
Relict glacial terrains in west central Keewatin Sector, Laurentide Ice Sheet, Northwest Territories and Nunavut

Campbell, J; Godbout, P -M; McMartin, I; Normandeau, P. GAC®-MAC 2021, London, Canada: Exploring Geosciences Through Time and Space/GAC®-MAC 2021, London, Canada : Explorer les géosciences à travers le temps et l'espace; Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume vol. 44, 2021 p. 57
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200639.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/20200639.jpg" title="GAC®-MAC 2021, London, Canada: Exploring Geosciences Through Time and Space/GAC®-MAC 2021, London, Canada : Explorer les géosciences à travers le temps et l'espace; Geological Association of Canada-Mineralogical Association of Canada, Joint Annual Meeting, Abstracts Volume vol. 44, 2021 p. 57" height="150" border="1" /></a>


Ground ice degradation and thermokarst terrain formation in Canada over the past 16 000 years

Wolfe, S A; O'Neill, H B; Duchesne, C; Froese, D; Young, J M; Kokelj, S V. Geological Survey of Canada, Scientific Presentation 134, 2022, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/329668
<a href="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_329668.jpg"><img src="https://geoscan.nrcan.gc.ca/images/geoscan/gid_329668.jpg" title="Geological Survey of Canada, Scientific Presentation 134, 2022, 1 sheet, https://doi.org/10.4095/329668" height="150" border="1" /></a>


fractal terrain generation

The other day I read an article about how to create fractals using the midpoint displacement algorithm. It's a simple recursive algorithm where you take a square, and split it into 4 smaller squares while displacing the height of the corner where the 4 squares join by a random amount. This process is repeated, creating smaller squares which gradually make a smoother terrain. I spent an hour or two writing a PHP script to make a terrain image using this method. After I got some decent looking greyscale images, I added a color map so I could create colored oceans and mountains. Today I modified my old 3D graph script to generate 3D terrains using a bitmap and elevation map from my new fractal Here is what it looks like: sproutworks.com/artgraph.php?bitmap=image_1296466523.jpg&elvmap=elevation_1296466523.jpg&height=200 I might work on getting a terrain generator running in the iPhone, and rendering it with OpenGL.


Techtonica, le Satisfactory des biomes sous-terrains, a quitté son accès anticipé

Sorti depuis plus d’un an en accès anticipé, Techtonica, développé par le studio Fire Hose Games, est un jeu coopératif où vos compagnons et vous-même devrez explorer les profondeurs de la planète Calyx à l’aide d’outils variés et de machines automatisées. Le but est de récolter piller et d’exploiter de manière équitable à une échelle industrielle […]


Light, ultra-packable traction spikes save your hide on icy terrain

Traction device specialist Kahtoola is preparing to launch its most portable MICROspikes wearable to date, one so light it calls it the Ghost. The new design builds on the company's popular lineup but replaces stiff chains with a collapsible TPU frame that disappears away in your pack until it's needed for a slick, sketchy traverse. Within seconds, basic hiking boots gain toothy, ice-biting steel spikes to keep you secure, stable and confident on otherwise treacherous terrain.

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Exploring the Luckeep X2: A High-Performance Urban E-Bike for All Terrains

This Luckeep X2 Stormtrooper E-Bike is Awesome We’ve tested a lot of electric bikes. I like some for certain reasons, others for other reasons, and some I really don’t care for much at all. I have to say that one thing I’ve found over the years is that e-bikes seem ... [continued]

The post Exploring the Luckeep X2: A High-Performance Urban E-Bike for All Terrains appeared first on CleanTechnica.


Towards Egocentric Way-Finding Appliances Supporting Navigation in Unfamiliar Terrain


Mohawk Group Introduces Creative Terrain Homogenous Vinyl Tile

The terrazzo-inspired visuals are constructed in 18” x 36” format with color selections specifically curated for healthcare, education and office environments.


Young people's everyday climate crisis activism: new terrains for research, analysis and action.

Children's Geographies; 06/01/2021
(AN 151284205); ISSN: 14733285
Academic Search Premier


DNREC Unveils Delaware’s First Publicly Available All-Terrain Wheelchair

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control unveiled its new Action Trackchair an all-terrain wheelchair donated from the Ford Bronco Wild Fund June 12 at the Deerfield Clubhouse at White Clay Creek State Park. The event highlighted accessibility improvements statewide and featured the first publicly accessible all-terrain wheelchair available for public use in the state of Delaware. Delaware was the recipient of a nationally competitive grant for one of seven AXIS model Trackchairs provided through the Bronco Wild Fund Access Grants and the National Association of State Park Directors (NASPD).


Giant Viruses Found on Greenland's Frozen Terrain

Every spring, as the sun rises in the Arctic after months of darkness, life reawakens. Polar bears emerge from their winter dens, arctic terns return


The Race for Self-Driving Taxis: Waymo Puts Urban Terrain to the Test

Waymo is operating fully driverless robotaxis in Chandler, Ariz., and recently took a step toward offering the same to riders in San Francisco. It is a test that could provide a roadmap for Waymo’s expansion and help the Google sister company build a revenue-generating business. Photo: Karl Mollohan


A Chennai-based medical practitioner’s coffee table book captures the Himalayas across the seasons and terrains over two decades

How life changing is the Himalayan range? Dr Periyathiruvadi, a Chennai-based medical practitioner and founder of Lister Metropolis, has curated a coffee table book of photos from the mountains to answer this question


Take on new terrain

With the CS 400, Bajaj is looking to bring its performance and value concept into the mid-capacity sport tourer segment


Army to deploy all-terrain vehicles in northern borders

The Indian government has initiated the process of procuring All-Terrain Vehicles (ATVs) for deployment along the northern borders for the Indian Army. The Ministry of Defence has issued a Request for Information (RFI) seeking vendors who can supply the vehicles. The RFI outlines operational and technical specifications for the ATVs, including a minimum seating capacity of four personnel, disc brakes, automatic transmission, and heliportability by Chinook/Mi26 helicopters.


Télégraphie: cours sur l'appareil Hughes et les lignes souterraines / par E. Montoriol

Archives, Room Use Only - TK5261.M668 1909b


Instruction provisoire sur l'organisation du terrain.

Archives, Room Use Only - U165.F73 1924


Flyover Country app lets airline passengers explore the terrain 36,000 feet below

Learn more about those weird-looking thingamabobs down there.

  • Research & Innovations


Helping Yourself Grow Old, New Book On Aging By Award Winning Author Frances Fuller, Creates A Map Through The Challenging Terrain Of Old Age

Frances Fuller has followed up her award winning book about Lebanon, In Borrowed Houses, with a new book that helps us face a challenge each and every one of us must someday face.


Eccentricity terrain of $delta$-hyperbolic graphs. (arXiv:2002.08495v2 [cs.DM] UPDATED)

A graph $G=(V,E)$ is $delta$-hyperbolic if for any four vertices $u,v,w,x$, the two larger of the three distance sums $d(u,v)+d(w,x)$, $d(u,w)+d(v,x)$, and $d(u,x)+d(v,w)$ differ by at most $2delta geq 0$. Recent work shows that many real-world graphs have small hyperbolicity $delta$. This paper describes the eccentricity terrain of a $delta$-hyperbolic graph. The eccentricity function $e_G(v)=max{d(v,u) : u in V}$ partitions the vertex set of $G$ into eccentricity layers $C_{k}(G) = {v in V : e(v)=rad(G)+k}$, $k in mathbb{N}$, where $rad(G)=min{e_G(v): vin V}$ is the radius of $G$. The paper studies the eccentricity layers of vertices along shortest paths, identifying such terrain features as hills, plains, valleys, terraces, and plateaus. It introduces the notion of $eta$-pseudoconvexity, which implies Gromov's $epsilon$-quasiconvexity, and illustrates the abundance of pseudoconvex sets in $delta$-hyperbolic graphs. In particular, it shows that all sets $C_{leq k}(G)={vin V : e_G(v) leq rad(G) + k}$, $kin mathbb{N}$, are $(2delta-1)$-pseudoconvex. Additionally, several bounds on the eccentricity of a vertex are obtained which yield a few approaches to efficiently approximating all eccentricities. An $O(delta |E|)$ time eccentricity approximation $hat{e}(v)$, for all $vin V$, is presented that uses distances to two mutually distant vertices and satisfies $e_G(v)-2delta leq hat{e}(v) leq {e_G}(v)$. It also shows existence of two eccentricity approximating spanning trees $T$, one constructible in $O(delta |E|)$ time and the other in $O(|E|)$ time, which satisfy ${e}_G(v) leq e_T(v) leq {e}_G(v)+4delta+1$ and ${e}_G(v) leq e_T(v) leq {e}_G(v)+6delta$, respectively. Thus, the eccentricity terrain of a tree gives a good approximation (up-to an additive error $O(delta))$ of the eccentricity terrain of a $delta$-hyperbolic graph.


Improving AEDT Modeling for Aircraft Noise Reflection and Diffraction from Terrain and Manmade Structures

Barriers, berms, buildings, and natural terrain may affect the propagation of aircraft noise by shielding or reflecting sound energy. If terrain and manmade structures obstruct the line‐of‐sight between the source and the receiver, then sound energy will be attenuated at the receiver. This attenuation increases with the terrain and structures’ size and proximity to either the source or the receiver. If gaps exist in the terrain or structures, then the potential benefits of acoustical shielding will be su...

  • http://www.trb.org/Resource.ashx?sn=cover_acrp_wod_44


Distributional regression forests for probabilistic precipitation forecasting in complex terrain

Lisa Schlosser, Torsten Hothorn, Reto Stauffer, Achim Zeileis.

Source: The Annals of Applied Statistics, Volume 13, Number 3, 1564--1589.

To obtain a probabilistic model for a dependent variable based on some set of explanatory variables, a distributional approach is often adopted where the parameters of the distribution are linked to regressors. In many classical models this only captures the location of the distribution but over the last decade there has been increasing interest in distributional regression approaches modeling all parameters including location, scale and shape. Notably, so-called nonhomogeneous Gaussian regression (NGR) models both mean and variance of a Gaussian response and is particularly popular in weather forecasting. Moreover, generalized additive models for location, scale and shape (GAMLSS) provide a framework where each distribution parameter is modeled separately capturing smooth linear or nonlinear effects. However, when variable selection is required and/or there are nonsmooth dependencies or interactions (especially unknown or of high-order), it is challenging to establish a good GAMLSS. A natural alternative in these situations would be the application of regression trees or random forests but, so far, no general distributional framework is available for these. Therefore, a framework for distributional regression trees and forests is proposed that blends regression trees and random forests with classical distributions from the GAMLSS framework as well as their censored or truncated counterparts. To illustrate these novel approaches in practice, they are employed to obtain probabilistic precipitation forecasts at numerous sites in a mountainous region (Tyrol, Austria) based on a large number of numerical weather prediction quantities. It is shown that the novel distributional regression forests automatically select variables and interactions, performing on par or often even better than GAMLSS specified either through prior meteorological knowledge or a computationally more demanding boosting approach.


All-Terrain Vehicle-Related Nonfatal Injuries Among Young Riders in the United States, 2001-2010

Because children often lack the physical strength, cognitive abilities, and fine motor skills to operate all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) properly, their risk of injury is greater.

During 2001–2010 in the United States, ~361 000 children aged ≤15 years were injured while riding ATVs. The decline in the injury rate during 2005–2010 might be related to the economic recession and decreased sales of new ATVs. (Read the full article)


Man converts van into off-grid, all-terrain, submersible survival vehicle (Video)

This wilderness explorer transformed this van into a mobile, solar-powered home that has all the amenities.


Jeremy Corbyn claims to have 'shifted the terrain' in politics

Jeremy Corbyn was cheered to the rafters by the newly-enlarged ranks of Tory MPs as he took to his feet in the debate on the government's legislative programme.


Life in uneasy forest terrain

In July this year, the B Marappa Memorial Trust and the Karnataka Forest Department honoured 14 professionals for their commitment towards and excellence in forest and wildlife protection. Bosky Khanna talks to two of them about their work, motivation and challenges.


NASA's Reprocessed Images of Jupiter's Moon, Europa, Show 'Chaos Terrain'

Europa's images usually show a thick, icy shell and dark tints in a lot of areas. The surface is covered with long grooves and etched in a zig-zag manner.


Shape shifters: journeys across terrains of race and identity / edited by Lily Anne Y. Welty Tamai, Ingrid Dineen-Wimberly, and Paul Spickard

Dewey Library - HT1523.S465 2020


Critical terrains: French and British orientalisms / Lisa Lowe

Online Resource


Critical Terrains: French and British Orientalisms.

Online Resource


Handbok of radar scattering statistics for terrain / Fawwaz T. Ulaby, M. Craig Dobson

Hayden Library - QC665.S3 U43 2019


The Australian soil classification / R.F. Isbell and the National Committee on Soil and Terrain

Isbell, R. F. (Raymond Frederick), 1928-2001, author


Land use policy and practice in karst terrains


True north or traveled terrain?


Self-potential response to rainfall changes over plugged and unplugged sinkholes in a covered-karst terrain


A study of omnidirectional quad-screw-drive configurations for all-terrain locomotion


Crustacés des eaux souterraines karstiques des montagnes de Vitocha et de Golo bardo (Bulgarie Occidentale): composition taxonomique, caractéristique générale et répartition spatiale dans le karst


Land use policy and practice in karst terrains


Statistical analysis of GPR and SPT methods for sinkhole investigation in covered karst terrain, west-central Florida, USA


Terrestrial subterranean diversity in non-karstic Archaean rock terrains


The use of drought-induced crop lines as a tool for characterization of karst terrain


The current status of mapping karst areas and availability of public sinkhole-risk resources in karst terrains of the United States


8PI108 (Pinellas Point Mound) 3D Terrain


8PI108 (Pinellas Point Mound) 3D Terrain


8PI108 (Pinellas Point Mound) 3D Terrain


8PI108 (Pinellas Point Mound) 3D Terrain


Maximo Park 3d terrain model


Styles and rates of long-term denudation in carbonate terrains under a Mediterranean to hyper-arid climatic gradient


Groundwater flood hazards and mechanisms in lowland karst terrains


Yucatan seminar on management of water resources in karst terrain - December 3rd, 1979