web accessibility

Condition of Web Accessibility in Practice and Suggestions for Its Improvement

web accessibility

Envision Financial Systems' digital investor and rep portal recognized for web accessibility

Envision commits to digital accessibility for investors and reps

web accessibility

B4: Contextual Accessibility in Institutional Web Accessibility Policies

David Sloan, Digital Media Access Group, University of Dundee and Simon Ball, Techdis will think about how we promote contextual accessibility as an institutional standard? How can we encourage web authors to use diverse solutions to optimise accessibility, while making sure that basic principles of accessible design are met?

web accessibility

Everything You Need to Know About Web Accessibility

Are you sure everyone on the web can easily access your website? ‘Cause if it is not accessible to everyone, you are losing some great business opportunities! This article is going to put some shades on this “web accessibility” term. Also, you will get to know why it holds so much importance in today’s digital...

web accessibility

Newsroom: W3C aims to boost web accessibility (wnunet.com)

Updated accessibility news

web accessibility

WCAG 2.0 and the future of Web accessibility

IBM interviews Judy Brewer from W3C about the new WCAG 2.0 guidelines and the challenges her group faced in developing the new principles.