
ETSI releases specifications boosting trustful end-to-end network and service automation

ETSI releases specifications boosting trustful end-to-end network and service automation

Sophia Antipolis, 13 September 2021

ETSI is pleased to announce the release of three major specifications and reports developed by its Zero-touch network and Service Management (ZSM) group. ETSI GS ZSM 003, defines end-to-end network slicing management and orchestration architecture blueprint and solutions, and ETSI GS ZSM 009-1 specifies the enablers for closed-loop automation. The general security aspects related to the ZSM framework and solutions, and potential mitigation options are introduced in the ETSI GR ZSM 010.




API application that uses the MVC design pattern
This package provides an AP application that uses the MVC design pattern...



A fistful of nostalgia

Sayeed Alam’s "Ghalib" speaks little, conveys a lot.


Poor spare a ‘fistful of rice’ for the hungry

1,078 quintals of rice collected from cardholders in 16 mandals of Karimnagar


Sleep Duration, Restfulness, and Screens in the Sleep Environment

Inadequate sleep has been identified as a risk factor for obesity and other outcomes. Screen time and the presence of a television in the bedroom have been associated with inadequate sleep, but little is known about small screens (eg, smartphones).

Among 2048 fourth- and seventh-graders, children who slept near a small screen reported shorter sleep durations and perceived insufficient rest or sleep. Presence of a television in the bedroom and more screen time were also associated with poorer sleep. (Read the full article)


Ionic 5 and Angular 8: Restful API User Authentication Login and Signup using Guard and Resolver

This is a continuation of my previous article creating an Ionic Angular project with welcome and tabs home page. Today’s post explains how to implement login authentication system for your Ionic Angular application with guards and resolvers. It will show you how to log in with a user and store the user data and protect the routes, so it deals with token-based authentication. Every user details will be stored in an external database and a PHP based API is used in the backend for handling this authentication.


Create a RESTful API using Node and Express with MySQL Database

Node Express web framework is a best solution to create RESTful APIs in quick time. Previously we published some concepts with different technologies like PHP and Java. This article will explain to you a more simple way to use external plugins to enrich your project APIs. Here you will find to create GET and POST requests with request payload validations to protect the endpoints.


Restful Romance: Smelling Your Lover's Shirt Can Help You Sleep

Title: Restful Romance: Smelling Your Lover's Shirt Can Help You Sleep
Category: Health News
Created: 2/14/2020 12:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 2/14/2020 12:00:00 AM


Stormzy album review: Half of these tracks are hard to love - too repetitive or too boastful

The moment of the year in British music came on June 28 at 10.25pm, when Stormzy first appeared at Glastonbury.


A Restful spot, Halifax River, Florida