icui Theoretical rationalization for the equilibrium between (μ–η2:η2-peroxido)CuIICuII and bis(μ-oxido)CuIIICuIII complexes: perturbational effects from ligand frameworks By Published On :: Dalton Trans., 2020, Advance ArticleDOI: 10.1039/D0DT01001D, PaperTsukasa Abe, Yoshihito Shiota, Shinobu Itoh, Kazunari YoshizawaDFT calculations are carried out to investigate the geometric effects of the supporting ligands in the relative energies of the (μ–η2:η2-peroxido)CuIICuII complex 1 and the bis(μ-oxido)CuIIICuIII complex 2.To cite this article before page numbers are assigned, use the DOI form of citation above.The content of this RSS Feed (c) The Royal Society of Chemistry Full Article