saying no

Saying No to Cheeseburgers

Fr. Apostolos Hill discusses the Sunday of the Cross and the importance of learning to pick up our cross in the simple day-to-day choices we make.

saying no

The Subtle Art of Saying No

Bruce Tulgan, founder of the management training firm RainmakerThinking, says that the key to career success isn't only embracing opportunities; it's also declining projects, tasks, and requests for help so you create time for the most value-added work. He explains how to evaluate each ask, determine which you should prioritize, and deliver either a strategic "yes" or a well-thought-through no. Tulgan is the author of the HBR article "Learn When to Say No."

saying no

Best of IdeaCast: Saying No to More Work

When the work keeps piling on, there comes a time when everyone needs to say no. But how do you do so without offending your coworkers or hurting your career? Former host Sarah Green Carmichael, and Karen Dillon, the author of the “HBR Guide to Office Politics,” talk about the best practices on saying no to work when you're overwhelmed.

saying no

How To Set Boundaries Like A Pro : Master The Art Of Saying No

"Good Morning Priya", wished Suzanne, her colleague who had just entered the office. She was late to the office as she always was most of the days. "Good Morning Suzanne", she wished back with a smile. Priya was under a lot

saying no

Saying no to plastic with bioplastic   

Recyclable and biodegradable material from agri-waste holds out much promise  

saying no

Saying no to war

No sane person can accept the immorality of using economic and military superiority to bludgeon inconvenient nations into falling in line, says Kalpana Sharma.

saying no

Why Oslo is saying no to cars in its city center

Pedestrians and cyclists will soon rule the streets in the Norwegian capital's downtown core.

saying no

Jen Gaudet Launches Her Book " Over My Dead Body: The Art of Saying NO"

Book Becomes International Best Seller

saying no

Backbone Power The Science of Saying No

Have you ever said 'yes', when you wanted to say 'no'? You're not alone. A lot of people do this, and often the situation is different every time. For example: It's a hot afternoon and your skinny best friend implores you to go to the ice-cream bar, because she doesn't have anyone else to go […]