knowledge exchange

Science-industry knowledge exchange: A mapping of policy instruments and their interactions

Countries deploy a variety of policy instruments to promote science-industry knowledge exchange. While these instruments are often discussed in isolation, they are implemented collectively and may negatively affect each other or add excessive complexity. This paper develops a conceptual framework to map policy instruments for knowledge exchange and assess interactions.

knowledge exchange

Five principles to guide knowledge exchange in environmental management

Effective ‘knowledge exchange’ - the process of producing, sharing, understanding and using knowledge - is vital to good environmental management. New research has uncovered five principles for this process which could help researchers, decision makers and other parties work together to better manage environmental change.

knowledge exchange

SCCM Pod-238 Internet-Based Knowledge Exchange Platform for Pediatric Critical Care Clinicians Worldwide

Margaret Parker, MD, MCCM, speaks with Traci A. Wolbrink, MD, MPH