hollywood sign

Op-Ed: The Hollywood sign is a public treasure, and no one should have to pay to use its image

For years, the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce has been asking people to pay to use the image of the Hollywood sign — which it doesn't own or control.

hollywood sign

Endeavour and the Hollywood sign: How we got the photo

The shuttle Endeavor wowed Southern California on Friday with fly-bys of landmarks including Dodger Stadium, Griffith Observatory and Disneyland before landing at LAX.

hollywood sign

Endeavour and the Hollywood sign: Photographer weighs in

In a post on The Times' Framework blog, staff photographer Gary Friedman weighs in on the discussion about his photo of the space shuttle Endeavour passing the Hollywood sign: "As part of a team of more than 20 Times photographers, my position was on the helipad of downtown's 73-story U.S.