05 May 2008] Full Article
on Plenary Talks now available on the IWMW 2008 Web site By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: Mon, 5 May 2008 09:00:00 GMT Details of the plenary talks to be given at the workshop are now available from the Web site. [07 May 2008] Full Article
on Additional Accommodation Information By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: Thu, 22 May 2008 09:00:00 GMT Information on additional accommodation for Monday 21 July is now available. [22 May 2008] Full Article
on Innovation Competition By ukwebfocus.wordpress.com Published On :: Mon, 2 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT This year Innovation Competition has now been launched. [03 June 2008] Full Article
on IWMW 2008 Feeds Available On Netvibes By www.netvibes.com Published On :: Sun, 22 Jun 2008 09:00:00 GMT Access to RSS feeds for the IWMW 2008 event is now available on Netvibes. [22 June 2008] Full Article
on Delegate Information for IWMW 2008 now available By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 09:00:00 GMT Full delegate information including details of accommodation location is now available. [9 July 2008] Full Article
on New blog posts on the Seesmic Blog Page By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: Wed, 16 Jul 2008 09:00:00 GMT A number of new blog posts including a 'Welcome to Aberdeen' message have been added to the video blog page. [16 July 2008] Full Article
on Michael Wilson (1999) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 1999-09-07 Michael Wilson, CLRC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, gave a talk entitled "SMIL: Multimedia on the Web". Full Article
on Greg Newton-Ingham (1999) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 1999-09-07 Greg Newton-Ingham, University of East Anglia, gave a talk entitled "Multimedia and The Corporate Web". Full Article
on Mark Simpson (2002) By www.ukoln.ac.uk Published On :: 2002-06-19 Mark Simpson has been working as the User Issues researcher on the De Montfort University, MLE project, since October 2001. Previously, he has worked on the following: aircrew operational issues of flying in icing weather, funded by the CAA and European Community; training and human factors issues for real-time, full motion simulators; the design of photocopier manuals and control panel information; and the design of process plant control rooms. He has a BSc in Ergonomics, a Postgraduate diploma in Computing and a MA in Industrial Design. The title of Mark's talk is "Designing For Usability". Full Article