zebra unicorn

In Which a Zebra Unicorn Is Creepier Than Anticipated!

This year's Halloween costume involved less preparation than usual. I'll be honest, I'm still recovering from the year I dressed up as a library. My goal this year was something creative yet simple to assemble.

I glitter-striped a unicorn horn and made myself some ears...

Then attached them to a Cruella deVil style black-and-white wig.

I figured a zebra unicorn wears something sparkly and striped, right?

Nothing odd about this dress... *cough*

And this is when things got intense. The plan all along was to study the way stripes sit on a zebra's face, then paint that pattern on my own face to create something magical. But it turned out SO CREEPY!

 Creepy's okay with me, though.

Click on any picture to embiggen/get a more focused view.

Till next year! :o)