construction materials

Construction Materials Prices Remained Unchanged in August

The August producer price index report showed stable construction materials prices, with slight declines in wood and steel products, while power wire and cable prices surged, but overall, construction materials prices have been relatively steady in 2023.

construction materials

Here are the latest sustainable construction materials

According to the U.N. Environmental Program, the construction industry is not making enough efforts to achieve net-zero emissions. While all sectors are making efforts to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the construction sector is still to get an organized strategy. Today, up to 50% of the world's climate change is caused by the construction sector. The same industry is responsible for up to 40% of the pollution in water bodies. These figures just go to show, how significant the construction industry is in regards to environmental impact.[...]

construction materials

Traders found cashing in on shortage of construction materials

VACB squads to conduct checks across State

construction materials

Water run-off is key to measuring the release of biocides from treated construction materials

Weathering of treated wood and other construction materials can lead to the release of chemicals into the environment. Researchers have investigated the release of biocides from wood and roof paints, demonstrating that the amount of water in contact with exposed surfaces is a key factor in determining the level of active chemicals released. The study provides guidance for testing biocidal products in line with the European Biocidal Products Regulation.

construction materials

Berger Paints to acquire Kolkata-based construction materials maker

In a filing with the stock exchanges, the company said it is buying 95.53% stake of STPL. Balance 4.47% stake will remain with STPL’s existing shareholders.

construction materials

Research Associate - Construction Materials

JOB RESPONSIBILITIES Identify quality oriented process improvement initiatives and technological advancements; identify, plan, lead, and execute research and development activities across all Graniterock products lines including but not limited to Cold-In-Place (CIR) Recycling, Hot Mix Asphalt,