hard place

Between rock and hard place: housing dilemma of urban poor in Vijayawada

In August, Vijayawada experienced its heaviest rain in a century, highlighting a major issue—safe housing for the urban poor. Six people from the over three lakh residents living in rockslide-prone hilly areas died when a boulder crushed them during the rains. Despite the lurking danger, many continue to live there due to the proximity to their workplaces and unable to afford the high cost of housing in the plain area, writes Nellore Sravani

hard place

Between a rock and a hard place

Most Indians seem to be caught between a ‘pretentious Left’ and a self-righteous, sanctimonious Hindu Right with a diabolical communal agenda and the space for a rational, reasoned debate is shrinking alarmingly.

hard place

Between a rock and a hard place

The first of two episodes to celebrate the Festival of Residential Child Care 2017.

In this episode Debbie Nolan and Kristina Moodie (Centre for Youth & Criminal Justice) introduce the rationale behind, and findings of their 2016 research 'Between a rock and a hard place': responses to offending in residential childcare.

This enabled discussion with Sheila, Duncan, David and David, all of whom are residential childcare workers, on how far these findings aligned with their experiences of practice.

Key themes discussed:

Complexity in responding to offending in residential child care Supports to staff in doing so The dilemmas and tensions faced The recommendations made in the research to change practice.

Transcript of episode

Music Credit: Something Elated by Broke For Free

hard place

Between a croc and a hard place: Inside a farming couple's fight to save their scaly charges

Farmer John Lever and his wife Lillian say their Koorana Crocodile Farm has just two weeks of food left to feed 3,000 crocodiles, so they're offering an 'adopt a croc' program to raise funds.

hard place

Between a rock and a hard place

The nations that taught us that state meddling in economic matters was blasphemy are now nationalising banks, bailing out brigands, and pouring in funds to stop factories from closing down. But a few true believers are still holding out, against all the evidence, writes P Sainath.

hard place

A Rock from a Hard Place