smart building

Delta Controller Integrates With VIVOTEK’s New AI Camera for Smart Buildings

Delta recently showcased its integration with VIVOTEK AI surveillance camera and Delta Controls’ new Red5-PLUS-ROOM controller, an IoT-based native BACnet building controller, to enable comprehensive control of building HVAC, lighting, access and more.

smart building

Smart Building Solutions Gain Traction Among Multifamily Properties, Study Finds

A new study by Parks Associates reveals that smart building solutions are increasingly being adopted by multifamily properties, enhancing efficiency and reducing costs.

smart building

Connected Smart Buildings Form Communities of Clean Power

Connected Smart Buildings Form Communities of Clean Power cbeaty Fri, 11/18/2022 - 15:18

Connected Smart Buildings Form Communities of Clean Power

The role of buildings in advancing clean and efficient energy technology has been well established.

Now buildings are getting smarter and are connecting to form their own communities that achieve even greater levels of energy innovation.

On Nov. 2, 2022, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) kicked off what it is referring to as a “new era for grid-efficient buildings.” The event marked the launch of the DOE’s Connected Communities cohort. This is a collaboration of nine projects, each of which were awarded funding by the DOE for their own innovation in connected energy-efficient buildings. The Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is acting as the national coordinator for this cohort.

The DOE’s Connected Communities is intended to drive innovation in building energy consumption by emphasizing how groups of buildings can work together to maximize the use of distributed energy resources (DERs) such as solar power, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, battery storage and other state-of-the-art technology.

The DOE defines a connected community as a group of grid-interactive efficient buildings with diverse, flexible end-use equipment and other DERs that work collectively to maximize building, community and grid efficiency while still meeting occupants’ needs and comforts.

Last year, the department issued a large funding opportunity announcement and selected projects that demonstrate how connected communities can serve as assets to the electrical grid. The cohort that was kicked off earlier this month represents a collaboration of the nine projects that were awarded funding. They will share information, challenges and best practices to achieve greater building energy efficiency through connectivity.

One example of an awarded project is The Ohio State University’s cybersecure orchestrated control of DERs across an array of diverse campus buildings.

Another cohort is the utility Portland General Electric that is working to achieve 1.4 megawatts (MW) of flexible loads by retrofitting nearly 600 commercial and residential buildings.

Similarly, in Spokane, Wash., Edo Energy is striving to achieve between 1 and 2.3 MW of flexible loads by retrofitting heat pumps, water heaters, control systems and other resources in an all-electric virtual power plant that will help defer capital investment for a 55-MW peak substation.

In Raleigh, N.C., IBACOS Inc. will connect hundreds of new and existing homes to solar power, battery storage and smart thermostats.

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Smart buildings, artificial intelligence key to uni's bold plan to be carbon neutral by 2029

La Trobe University wants to reach a zero emissions target within 10 years to try to be Victoria's first carbon-neutral tertiary facility.

smart building

Smart Buildings the Next Step for Seattle

From gourmet coffee to online shopping and software, the Seattle region has a long history of bringing innovations to market. And with its environmental consciousness, Seattle consistently ranks among the greenest cities in the United States.

So it makes sense that the region is capitalizing on its sustainability ethos to sharpen its next competitive advantage: smart building technology.

The region’s desire to cement a new market capability was partly about jobs, given the Great Recession and its aftermath. But leaders were concerned about a more basic dilemma: How can Seattle get beyond the “two Bills”-- Bill Boeing and Bill Gates—to build the next generation of innovation and a platform for broad-based economic growth?

Given their existing strengths, firms and leaders in the Puget Sound region made a play to apply their expertise in cloud computing, big data, and information technology to increasing energy efficiency in the built environment. And this would be an export opportunity, too. Rapid urbanization worldwide is prompting global demand for new sustainable solutions and technologies, a market that Seattle entrepreneurs and workers could meet.

To effectively enter and lead in the clean technology market, the region needed to address some market failures, including providing proof of return on investment of new technology for hesitant adopters and investors and building a skilled labor force to staff the increasingly sophisticated industry.

After developing a business plan, the Puget Sound region is now in the midst of a three-pronged, collaborative Smart Buildings effort driven by public, private, and non-profit partners including Innovate Washington, Microsoft, the city of Seattle, South Seattle Community College, and the Puget Sound Regional Council.

First, a high-performance buildings pilot launched last year is demonstrating the efficacy and return-on-investment of energy efficient technology in a mix of buildings—the Seattle Sheraton hotel, a University of Washington medical lab, a Boeing industrial facility, and a city of Seattle office building. The buildings are providing on-site building operators access to a constant digital building performance dashboard. The dashboard helps raise alarms if a key part might break down during an upcoming major event and identifies whether a large ballroom’s temperature needs to be readjusted following a large convening.

“We’re not having to babysit the system as much,” explained Rodney Schauf, the Seattle Sheraton’s director of engineering.

In the first six months of participation in the program, the University of Washington building reduced its energy use by 9 percent and the Sheraton reduced its usage by 5.5 percent, according to Brian Geller, the executive director of the Seattle 2030 District, the city’s larger high performance building district.

Second, the Smart Buildings Center opened as hub for business collaborations, technology demonstrations, and evaluation for energy efficiency technology solutions. The center is also currently developing an initiative to harness K-12 school and public building energy data for greater efficiencies. The effort is aided by the Cleantech Open, which identifies, connects, and mentors companies participating in the center.

Finally, South Seattle College will launch a new Sustainable Building Science Technology Bachelor’s of Applied Science Program, with the inaugural class starting this fall. The program, which combines technical systems understanding with internship opportunities and management skills, has already received strong interest from prospective students.

With this coordinated and comprehensive effort—which has been aided by funds from a federal i6 Green Challenge grant, state matching funds, and other private support—the region is on its way to demonstrating that its sustainable image can also produce real economic gains.

The initiative featured here emerged from work supported by the Brookings-Rockefeller Project on State and Metropolitan Innovation. Brookings recognizes that the value it provides is in its absolute commitment to quality, independence, and impact. Activities supported by its donors reflect this commitment and the analysis and recommendations are solely determined by the scholar.


Image Source: © Anthony Bolante / Reuters