distance learning

Precautions To Be Taken Before Enrolling In Open And Distance Learning Courses

The list of HEIs entitled to offer programmes in ODL mode with names of programmes is available on UGC website.

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New Distance Learning Program at the IOCS!

John Maddex interviews Dr. Costas Athanasopoulos of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies about the school's new Distance Learning Program.

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Orthodox Distance Learning from IOCS

An interview with Professor David Frost from the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge. Hear about some programs you can take advantage of even if you don't live in the UK!

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Fr. Gregory Hallam and the Equip Distance Learning Program

Archpriest Gregory Hallam who publishes his sermons here on the Voice from the Isles podcast also hosts on the UK Antiochian Deanery website a three-year diploma in Orthodox theology. The course has the bishop’s blessing, and a distance learning option is available. Fr. Gregory offers this taster podcast from the third year, Lecture 61. If you are interested in this course please visit this web page for details:- http://www.antiochian-orthodox.co.uk/e-quip.htm

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Distance Learning at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies

Bobby Maddex interviews Costas (Constantinos Athanasopoulos), the Director of Distance Learning at the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in the UK, and Michael Basham, a recent graduate of this distance-learning program.

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The IOCS Distance Learning Program

Bobby Maddex interviews Dr. David Frost, the principal and administrator of the Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies in Cambridge, England, about the institute's Distance Learning Program, which is currently accepting new applicants.

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A Meta-ethnographic Synthesis of Support Services in Distance Learning Programs

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ICT Education and Training in Sub-Saharan Africa: Multimode versus Traditional Distance Learning

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The Human Dimension on Distance Learning: A Case Study of a Telecommunications Company

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Communication Management and Control in Distance Learning Scenarios

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The Use of Computer Simulation to Compare Student performance in Traditional versus Distance Learning Environments

Simulations have been shown to be an effective tool in traditional learning environments; however, as distance learning grows in popularity, the need to examine simulation effectiveness in this environment has become paramount. A casual-comparative design was chosen for this study to determine whether students using a computer-based instructional simulation in hybrid and fully online environments learned better than traditional classroom learners. The study spans a period of 6 years beginning fall 2008 through spring 2014. The population studied was 281 undergraduate business students self-enrolled in a 200-level microcomputer application course. The overall results support previous studies in that computer simulations are most effective when used as a supplement to face-to-face lectures and in hybrid environments.

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Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Crisis as Perceived by Preservice Teachers

Aim/Purpose: This study examined learning during the COVID-19 crisis, as perceived by preservice teachers at the time of their academic studies and their student teaching experience. Background: The COVID-19 crisis is unexpected. On one hand, it disrupted learning in all learning frameworks, on the other, it may create a change in learning characteristics even after the end of the crisis. This study examined the pro-ductive, challenging, and thwarting factors that preservice teachers encountered during their studies and in the course of their student teaching during the COVID-19 period, from the perspective of preservice teachers. Methodology: The study involved 287 students studying at teacher training institutions in Israel. The preservice teachers were studying online, and in addition experienced online teaching of students in schools, guided by their own teacher. The study used a mixed method. The questionnaire included closed and open questions. The data were collected in 2020. Contribution: Identifying the affecting factors may deepen the understanding of online learning/teaching and assist in the optimal implementation of online learning. Findings: Online learning experience. We found that some of the lessons at institutions of higher learning were delivered in the format of online lectures. Many pre-service teachers had difficulty sitting in front of a computer for many hours—“Zoom fatigue.” Preservice teachers who had difficulty self-regulating and self-mobilizing for study, experienced accumulating loads, which caused them feelings of stress and anxiety. The word count indicated that the words that appeared most often were “load” and “stress.” Some preservice teachers wrote that collaborating in forums with others made it easier for them. Some suggested diversifying by digital means, incorporating asynchronous units and illustrative films, and easing up on online lectures, as a substitute for face-to-face lectures. Online teaching experience in schools. The preservice teachers' descriptions show that in lessons taught in the format of lectures and communication of content, there were discipline problems and non-learning. According to the preservice teachers, discipline problems stemmed from difficulties concentrating, physical distance, load, and failure to address the students' difficulties. Recommendations for Practitioners: In choosing schools for student teaching, it is recommended to reach an understanding with the school about the online learning policy and organization. It is important to hold synchronous sessions in small groups of 5 to 10 students. The sessions should focus on the mental wellbeing of the students, and on the acquisition of knowledge and skills. Students should be prepared for participation in asynchronous digital lessons, which should be produced by professionals. It should be remembered that the change of medium from face-to-face to online learning also changes the familiar learning environment for all parties and requires modifying the ways of teaching. Recommendations for Researchers: A change in the learning medium also requires a change in the definition of objectives and goals expected of each party—students, teachers, and parents. All parties must learn to view online learning as a method that enables empowerment and the application of 21st century skills. Impact on Society: Teachers' ability to deploy 21st century skills in an online environment de-pends largely on their experience, knowledge, skills, and attitude toward these skills. Future Research: This study examined the issue from the perspective of preservice teachers. It is recommended to examine it also from the perspective of teachers and students.

distance learning

If We Build It, Will They Come? Adoption of Online Video-Based Distance Learning

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Lifelong Learning at the Technion: Graduate Students’ Perceptions of and Experiences in Distance Learning

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Has Distance Learning Become More Flexible? Reflections of a Distance Learning Student

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The Resonance Factor: Probing the Impact of Video on Student Retention in Distance Learning

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The U-Curve of E-Learning: Course Website and Online Video Use in Blended and Distance Learning

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Distance Learning: Effectiveness of an Interdisciplinary Course in Speech Pathology and Dentistry

Objective: Evaluate the effectiveness of distance learning courses for the purpose of interdisciplinary continuing education in Speech Pathology and Dentistry. Methods: The online course was made available on the Moodle platform. A total of 30 undergraduates participated in the study (15 from the Dentistry course and 15 from the Speech Pathology course). Their knowledge was evaluated before and after the course, in addition to the user satisfaction by means of specific questionnaires. The course was evaluated by 6 specialists on the following aspects: presentation and quality of the content, audio-visual quality, adequacy to the target public, and information made available. To compare the obtained results in the pre- and post-course questionnaires, the test Wilcoxon was carried out, with a 5% significance level. Results: the teaching/learning process, including the theoretical/practical application for the interdisciplinary training, proved to be effective as there was a statistically significant difference between the pre- and post- course evaluations (p<0.001), the users’ satisfaction degree was favorable and the specialists evaluated the material as adequate regarding the target public, the audio-visual information quality and the strategies of content availability. Conclusion: The suggested distance-learning course proved to be effective for the purpose of Speech Pathology and Dentistry interdisciplinary education.

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Analyzing the Quality of Students Interaction in a Distance Learning Object-Oriented Programming Discipline

Teaching object-oriented programming to students in an in-classroom environment demands well-thought didactic and pedagogical strategies in order to guarantee a good level of apprenticeship. To teach it on a completely distance learning environment (e-learning) imposes possibly other strategies, besides those that the e-learning model of Open University of Portugal dictates. This article analyses the behavior of the students of the 1st cycle in Computer Science while interacting with the object-oriented programming (OOP) discipline available to them on the Moodle platform. Through the evaluation of the level of interaction achieved in a group of relevant selected actions by the students, it is possible to identify their relevancy to the success of the programming learning process. Data was extracted from Moodle, numerically analyzed, and, with the use of some charts, behavior patterns of students were identified. This paper points out potential new approaches to be considered in e-learning in order to enhance programming learning results, besides confirming a high level of drop-out and a low level of interaction, thus finding no clear correlation between students’ success and the number of online actions (especially in forums), which reveals a possible failure of the main pillar on which the e-learning model relies.

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Using a Virtual Room Platform To Build a Multimedia Distance Learning Environment For The Internet

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Al Levi: Distance learning works

I’ll admit it. I was skeptical that distance learning could be a worthwhile experience for service contractors. 

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ARK Multicasting Inc. and SpectraRep® at the Forefront of Distance Learning Technology

Deployment of the Educast™ service on the ARK Broadcast Internet Network of NextGen TV stations

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Mississippi schools receive computers for distance learning

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Mississippi schools receive computers for distance learning

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What Does Blended Learning Look Like in a Distance Learning Environment?

Four educators share their experiences of blended learning. They suggest elements needed to make it work in remote teaching such as emphasizing relationship-building and minimizing the number of online tools.

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Distance learning: best apps, tools and online services

Distance learning solutions and online educational tools are rapidly growing in popularity and effectiveness with teachers, colleges and university-level programs worldwide. One recent survey estimated that...

distance learning

About Distance Learning MBA Benefits

Everybody knows that education play important role in every human life. Every people learn from education more things that we use in our general and professional life. But it's only a fundamental education that teaches us how to...

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Distance Learning in Higher Education: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment [electronic journal].

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Distance Learning Council Meeting

At the last DLC meeting Becky Williams, an instructional designer with CITT, gave a presentation on CMS software issues and spoke about open source (such as SAKAI) vs. Vendor (WebCT/Blackboard) products and a new software system for teacher grading, called SWoRD. Here is a synopsis of what she presented, and feel free to take a look at her ppt for more information: (http://plaza.ufl.edu/rjwillia/swordtalk%20-%20learning%20consort-oct07.ppt).

The first four slides are about CMS vendors vs. open source:

A growing disillusionment with vendor products has many Universities moving or considering moving to Sakai (the most popular open source system available). WebCT and Bb have left many unaddressed issues, and they require universities to pay for upgrades or extensions if something does not work. Moving a CMS to open source has its own issues, but that the vendor situation is so aggravating more universities are considering it as an option. I thought these issues sounded familiar to our LMS experiences - I'll be interested in seeing where the CMS discussion goes.

Slide 5 through 42 are about a new, free software called SWoRD. In large classes, professors assign fewer papers as writing assignments due to the difficulty of grading a large number of papers. Despite writing less, student grades are higher and students feel they are good writers; and, yet, teaching faculty don't agree. SWoRD is a system by which papers are automatically assigned to other student writers, for peer-review. Each student peer-reviews 5 papers. Ms. Williams had evidence supporting the value of multiple peer reviewing of a paper; it is much more useful for a student to have 3 peers review their paper than it is for one student or one professor to review the paper. Read the slides if you are interesting in learning more. Currently the software is free, although Ms. Williams thought that would most likely change.

This meeting was held in the Digital Worlds Building at Norman and included a digital tour of the Gator Nation Island in Second Life. Someone at the meeting mentioned that the Libraries were holding reference hours within SL, which Laura Jordan was able to speak to.

distance learning

Distance learning works for JEE too

Attending a coaching class is not the only way to obtain a good score. Tips to keep in mind while preparing for it from home.

distance learning

About Distance Learning MBA Benefits

Everybody knows that education play important role in every human life. Every people learn from education more things that we use in our general and professional life. But it's only a fundamental education that teaches us how to...

distance learning

Keep Teaching through Distance Learning

As many universities are moving quickly to distance learning, it is vital for educators to think carefully about how to adapt their approach to still deliver key learning outcomes for students in an online setting. Today’s guest blogger, Ramnarayan Krishnamurthy, is at the forefront supporting universities as they transition to distance learning. In his role as a Customer Success Engineer, he partners with educators to support them in achieving their goals for teaching and learning.... read more >>

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Why Distance Learning Degrees - 3 good reasons

If you're uncertain about what a distance learning degree can do for you, or whether it's the way to go, this article will give you food for thought.

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Distance Learning Creates Barriers For Some Special Ed Students

Educators, parents and students are all struggling to find their way through distance learning, but the challenges can be even greater for special education students.

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Interview: PreK-12 Distance Learning During the COVID-19 Shutdown

Christ Episcopal School Director of Technology Bob Krieger discusses distance learning measures for early childhood to high school students implemented since the school shut down in mid-March in response to the spread of COVID-19.

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Distance learning: Social-distance policing is racially skewed; how to fix it

Seen plenty of people on sidewalks or in parks gallivanting without masks and clustering less than six feet apart? Of course you have, no matter the racial, religious or ethnic composition of the neighborhood; it’s happening everywhere, especially on nice days.

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Students are in 'desperate need' of computers amid coronavirus distance learning

Coronavirus: Gov. Newsom announced donations and other efforts to provide computers to students during closures, but it falls far short

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School bus drivers take on a new role to help students with distance learning

School bus drivers in the Upper Grand District School Board are transporting school work instead of students.

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Largest Iowa school district could extend distance learning

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The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students

Nenko, Yuliia and Кybalna, Nelia and Snisarenko, Yana The COVID-19 Distance Learning: Insight from Ukrainian students. Revista Brasileira de Educação do Campo, 2020, vol. 5, pp. 1-19. [Journal article (Paginated)]

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Distance learning: best apps, tools and online services

Distance learning solutions and online educational tools are rapidly growing in popularity and effectiveness with teachers, colleges and university-level programs worldwide. One recent survey estimated that...

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Feedback in distance learning

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Improving the environment in distance learning courses through the application of aesthetic principles

distance learning

Comparison of student outcomes in distance learning internships versus traditional dietetic internships