
New "LinkOut" tool by National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) providing easy link to PubMed and GenBank data

A new "LinkOut" feature introduced by the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) NCBI’s allows the easy linking to content on PubMed and GenBank.  Dryad has already introduced the feature benefitting from easy and fast linking of associated content to the two resources.

PubMed and GenBank, from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), are hugely popular resources for searching and retrieving article abstracts and nucleotide sequence data, respectively.  PubMed indexes the vast majority of the biomedical literature, and deposition of nucleotide sequences in GenBank or one of the other INSDC databases is a near universal requirement for publication in a scientific journal. LinkOut allows the data from an article to be distributed among repositories without compromising its discoverability.

Dryad, intends to expand on this feature in a couple of ways. First, it is planned to make Dryad content searchable via the PubMed and GenBank identifiers, which because of their wide use will provide a convenient gateway for other biomedical databases to link out to Dryad.  Second, open web standards will be used to expose relationships between content in Dryad and other repositories, not just NCBI.

Original source: Dryad news and views




Rohini Nilekani Centre for Brain and Mind launched at NCBS Bengaluru

The centre is an outcome of a ₹100 crore grant to NCBS and NIMHANS for long-term research, and to build capacity for both research and practice in the mental health field


SyncBreeze 10.1.16 SEH GET Overflow

There exists an unauthenticated SEH based vulnerability in the HTTP server of Sync Breeze Enterprise version 10.1.16, when sending a GET request with an excessive length it is possible for a malicious user to overwrite the SEH record and execute a payload that would run under the Windows NT AUTHORITYSYSTEM account. The SEH record is overwritten with a "POP,POP,RET" pointer from the application library libspp.dll. This exploit has been successfully tested on Windows XP, 7 and 10 (x86->x64). It should work against all versions of Windows and service packs.


CBD News: COP 9 Presidency pays Working Visit to the UNCBD Secretariat.


Comparative Genomic Analysis of Third Generation Cephalosporin-Resistant Escherichia coli Harboring blaCMY-2-Positive IncI1 group, IncB/O/K/Z, and IncC Plasmids Isolated from Healthy Broilers in Japan. [Epidemiology and Surveillance]

The off-label use of third generation cephalosporin (3GC) during in ovo vaccination or vaccination of newly hatched chicks, was a common practice worldwide. CMY-2-producing Escherichia coli have been disseminated among broiler production. The objectives of this study were to determine the epidemiological linkage of blaCMY-2-positive plasmids among broilers both within and outside Japan because grandparent stock and parent stock were imported in Japan. We examined the whole genome sequences of 132 3GC-resistant E. coli isolates collected from healthy broilers during 2002-2014. The predominant 3GC-resistance gene was blaCMY-2, which was detected in the plasmids of 87 (65.9%) isolates. The main plasmid replicon types were IncI1-I (n=21; 24.1%), IncI (n=12; 13.8%), IncB/O/K/Z (n=28; 32.2%), and IncC (n=22; 25.3%). Those plasmids were subjected to gene clustering and network analyses and plasmid multi-locus sequence typing (pMLST). The chromosomal DNA of isolates was subjected to MLST and single nucleotide variant (SNV)-based phylogenetic analysis.

MLST and SNV-based phylogenetic analysis revealed high diversity of E. coli isolates. ST429 harboring blaCMY-2-positive IncB/O/K/Z was closely related to isolates from broiler in Germany harboring blaCMY-2-positive IncB/O/K/Z. pST55-IncI and pST12-IncI1-I and pST3-IncC were prevalent in western Japan. pST12-IncI1-I and pST3-IncC were closely related to those detected in E. coli isolates from chicken in American continent, whereas 26 IncB/O/K/Z were related to those in Europe. These data will be useful to reveal the whole picture of transmission of CMY-2-producing bacteria in and out of Japan.


Loan/Grant Nos. 2581/0181-NEP: Air Transport Capacity Enhancement Project [ATCEP/NCB-03]


3309-TAJ: Strengthening Technical and Vocational Education and Training [MOLME/TVET/NCB-GS07]


Loan No. 3012-NEP: South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation (SASEC) Road Connectivity Project [SRCP/NCB/PN/01]


Grant No. 0352-TAJ: Building Climate Resilience in the Pyanj River Basin Project [NCB-CW-05/P5]


Loan No. 50301-SRI: Second Integrated Road Investment Program [RDA/ADB/iROAD-2(UVA)/NCB]


New PubMed Updated: Homepage, User Guide, My NCBI Alerts and Collections, and More

​Several new features have been added to the new PubMed including an updated homepage, an online user guide, the CSV file format, My NCBI Filters, My Bibliography and Collections, and search integration with the MeSH and NLM Catalog databases.


NCBC awards grant to MPSC

N.C. Biotechnology Center will support new DESTINY curriculum module