fast fashion

An end to fast fashion? Consumer-focused, sustainable alternatives

Rapidly changing fashions increase the production and consumption of textiles and clothing. According to Finnish researchers, more sustainable production and consumption of clothing could be achieved if consumer values are used to rethink design and business strategies. For example, increased personalisation of clothing could increase consumer attachment to products.

fast fashion

The H&M conundrum: Does it make sense to support more ethical fast fashion?

H&M is the most ethically minded of the cheap clothing stores, but it still promotes virtually throwaway retail. What's a conscious shopper to do?

  • Natural Beauty & Fashion

fast fashion

Sewing students turn to the tradition of their grandparents in battle with throwaway fast fashion

A group of primary students are turning to a traditional skill that they hope will help them, and their families, rely less on throwaway fashion.

fast fashion

Fashionopolis : the price of fast fashion--and the future of clothes / Dana Thomas.

Clothing trade -- Moral and ethical aspects.

fast fashion

Fast fashion speeding toward environmental disaster, report warns

Study highlights industry failures and calls for shift in consumer attitudes

The fashion industry needs to fundamentally change in order to mitigate the environmental impact of fast fashion, experts have said.

Clothes rental, better recycling processes, pollution control technology and the innovative use of offcuts are among measures that could help, they said.

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fast fashion

UK government refuses to crack down on fast fashion

It has rejected recommendations that could divert some of the 300,000 tonnes of clothing that go to landfill each year.

fast fashion

Comedian Hasan Minhaj tackles the fast fashion industry on Netflix

His analysis is both informative and humorous – a perfect way to spur people to action.

fast fashion

Fast fashion's eco-activism campaigns do more harm than good

'Merching for a cause' perpetuates many of the problems it claims to help.

fast fashion

Report condemns environmental impact of fast fashion

We need a new approach to making and buying clothes because the current system is unsustainable.

fast fashion

Retail: fast fashion, interrupted

Coronavirus is highlighting more than the industry’s wasteful ways; its iniquitous supply chain is also in the spotlight

fast fashion

Quick tips for moving from fast fashion to slow fashion