design tools

10+ Excellent Web Design Tools & Resources to Use in 2024

It’s a New Year, but one thing hasn’t changed. The number of web design resources and tools just keeps on increasing. That’s a good thing. But it does make it that much more difficult to find a theme, plugin, or resource you really have a need for if you are to stay abreast of or […]

design tools

Learn about co-design tools

We would like to invite you to a free event on Monday, 3rd October to learn about co-design, and tools that can support it. We’ve run two recent co-design projects - one with older people and practitioners who worked together to improve the pathway from hospital to home; and the other with people who access (or may in the future access) self-directed support (SDS), and practitioners from the Pilotlight project.

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design tools

Developing sustainable lighting using eco-design tools

By using design tools to increase sustainability at every stage of production, researchers have developed a new eco-light. The light, which uses low wattage LEDs and recycled plastic, has a substantially lower environmental impact than the traditional equivalent LED lights.

design tools

Learn about co-design tools

We would like to invite you to a free event on Monday, 3rd October to learn about co-design, and tools that can support it. We’ve run two recent co-design projects - one with older people and practitioners who worked together to improve the pathway from hospital to home; and the other with people who access (or may in the future access) self-directed support (SDS), and practitioners from the Pilotlight project.

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design tools

The Pragmatic Designer: Local and Self Hosted Design Tools

How to still do efficient user research, UI design and collaborate when you can’t use Figma, Invision and all the fancy new cloud design tools.