
L'intérêt pour l'actu remonte mais la méfiance est toujours là

Regain d'intérêt pour l'actualité, méfiance toujours vive, place croissante des réseaux sociaux: ce sont quelques-uns des enseignements du baromètre annuel sur la confiance des Français dans les médias publié lundi par le journal La Croix.

. Actu: le rebond

Fait marquant de ce baromètre réalisé depuis 1987: le regain d'intérêt pour l'actualité. 76% des sondés (1.500 majeurs interrogés par internet ou téléphone selon la méthode des quotas) disent la suivre "avec un grand intérêt", contre 62% l'an passé.

"C'est le cinquième plus haut niveau en 35 ans", a souligné Jean-Christophe Ploquin, rédacteur en chef de La Croix, lors d'une conférence de presse. Cette proportion est cependant moindre chez les moins de 35 ans (66%).

En outre, quatre sondés sur dix disent s'intéresser davantage à l'actu qu'il y a quelques années. Cela coïncide avec "une actualité riche en 2022" (Ukraine, présidentielle en France...) après la période du Covid, a commenté Guillaume Caline, de l'institut Kantar Public, qui réalise ce baromètre.

C'est toutefois à nuancer par le fait qu'un sondé sur cinq (21%) s'y intéresse moins qu'avant, et même un sur trois (33%) chez les moins de 35 ans.

Et la moitié des sondés (51%) ressent "souvent de la lassitude" envers l'actualité, la fameuse "fatigue informationnelle" pointée par plusieurs études récemment.

. Trop ou pas assez ?

Le Mondial de football au Qatar (pour 48% des sondés), la mort de la reine d'Angleterre (43%) et la pénurie de carburant (40%): voilà les trois sujets dont les médias ont trop parlé en 2022.

A l'inverse, 51% jugent que les médias n'ont pas assez parlé du débat sur la fin de vie. Selon M. Caline, cela montre "l'intérêt des Français pour les sujets susceptibles de les toucher directement".

Le traitement de la guerre en Ukraine suscite des avis partagés: 41% pensent que les médias en ont parlé au juste niveau et 38% qu'ils en ont trop parlé.

. La télé centrale

Journaux télé, radio, chaînes info, sites internet, quotidiens papier, réseaux sociaux: chaque jour, les Français utilisent en moyenne près de 4 canaux pour s'informer.

Mais, dans cette "multiplicité des sources d'info", la télé "garde une place centrale", selon M. Caline. Ainsi, les JT sont le canal que les sondés privilégient pour s'informer au quotidien, quel que soit l'âge (35% sur l'ensemble du panel).

Chez les 18-24 ans, les réseaux sociaux arrivent deuxièmes, alors que cette place est occupée par les chaînes info dans toutes les autres classes d'âge.

. Méfiance, toujours

Même si le jugement est moins sévère que l'an dernier, la perte de confiance reste une tendance de fond. Plus de la moitié des sondés (54%) pense que, "la plupart du temps, il faut se méfier de ce que disent les médias sur les grands sujets d'actualité".

Pour autant, "ce réflexe de méfiance" existe surtout quand on considère les médias "de manière globale", en tant qu'"institution", a pondéré M. Caline: "Pris isolément, c'est bien moins négatif".

Ainsi, parmi les sondés qui s'informent via les JT, 73% leur font confiance. Cette proportion est aussi de 73% pour la radio, 66% pour les quotidiens nationaux mais seulement 46% pour les émissions d'actualité et de divertissement à la télé et 40% pour les influenceurs.

Par ailleurs, l'image des journalistes reste dégradée: 59% des sondés pensent qu'ils ne résistent pas aux pressions politiques et 56% à celles de l'argent.

. Jeunes et réseaux

Les réseaux sociaux "ont fait leur trou" comme source d'information, "notamment chez les plus jeunes", a noté M. Ploquin. Toutes générations confondues, 35% des sondés les utilisent quotidiennement dans ce but.

Paradoxalement, seuls 36% de ceux qui s'informent sur les réseaux leur font confiance.

Et le rapport à cette source d'information met en évidence "un fort clivage générationnel", selon M. Caline.

Ainsi, après 35 ans, 6 sondés sur 10 pensent que la diffusion sur les réseaux d'informations par "des personnes qui ne sont pas des médias ou des journalistes" est une mauvaise chose.

Une proportion qui s'inverse chez les plus jeunes: la moitié des moins de 35 ans juge au contraire que c'est une bonne chose.


Wall Street prend confiance et termine en hausse

La Bourse de New York a conclu en hausse lundi, tirée par la technologie, à l'entame d'une semaine chargée en résultats d'entreprises où les investisseurs semblent enclins à davantage d'optimisme.

L'indice Dow Jones a avancé de 0,76% à 33,629,56 points, le Nasdaq, à dominante technologique, a grimpé de 2,01% à 11.364,41 points et l'indice élargi S&P 500 a pris 1,19%, repassant au-dessus des 4.000 points, à 4.019,81 points.

"Les marchés se focalisent sur les résultats d'entreprises et même si jusqu'ici ils sont, à mon avis, un peu décevants, les actions se comportent bien", a noté Hugh Johnson, de la firme de conseil économique Hugh Johnson Economics, soulignant les meilleures performances des secteurs de la technologie et des dépenses facultatives.

Pas moins de 11 sociétés membres de l'indice Dow Jones, soit un tiers d'entre elles, vont publier cette semaine leurs résultats trimestriels et souvent annuels.

Dès mardi sont attendus notamment Johnson and Johnson, 3M, General Electric et Microsoft. Mercredi, les investisseurs guetteront Boeing et Tesla.

Mais, selon M. Johnson, c'est surtout l'attitude à venir de la banque centrale américaine (Réserve fédérale ou Fed) qui motivait l'humeur du marché. Les investisseurs "penchent vers l'idée que la Fed va lever le pied sur les hausses des taux d'intérêt, ce qui est synonyme de meilleurs temps économiques, de meilleurs résultats d'entreprises et de meilleurs cours des actions", a-t-il résumé.

La Fed, qui réunit son Comité monétaire la semaine prochaine, se dirige, à en croire plusieurs de ses membres, vers un relèvement moindre des taux d'un quart de point de pourcentage, contre un demi-point en décembre.

"La grande attente désormais, pour la Réserve fédérale, est qu'elle relève ses taux de seulement un quart de point de pourcentage en février mais aussi en mars", a commenté M. Johnson.

"De plus, d'après l'évolution des produits à terme basés sur les fonds fédéraux, les investisseurs commencent à penser que la Fed va envisager une baisse des taux au dernier trimestre 2023", a-t-il assuré.

Selon lui, le marché penche donc "légèrement vers l'optimisme et cela se voit dans la performance des actions".

Du côté des valeurs, Salesforce a été recherchée (+3,09%), après l'annonce d'une forte augmentation de la participation dans le groupe informatique du fonds d'investissement activiste Elliott Management.

Elliott dispose désormais d'une participation de "plusieurs milliards de dollars" au capital du groupe de logiciels, a-t-on précisé de source proche, ce qui représenterait un investissement majeur en comparaison de sa participation jusqu'ici.

Spotify, le numéro un mondial des plateformes audio, groupe suédois coté à Wall Street, a gagné 2,08% à 99,95 dollars après avoir annoncé la suppression de 600 emplois, soit 6% de ses effectifs, dernier épisode d'une série de grands licenciements chez les géants du Net pour réduire leurs coûts.

Le titre du site de ventes en ligne d'ameublement Wayfair s'est envolé de 26,86% à 59,36 dollars, après que sa décision de réduire ses coûts et ses effectifs a entraîné la publication d'une note favorable de la part d'analystes bancaires.

Le groupe, très prospère aux Etats-Unis pendant la pandémie, avait annoncé vendredi qu'il allait se défaire de 10% de son personnel, soit 1.750 emplois. L'action avait déjà gagné 20% dans la foulée de cette annonce.

Les investisseurs ont modestement réagi à l'annonce d'un élargissement d'un partenariat entre Microsoft et le spécialiste de l'intelligence artificielle OpenAI, créateur du robot conversationnel ChatGPT, moyennant un investissement de "plusieurs milliards de dollars". L'action Microsoft a avancé de 0,98% à 242,58 dollars.

Tesla a gagné 7,74% à 143,75 dollars, dans l'attente de ses résultats mercredi et alors que son patron Elon Musk est revenu lundi à la barre à San Francisco au procès où il est accusé de fraude par des investisseurs pour avoir tweeté il y a plus de quatre ans qu'il comptait sortir le constructeur automobile de la Bourse.

Le fabricant de semi-conducteurs AMD a bondi de presque 9,22% grâce à une bonne note d'analystes bancaires.

Sur le marché obligataire, les rendements sur les bons du Trésor à dix ans se tendaient légèrement à 3,52% contre 3,47% vendredi.


Defiance, Defused: A Roadmap to Radical Behavior Change

Hard-to-meet goals can frustrate children with ADHD. Deploy these approaches to prevent meltdowns and transform relationships.


‘A setback for global climate action’: Trump’s election victory sparks dismay — and defiance — among architects of the UN Paris climate accord By Sam Meredith – CNBC Donald Trump’s election victory on Wednesday sparked a palpable sense of dismay among the climate community. The 78-year-old, who has called the climate crisis “one of the great scams”, has pledged to ramp-up fossil fuel production, pare back outgoing President Joe Biden’s emissions-limiting regulations and pull the country out […]


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Rohit makes me laugh without even trying, says fiancee Ritika Sajdeh

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Newcastle takeover: Moral values should prevail, Khashoggi's fiancee says

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Obama to proceed with court nominee despite Republican defiance

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'90 Day Fiance' Corey Rathgeber Selling Virtual Striptease For $39

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Lembit Opik's pregnant fiancee moves countries while he presents radio show

Sabina Vankov's decision to return to her homeland with their daughter Angelina came a month after the MoS revealed she had asked Mr Opik to move out. She is pregnant with his child.


Lembit Opik's pregnant fiancee moves countries while he presents radio show

Sabina Vankov's decision to return to her homeland with their daughter Angelina came a month after the MoS revealed she had asked Mr Opik to move out. She is pregnant with his child.


Signs of defiance in khapland

Rakesh Gauria, 21, and his wife Saroj, 21, are living happily ever after. It could easily have been otherwise. Both of them belong to Chautala village, in the badlands of Haryana, where khaps or self-styled courts hound and kill couples that dare to marry within the same village.


If the lockdown is not lifted, there may be defiance on a larger scale than at present


Valital lance une solution de recrutement alimentée par l'intelligence artificielle et basée sur une relation de confiance

La plateforme d'IA de Valital automatise la recherche des informations en ligne sur les candidats et confirme leurs références d'emploi en excluant les médias sociaux et autres données privées.


Smash Mouth Frontman's Ex-Fiancee Finally Obtains Restraining Order Against Him

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Meet the people who live at some of Western Australia's unique addresses in defiance of authorities

They are a select group of people who live in places that would never be possible today, and have refused every effort to get them to move on.


Emu gold mine disaster still leaves hearts broken three decades after fiance's death

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Charles Evans jailed for four years for running down fiance Alicia Little, leaving her for dead

A judge describes a man who ran down his fiance and mother of four, leaving her for dead after a heated argument, as cowardly and callous.


Donald Trump Jr. Offers To Walk Bride-to-Be Down The Aisle After Liberal Parents Refuse To Attend Her Wedding Because Fiance Is A Conservative

The following article, Donald Trump Jr. Offers To Walk Bride-to-Be Down The Aisle After Liberal Parents Refuse To Attend Her Wedding Because Fiance Is A Conservative, was first published on

TDS or Trump Derangement Syndrome brings out the worst in a lot of people. One young Texan girl’s story of her intolerant parents who refuse to attend her wedding because she’s marrying a conservative, however, is a new low. Lawyer and conservative civil rights activist, Rogan O’Handley tweeted a Tik Tok video of a Texan […]

Continue reading: Donald Trump Jr. Offers To Walk Bride-to-Be Down The Aisle After Liberal Parents Refuse To Attend Her Wedding Because Fiance Is A Conservative ...


La confiance est le chaînon manquant des cryptomonnaies actuelles, selon la BRI

French translation of the Press Release on the pre-release of two special chapters of the Annual Economic Report of the BIS, 17 June 2018. Trust is the missing link in today's cryptocurrencies - Cryptocurrencies' model of generating trust limits their potential to replace conventional money, the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) writes in its Annual Economic Report (AER), a new title launched this year.


Belarus Holds WWII Parade In Defiance Of COVID-19

Thousands of people came out on May 9 to watch soldiers, military vehicles, and aircraft on display in central Minsk as part of celebrations marking the defeat of Nazi Germany 75 years ago. The televised event took place despite concerns about the coronavirus. While most other former Soviet republics, including Russia, canceled their Victory Day parades due to spiking infection and death rates, Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka has downplayed the pandemic as a "psychosis." In a speech during the event, he said the country “had no other choice” but to go ahead with the celebrations as thousands of war victims were watching, adding that none of today’s hardships can compare to the horrors the country endured during the war.


Acting U.S. spy chief overhauls agency in defiance of congressional concerns

Defying congressional oversight concerns, U.S. President Donald Trump’s acting director of national intelligence on Friday unveiled organizational changes to his agency.


Acting U.S. spy chief overhauls agency in defiance of congressional concerns

Defying congressional oversight concerns, U.S. President Donald Trump’s acting director of national intelligence on Friday unveiled organizational changes to his agency.


Boris Johnson's fiancee Carrie Symonds calls for live animal meat markets to be banned to prevent another Covid-19-like pandemic

Carrie Symonds has signed a petition calling for a worldwide ban on live animal meat markets after coronavirus is thought to have emerged at a "wet market" in Wuhan, China.


Protesters in London take part in group hug in defiance of coronavirus lockdown outside Met Police headquarters

A man has been arrested after protesters in London took part in a group hug outside Met Police's headquarters in defiance of the coronavirus lockdown.


Boris Johnson discharged from hospital as fiancee Carrie Symonds hails 'magnificent' NHS and reveals 'dark times' during PM's treatment

Follow our live coronavirus updates HERE Fiancee Carrie Symonds said: "There were times last week that were very dark indeed"


Promoter of Fraudulent Tax Defiance Scheme Pleads Guilty to Mail Fraud

Jerry R. Williamson, a promoter of the American Rights Litigators/Guiding Light of God Ministries (ARL) formerly based in Florida, pleaded guilty today to mail fraud. Williamson appeared today before Judge Henry H. Kennedy Jr. in Washington, D.C., and admitted that he that he sent a fictitious “Bill of Exchange” purporting to be drawn upon the U.S. Treasury to the Bureau of Land Management of the Department of the Interior.

  • OPA Press Releases


An Orange County cafe opened in defiance of Newsom. Now it's the center of stay-at-home resistance

When it opened last week for the first time since mid-March, Nomads Canteen in San Clemente quickly filled with customers eager to get out of the house and return to some sense of normalcy amid the COVID-19 pandemic.


Nikki Bella wants a foot massage and tries to seduce her fiance Artem for it! See Photo

WWE former Diva and superstar Nikki Bella is quite an active sports star on Instagram. Nikki Bella is currently engaged to her Dancing With The Stars partner Artem Chigvintsev, who is a Russian professional dancer during season 25.

Nikki Bella went on to share a picture of her cosied up in bed watching some television along with Artem after she put on her make-up. Nikki also went on to say that she was trying her hardest to seduce Artem into giving her a foot massage. Take a look at the fun post below on Instagram.

Nikki Bella began dating Artem following her break-up from WWE superstar John Cena. John Cena and Nikki Bella got engaged in April 2017 but called off their wedding a year later in April, just a month prior to tying the knot.

Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev began dating in January 2019 and a year later, the couple announced they were engaged. On 29 January, Nikki Bella announced that she and her twin sister Brie Bella were expecting a child, respectively.

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Lindsey Vonn is loving quality time with fiance PK Subban during lockdown

USA'S skiing legend Lindsey Vonn is finding new fun activities to keep herself and National Hockey League (NHL) star fiance PK Subban busy during this Coronavirus-caused lockdown. On Tuesday, Olympic gold medal-winner Lindsey, 35, posted this picture (above) on social media as she washed her SUV, wearing a bikini. "Took an adventure to the drive way [sic]. It was epic. #stayhome #takeabreakwithlandrover," Lindsey captioned her picture that went on to receive over 125,000-plus 'likes'. Lindsey also spelt out her routine during this quarantine period.

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Took an adventure to the drive way. It was epic. #stayhome #takeabreakwithlandrover

A post shared by L I N D S E Y • V O N N (@lindseyvonn) onMay 4, 2020 at 8:19am PDT

She begins her day by 8am, feeding her dogs before heading for a workout. "I usually go to the gym but since we're obviously in quarantine, the garage is my jam," she told American magazine US Weekly. Lindsey and Subban tidy up their house together and then engage with their fans via Instagram Live.

NHL star PK Subban

Often, there are work-related meetings for the now-retired champion skier, who is also a successful entrepreneur. "I am working on a few projects so as you can imagine, there is a lot phone calls, Zoom meetings and other business that needs to be done," she said.

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Watch video: Roadies fame Ashutosh Kaushik gets married to fiance Arpita on his terrace, amid lockdown

Who says love in the time of quarantine is tough enough for two? Bigg Boss and Roadies winner Ashutosh Kaushik tied the knot with his fiance Arpita on April 26 in Noida during the lockdown. While reports suggest that the couple had already decided marriage way before the lockdown, they didn't want to delay it, clearly. The marriage took place on the terrace, in the presence of the couple's family members.

Interestingly, while the bride and the groom did not really follow the basic lockdown rule - wear a mask - their pandit seemed to be wiser as he was seen wearing a mask while chanting the mantras.

Check out the video of Ashutosh Kaushik's wedding ceremony here:

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A post shared by Ashutosh Kaushik (@ashutoshkaushik_bigg_boss_2) onApr 27, 2020 at 9:49pm PDT

According to reports, Ashutosh donated the money collected during his wedding to the PM-CARES coronavirus fund.

Ashutosh was the winner of the fifth season of Roadies in 2007 and the second season of Bigg Boss in 2008. He was also seen in films such as Zila Ghaziabad and Kismat Love Paisa Dilli.

A few weeks ago, TV actress Puja Banerjee got married to Kunal Verma. In a post on Instagram, Puja announced, "Today was supposed to be our wedding but the situation is such that we have cancelled all our ceremonies although we had registered our marriage before a month so we are officially married and together forever now. With the blessing of our parents and grandparents, we starting our new life need all of ur best wishes. Our family is happy and so are we."

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Boris Johnson, fiancee announce birth of 'healthy baby boy'

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson and fiancee Carrie Symonds announced the birth of a 'healthy baby boy', delivered at a government-run hospital in London on Wednesday. The birth is believed to be slightly premature but both mother and baby are said to be doing very well.

"The Prime Minister and Symonds are thrilled to announce the birth of a healthy baby boy at a London hospital earlier this morning, a spokesperson for the couple said on Wednesday.

"Both mother and baby are doing very well. The PM and Symonds would like to thank the fantastic NHS (National Health Service) maternity team, the spokesperson said.

The news comes days after Johnson, 55, returned to 10 Downing Street on Monday after his hospitalisation for complications from COVID-19. He had been recuperating at his Chequers countryside retreat in Buckinghamshire, where he was joined by his pregnant fiancee.

Symonds had taken to Twitter earlier this month to express her relief at Johnson's discharge from hospital with a series of clapping hands emoticons alongside a picture of a rainbow, which has emerged as the symbol of support for the country's NHS through the course of the pandemic fightback.

The 32-year-old herself had been previously self-isolating with the couple's dog Dilyn after she developed symptoms of coronavirus but later revealed she was on the mend. The couple had announced their engagement at the end of February, when it was also revealed that they were expecting their first baby in the summer.

The last child born to a sitting UK prime minister belonged to David and Samantha Cameron, who welcomed Florence Rose Endellion into their family in August 2010. Symonds, who works for an ocean conservation charity, met Johnson during her time as the communications chief for the Conservative Party.

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'Interesting date night': Megan Gale enjoys an intergalactic date night with fiance Shaun Hampson 

Australian supermodel Megan Gale enjoyed an 'interesting' date night with her hunky fiance Shaun Hampson on Wednesday night.


Ryan Lochte will have a son to fiance Kayla Rae Reid

The Olympic swimmer told CBS News on Wednesday he and pregnant fiancee Kayla Rae Reid are expecting a son. 'We're expecting a boy,' the athlete said


Ryan Lochte is all smiles on date night with his fiancee

The professional swimmer, 32, and his 25-year-old model fiancee looked happy as they were spotted on a date night out in Los Angeles on Saturday.


Ryan Lochte strolls with pregnant fiancee Kayla Rae Reid

The 32-year-old Olympian and his pregnant fiancee were spotted on a walk with their two dogs in Studio City. He kept it casual while she showed off her growing baby bump in a skintight ensemble.


Ryan Lochte steps out with pregnant fiancee Kayla Rae Reid

The 32-year-old and his fiancee stepped out for lunch on Friday at vegan hotspot Gracias Madre. The athlete held hands with the pregnant model, who rocked a colorful dress.


Ryan Lochte's fiancee Kayla Rae Reid shares baby bump snap

The 25-year-old Playmate is making sure to pamper herself as she prepares to welcome a baby boy in June.


Ryan Lochte brings pregnant fiancee out for dinner

Ryan Lochte, 32, enjoyed a night out with pregnant fiancee Kayla Rae Reed, 25, as the couple get in as much alone time together before their baby arrives in June.


Ryan Lochte's pregnant fiancee Kayla Rae Reid wears bikini

Ryan Lochte's wife-to-be Kayla Rae Reid is taking it easy in the run-up to her due date.


Ryan Lochte's fiance Kayla Rae Reid shows off bump

'Oiled up,' the 25-year-old captioned a snap of herself posing in front of her bathroom mirror while wearing nothing more than a bikini top and bottom. She was trying to prevent stretch marks.


Ryan Lochte's fiancee Kayla Ray Reid shows off her bumpe

Kayla Rae Reid is due this month. And on Monday the fiancee of Ryan Lochte showed off a very large baby bump in a profile photo posted on Instagram.


Ryan Lochte's fiancee Kayla turns to high-tech SNOO

The 25-year-old model shared a video of her son sleeping in coveted crib, which costs around $1,100.


Dustin Johnson fell out with Brooks Koepka in row over his fiancee Paulina Gretzky

The bitter fallout within the United States' Ryder Cup team has continued after one member accused Patrick Reed of being 'so full of s***' and 'screwing' Tiger Woods in their fourballs partnership.


Boris Johnson and fiancee Carrie Symonds are spotted watching England play rugby against Wales 

The couple were seen in the stands during the Guinness Six Nations match between England and Wales at Twickenham Stadium this afternoon.


MTV VMAs: Lindsey Vonn debuts engagement ring with fiance P.K. Subban

Lindsey Vonn showed off her new fiance and the new rock on her finger at the VMAs. The former alpine skier stunned in a black blazer dress flashing her new emerald ring.


Chilling audio captures 911 call doctor made moments before she and her fiance were stabbed to death

Doctors Lina Bolanos, 38, and Richard Field, 49, were found dead in May 2017. Bampumim Teixeira, 33, is fighting a first-degree murder charge over the deaths.


Alex Rodriguez reveals being really nervous for fiancee Jennifer Lopez performing at Super Bowl

The 44-year-old former New York Yankees star revealed Monday that watching fiancee Jennifer Lopez perform during the Super Bowl was 'more nervous than any baseball game I've ever played'.


Bayern Munich star Jerome Boateng under investigation for aggravated assault against ex-fiancee

Jerome Boateng is facing charges of aggravated assault against his former partner and longtime fiancée Sherin Senler. Boateng is accused of causing dangerous bodily harm to Senler.