site selection Safety of deep carbon storage needs careful site selection By Published On :: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 15:21:33 GMT A new study identifies ways to reduce the risks to water quality associated with underground CO2 storage. The study, based on laboratory tests, shows that CO2 leakage could pose a risk to overlying fresh groundwater. Careful storage site selection, coupled with regular site monitoring, is a pre-condition to reducing risks associated with CO2 leakage. Full Article
site selection Does fire influence wolf distribution and breeding-site selection? By Published On :: Thur, 13 June 2019 11:23:19 GMT Wildfires are projected to become an increasingly common occurrence and are a major driver of habitat disturbance, yet little research to date has examined how the relationship between fire and landscape attributes affects large carnivores, such as the grey wolf (Canis lupus). The results of this study suggest that wolves are remarkably resilient to fire, persisting and breeding in a human-dominated landscape even under intensive fire regimes. However, burnt landscapes may induce higher exposure to human disturbance and persecution due to limited refuge conditions. Full Article
site selection Nuclear waste site selection process triggers mental health concerns, business boycotts and division, FOI documents reveal By Published On :: Wed, 13 Feb 2019 19:19:00 +1100 FOI documents also reveal the Federal Government knows the process is creating division in small towns and causing some businesses to be boycotted. Full Article ABC Eyre Peninsula and West Coast canberra adelaide northandwest eyre Education:Subjects:Science Environment:All:All Environment:Nuclear Issues:All Government and Politics:Federal Government:All Australia:ACT:Canberra 2600 Australia:All:All Australia:SA:Adelaide 5000 Australia:SA:Hawker 5434 Australia:SA:Kimba 5641 Australia:SA:Port Augusta 5700 Australia:SA:Port Lincoln 5606 Australia:SA:Port Pirie 5540 Australia:SA:Whyalla 5600
site selection Site Selection: Don't Forget About the Study Drug By Published On :: Tue, 07 Feb 2017 16:41:00 +0000 As a sponsor or CRO, you understand the importance of a thorough site selection process. A site needs to be able to meet enrollment targets and time frames, protect the rights and safety of study participants, execute the protocol, deliver quality data, and maintain GCP compliance. That’s what your site feasibility surveys and pre-study visits are designed to evaluate. And as you’re assessing a site’s abilities, the site is conducting its own feasibility process. They’re mining their patient database and assessing inclusion/exclusion criteria. They’re reviewing staff credentials and ensuring they have adequate resources to manage the number of subject visits and collect the data the protocol requires.But when we conduct GCP audits, we find there’s one perspective that is sometimes overlooked by both sides: the needs of the study drug itself. Study Drug Attributes Affecting Site Selection ProcessIP Environment. Aside from needing sufficient storage space, many drugs have special storage requirements. Does the site have the equipment and resources needed to maintain and adequately monitor and record environmental conditions such as temperature or humidity? Do they have agreements with their vendors that guarantee a specific response time for repairing or replacing faulty equipment? If they lose electricity, do they have back up power, or at least provisions to move the IP off-site? (This is a common auditor question in hurricane-prone areas.)Preparation of Study Drug. Does your investigational product need to be reconstituted in a liquid? Do doses need to be compounded in different concentrations? Does the protocol require that an IV solution be prepared, filtered, and sterilized? These activities take time, specially trained personnel, and sometimes specialized equipment such as ventilation hoods. If your protocol demands an involved IP prep, your feasibility survey must include questions that allow you to assess these site capabilities and your pre-study visit should definitely include some time in the pharmacy. Drug Administration. Handing over a bottle of capsules to a study participant is one thing; inserting a butterfly catheter into an antecubital vein is something else again. If drug administration is very invasive, you’ll want to verify that the site has taken this into account when providing you enrollment projections. During subject visits, staff members may have to calculate doses, give intramuscular injections, perform infusions, or conduct sterilization procedures. You’ll want to verify that site staff has this expertise if required. Some clinical trials require a blinded dispenser who cannot be involved in any other study procedure or activities. If so, does the site have the resources for this?Site Selection: it’s not just the PI, it’s the IP tooThe study success and patient safety are jeopardized when a site can’t meet its enrollment target or doesn’t have the resources to execute the protocol. IP requirements can affect a site’s ability to do both. It’s critical that your site selection process – both your feasibility questionnaire and your pre-study visit – evaluate how well the site can meet the storage, preparation, and administration requirements of the study drug.__________________________________________________________________________A version of this article originally appeared in InSite, the Journal of the Society for Clinical Research Sites.Photo Credit: By Harmid (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Full Article clinical research clinical trials Investigational product Site Feasibility Site Selection Study drug
site selection San Luis housing : Site selection By Published On :: Sat, 15 Feb 2014 16:49:35 -0400 Full Article
site selection Sleep site selection in three species of Norops lizards (Squamata Polychrotidae) in the San Luis Valley, Puntarenas, Costa Rica By Published On :: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:02:06 -0400 Full Article
site selection Stream site selection of Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni (Centrolenidae) By Published On :: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:02:48 -0400 Full Article