
Sola Scriptura And Philosophical Christianity - Part 25

Matthew concludes his series by noting how the rationalism and idealism of western culture prevents seekers from recognizing the true Church.


Sola Scriptura And Philosophical Christianity - Part 4

In this segment, Matthew contrasts the mystical experience of the Eastern Church with the rational philosophy of the West.


Sola Scriptura And Philosophical Christianity - Part 16

Matthew examines the wrathful deeds of the loving God.


Sola Scriptura And Philosophical Christianity - Part 18

Matthew explains that the Eastern Christian view of punishment lies not in God's actions towards sinners, but in the sinners' reaction to God's love.


Sola Scriptura and Philosophical Christianity - Part 17

Matthew reveals that God shows redemptive love, not vindictive vengeance, to those he punishes—especially to children.


Sola Scriptura And Philosophical Christianity - Part 1

Matthew examines the Orthodox Church's beliefs concerning the Scriptures and its teachings regarding Holy Tradition.


Sola Scriptura And Philosophical Christianity - Part 2

Matthew continues his examination of sola scriptura and contrasts it with the Apostles decision regarding the circumcision of gentiles.


Sola Scriptura and Philosophical Christianity - Part 3

Matthew notes how Eastern Orthodox Christians possess both the light (scriptures) and the path (ascetic, sacramental experiences).


Tim Tassopoulos - President and COO of Chick-fil-A

The Louhs welcome Tim Tassopoulos, President and COO of Chick-fil-A, and early endorser of their upcoming book, Renewing You: A Priest, a Psychologist, and a Plan. Listen for a conversation on adaptability and renewal in both corporate and spiritual contexts.


Jesus Is For Losers

Fr. John Oliver discusses our responsibility to the lonely.


“Speedy Sacraments for Liturgical Losers”

(Fr. Joseph dedicates this program to the memory of Fr. Matthew MacKay, who would have appreciated the humor—he hopes.) This week the Orthodixie podcast catches up with the author of An Empty Church is a Peaceful Church, Fr. Danislav Gregorio, about his new book, Speedy Sacraments for Liturgical Losers.


The Door to Yes World is Now . . . Closed?

Children, parents and grandparents - whatever condition we find ourselves in, God knows and understands.


The Vocation of Lay Theologian: An Interview with Dr. Gayle Woloschak

In this episode, Fr. Anthony Perkins speaks with the Vice-President of the International Orthodox Theological Association, Gayle Woloschak (PhD, DMin.) about the vocation of lay theologian. Gayle is a way-cool scientist and theologian with a life-time of service to Christ and His Church. They talk about why this vocation is not always supported by the clergy of the Church and why they should. Enjoy the show!


Handing over the Reins with Jenny Stasinopoulos

Elissa interviews Jenny Stasinopoulos, the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries at the GOA Metropolis of Denver about a big change she made this year at Camp Emmanuel. Perhaps we should all consider innovative ways to empower our kids to take responsibility for their own faith lives!


Fear and Doubt and Closed Doors

Fr. Michael shares on Thomas Sunday, "Those who doubt, those who fear, those who hide and shut the doors are not cut off from the One who appears in rooms with closed doors."


On Raising Snakes and Losing Mittens

Many people hit a roadblock in their relationship with God when the weight of their sins catches up to them, when they realize they are trapped in a cycle of sin or habit of ungodly behaviour that they cannot control.


On Closed Communion

The following is my response to one of my catechumens to the question of why the Orthodox Church practices a closed communion: Basically, Communion creates and defines our community, our being one with one another in Christ—i.e. eating of the one bread and of the one cup. Historically, some people/groups separated themselves from the communion of the Church through heresies or immorality or aligning themselves with a heretical bishop. Therefore, they are not in communion, not part of the one Church—at least as far as we can identify the Church as a concrete divine/human institution (not to be confused with “all who will be saved in heaven,” which only God knows). Anyone can return to communion with the one Church through repentance and Chrismation (or whatever specific rite the bishop decides). We do not have open communion because we don’t want to say people are part of the Church who are not part of the Church—or at least whom we can’t identify as part of the Church. This would be dangerous for them (eating and drinking condemnation to themselves) and dangerous for us (through Communion we become one with one another.


Introduction to Colossians

Fr. Stephen De Young introduces St. Paul's Letter to the Colossians.


Colossians, Chapter 1

Fr. Stephen De Young dives into the first chapter of the epistle to the Colossians.


Colossians, Chapter 1, Continued

Fr. Stephen De Young continues last week's discussion on the first chapter of Colossians.


Colossians, Chapter 1 and 2

Fr. Stephen De Young concludes his discussion on Colossians, Chapter 1, and begins discussing Chapter 2.


Colossians, Chapter 2, Continued

Fr. Stephen De Young continues discussing Chapter 2 of the Epistle to the Colossians.


Colossians, Chapter 2, Concluded

Fr. Stephen De Young finishes the discussion of Colossians, Chapter 2.


Colossians, Chapter 3

Fr. Stephen De Young begins the discussion of Colossians 3.


Colossians, Chapter 3, Continued, and Chapter 4

Fr. Stephen De Young concludes the study of the book of Colossians.


If We Do Not Invest Ourselves In the Life of the Kingdom, We Risk Losing Our Souls

It is easy to overlook how often the Lord used money and possessions to convey a spiritual message. Perhaps that is because almost everyone struggles with being overly attached to material things, for they can meet our basic physical needs and provide comfort and a sense of security. Due to our self-centered desires, however, they so easily become false gods as we make them the measure of our lives. As Christ taught, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also….You cannot serve both God and mammon.” (Matt. 6: 21, 24)


Paradise Lost / Ella's Story 6

60. Book 1: "Paradise Lost" from The Bible for Young People by Zoe Kanavas translated by Rev. Spencer T. Kezios (Narthex Press, 2005) (12.13 mins) Book 2: Ella's Story: The Duchess Who Became a Saint by Maria Tobias, Chapter 6 (Conciliar Press, 2004) (begins at 13:00, duration 21.47 mins)


Everything About Youth: The Lost Generation

Fr. Ted speaks at the Biennial Clergy-Laity Conference for the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Canada in Vancouver.


If You Don't Use it, You Lose It

Are you tending the garden of your life so that it produces the fruit of the Spirit?


Losing Faith in People

Fr. Ted encourages us to allow the story of the healing of the paralytic to move us closer into relationship with God and one another as we live in the light of the resurrection of Christ!


Losing Hope

Fr. Theodore Paraskevopoulos speaks about the Gospel reading on the Paralytic Man.


Closed Communion: 12 Things I Wish I'd Known - Part 3

Frederica Mathewes-Green


On the Incarnation - Lesson 5:  Lost

Dn. Michael discusses chapter three in St. Athanasius's book On the Incarnation. This is lesson five in his series "In But Not Of."


Evita los Idolos

Domingo 18 de Mayo Pd. Nicolás reflejó sobre la tentacion de los ídolos del mundo; fama, dinero, relaciones, ect. Escoja tu dios y ojalá será el Señor, el Creador de todo. Juan 4:5-42 Sunday May 18 Fr. Nicholas reflected on the temptation of the idols of the world; fame, money, relationships, etc. Choose your god and may it be the Lord and Creator of all. John 4:5-42


Salvación por los Líderes

Pd. Nicolás predicó sobre los líderes de Cristo y como en su ejemplo de ser buenos siervos de Dios nosotros podemos afirmar el camino que llega hasta la salvación. (Hebreos 13:17-21) Fr. Nicholas preached about the leaders of Christ and how in their examples of being good servants of God we can affirm the path that leads to salvation. (Ephesians 5:8-19)


Dios Nos Quiere – Los Perdidos

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre el amor que Dios tiene para la gente perdida y como el Señor nunca va a abandonarnos. (Lucas 19:1-10) Fr. Nicholas preached about the love that God has for the people who are lost and how He never abandons us. (Luke 19:1-10)


Cuidado por los Lobos Malos

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la maldad en el mundo que puede tentarnos. Padre compartió la sabiduría de San Juan de la Escalera quien explicó las tres maneras que nos hagan a caer en la oscuridad. (Marcos 9:17-31) Fr. Nicholas preached about the evil in the world that can tempt us. Father shared the wisdom of St. John of the Ladder who explained the three ways we can fall into the darkness. (Mark 9:17-31)


Llena Tu Vida Con Los Santos

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre que debemos llenar nuestras vidas con personas quien nos va a santificar. Debemos evitar las personas que nos trae negatividad a nuestras vidas. (Romanos 2:10-16) Fr. Nicholas preached about how we should fill our lives with people who will sanctify us. We should avoid the people why bring negativity to our lives. (Romans 2:10-16)


A Veces Somos los Peores Demonios

Padre Nicholas predica a veces por las mentiras en nuestras cabezas, estamos haciendo cosas malas. Pero sabiendo que estamos con Dios, vamos a caminar por el camino de la luz. Mateo 8:28-91 Fr. Nicholas preached on how sometimes, because of the lies in our head, we do wrong things. However, knowing that we are with God, we will walk the path of the light. Matthew 8:28-91


Los Regalos Están Llegando, Pero . . .

Carta: 2Cor 6:16- 7:1, Evangelio Lc 7: 11-16 El Padre Nicholas predicó sobre cómo el amor de Dios es gratuito. Letter: 2Cor 6:16- 7:1, Gospel: Lk 7: 11-16 Father Nicholas preached on how God’s love is free.


Escucha Bien Porque los Misterios Son Profundos

Carta: Tit 3: 8-15, Evangelio Lc 8:5-15 El Padre Nicholas predicó sobre las consecuencias de obrar correctamente y en fe . Letter: Tit 3: 8-15, Gospel: Lk 8: 5-15 Father Nicholas preached about the consequences of working correctly and in faith.


Discípulos de Cristo

El Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la recompensa de seguir a Cristo. Father Nicholas preached on the reward of following Christ.


Orthodoxy Live With Guest Co-Host Fr. Ted Paraskevopoulos

Fr. Evan welcomes another guest co-host tonight: Fr. Ted Paraskevopoulos. Fr. Ted is heard on AFR with his iSermon and Fr. TedTalks podcasts. They field listener questions on the role of pain and suffering, making your home an Orthodox home, liturgical translations, and, from both of them, a statement of what makes Orthodoxy so special.


Guest Co-Host Fr. Lou Christopulos

Together with Fr. Lou, Fr. Evan takes questions related to friendly parishes, purgatory, and how to best relate to a spouse who is not interested in Orthodoxy.


“Whoever Loses His Life…”

Listen to reflections by Fr. Nicolaie about those on the mission's "Hall of Fame" and the value of each person.


Internet Archive loses its appeal against book publishers

the appeals court ruled that, despite being a nonprofit and no evidence of market harm, its implementation of Controlled Digital Lending isn't fair use #


For the first time, every incumbent party in 10 major countries lost their elections this year

inflation was a painful global phenomenon, and every ruling party was punished for it regardless of political leanings #


Lost and Found

Fr. Apostolos Hill's homily is taken from the Gospel of Zaccheus, where he focuses on the meaning of the Greek word for "lost" in verse 10 ("apololos") which is used to describe those who are perishing and who are being destroyed.


In the Midst of Loss

Sermon on the Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost (Luke 7:11-16; II Cor 6:16-7:1)


Why We Have “Closed Communion”

Often the Orthodox Church is criticized for practicing what is sometimes called "closed communion," which means only Orthodox Christians are permitted to receive the Eucharist. Using the story of the miracle of feeding the five thousand, Fr Thomas reminds us that God shares his fullness with us in Holy Communion. And since we experience unity with one another at the chalice, the implications are enormous!