
Menschenrechte sind unteilbar. Requiem zum Gedenken der Toten an den Grenzen Europas am 20. November, 18 Uhr in Lübeck


Mehrsprachigkeit in der deutschsprachigen Presse des östlichen Europas / Multilingualism in the German-Language Press in Eastern Europe [Electronic book] / hrsg. von Jörg Meier.

München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2023]


Mit Geld allein lassen sich Südeuropas Probleme nicht lösen

Finanzhilfen für besonders von der Krise getroffene Länder wie Italien? Die Erfahrung mit der deutschen Währungsunion zeigt, dass das allein nicht reichen wird. Es gilt, die Wirtschaftsstruktur anzupassen. Dazu braucht es relative Preisänderungen.


Vote for Europe’s hottest startups in The Europas Awards + workshops, pitches, networking

The Europas Awards — which have been recognising the hottest European tech startups in since 2009 — are now open for the public voting stage, prior to the formal judging process. The entries have been sorted and sifted by journalists to compile an editorially-driven ‘long list’ of some of Europe’s most exciting startups and investors. […]


The Europas Awards goes virtual: Votes, workshops, pitches, networking, live awards & DJs

The Europas Awards for European Tech Startups is doing what everyone in tech has done before: pivoting! Given the COVID-19 pandemic, we will be ‘going virtual’ on an amazing new platform, to be unveiled. (OK, but not VR – just yet!). A percentage of proceeds from the event will be donated to charities helping to […]


Vote for Europe’s hottest startups in The Europas Awards + workshops, pitches, networking

The Europas Awards — which have been recognising the hottest European tech startups in since 2009 — are now open for the public voting stage, prior to the formal judging process. The entries have been sorted and sifted by journalists to compile an editorially-driven ‘long list’ of some of Europe’s most exciting startups and investors. […]