prescribed burn

In Florida's Everglades, prescribed burning helps head off larger wildfires

Carefully managed fire is used as a tool to protect wildlands from invasive plants and other threats.

  • Wilderness & Resources

prescribed burn

Grand Canyon Fire Managers to Initiate Prescribed Burns on South Rim

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers will be implementing up to three prescribed fires on the South Rim this spring: the Picnic Prescribed Fire, the Quarry Prescribed Fire and the Moqui Prescribed Fire.

prescribed burn

Update on Spring Prescribed Burns at Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park has completed two of three South Rim prescribed fires planned for this spring.

prescribed burn

Grand Canyon Fire Managers to Initiate Prescribed Burn on South Rim

Grand Canyon National Park expects to implement the Moqui prescribed fire project within the next 48 hours.

prescribed burn

South Rim Fire Managers Complete Final Prescribed Burn of the Spring/Summer Season

Firefighters completed ignition of the 243 acre Moqui Prescribed Fire on Tuesday, June 23.

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Fall Prescribed Burn Planned at Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon National Park fire officials are planning to conduct a prescribed fire on the South Rim within the next two weeks if weather and forest conditions permit.

prescribed burn

Prescribed Burn Planned at Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers plan to conduct a prescribed fire on the South Rim within the next several weeks if weather and forest conditions permit.

prescribed burn

Prescribed Burns Planned at Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers plan to conduct two prescribed fires on the South Rim this week.

prescribed burn

Prescribed Burn Planned at Grand Canyon National Park

Grand Canyon National Park fire managers plan to conduct a prescribed fire on the South Rim the week of November 4th.

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Prescribed Burn Planned for North Rim at Grand Canyon National Park

National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forrest Service (USFS) fire managers working together as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program plan to conduct a prescribed fire on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park the week of November 18th.

prescribed burn

Grand Canyon National Park Fire Managers Planning for Two Prescribed Burns

National Park Service (NPS) and U.S. Forest Service (USFS) fire managers, working together as the North Zone Interagency Fire Management Program, anticipate initiating a prescribed fire treatment this fall as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow near the boundary line between the North Kaibab Ranger District of the Kaibab NF and the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.

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Grand Canyon National Park Fire Managers Plan Prescribed Burns on North Rim

Fire managers at Grand Canyon National Park anticipate initiating two prescribed burns on the North Rim this week as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow.

prescribed burn

North Rim Fall Prescribed Burns

Fire managers will take advantage of favorable weather conditions over the next several weeks and initiate prescribed burns on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park.

prescribed burn

Rob Heath after prescribed burn