rss feeds

11. :: RSS feeds,RSS directory,RSS software,RSS scripts,RSS ...

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rss feeds

Forum RSS Feeds

I've added RSS Feeds to both my fora. These allow you to instantly see new posts in any public forum, including both subject and full body text. Things are only getting cooler.

rss feeds

Mar 22, The Ezine Act RSS Feeds Center Helps You build Your Feeds!

Use the Ezine Act RSS Feeds Center to build your news and distribute it using some HTML codes. It helps you integrate some of your content, or news from other providers on your pages.

rss feeds

Best Cheap Computer Deals - Subscribe to RSS Feeds for Cheap Computer Deals!

Subscribe to our best cheap computer deals RSS feeds and get them delivered to you daily and weekly!

rss feeds

Creating RSS Feeds

Creating RSS Feeds
Everyday more and more websites, news services and blogs are adding RSS content. RSS is a method of syndicating content.The concept of aggregating content in one central location or repository is very appealing. Consumers have become tired of push technology, RSS allows users the flexibility to regain control of their content. RSS feed creators provide content without forcing it on consumers. In fact with RSS consumers are able to choose the content they wish to view.

rss feeds

RSS Feeds

Lets face it as much as we all rely on email communications it is not really a reliable technology.

Why Should I care about RSS Feeds
SPAM and viruses have wreaked havoc with a communication medium and reduced its value. Users have become admittedly paranoid about privacy issues and have begun "tuning out" and mentally filtering mail.

rss feeds

Displaying RSS Feeds

Displaying RSS
RSS offers webmasters a unique opportunity to display fresh content on websites. While publishing an RSS feed is a great way to generate site interest and increase communication, syndicating and displaying feeds from related relevant sources can also generate interest, increase traffic and improve search engine ranking.

RSS Radars
Webmasters with limited time or capacity can syndicate related content. In a nut shell, webmasters can create RSS radars by combining a mix of content from related sources by grouping similarly-themed feeds. RSS feeds are updated at different intervals, providing an ever-changing collection of related information.

RSS is a form of eXtensible Markup Language or XML. Viewing an RSS feed in a web browser generally produces code that is not easy for website visitors to decipher. As a result, webmasters use tools to display the content contained in an RSS feed.

Content contained in RSS feeds can be added to websites a number of different ways. Each method for displaying the RSS feed has pros and cons associated with it. Webmasters will need to determine which option will best meet their hosting and technology needs.

Complete Article - Displaying RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium. The ads served must be related to the content contained in the feed. If the RSS feed contains quality content, the ads are relevant, and the volume of ads is in balance with the volume of content served, advertising in RSS feeds will succeed.

Advertising in RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Measuring RSS Feeds

Measuring and tracking RSS while a fairly simple concept, is really anything but. Unlike websites, RSS have the added caveat of potential syndication, making accurate tracking a challenge to anyone but the extremely tech savvy. It is not unrealistic for marketers to want to know how many subscribers they have, which items in their feeds attract the most interest, or how many click-throughs are generated as a result of an RSS feed.There are a number of 3rd party providers who focus on tracking the consumption of RSS feeds. Some solutions are rudimentary but likely sufficient for a small business testing the waters with RSS. Other RSS tracking solutions are more complex and while they can come close to being accurate, with syndication there is no solution that tracks with 100% accuracy.

Measuring RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Monetizing RSS Feeds

Publishers are evaluating options and determining how they can profit from RSS feeds. The two obvious contenders that publishers are considering to profit from their RSS feeds are: subscription RSS feeds and RSS feed advertisements.

Monetizing RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Free Online Tool to Create Auto Discovery Code for RSS FeedsX

Increase the number of RSS subscribers by adding autodiscovery code to your website. NotePage has made a free online tool that automates the creation of the auto-discovery code for RSS feeds.

The free auto-discovery tool automatically creates the code necessary for the auto-discovery of RSS feeds on a website. Simply enter the title, and the URL of the RSS feed and a code will then be generated based on the information entered. The code can then be entered in the "header" section of an HTML web page, to assist RSS readers in automatically detecting the precense of an RSS feed for that website.

Many RSS Readers can automatically discover that an RSS feed is available for a specific website and notify the website visitor if the auto-discovery code is in place. Browsers and aggregators including FireFox, Safari and IE 7 are just a few applications that will take advanteage of the precense of RSS auto-discovery code.

The RSS auto discovery tool can be accessed by clicking the following url

The RSS auto discovery tool is made available by NotePage, Inc.'s FeedForAll division. FeedForAll's software enables webmaster to create, edit, manage and publish RSS feeds. RSS has evolved into a popular means to syndicate headlines and distribute content on the Internet. A free fully-functional 30-day trial is available for download from For more information contact, NotePage, Inc. at PO Box 296, Hanover, MA 02339. Phone: 781-829-0500. Fax: 781-582-1869. E-mail: . Internet: .

rss feeds

Academia Adds RSS Feeds to Their Teaching Tool Kit

Academia has embraced RSS as a means to educate, but scrutinizing how educational institutions are using RSS feeds in their daily routines show RSS is utilized can vary across different industries.

Academia Adds RSS Feeds to Their Teaching Tool Kit

rss feeds

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

Lawyers have never been known as a technical bunch, but more and more often you see a lawyer with a palm pilot making appointments and a blackberry for those urgent messages. Electronic gadgets are now common in the courthouses across the US. Lawyers have increased productivity by utilizing technology so it should come as no surprise that lawyers are using RSS feeds as a means to grow and manage their practices.

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Financial Companies Using RSS Feeds

Financial institutions are reaching out to clients using RSS feeds. While banks and financial institutions are usually slow to adopt new technology, that is not the case with RSS adoption. More and more professionals are using RSS in innovative ways, to stay ahead of their competition.

1. Bank Rate Changes
Bankers are using RSS to communicate bank rate changes. Feeds are updated regularly to reflect changes to adjustable rate mortgages or the interest rate for CDs.

Financial Companies Using RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Create Professional RSS Feeds

More and more companies are using RSS as a means to communicate, so having an RSS feed that is professional and well polished will help differentiate your company from your competition. What makes an RSS feed professional? Follow these simple steps to polish your RSS feed and take it to the next level...

1. Feed Image
Add an image to your RSS feed. The image will be displayed by many feed readers each time your feed is displayed. This will help build and reinforce your brand or image in the minds of people who read your RSS feed. Adding an image to an RSS feed is relatively easy, and adds a level of professionalism.

Create Professional RSS Feeds

rss feeds

RSS Feeds to Locate Job Opportunities

In addition to actually seeking a job, there are also other valid reasons to monitor the job market. Perhaps you are satisfied in your current position, but just want to keep an eye on new positions in a specific sector. Perhaps you are just curious to know what the wages are for similar positions. The job market can be monitored quite easily using RSS feeds. You can subscribe to RSS feeds in order to find specific company job openings, employment available within a specific region (i.e. by using a postal or zipcode), specific positions available, or to locate all jobs within a specific wage range.

The following are websites that have RSS feeds to help employees looking for jobs...

RSS Feeds to Locate Job Opportunities

rss feeds

ABCs of RSS Feeds

Implementing Really Simple Syndication can be aided by an understanding of the terms relating to RSS. Learn the ABCs of RSS....

rss feeds

RSS Feeds and Podcasting News

New FeedForAll Version
A new version of FeedForAll is now available download the latest version to be sure you have access to all the latest features.

RSS Scripts Updated
A number of RSS Scripts have been updated. Make sure you download the latest files.

Running RecordForAll & FeedForAll on Windows 7
Considering installing Windows 7? Here is a step by step tutorial to install FeedForAll on Windows 7 and a tutorial to install RecordForAll on Windows 7

FeedForAll Gear
How much do you love FeedForAll and RecordForAll? Get your self some FeedForAll and RecordForAll branded gear.

Interested in staying up on the latest RSS and Podcasting Knowledgebase.
RSS Knowledgebase -
Podcasting Knowledgebase -
Unfortunately due to a handful of individuals using the service and distributing malware in their feeds, the site was flagged by Google. As a result we had to discontinue the free service. We highly recommend you download the RSS2HTML script and run it locally so that the interruption will not effect your feeds from displaying. The free RSS2HTML script can be found at

Podcasting Question and Answers
Podcasting is an up-and-coming and increasingly popular medium for communication. The following are common questions about podcasting, perfect for those just getting started in podcasting as a communication channel...

FeedForAll on Twitter
Follow FeedForAll on Twitter or follow at @feedforall

New Video Tutorials
Added We have compiled a series of videos to assist customers with utilizing various features in both FeedForAll and RecordForAll. Please check our new videos!
RSS Videos -
Audio Recording Videos -

Expanded Educational Sections
We have also added an educational section to the FeedForAll and RecordForAll websites. The education section contains educational articles, tutorials, videos and other tools maybe helpful.
RSS Education Center -
Audio Education Center -

Green Tip
Purchase and use energy star rated light bulbs in all fixtures to cut down on the amount of energy used. Energy star bulbs typically use two thirds less energy!

Thank you for your continued interest, suggestions and support for the FeedForAll Product line.
FeedForAll team

rss feeds

FeedForAll RSS Feeds News

Welcome to latest news from FeedForAll.

Audio Recording Video Tutorials on iTunes
Audio recording video tutorials on iTunes -

Speed up RSS2HTML
If you want to speed up your implementation of the RSS2HTML PHP Script consider using RSS Cache.

Running RecordForAll & FeedForAll on Windows 7
Considering installing Windows 7? Here is a step by step tutorial to install RecordForAll on Windows 7.

Ins and Outs of Sitemaps
These sitemaps are not difficult to create. Google, Bing, and Yahoo all use a standard sitemap protocol. The larger search engines accept sitemaps in an xml file, and Google goes a step further by accepting them as .txt files or as an RSS feed.

How Subscribe to an RSS Feed
There are generally two different kinds of tools that allow visitors to subscribe to RSS feeds. These tools are known as aggregators, or RSS news readers. As the content of an RSS feed changes, the RSS reader or aggregator will update itself automatically and display the new RSS feed items.

How to Submit to Podcasts to iTunes Music Store
Here are some helpful tips regarding how to get your podcasts listed in the iTunes Music Store...

Blog Posting Tips
Coming up with ideas for new blog posts on a regular basis can be a challenge, even for the most prolific writers. Experience shows that readers tend to favor certain types of posts more than others. Here are some popular types of blog posts that you might want to use for those times when inspiration simply does not strike.

Resolve to Grow Your Business
Ten simple steps to help grow your business throughout the coming year.

FeedForAll Gear
How much do you love FeedForAll and RecordForAll? Get your self some FeedForAll and RecordForAll branded gear.

Green Tip
Install timers and or motion sensors that automatically shut off lights after hours or when they are not needed.

Thank you for your continued interest, suggestions and support for the FeedForAll Product line.
FeedForAll team

rss feeds

100 Uses of RSS Feeds

Many equate RSS with blogs and little else. However, we have found that RSS is multi-faceted and has a scope far beyond blogs. Take a look at these 100 ways that RSS is being used in real world situations:

100 Uses of RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Why Niche RSS Feeds Matter

Just as the second generation of search engines and directories evolved into niche topic specific portals we are seeing the same occur in the area of RSS feed directories and search engines. While some directories are admittedly more niche than others the trend is obvious.
Financial Industry
If you are in the finance industry you can monitor currency exchange rates, bank rates and track investments using RSS feeds. Financial institutions have found RSS to be an optimum way to communicate CD rates, interest rates, currency conversions, and even investors are using to monitor stocks. Use RSS to track currency conversions, stocks, bonds, bank rates and other financial related information.

Why Niche RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Advertising in RSS Feeds

As publishers have moved towards monetizing RSS feeds, their have been vibrant discussions as to whether advertisements in feeds are viable or whether they will drive subscribers away. At the end of the day while it appears that many are discussing the philosophical approaches to ads in RSS feeds few are taking the time to examine the options available for inserting advertisements in feeds. Ultimately the advertisements served are going to determine the success of RSS as an advertising medium.

Advertising in RSS Feeds

rss feeds

What Can be Published Using RSS Feeds?

With all the vast amounts of information available on the web, it is becoming more and more difficult to sort through and find what you are looking for. RSS significantly lowers the signal-to-noise ratio. RSS has the unique ability to compile information and filter it, so you only see unique and relevant content. The information superhighway has become packed with content, and those familiar with technology are using RSS to filter the content, allowing them to drill down and access only the content they want, without having to wade through all the noise.

What Can be Published Using RSS Feeds?

rss feeds

Pros and Cons of RSS Feeds

If you are struggling with the decision of whether to implement RSS feeds or not, consider the following pros and cons for webmasters who use RSS feeds as part of their content and communication plan...

Pros and Cons of RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Etiquette for RSS Feeds

The arguments continue to rage over the ambiguities in the RSS specifications. But the fact is: RSS is here to stay, and the current defined RSS 2.0 specification is likely going to be as good as it is going to get.

Etiquette for RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Create RSS Feeds | Make RSS Feeds

Create RSS | Make RSS Feeds

RSS is a standard for syndicating content on the Internet. RSS feeds are used in a variety of ways to distribute all types of content via the Internet. The benefits for individuals subscribing to RSS feeds have resulted in a rapid growth and adoption rate. Software and tools have made RSS feed creation and management easy, even for non-technical individuals, which has also fueled the growth of RSS feeds.

Create RSS Feeds | Make RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Submit RSS Feeds

Large list of directories you can submit RSS feeds to for additional exposure.

rss feeds

Search Engine Optimization for RSS Feeds

Tips for Helping Your RSS Feed Perform!
In some ways RSS is very similar to HTML, the language commonly used to create websites. Just as with HTML, webmasters using traditional search engine optimization tactics when creating an RSS feed will find that their RSS feed receives additional exposure and interest.

Simple steps to optimize an RSS feed for search engines:

Search Engine Optimization for RSS Feeds

rss feeds

ABCs of RSS Feeds

Implementing RSS (Really Simple Syndication) can be aided by an understanding of the terms relating to RSS. Learn the ABCs of RSS....

A - AutoDiscovery

Auto Discovery is code that is inserted into the header of an HTML web page, which then indicates to readers that an RSS feed is available for the content.

B - Blogs

Blogs are web logs that are updated regularly, usually on a daily basis. Blogs generally contain information related to a specific topic.

ABCs of RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Academia Adds RSS Feeds to Their Teaching Tool Kit

Academia has embraced RSS as a means to educate, but scrutinizing how educational institutions are using RSS feeds in their daily routines show RSS is utilized can vary across different industries.

1. Share Resources
Academics are using social bookmarking websites to share quality websites that relate to their area of expertise with colleagues and students.

Academia Adds RSS Feeds to Their Teaching Tool Kit

rss feeds

Create Professional RSS Feeds

More and more companies are using RSS as a means to communicate, so having an RSS feed that is professional and well polished will help differentiate your company from your competition. What makes an RSS feed professional? Follow these simple steps to polish your RSS feed and take it to the next level...

Create Professional RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Understanding RSS Feeds

RSS Feeds
RSS also known as rich site summary or real simply syndication, arrived on the scene a number of years ago, but was only recently embraced by webmasters as a means to effectively syndicate content. RSS Feeds provide webmasters and content providers an avenue to provide concise summaries to prospective readers. Thousands of commercial web sites and blogs now publish content summaries in an RSS feed. Each item in the feed typically contains a headline; article summary and link back to the online article.

Benefit to the Webmaster
As the web has become more crowded webmasters have been striving to provide fresh and up to date content for their website visitors. Many webmasters have discovered they can easily utilize the information in RSS feeds to provide fresh web content.

Understanding RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

Lawyers have never been known as a technical bunch, but more and more often you see a lawyer with a palm pilot making appointments and a blackberry for those urgent messages. Electronic gadgets are now common in the courthouses across the US. Lawyers have increased productivity by utilizing technology so it should come as no surprise that lawyers are using RSS feeds as a means to grow and manage their practices.

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

rss feeds

RSS Feeds to Locate Jobs

In addition to actually seeking a job, there are also other valid reasons to monitor the job market. Perhaps you are satisfied in your current position, but just want to keep an eye on new positions in a specific sector. Perhaps you are just curious to know what the wages are for similar positions. The job market can be monitored quite easily using RSS feeds. You can subscribe to RSS feeds in order to find specific company job openings, employment available within a specific region (i.e. by using a postal or zipcode), specific positions available, or to locate all jobs within a specific wage range.

RSS Feeds to Locate Jobs

rss feeds

SQL2RSS Converts MySQL to RSS Feeds

Convert MySQL databases to rss feeds using SQL2RSS.


rss feeds

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

Lawyers have never been known as a technical bunch, but more and more often you see a lawyer with a palm pilot making appointments and a blackberry for those urgent messages. Electronic gadgets are now common in the courthouses across the US. Lawyers have increased productivity by utilizing technology so it should come as no surprise that lawyers are using RSS feeds as a means to grow and manage their practices.

Lawyers are using RSS feeds a number of different ways to increase efficiency and productivity. Common RSS feed usage in the legal field include:

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Pros and Cons of RSS Feeds

If you are struggling with the decision of whether to implement RSS feeds or not, consider the following pros and cons for webmasters who use RSS feeds as part of their content and communication plan...

Pros and Cons of RSS Feeds

rss feeds

ABCs of RSS Feeds

Implementing RSS (Really Simple Syndication) can be aided by an understanding of the terms relating to RSS. Learn the ABCs of RSS....

ABCs of RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Create RSS Feeds | Make RSS Feeds

Everyday more and more websites, news services and blogs are adding RSS content. RSS is a method of syndicating content.The concept of aggregating content in one central location or repository is very appealing. Consumers have become tired of push technology, RSS allows users the flexibility to regain control of their content. RSS feed creators provide content without forcing it on consumers. In fact with RSS consumers are able to choose the content they wish to view.

Create RSS Feeds | Make RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Why Niche RSS Feeds Matter

Just as the second generation of search engines and directories evolved into niche topic specific portals we are seeing the same occur in the area of RSS feed directories and search engines. While some directories are admittedly more niche than others the trend is obvious.

Why Niche RSS Feeds Matter

rss feeds

Create Professional RSS Feeds

More and more companies are using RSS as a means to communicate, so having an RSS feed that is professional and well polished will help differentiate your company from your competition. What makes an RSS feed professional? Follow these simple steps to polish your RSS feed and take it to the next level...

Create Professional RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Measuring RSS Feeds

Measuring and tracking RSS while a fairly simple concept, is really anything but. Unlike websites, RSS have the added caveat of potential syndication, making accurate tracking a challenge to anyone but the extremely tech savvy. It is not unrealistic for marketers to want to know how many subscribers they have, which items in their feeds attract the most interest, or how many click-throughs are generated as a result of an RSS feed.

Measuring RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

Lawyers have never been known as a technical bunch, but more and more often you see a lawyer with a palm pilot making appointments and a blackberry for those urgent messages. Electronic gadgets are now common in the courthouses across the US. Lawyers have increased productivity by utilizing technology so it should come as no surprise that lawyers are using RSS feeds as a means to grow and manage their practices.

Lawyers Use RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Create RSS | Make RSS Feeds

RSS is a standard for syndicating content on the Internet. RSS feeds are used in a variety of ways to distribute all types of content via the Internet. The benefits for individuals subscribing to RSS feeds have resulted in a rapid growth and adoption rate. Software and tools have made RSS feed creation and management easy, even for non-technical individuals, which has also fueled the growth of RSS feeds.

Create RSS | Make RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Why Niche RSS Feeds Matter?

Just as the second generation of search engines and directories evolved into niche topic specific portals we are seeing the same occur in the area of RSS feed directories and search engines. While some directories are admittedly more niche than others the trend is obvious.

Why Niche RSS Feeds Matter?

rss feeds

100 Uses of RSS Feeds

Many equate RSS with blogs and little else. However, we have found that RSS is multi-faceted and has a scope far beyond blogs. Take a look at these 100 ways that RSS is being used in real world situations:

100 Uses of RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Create RSS Feeds | Make RSS Feeds

Everyday more and more websites, news services and blogs are adding RSS content. RSS is a method of syndicating content.The concept of aggregating content in one central location or repository is very appealing. Consumers have become tired of push technology, RSS allows users the flexibility to regain control of their content. RSS feed creators provide content without forcing it on consumers. In fact with RSS consumers are able to choose the content they wish to view.

Create RSS Feeds | Make RSS Feeds

rss feeds

ABCs of RSS Feeds

Implementing RSS (Really Simple Syndication) can be aided by an understanding of the terms relating to RSS. Learn the ABCs of RSS....

A - AutoDiscovery

Auto Discovery is code that is inserted into the header of an HTML web page, which then indicates to readers that an RSS feed is available for the content.

ABCs of RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Steps to Creating and Promoting RSS Feeds

RSS, or Really Simple Syndication as it is commonly known, is a technology that gives webmasters the ability to easily distribute and publish syndicated content on the Internet. It seems like all Internet businesses now have RSS feeds available; at least your competitors do. You have finally made the decision that you have to have one. Where do you start?

Steps to Creating and Promoting RSS Feeds

rss feeds

Displaying RSS Feeds

RSS offers webmasters a unique opportunity to display fresh content on websites. While publishing an RSS feed is a great way to generate site interest and increase communication, syndicating and displaying feeds from related relevant sources can also generate interest, increase traffic and improve search engine ranking.

Displaying RSS Feeds