thought leadership

Hospitality Thought Leadership: Thinking for Innovation and Advancement

The pandemic had the hospitality industry rethinking its operating models for safety, security and survival. This crisis event promoted innovation and new concepts and applications in all businesses, including hospitality and tourism.

thought leadership

Conversational Agents and AI Transformation: Q&A with Rob Ryan, Head of Business Value and Thought Leadership, Workgrid

AI adoption as a whole is very fragmented depending on the organization, depending on the market business vertical. The real game changer of AI is embedding into those deeper systems of operations, not just surface level use cases of generate a blog, generate news. AI should be evolving with your organization, your culture, and your appetite for risk. That's where Workgrid certainly comes in. Workgrid's platform is built to meet you wherever you happen to be on that journey.

thought leadership

De échte gamechanger op LinkedIn: Thought Leadership Ads

Vergeet de nieuwe videofeed. Bespaar je de tijd om alle minimale aanpassingen in het (organische) algoritme toe te passen in de hoop een paar extra impressies te behalen. De grootste verandering vindt al enige tijd plaats en dat is dat LinkedIn steeds meer inzet op betalende klanten. Het wordt, en is misschien al, een platform […]