
Sulfur- and iron-rich mineralogical features preserved in permafrost in the Canadian High Arctic: analogs for the astrobiological exploration of Mars

Lau, G E; Trivedi, C B; Grasby, S E; Spear, J R; Cosmidis, J; Templeton, A S. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2022 p. 1-21,
<a href=""><img src="" title="Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 2022 p. 1-21," height="150" border="1" /></a>


Why Arctic Permafrost Is Thawing — and How it Affects the Whole Planet

Only about 4 million people live in the Arctic, but despite its relatively small population, the region is hugely consequential.


Vulnerable carbon stores twice as high where permafrost subsidence is factored in, new research finds

Sinking terrain caused by the loss of ice and soil mass in permafrost is causing deeper thaw than previously thought and making vulnerable twice as much carbon as estimates that don’t account for this shifting ground.

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The Warming Arctic: How Thawing Permafrost Challenges Environmental Governance

The Warming Arctic: How Thawing Permafrost Challenges Environmental Governance The Warming Arctic: How Thawing Permafrost Challenges Environmental Governance


Web Article

Recent online articles and analysis that have been published on the East-West Center website.


Web Article

Recent online articles and analysis that have been published on the East-West Center website.



Nitrous oxide from Tibetan permafrost packs global warming punch

Scientists estimate that thawing ground could be a major source of the greenhouse gas


Nitrous oxide from Tibetan permafrost packs global warming punch

Scientists estimate that thawing ground could be a major source of the greenhouse gas


Thawing permafrost could lead to higher carbon emissions

Permafrost and wetlands in high latitudes could switch from carbon sink to carbon source by the end of the century, according to a recent study. Using a model of terrestrial ecosystems that showed how carbon is stored and released in soils at high latitudes, researchers revealed that climate change could cause these soils to release much more carbon than previously predicted.


NASA tracks greenhouse gases emitting from thawing permafrost

The mission aims to track the potential impact of methane and carbon dioxide emissions on climate change.

  • Climate & Weather


Prehistoric cave lions found remarkably preserved in Siberian permafrost

These are the best preserved specimens of this extinct Arctic lion ever found.


Worms frozen in permafrost for 42,000 years brought back to life

The last time they squirmed was in the Pleistocene Age.


As climate change melts Alaska’s permafrost, roads sink, bridges tilt and greenhouse gases release

The accelerating melt is a global concern: Permafrost, which mostly lies in the northern reaches of the planet, is a vast carbon storehouse of frozen plants and animals that release greenhouse gases as they warm and decompose.


In a Tunnel Beneath Alaska, Scientists Race to Understand Disappearing Permafrost

What lies inside the icy cavern seems more and more like a captive, rare animal, an Earth form that might soon be lost


Significant methane ebullition from alpine permafrost rivers on the East Qinghai–Tibet Plateau


Thawing permafrost: permafrost carbon in a warming Arctic / J. van Huissteden

Online Resource


[ASAP] Vegetation Mediated Mercury Flux and Atmospheric Mercury in the Alpine Permafrost Region of the Central Tibetan Plateau

Environmental Science & Technology
DOI: 10.1021/acs.est.9b06636


Nitrous oxide from Tibetan permafrost packs global warming punch

Scientists estimate that thawing ground could be a major source of the greenhouse gas


Nitrous oxide from Tibetan permafrost packs global warming punch

Scientists estimate that thawing ground could be a major source of the greenhouse gas


Scientists warn of a vicious global warming cycle, raise permafrost alarm at UN climate talks

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