
Holy Martyr Hermengild, Prince of the Visigoths (486)

He was the son and appointed heir of Leuvgild, King of the Visigoths, who had embraced the Christianity of the Arian heretics. But through the teaching of Bishop Leander of Seville (February 27), Hermengild was converted to the fullness of the Orthodox faith, for which his father the King had him thrown in prison. On the day of Pascha 486, the King sent one of his priests to give his son communion. But Hermengild refused, proclaiming that to commune with heretics is to assent to their belief and to sink into their error; going further, he told the priest that the heretics' communion was nothing but bread and wine, for the Body and Blood of Christ are found only in the Offering made by the Church. The enraged King sent soldiers, who at his orders put his own son to death. Later, the King repented of this inhuman deed and asked Bishop Leander to instruct his youngest son Recared in the Orthodox faith. Thus the Visigoth people was brought into the Faith.


Holy Martyr Hermengild, Prince of the Visigoths (486)

He was the son and appointed heir of Leuvgild, King of the Visigoths, who had embraced the Christianity of the Arian heretics. But through the teaching of Bishop Leander of Seville (February 27), Hermengild was converted to the fullness of the Orthodox faith, for which his father the King had him thrown in prison. On the day of Pascha 486, the King sent one of his priests to give his son communion. But Hermengild refused, proclaiming that to commune with heretics is to assent to their belief and to sink into their error; going further, he told the priest that the heretics' communion was nothing but bread and wine, for the Body and Blood of Christ are found only in the Offering made by the Church. The enraged King sent soldiers, who at his orders put his own son to death. Later, the King repented of this inhuman deed and asked Bishop Leander to instruct his youngest son Recared in the Orthodox faith. Thus the Visigoth people was brought into the Faith.


Engaging with the Non-Orthodox: Reflections with Notes from the Church Fathers

Addressing alumni and seminarians at St. Tikhon's Seminary in South Canaan, Pennsylvania, during the year-opening retreat, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick challenges them to have conversations with the non-Orthodox and not to settle for falling into either polemic or compromise, showing how engagement is instead the traditional Orthodox patristic posture.


On the Waves: Engaging the World

OCF Student Podcast Assistant Nathan Jekel is joined by Maria McClatchey and Andrew Abboud to discuss St. Matthew's account of Peter walking on the water and what it means for our Christian lives. Also in this episode, Nathan, Maria, and Andrew give a preview of the topics that they will be discussing on the program throughout the remainder of the academic year and ask listeners to send in questions to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)/**/.


Strengthening Our Families - Part 1

Fr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh begin a 2 part series on the family. You'll find some very practical tips for managing family life in our times. Listen to this episode and mark your calendar for part 2 on October 23 at 7:00pm Central on the Talk Station.


Strengthening Our Families - Part 2

In part 2 of Strengthening Our Families, Fr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh offer 15 very practical steps to help your family live together in harmony.


Strengthening Our Relationships

Fr. Nicholas and Dr. Roxanne Louh spend the hour talking about our relationships and how we can strengthen them. Listen for some very practical tips!


Rising Above Violence And Revenge

When reviled, we bless. When insulted, we forgive - St. Paul


Jesus, Mary, and Joseph in England (Constantine and Helen, too)!

Just back from five weeks in the United Kingdom, Fr. Joseph shares from his travelogue on the Saints—and others—he encountered there. In other words, what do Joseph of Arimathea, Patrick of Ireland, Elder Sophrony, King Arthur, and Ron Weasley all have in common?


Pluralism, Polarization and Discernment; the Challenge and Promise of Diversity

One of the challenges of our present spiritual situation is that our society has settled for something less than truth. This affects the quality of our opinions, policies, and judgments and undermines our ability to live and spread the Gospel. An indicator of the seriousness of this is our growing inability to listen to, learn from, and love people who think differently than we do. In this presentation, I frame the situation as a problem of discernment, compare scientific and Orthodox methods of knowing, and describe how polarization keeps us from using either well. I conclude with a discussion of the critical role diversity plays in discerning truth, and how the Gospel can transform the (Babelic) divisions that deafen us to the truth into a (Pentecostal) harmony that proclaims and celebrates it. Emulating the academic forum the paper was written for (the 2020 Institute for Studies in Eastern Theology), Dn. Timothy Kelleher then offers his thoughts on the presentation and subject. Enjoy the show!


Some Challenges in the Selection and Training of Priests

Fr. Anthony talks frankly with Fr. Gregory Jensen, PhD, about the how the selection of priests affects the quality of priestly ministry. From narcissism to the built-in preference for agreeableness - it's all grist for the mill. Enjoy the show!


Mindfully Embracing Christ's Peace in This Most Challenging Holy Week

Our calling this week is to enter into the profound contrast between the ways of the world as we know them and the life of our crucified and risen Lord. Especially today, it is easy to focus on what is going wrong, on what we have lost already or may lose in the future.


The Weak Receive Strength Through Obedience

The man in today’s gospel reading would never have found healing had he chosen to remain as he had been for thirty-eight years. Lying still for a long time makes us weak and unable to move on our own.


Spiritual Strength Comes Through Entrusting Ourselves to Christ

We must never think that the vocation to holiness is reserved exclusively for some people, perhaps the clergy, the monastics, or only the great saints.


God's Foolishness and Weakness Are Greater Than the World's Wisdom and Strength

As we celebrate the Exaltation of the Cross, let us examine ourselves to see if our lives appear foolish and scandalous by the standards of the world because of our faithfulness to Jesus Christ.


The Great Strength of Confessing Our Weak Faith

“Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” These words from the brokenhearted father in today’s gospel lesson resonate with all of us who are honest about what the deep challenges of our lives reveal about our spiritual state.


Gaining the Strength to Grow in Forgiveness by Growing in Humility

When we truly know that we are the chief of sinners and recognize that our very existence is dependent upon the mercy of the Lord, then we will no longer be driven to condemn anyone else.


The Fall of Paradise VII: From Communion to Commonwealth in Puritan England

In this episode Father John explores the way in which the loss of sacramental experience among Calvinists led to the rise of a political ideology that would unintentionally lay the foundation for utopia.


Samuel the Prophet: Messenger of Justice and Forgiveness

Our readings for the eleventh Sunday of Matthew (1 Corinthians 9:1-12, Matthew 18:23-25) happily correspond this year with our remembrance of the Holy Prophet and last of the Judges of Israel, Samuel. Parts of his story in 1 Samuel/Kingdoms 12 and 28, plus words about him in Psalm 98 (LXX)/99 and Sirach 46, help us understand more deeply God’s character of justice and forgiveness, exemplified in the prophet. We, too, are called to this pattern as we respond to the problems of our day, including the social unrest and violence of this week.


Lighting Up the Apocalypse 9: Strengthen the Things That Remain!

We hear Jesus’ words to Sardis (Rev. 3:1-6) in the light of the prophets Amos (2:4-12, 5:16-20, 6:1) and Isaiah (42:3), considering that divine warnings are meant to lead to repentance, and that we are invited to participate in the strengthening help that Christ gives His Church.


Engaging the Icons

Fr. Ted discusses the necessity of icons in worship.


Climbing the Mountain: Challenges and Pitfalls in the Lenten Journey

Fr. Ted speaks at an adult lenten retreat at All Saints Greek Orthodox Church in Toronto, Ontario.


Rod Dreher on The Challenges of Modern Islam and What the Media Aren't Telling Us

Steve and Kevin interview syndicated columnist Rod Dreher about today's Islamic faith. Buckle up!


Pathways out of Addiction 2: Engaging the Battle

Andrew tells us that will power and relying on ourselves is an ineffective strategy for dealing with addiction to pornography. Read the transcript HERE.


Boston Byzantine Choir: A Quarter-Century Journey of Byzantine Chant in English

On its return to Orthodox Education Day at St. Vladimir's Seminary October 6, 2018, the Boston Byzantine Choir, directed by Charles R. Marge, delivered a beautiful performance at Three Hierarchs Chapel in celebration of the choir's own 25th anniversary.


Tenga una Fe Viva

Domingo 28 de septiembre Pd. Nicolás predicó que nosotros necesitamos a provechar cada dia que tenemos y tener una fe con vida. Él propusó que cada uno de nosotros podemos ser activo para hacer lo que es bueno. (2 C or. 6:1-10) Sunday September 28 Fr. Nicholas preached that we need to take advantage of every day that we have and have a faith that is alive. He proposed that everyone of us can be active in order to do that which is good. (2 Cor. 6:1-10)


La Resurrección No Engaña

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre el poder de la resurrección para guiarnos en una vida de rectitud. No debes robar. (Hechos 5:1-11) Fr. Nicholas preached about the power of the resurrection which guides in the life of rectitude. One should not steal. (Acts 5:1-11)


Tenga Claridad!

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la importancia de limpiar nuestros pensamientos y corazones para saber bien que es la voluntad de Dios. (Filipenses. 2:5-11) Fr. Nicholas preached about the importance of cleansing our minds and hearts in order to know with clarity the will of God. (Philippians 2:5-11)


Mantenga la Alegría

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre la importancia para tener gozo en nuestros corazones y no dejar las cosas del mundo a quitar nuestra alegría. (Lucas 9:18-22) Fr. Nicholas preached about the importance of having joy in our hearts and not to let the temptations of the world take away our happiness. (Luke 9:18-22)


No Tenga Secretos

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre el Dios todo consiente. Nuestro Señor sabe todo entonces no tratas a esconderte. (Efesios 4:1-7) Fr. Nicholas preached about the all knowing God. Our Lord knows all therefore do not try to hide. (Ephesians 4:1-7)


Mantenga Dios en Tu Vida

Padre Nicolás predicó sobre necesitamos a mantener el mensaje de Dios en nuestros almas para todo nuestra vida. (1 Corintios 16:13-24) Fr. Nicholas preached about how we need to keep the message of God in our souls for all of our life. (1 Corinthians 16:13-24)


Tengas Amor Valiente

Pd. Nicholas predicó sobre la importancia de defender la verdad y mantenga nuestra fe firme. Marcos 15:43-16:8 Fr. Nicholas preached about the importance to defend the truth and remain firm in our faith. Mark 15:43-16:8


Mantenga la Calma

Padre Nicholas predica que ocupamos a mantener la calma, y enfocarnos en Dios. Si hacemos eso, vamos a recibir un premio grandísimo. Mateo 10:32-38 Fr. Nicholas preached on how we should keep calm, and focus on God. If we do this, we will receive a grand prize. Matthew 10:32-38


Mantenga le Amor

Padre Nicholas predica que ocupamos mantener el Amor de Dios, para tener una vida de amor. Efesios 4:1-7 Fr. Nicholas preaches that we need to keep the love of God, to have a life full of love. Ephesians 4:1-7


Mantenga el Ritmo De Dios

Carta: Ef 4: 1-7, Evangelio Lc 12: 16-21 El Padre Nicholas predicó sobre escuchar la llamada de Dios. Letter: Ef 4: 1-7, Gospel: Lk 12: 16-21 Father Nicholas preached about listening to God’s call.



Martha discusses the importance of fasting within the context of a community.


Strength through Weakness

Fr. Apostolos shares about real strength from St. Paul's Second Letter to the Corinthians.


Crew Members, Not Passengers

Fr. Apostolos Hill shares a homily centered on the Epistle reading and St. Paul's admonition that we exercise the spiritual gifts given to us for the building up of the Body of Christ.


The Challenge of the Good News

Sermon on the Leavetaking of the Elevation of the Precious Cross (Galatians 2:16-20; Mark 8:34-9:1)


Keeping God at Arm's Length (Luke 18:18-27)

Jesus is given various titles in the New Testament: Teacher, Master, Lord and others. Fr Tom reminds us that, as Orthodox Christians, we must strive to approach God for not only who He really is, but who we really are too. (Thirty-first Sunday after Pentecost)


How the Cross Strengthens Our Faith

On the Sunday before the Elevation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross, the Church presents readings to prepare us to celebrate the feast. Fr Thomas reminds us that the Cross is lifted up in our midst to encourage us and to show us how to become more faithful and loving.


How to Strengthen Your Faith (Mk 9:17-31)

The gospel reading for the Fourth Sunday of Lent is about the healing of the demon-possessed boy. In it, we can all relate to the pleading of the boy's father: "Lord, I believe. Help my unbelief!" To help us in our Lenten journey, Father Thomas gives us three practical ways to strengthen and deepen our faith, taken directly from this Sunday's readings.


How Can We Find Strength In Our Weakness?

How can we find the power of God and strength amidst feelings of weakness and persecution? Fr. Thomas urges us to follow the example of our Lord Jesus Christ, the apostles, and saints as we find ourselves in a world opposed to the Christian life.


The Messenger, The Messiah, and The Manifestation.

Leading into the feast of Theophany, Fr. Tom calls to remembrance the Forerunner and how he points us to repentance in order to see clearly our Savior in the Holy Trinity.


Seeing Further Gives Strength


Not Tempted Beyond Your Strength


Restore, Establish, and Strengthen


Strengthen, Don't Weaken!


Strengthened With All Power


Not Tempted Beyond Your Strength