tsla Voetbal op de Olympische Spelen: Duitsland – Fiji: 10 – 0 By voetbal.blog.nl Published On :: Thu, 11 Aug 2016 09:20:25 +0000 "Tsja... als die eerste goal aan de andere kant valt, krijg je een hele andere wedstrijd..." Een voetbal-cliché (smoes) voor een ...... Lees verder: Voetbal op de Olympische Spelen: Duitsland – Fiji: 10 – 0 Full Article Buitenland duitsland fiji olympische spelen voetbal
tsla Sep 28 - Holy Martyr Vatslav, King of the Czechs By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2014-10-31T20:48:23+00:00 Full Article
tsla Holy Martyr Vatslav (Wenceslas), King of the Czechs By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2014-10-31T20:48:37+00:00 Full Article
tsla Holy Martyr Vatslav, King of the Czechs By www.ancientfaith.com Published On :: 2014-10-31T20:49:03+00:00 Full Article
tsla TSLA Stock Technical Analysis – Road to a new all-time high? By www.forexlive.com Published On :: Tue, 12 Nov 2024 09:46:48 GMT Fundamental OverviewTSLA is now up more than 40% since the election day as the bullish momentum in the stock exploded following Trump’s victory. This shouldn’t be surprising given that Elon Musk bet big on Trump and the market is now rewarding it. It looks like the US economy continues not only to do well but also re-accelerating amid the Fed’s easing and the expectations of expansionary fiscal policies like tax cuts and deregulation. Moreover, the manufacturing cycle might be in the early innings of a growth phase, so those are all positive macro factors for the stock.Tesla, like Coinbase, Bitcoin and Dogecoin, have been the top beneficiaries of Trump’s victory given their direct connection to Trump. For now, there’s no real top in sight as we would likely need a contractionary monetary policy or a notable slowdown in the economy.The risk going forward is the Fed. If the central bank starts to mention the need of more tightening, then we could see some big corrections in all risk assets. That day though looks to be at least a couple of months away for now. TSLA Stock Technical Analysis – Daily TimeframeOn the daily chart, we can see that TSLA broke above the resistance zone around the 270.00 level and exploded higher as Trump’s victory became clear. The stock is now trading around the 359.00 level in pre-market. The target should be the all-time high around the 414.50 level but that doesn’t mean it cannot break through and reach new highs. TSLA Stock Technical Analysis – 4 hour TimeframeOn the 4 hour chart, we can see that we have an upward trendline defining the current bullish momentum. That’s now far away from the current price and it’s unlikely that we will see a pullback into it in the near term unless we get a very hot US CPI report tomorrow. If we do get there though, the buyers will likely lean on it to position for a rally into new highs, while the sellers will look for a break lower and below the previous resistance now turned support to increase the bearish bets into new lows. TSLA Stock Technical Analysis – 1 hour TimeframeOn the 1 hour chart, we can see that we have another minor upward trendline defining the bullish momentum on this timeframe. The buyers will likely keep on bidding the stock up with a defined risk below the trendline, while the sellers will look for a break lower to start targeting a pullback into the next trendline. Upcoming CatalystsThis week is a bit empty on the data front with the most important releases scheduled for the latter part of the week. Tomorrow, we have the US CPI report. On Thursday, we get the latest US Jobless Claims figures. On Friday, we conclude the week with the US Retail Sales data. This article was written by Giuseppe Dellamotta at www.forexlive.com. Full Article Technical Analysis
tsla Samsonite plant ontslagronde in Oudenaarde - De Tijd By news.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 19:52:11 GMT Samsonite plant ontslagronde in Oudenaarde De TijdHele verhaal bekijken via Google Nieuws Full Article
tsla Elon Musk says Tesla will 'immediately' leave California after coronavirus shutdowns forced the company to close its main car factory (TSLA) By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 13:34:00 -0400 Reuters Elon Musk says Tesla may leave its Palo Alto headquarters and Fremont, California factory. In a tweet Saturday morning, the chief executive continued his outrage against shelter-in-place orders that have forced most non-essential businesses to close. Last week, Musk likened the rules to fascism, and urged leaders to "give people their goddamn freedom back." Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. After a week of decrying coronavirus shelter-in-place orders that have left Tesla's main factory shuttered and unable to produce vehicles, Elon Musk says the company may move its factory out of the state. "Tesla is filing a lawsuit against Alameda County immediately," the chief executive said on Twitter Saturday morning. "The unelected & ignorant 'Interim Health Officer' of Alameda is acting contrary to the Governor, the President, our Constitutional freedoms & just plain common sense!"See the rest of the story at Business InsiderNOW WATCH: How waste is dealt with on the world's largest cruise shipSee Also:Tesla has secured a $565 million loan for its factory in Shanghai where the company just halted operationsElon Musk and Grimes gave their baby an unusual name with multiple hidden meanings, and it may have a hidden connection to the X-MenWatch Elon Musk pronounce his baby's name, which he says Grimes mostly picked out Full Article Tesla Elon Musk California coronavirus TSLA
tsla Verzet tegen coronamaatregelen groeit in Duitsland: 'Aan ons is niks gevraagd' By nos.nl Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 06:20:58 +0200 In Duitsland groeit het verzet tegen de door de overheid opgelegde coronamaatregelen. Vandaag worden in Stuttgart bij de zevende 'Wake voor de grondwet' opnieuw duizenden mensen verwacht. Ook in Berlijn en andere steden wordt gedemonstreerd. Op steeds meer plekken worden demonstraties of acties aangemeld, ook het aantal deelnemers neemt toe. De actievoerders komen uit verschillende hoeken: antivaxers (tegenstanders van vaccinaties), linkse intellectuelen, bezorgde ondernemers, bekenden uit het extreemrechtse milieu, complotdenkers. Een ding hebben ze gemeen: ze wantrouwen de koers van de regering, ook nog nu er flinke versoepelingen zijn aangekondigd. Woensdag kondigde bondskanselier Merkel namelijk aan dat het land grotendeels van het slot zal gaan. De deelstaten hebben de regie bij de versoepelingen. Maar Merkel benadrukte wel dat bij een bepaald aantal besmettingen (50 per 100.000 inwoners) de maatregelen weer ingesteld moeten worden. In Berlijn zijn er zes weken op een rij wekelijkse demonstraties geweest op de Rosa Luxemburgplatz. "Het hele parlement, alle partijen, alle fracties hebben zich achter de koers van de regering geschaard", zegt initiatiefnemer Anselm Lenz. "Daarnaast lees je in de media bijna alleen maar dat het virus extreem gevaarlijk is en dat alle maatregelen die worden genomen terecht zijn." Volgens Lenz is het parlement praktisch "gleichgeschaltet", gelijkgeschakeld, een term die verwijst naar het uitsluiten van dissidente stemmen door de nazi's in de jaren dertig. "Wij vinden dat in Duitsland nooit meer het hele volk zich achter de regering moet scharen. Wij zijn de oppositie." Ook het harde optreden van de politie is volgens Lenz onwettig. Hij werd zelf opgepakt tijdens het uitdelen van verzetskranten: Maar voeren demonstranten dan alleen actie, zodat er oppositie is? Nee, zegt Lenz. Hij gelooft dat de Duitse regering de verkeerde strategie heeft gekozen. "Ik zeg niet dat dit virus niet gevaarlijk is. Dat is het wel. Maar de maatregelen zijn niet in verhouding." Wat nog erger is, volgens Lenz, is dat de bevolking niet heeft mogen meebeslissen. "Aan ons is niks gevraagd. Niet aan de ouderen of ze opgesloten willen worden, aan ouders of ze hun kinderen thuis willen houden, of aan mij of ik zo'n vernederend mondkapje op wil, ook al is de wetenschap het er nog niet eens over eens of dat helpt." Op de demonstraties in Berlijn en Stuttgart komen ook bekende rechtsextremisten en complotdenkers af. Voormalig journalist en radiopresentator Ken Jebsen valt in die laatste categorie. Ook Lenz interviewde hem voor zijn krant. Volgens Jebsen misbruiken Bill en Melinda Gates de coronacrisis om de wereld te 'kapen' en verplicht te laten inenten. Een theorie waarvoor geen enkel bewijs bestaat. Ziet hij er geen gevaar in zulke theorieën te verspreiden en met deze mensen ten strijde te trekken? SPD-partijsecretaris Lars Klingbeil waarschuwde in de Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung voor complotdenkers. "Die willen helemaal niet discussiëren over of het verstandig is de kinderopvang te sluiten of niet, mondkapjes te dragen ja of nee. Ze zijn er op uit om ons systeem te destabiliseren", zegt hij tegen de krant. Lenz ziet het gevaar niet zo. Discussie betekent niet dat hij het ermee eens is. "Als ik in deze tijden moet kiezen of ik een gesprek aan ga met Ken Jebsen, hoe freaky het ook is, of sluit ik me aan bij de totalitaire koers van de andere media, dan weet ik wel waarvoor ik kies." 'Querdenken' Jebsen is ook voor vandaag uitgenodigd bij de demonstratie in Stuttgart. Initiatiefnemer van de demo's in die stad is IT-ondernemer Michael Ballweg. Hij heeft de beweging Querdenken opgericht, omdat hij vindt dat de grondrechten te makkelijk en op te grote schaal zijn ingeperkt. Hij vocht het demonstratieverbod tot aan het Constitutioneel Hof aan, en kreeg gelijk. Op de laatste Querdenk-demo kwamen zeker 4000 demonstranten af. Voor vandaag heeft hij er 10.000 aangemeld. Ballweg reageert niet op onze interviewaanvragen. Op zijn website valt te lezen dat hij alleen met de pers praat als ze een uitgebreid formulier ondertekenen, waarin staat dat ze geen censuur toepassen. Het wantrouwen in de pers uitte zich bij eerdere demonstraties ook op een gewelddadige manier. In Berlijn zijn twee teams van de publieke omroep aangevallen. Zes mensen belandden daarbij in het ziekenhuis. Het is nog onbekend uit welke hoek de daders komen. Full Article
tsla Wekdienst 9/5: Demonstraties in Duitsland • Benefiet in Caribisch deel koninkrijk By nos.nl Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 08:14:48 +0200 Goedemorgen! In Duitsland zijn er demonstraties tegen de coronamaatregelen in het land, en Jandino Asporaat organiseert een benefiet. Het wordt een overwegend zonnige dag. Met 20 tot lokaal 26 graden wordt het nog een stuk warmer dan in de afgelopen dagen. De noordoostenwind is zwak tot matig. Ga je vandaag de weg op? Hier vind je het overzicht van de werkzaamheden. Check hier de aangepaste dienstregeling voor het spoor. Wat kun je vandaag verwachten? Het is in Rusland de Dag van de Overwinning. Het is 75 jaar geleden dat het Rode Leger nazi-Duitsland versloeg. Vanwege de coronacrisis zijn er dit jaar geen militaire parade of veteranen op het Rode Plein. Wel vliegen er gevechtsvliegtuigen over Moskou. In Duitsland zijn in diverse steden demonstraties tegen de coronamaatregelen van de regering. Er worden duizenden deelnemers verwacht. Cabaretier Jandino Asporaat organiseert vanavond de live benefietshow Samen één Koninkrijk. De show, waarmee geld wordt ingezameld voor inwoners van Curaçao, Aruba en Sint-Maarten, is direct na het NOS Journaal van 20.00 uur te volgen op NPO 1. Wat heb je gemist? Verpleeghuizen hebben sinds begin maart al geprobeerd hun personeel te laten testen op het coronavirus, maar werden geweigerd door laboratoria, terwijl die soms voldoende testcapaciteit hadden. Zelfs toen half maart bezoek aan verpleeghuizen werd verboden vanwege besmettingsgevaar, werd het personeel niet getest. De tests werden geweigerd omdat onduidelijk was waar in Nederland er beschikbare capaciteit was. Het grootste laboratorium van Nederland, Star-shl, had naar eigen zeggen wel capaciteit, maar weigerde aanvankelijk verpleeghuizen, omdat het RIVM dit voorschreef. "Marktwerking leidde de afgelopen tien jaar tot een wildgroei aan laboratoria", schrijft Trouw, dat samen met Argos en De Groene Amsterdammer het journalistieke onderzoeksplatform Investico inschakelde om het nieuws over de tests te achterhalen. "Waar voorheen één of twee labs per regio waren, zijn er nu landelijk ruim honderd. Volgens GGD'ers en arts-microbiologen is het overzicht zoek." Ander nieuws uit de nacht Entertainer Roy Horn (Siegfried & Roy) overleden in Las Vegas: Horn (75), die overleed aan het coronavirus, werd wereldberoemd met de extravagante leeuwen- en tijgershows die hij jarenlang met partner Siegfried Fischbacher maakte. Rapper Tekashi 6ix9ine maakt grootse comeback na vervroegde vrijlating: toen bekend werd dat 6ix9ine zou gaan getuigen in een zaak over bendegeweld, werd hij het lachertje van de rapscene. Maar online werd de hype steeds groter naarmate zijn comeback naderde. KNVB-plan voor oefenwedstrijden in augustus biedt FC Utrecht hoop: de bekerfinale tussen Feyenoord en FC Utrecht is door de coronapandemie van de agenda gehaald. Utrecht hoopt alsnog op doorgang: de bekerwinnaar verdient een ticket voor Europees voetbal. En dan nog even dit: In Nederland is een vulkaan ontdekt. Het gaat om een 150 miljoen jaar oude uitgedoofde vulkaan. Hij ligt 100 kilometer ten noordwesten van Texel, en is bij toeval door de Geologische Dienst Nederland gevonden. De nieuwe vulkaan is Mulciber genoemd, naar de Romeinse God van vuur en vulkanen. De diep begraven Mulciber werd herkend aan afwijkingen in de structuur van de ondergrond en het aardmagnetisch veld op die plek. De vulkaan is de tweede van Nederland. Vijftig jaar geleden werd de eerste gevonden, in de Waddenzee. Fijne dag! Full Article
tsla Samsonite Oudenaarde stevent af op collectief ontslag - De Standaard By news.google.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 09:43:45 GMT Samsonite Oudenaarde stevent af op collectief ontslag De StandaardSamsonite plant ontslagronde in Oudenaarde De TijdCorona kost banen bij reiskofferfabrikant Samsonite: “Het gi... (Oudenaarde) Het NieuwsbladMogelijke ontslagen bij Samsonite Oudenaarde door coronacrisis: “Niemand wil een reiskoffer kopen” VRT NWSSamsonite Oudenaarde kondigt ontslagen aan (Oudenaarde) Het NieuwsbladHele verhaal bekijken via Google Nieuws Full Article
tsla Betogers uit erg diverse hoeken protesteren tegen coronamaatregelen in Duitsland - VRT NWS By news.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 16:55:00 GMT Betogers uit erg diverse hoeken protesteren tegen coronamaatregelen in Duitsland VRT NWSDuitsland demonstreert tegen coronamaatregelen De StandaardDuitse ME grijpt in bij protest tegen coronamaatregelen Telegraaf.nlHele verhaal bekijken via Google Nieuws Full Article
tsla All the coolest features of every Tesla vehicle ever made or unveiled, ranked (TSLA) By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 09:04:00 -0400 Tesla's vehicles are and always have been crammed with great ideas. These range from touchscreen interfaces to innovative battery designs to staggering acceleration. I've driven or experienced every vehicle Tesla has ever sold or intends to sell in the future. Here are all my favorite features, ranked. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. In about two decades, Tesla has done what everyone in the auto industry thought was impossible: create an all-electric brand that could sell hundreds of thousands of vehicles. Tesla could have done that in a boring or modest way, developing the equivalent of an electric VW Beetle. Instead, Tesla made fantastically compelling cars that are fast, look amazing, and are packed with features. Here's a rundown of all my favorites, ranked from bottom to top:FOLLOW US: On Facebook for more car and transportation content! Tesla has been in business for 17 years. In that period of time, it's consistently captivated the world not just because it makes all-electric cars, but because those cars have always been packed with cool features. "Easter eggs" — frivolous little extras that Tesla throws in whenever it does software updates. Owners enjoy finding them. The Model X's falcon-wing doors. Dramatic, slightly impractical, and a nightmare to manufacture. But Tesla has the only SUV on the road with such an exotic feature. Bioweapon Defense Mode uses a powerful filtration system to render the interior air quality of the Model X or Model S "hospital grade," according to Tesla. The Model X's 5,000-pound towing capacity. Nobody ever talks about it, but the Model X can tow a goodly amount for an electric SUV. It's very competitive with gas-powered SUVs that tout their capabilities. The large, central portrait touchscreen on the Model S and Model X. This mega-tablet interface was a revelation when Tesla first introduced it on the Model S in 2012, but it's now emulated throughout the auto industry. It's actually canted slightly toward the driver. Aero Wheels on the Model 3. The proprietary design is standard on the vehicle, enhancing airflow, reducing drag, and improving range. Ludicrous Mode. The acceleration feature — which followed Insane Mode, first rolled for the all-wheel-drive Model S — enables Teslas to cover the 0-60 mph sprint at supercar-like velocities. Frunks! All Teslas currently on sale have front trunks, expanding their cargo capacities. Having no gas engine helps to free up space. Trunks! Teslas are commendable cargo haulers because they're effectively boxes on top of battery packs, creating ample space for luggage, groceries, of gear. Quiet. In operation, Teslas are notably quiet and smooth, thanks to the optimization of airflow, solid build quality, and mostly silent electric motors. The Tesla smartphone app. I've actually tested a number of these from assorted manufacturers, but Tesla's is the only one that's truly useful. For the Model 3, it replaces the traditional key fob. The glass roof of the Model 3. It creates a stunning silhouette and floods the cabin with natural light. The space-age operators' platform in the cab of the Tesla Semi. This space — clearly anticipating a time when semi-trucks drive themselves — is the most futuristic thing Tesla has ever designed. Roadsters in space. CEO Elon Musk's personal Tesla Roadster was launched atop the SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket in 2017, as a test payload. Piloted by "Starman," it set a new standard for automotive marketing. Tesla's in-house audio system. Most luxury brands partner with a big-name audio company for premium sound systems, but Tesla developed its own — and it sounds absolutely fantastic. Charge monitoring and mapping. Charging is among the most important things Tesla has to think about, so the company has made it a priority to track it in the vehicle and via the app, as well as to plot road-trip courses that use GPS navigation to permit island-hopping from charging location to charging location. Navigate on Autopilot combines Tesla's GPS mapping system with Autopilot's ability to execute lane changes and freeway on- and off-ramping maneuvers. The new Roadster's staggering performance specs. The all-new machine has a claimed 0-60 mph time of 1.9 seconds, making it the fastest production vehicle in the world. The Model 3's consolidated vehicle-management system and central landscape touchscreen. Almost every aspect of the Model 3 is controlled here, and the traditional instrument cluster has been moved to the left side of the screen, and streamlined. The radical design of the Cybertruck. In late 2019, Tesla had fallen into a design rut. The otherworldly, stainless-steel Cybertruck changed all that. Controversial to be sure, but also thrilling. Read about the Cybertrucks' rad design. Manufacturing simplicity. Electric cars are less complicated to build than gas-powered ones. Tesla has designed its factory in China to optimize this aspect of production, which could support and enviable profit margin for Tesla in the 20-30% range. The white interior. It's an extra, but a very popular one. I was initially skeptical, but I'm now a fan. After all, it survived a 700-plus-mile family road trip! Read about the road trip. Over-the-air software updates. Just like smartphones, Teslas can be routinely upgraded while sitting in owners' driveways. This means that an older Tesla can acquire new features quite literally overnight. The Supercharger network. Access to DC fast-charging used to be a lifetime perk for Tesla owners, but Tesla has begun to bill for the service. Still, it enables longer road trips and is completely integrated with each Tesla vehicle's systems. Tesla's design philosophy. Head designer Franz von Holzhausen and Elon Musk argue that it doesn't cost anymore to make Teslas beautiful. But von Holzhausen has also exercised tasteful restraint, ensuring that Tesla's vehicles have a long market life. Read about Franz's design influence. Performance! Tesla vehicles have always combined electric virtuosity with industry-leading performance. Owners can usually expect to be driving one of the fastest cars on the road. Battery design. Tesla has taken a complicated, multi-cell concept — thousands are wired together in packs — and perfected it, yielding impressive range and performance. The company also manufactures its own packs, in partnership with Panasonic. The Model 3's minimalist driving experience. With the clean dashboard, you can focus on the road ahead. It's a blissful thing and my top Tesla feature. The bottom line is that while plenty of other automakers put cool features in their cars, Teslas are crammed with ideas, ideas, and more ideas. Full Article
tsla Elon Musk says Tesla will 'immediately' leave California after coronavirus shutdowns forced the company to close its main car factory (TSLA) By feedproxy.google.com Published On :: Sat, 09 May 2020 13:34:00 -0400 Elon Musk says Tesla may leave its Palo Alto headquarters and Fremont, California factory. In a tweet Saturday morning, the chief executive continued his outrage against shelter-in-place orders that have forced most non-essential businesses to close. Last week, Musk likened the rules to fascism, and urged leaders to "give people their goddamn freedom back." Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories. After a week of decrying coronavirus shelter-in-place orders that have left Tesla's main factory shuttered and unable to produce vehicles, Elon Musk says the company may move its factory out of the state. "Tesla is filing a lawsuit against Alameda County immediately," the chief executive said on Twitter Saturday morning. "The unelected & ignorant 'Interim Health Officer' of Alameda is acting contrary to the Governor, the President, our Constitutional freedoms & just plain common sense!" That was followed up with a threat to move Tesla's headquarters outside the state. "Frankly, this is the final straw," he replied. "Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all, it will be dependent on how Tesla is treated in the future. Tesla is the last carmaker left in CA." Frankly, this is the final straw. Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all, it will be dependen on how Tesla is treated in the future. Tesla is the last carmaker left in CA. — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 9, 2020 It wasn't immediately clear if a suit had yet been filed, or in which court Tesla will file the lawsuit. Most state and federal courts are closed on weekends and do not allow filing. In a subsequent Tweet, Musk alsourged shareholders to file a class action suit for damages caused by shutdown. Tesla's press relations department did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Alameda County did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Alameda County — the East Bay locale which includes Fremont, California, and Tesla's gigafactory about 30 miles southeast of San Francisco — extended its shelter-in-place order on April 29 "until further notice." Local authorities have not allowed Tesla to reopen the factory, and all manufacturing remains prohibited under the order. The San Francisco Chronicle reported that Tesla was planning to resume some manufacturing operations at the factory as soon as last Wednesday, May 6. Local officials said it did not have permission to do so. "Right now, the same health order is in place so nothing has changed," Fremont Police Department spokeswoman Geneva Bosques told Business Insider at the time. "Operating the assembly line was determined early on to be a violation." Last week, following Tesla's first-quarter earnings announcement, Musk decried the shutdowns as a substantial risk to the company's financials. "Frankly, I would call it forcible imprisoning of people in their homes against all of, their constitutional rights, in my opinion," he said on a conference call. "It's breaking people's freedoms in ways that are horrible and wrong and not why they came to America or built this country. What the f---. Excuse me. Outrage. Outrage." "If somebody wants to stay in their house, that's great and they should be able to," he continued. "But to say they cannot leave their house and that they will be arrested if they do, that's fascist. That is not democratic — this is not freedom. Give people back their goddamn freedom." Some states, including Texas, Georgia, and others, have begun to slowly allow certain businesses to re-open in recent weeks. Musk praised counties neighboring Alameda, like San Joaquin for what he said were more "reasonable" responses. In a podcast released May 7, he told Joe Rogan that the company had learned from the coronavirus in China, where it briefly forced Tesla to close its Shanghai factory — a claim he repeated on Twitter Saturday. "Our castings foundry and other faculties in San Joaquin have been working 24/7 this entire time with no ill effects. Same with Giga Nevada," Musk said. "Tesla knows far more about what needs to be done to be safe through our Tesla China factory experience than an (unelected) interim junior official in Alameda County." As Musk began to complain about factory shutdowns in April, workers at Tesla's Fremont factory told Business Insider that the comments made them anxious. "I'm for going back to work, but only if it is safe for me, my family, coworkers," said one production employee. "I don't feel like I'm being forced to stay home or that my freedom has been taken away. It's for the good of California."Join the conversation about this story » NOW WATCH: A cleaning expert reveals her 3-step method for cleaning your entire home quickly Full Article
tsla The Final Call: XLE, HYG & TSLA By www.cnbc.com Published On :: Fri, 08 May 2020 22:20:18 GMT The Options Action traders give their final trades of the week. Full Article