quantum physics

Are Alternate Timelines Real? Quantum Physics Explains

The multiverse offers no escape from our reality—which might be a very good thing

quantum physics

A 75 year old man solves Einstein's Entanglement "spooky effect" problem in Quantum Physics

M. Glenn Baxter, American author through personal research and spiritual journey over last 5 years eyes have been opened to Absolute Point Zero creation of all life on Planet Earth.

quantum physics

Photon trick lets you bend the rules of quantum physics

A basic rule of quantum physics is that knowing too much about an experiment will break quantum interference, but now physicists have discovered a way to bend that rule

quantum physics

The nature of contingency : quantum physics as modal realism [Electronic book] / Alastair Wilson.

Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2020.

quantum physics

Problems and solutions in quantum physics / Zbigniew Ficek

Ficek, Zbigniew, author

quantum physics

QBism : the future of quantum physics / Hans Christian von Baeyer ; illustrations by Lili von Baeyer

Von Baeyer, Hans Christian, author

quantum physics

Quantum physics : beginner's guide to the most amazing physics theories / Jared Hendricks

Hendricks, Jared, author

quantum physics

Quantum physics for beginners / Zbigniew Ficek

Ficek, Zbigniew, author

quantum physics

Atoms and photons and quanta, oh my! : ask the physicist about atomic, molecular, and quantum physics / F. Todd Baker

Baker, F. Todd, 1942- author

quantum physics

Quantum physics : illusion or reality? / Alastair I.M. Rae (School of Physics and Astonomy, University of Birmingham)

Rae, Alastair I. M., author

quantum physics

What is real?: the unfinished quest for the meaning of quantum physics / Adam Becker

Hayden Library - QC173.98.B43 2018

quantum physics

Quantum physics: states, observables and their time evolution / Arno Bohm, Piotr Kielanowski, G. Bruce Mainland

Online Resource

quantum physics

Coherent quantum physics: a reinterpretation of the tradition / Arnold Neumaier

Dewey Library - QC174.12.N48 2019

quantum physics

The nature of contingency: quantum physics as modal realism / Alastair Wilson

Online Resource