
ERROR (OSSGLD-18): and not able to run simulation

I put some stimulus in the simulation file section : 

_vpd_data_enb (pu_data_enb 0) vsource wave=[0 0 1n 0 1.015n vcchbm 3n vcchbm] dc=0 type=pwl
_vpu_data_enb (pd_data_enb 0) vsource dc=pu_enb type=dc

I get the following error. 

ERROR (OSSGLD-18): The command character after '[' in the NLP expression '[0 0 1n 0 1.015n vcchbm 3n vcchbm] dc=0 type=pwl

' is not a valid

character. The command character is the first character after '[' in the NLP

expression. It must be '?', '!', '#', '$', 'n', '@', '.', '~' or '+'. Enter a

valid character as the command character.

si: simin did not complete successfully.


I dont see anything wrong with the stimulus syntax