postgresql SE-Radio Episode 362: Simon Riggs on Advanced Features of PostgreSQL By Published On :: Wed, 10 Apr 2019 18:27:59 +0000 Simon Riggs, founder and CTO of 2nd Quadrant, discusses the advanced features of the Postgres database, that allow developers to focus on applications whilst the database does the heavy lifting of handling large and diverse quantities of data. Full Article
postgresql PHP CRUD Operations with PostgreSQL Server By Published On :: Mon, 29 Jul 2024 08:19:17 +0000 CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations are used in the web application for the data manipulation in the database. There are four basic operations involved in the CRUD functionality that help to manage data with the database. We have already shared the tutorial to perform create (insert), read (select), update, and delete operations in PHP CRUD Operations with MySQL. In this tutorial, we will build PHP CRUD application with PostgreSQL server. PostgreSQL also known as Postgres is a relational database management system (RDBMS). The PostgreSQL database is open-source and free to use. We will connect with the PostgreSQL Server The post PHP CRUD Operations with PostgreSQL Server appeared first on CodexWorld. Full Article PHP CRUD PostgreSQL
postgresql Don't Do This - PostgreSQL wiki By Published On :: 2024-11-13T05:47:01+00:00 Full Article
postgresql Problem Notes for SAS®9 - 66505: The OBS= option does not generate a limit clause when you use SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL to access a Yellowbrick database By Published On :: Wed, 26 Aug 2020 11:35:41 EST When you use SAS/ACCESS Interface to PostgreSQL to query a Yellowbrick database, the SAS OBS= option is not generating a limit clause on the query that is passed to the database. Click the Full Article POSTGRESOFR+SAS/ACCESS+Interface+to+Post
postgresql Wimpie Nortje: Database migration libraries for PostgreSQL. By Published On :: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 00:00:00 GMT Index of picking libraries blog series It may be tempting at the start of a new project to create the first database tables manually, or write SQL scripts that you run manually, especially when you first have to spend a significant amount of time on sifting through all the migration libraries and then some more to get it working properly. Going through this process did slow me down at the start of the project but I was determined to use a migration tool because hunting inexplicable bugs that only happen in production just to find out there is a definition mismatch between the production and development databases is not fun. Using such a tool also motivates you to write both the setup and teardown steps for each table while the current design is still fresh in your mind. At first I considered a standalone migration tool because I expect them to be very good at that single task. However, learning the idiosyncrasies of a new tool and trying to make it fit seamlessly into my development workflow seemed like more trouble than it is worth. I decided to stick with a Common Lisp library and found the following seven that work with PostgreSQL and/or Postmodern: Postmodern-passenger-pigeon database-migrations cl-migrations Mito Crane Orizuru-orm cl-mgr I quickly discounted Crane and Mito because they are ORM (Object Relational Mapper) libraries which are way more complex than a dedicated migration library. Development on Crane have stalled some time ago and I don't feel it is mature enough for frictionless use yet. Mito declares itself as being in Alpha state; also not mature enough yet. I only stumbled onto cl-mgr and Orizuru-orm long after making my decision so I did not investigate them seriously. Orizuru-orm is in any case an ORM which I would have discounted because it is too complex for my needs. CL-mgr looks simple, which is a good thing. It is based on cl-dbi which makes it a good candidate if you foresee switching databases but even if I discovered it sooner I would have discounted it for the same reason as CL-migrations. CL-migrations looks very promising. It is a simple library focusing only on migrations. It uses clsql to interface with the database which bothered me because I already committed to using Postmodern and I try to avoid adding a lot of unused code to my projects. The positive side is that it interfaces to many different databases so it is a good candidate if you are not committed to using Postmodern. It is also a stable code base with no outstanding bug reports. The two projects I focused on was Postmodern-passenger-pigeon and Database-migrations because they both use Postmodern for a database interface. Postmodern-passenger-pigeon was in active development at the time and it seemed safer to use than Database-migrations because it can do dry runs, which is a very nice feature when you are upgrading your production database and face the possibility of losing data when things go awry. Unfortunately I could not get it working within a reasonable amount of time. I finally settled on Database-migrations. It is a small code base, focused on one task, it is mature and it uses Postmodern so it does not pull in a whole new database interface into my project. There are however some less positive issues. The first issue is a hindrance during development. Every time the migrations ASDF system (or the file containing it, as ASDF prefers that all systems be defined in a single file) is recompiled it adds all the defined migrations to the migrations list. Though each one will only be applied once to the DB it is still bothersome. One can then clear the list with (setf database-migrations::*migrations* nil) but then only newly modified migration files will be added. The solution then is to touch the .asd file after clearing the migrations list. The second negative point is quite dangerous. The downgrade function takes a target version as parameter, with a default target of 0. This means that if you execute downgrade without specifying a target version you delete your whole database. I am currently using Database-migrations and it works well for me. If for some reason I need to switch I will use cl-migrations. Using Database-migrations To address the danger of unintentionally deleting my database I created a wrapper function that does both upgrade and downgrade, and it requires a target version number. Another practical issue I discovered is that upgrades and downgrades happen in the same order as they are defined in the migration file. If you create two tables in a single file where table 2 depends on table 1 then you can not revert / downgrade because Database-migrations will attempt to delete table 1 before table 2. The solution here is to use the def-queries-migration macro (instead of def-query-migration) which defines multiple queries simultaneously . If you get overwhelmed by a single definition that defines multiple tables the other option is to stick with one migration definition per file. Index of picking libraries blog series Full Article