
Renowned Yoga Instructor Sharath Jois Dies After Suffering Heart Attack While Hiking In US

Sharath Jois, a renowned yoga instructor and the grandson of yoga legend Krishna Pattabhi Jois, died on Monday in Virginia, US. He was 53 years old.


Learning about hope and suffering

TeenStreet Malaysia 2017 participants learned about hope and suffering from 9-13 December.


Small Business Is Suffering A Squeeze

A Small Business can be identified as a being a privately-owned corporation, partnership, or sole proprietor that have fewer staff and less annual revenue than a regular-sized corporation. The European Union (EU) defines a small business as one with under 50 employees.

Small business or as they are sometimes known, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) contribute 47% of revenue to the U.K. economy. They have a key role in boosting productivity but need support to expand activities and increase their economic impact.

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Jesus' Preparation For Ministry Pt3: The School Of Suffering

The Bible tells us that Jesus learned obedience through what He suffered. Even for the perfect Son of God, there was 'The School Of Suffering' that prepared Him for ministry. As His disciples, we are called to take up our cross and suffer for Christ. We will experience the test of the wilderness and face the enemy's taunts attacking our belovedness to God. Suffering cannot be avoided as Christians. Discernment is needed to know what can be resisted and what is part of God's plan for us. One thing is sure: if we are to inherit as God's sons and daughters, we must suffer for His name. This message is available at now in MP3 audio format and in HD video on our YouTube Channel (

  • Religion & Spirituality


The Image of Unfallen Suffering

Fr. Stephen Freeman speaks about the the goodness of creation and the place that suffering holds within it - including a form of suffering that is not evil.


Marriage Is a Lifetime of Suffering

Fr. Stephen Freeman offers some honest thoughts on the sacrament of marriage and its importance in our culture.


Pain and Suffering

Fr. Tom reflects on why there is sickness, suffering, and death in our world.


The Suffering Servant

Fr. John shares from Isaiah 53.


Suffering When Loved Ones Suffer

Watching and supporting a loved one who is suffering often causes us to suffer just as much and even more. Join Michael as he uses scripture and real life experience to illustrate five things we need to do and remember to get through this type of suffering.


Suffering and Unconditional Love of Others

How do we continue to love unconditionally amidst our suffering, especially when this suffering is caused by the people we love best? How do we attain and maintain the maturity of faith we need to be Christ-like, let God be in control, and recognize the grace in our lives despite the pain. Join Michael as he shares his thoughts and experiences on this very difficult topic.


It is More Blessed to Give Than to Receive Except for Suffering

Join Michael as he discusses the Book of Job as a case study in suffering and the importance of how we receive our suffering; how it is often what defines our salvation and belief in and relationship to God; what God gives and does not give to us in our suffering; and how our suffering can be a mystery and those closest to us can often create obstacles for us to receive it well.


Eros, Agape, and Ordering our Disordered Desires Through Suffering

Join Michael as he discusses what eros and agape really mean and why they cannot be separated, how growth in love is deeply linked to suffering, how disordered desire can grip us, how we never truly sin alone, and how it always affects both us and others when we act on our disordered desires.


Tragedy, Clarity, and Reconciling Suffering

Join Michael as he discusses questions about why good people suffer, bad people thrive, and reconciling this with the goodness of God.


May 06 - Righteous Job The Long-suffering


Righteous Job the Long-suffering


Righteous Job the Long-suffering


Righteous Job the Long-suffering


Righteous Job the Long-suffering

This icon of patient endurance in the face of all that God sends us lived near Arabia about 2,000 years before Christ. He was a descendant of Abraham through Esau. His prosperity, his calamitous sufferings, his patient endurance, and his restoration to health and riches are told in detail in the Old Testament book that bears his name.   Some say that Job endured his sufferings for seven years before being restored to health and prosperity. Others say that all his sufferings occupied one year. The holy Fathers agree that Job for lived many years after his restoration, and died when he was more than 200 years old.


Righteous Job the Long-suffering

This icon of patient endurance in the face of all that God sends us lived near Arabia about 2,000 years before Christ. He was a descendant of Abraham through Esau. His prosperity, his calamitous sufferings, his patient endurance, and his restoration to health and riches are told in detail in the Old Testament book that bears his name.   Some say that Job endured his sufferings for seven years before being restored to health and prosperity. Others say that all his sufferings occupied one year. The holy Fathers agree that Job for lived many years after his restoration, and died when he was more than 200 years old.


Joy in the Midst of Suffering - Part 1

Fr. Adrian and Chaplain Sarah begin a conversation about the challenge of applying the joy of the resurrection of Christ in the context of suffering that we see and experience as caregivers.


Suffering, Healing, and Physician Assisted Suicide - Part 1

Chaplain Sarah Byrne-Martelli interviews Dr. Daniel Henshaw on the topic of physician assisted suicide. (Part 1 of 2)


Suffering, Healing, and Physician Assisted Suicide - Part 2

Chaplain Sarah Byrne-Martello continues her interview with Dr. Daniel Henshaw on the topic of physician assisted suicide. (Part 2 of 2)


God and Suffering

Fr. Adrian Budica reflects upon the perennial problem of evil and suffering, offering helpful ways for us to process suffering in our own lives and in the lives of those we serve.



The struggle is what we bring to God, only what we bring, because deliverance his His job.


Bowing to the Great Suffering

Fr. John illustrates how Christians are those who reach out to people in pain


Jesus - The Suffering Servant

What was the nature and purpose of the death of Christ as depicted in the Old Testament prophecy of Isaiah? Get your Orthodox Study Bible out and follow along as Fr. Thomas teaches us verse by verse.


Offering Our Blessings and Sufferings in Hope

People try to serve two masters because they lack the spiritual clarity to see that the good things of the creation are not God’s equals or rivals, but blessings to be offered back to Him for the salvation of the world.


How We Treat our Suffering Neighbors Reveals the True State of our Souls

There is simply no way around the truth that how we relate to other people reveals whether we are participating in the life of our Lord as we conform our character to His. What we do and refuse to do for neighbors who need our time, attention, and generosity in any form, we do or refuse to do for Him.



Fr. Ted offers an alternative to the world's view of suffering.


Suffering to Witness

The way we approach suffering as Christians can become a witness to how one should suffer properly.


Glory and Suffering

Fr. Ted describes the way that the glory of the Transfiguration of Christ is connected to his suffering on the cross. Reminding us that our growth in Christ-likeness is directly tied to our own ascetic practice.


Christians Suffering in Iraq - Encore

Kevin’s guest in this summer encore presentation is Amal Morcos of IOCC who reports on her trip to Syria and Lebanon.


164: Suffering - An Orthodox Perspective

Why do we suffer after becoming Christian? How do we reconcile the suffering of innocent children with a loving God? These and other perplexing and challenging questions are the subject of this episode of The Illumined Heart with guest, poet and writer of The End of Suffering, Scott Cairns.


The Problem of Suffering

Dn. Mark explains how illness and trials remind us to put our trust in God.


Caregiving for the Sick and the Suffering

Dn. Mark explains that when caring for the elderly and the terminally ill, you should not take the caregiving journey alone. Because this journey will change your life in ways that you never anticipated, he likewise enumerates what you need to be aware of as a caregiver.


The Prayer of a Suffering Parent Touches the Mercy of God

Reflections written by Fr. Nicolaie about the gospel story of the father of the demon-possessed boy.


10.20.24 Seeing Humanity in the Suffering Ones

It is the cry of the poor who are in solidarity with those who suffer the most, today. The poor are not indifferent to the suffering, but lift it in prayer, with faith that God hears them.


The Cross and Suffering

Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering on the Feast of the Universal Exaltation of the Holy Cross. He quotes an abbot, "The one who has suffered nothing in this life has been abandoned by God."


Suffering in This Life or the Next

Referencing the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus, Fr. Apostolos shares about suffering. "Suffering can make no sense to us unless we view it from an eternal perspective. Our suffering is made worse because we have lost the vision of the goal of suffering."


Embracing the Suffering of the Cross

Fr. Apostolos talks about the importance of embracing the Cross of Christ, despite the challenges that go along with it.


The Redemption of Suffering

"If you're suffering today, know this: you are on the right path. If you're not suffering, that's when you should be worried. If you are suffering in this life, God is with you. If you don't find life easy and comfortable, you're doing it right." On the Sunday of the Cross, Fr. Apostolos shares about the redemption of our own suffering through the suffering of Christ.


The Purpose of Suffering (2 Cor 11:31-12:9)

God did not create sickness and disease nor does He desire for us to suffer. However, Fr Tom teaches us that the sovereign God uses suffering to draw us closer to Him. (Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost)


The Purpose of Suffering

It is an inescapable fact that suffering is a part of the fallen human condition. In a powerful message, Fr Thomas describes three important principles to help us form our perspective on suffering.


Where is God in My Suffering?

The role of God in suffering has long been questioned: trials, tribulations, wars, sickness, death - Where is God? Why would He allow it? Fr Thomas reminds us that, though God is not the author of these things, He teaches us to endure them to draw us closer to Him. (Mt 14:22-34)


The Transformation of Suffering

Fr. Gregory introduces a guest preacher today who talks about the pattern of redemption: the Lord heals the soul and then the body.


Suffering for Me

Fr. Gregory from Palm Sunday.


Good Suffering and Bad Suffering


Made Perfect Through Suffering


Perfect Suffering?


Filling Up the Lord's Suffering