
Charlottetown spends over $6 million on 4 new electric transit buses

The City of Charlottetown is getting ready to electrify the transit system in the capital region, but it might be a while before routes are expanded.

  • News/Canada/PEI


Charlottetown mayor says Myers can't tell council what to do on future of outreach centre site

The mayor of Charlottetown says P.E.I. Housing Minister Steven Myers is trying to usurp his council's power when it comes to a decision about the Community Outreach Centre’s future.

  • News/Canada/PEI


Лидер DELAIN не готов возвращаться к CHARLOTTE WESSELS

В рамках недавней беседы у Martijn Westerholt'a спросили, что же привело к тому, что в 2021 году DELAIN развалились, на что он ответил:

«Ну, на самом деле, в феврале 21-го это был только результат. А началось всё ещё с конца 2019 года. Я перегорел, потому что в DELAIN именно я в основном заботился о большинстве происходящих событий, вместе с Charlotte, а остальные музыканты были своего рода наемниками и мало что делали в рабочих процессах, да от них и не ожидали этого. Никакой их вины в этом нет, просто именно так функционировал DELAIN. В определенный момент, когда я перегорел, мне действительно пришлось сделать шаг назад и взять паузу, поменьше ездить на гастроли. И тогда трое остальных парней в сущности сказали: «Хорошо, но мы хотим всё изменить, и всё должно быть по-другому. Лично мы хотим продолжать гастролировать, и мы вообще не хотим, чтобы ты больше гастролировал с нами. И мы так и поступим». Но это невозможно, потому что DELAIN это еще и обычная бизнес-компания - это моя работа, и это была работа Charlotte. А еще это моя ответственность. Если они поедут в тур без меня и что-то пойдет не так, тогда люди появятся у моего порога, а не у их. И Charlotte сказала: «Ладно, ребята, вы должны разобраться с этой проблемой. В противном случае я скорее уйду, потому что не хочу участвовать в таких масштабных переменах. Тогда я лучше займусь своими делами сама по себе». И в конце концов я предложил им совершить сделку: «Хорошо. Тогда выкупайте у меня DELAIN». Это могло бы стать проблемой, потому что они не писали большую часть музыки. Музыку писал я, мой соавтор Guus [Eikens], а с какого-то момента и Charlotte, хотя сначала Charlotte в большинстве своем занималась только текстами. Так что у меня были некоторые сомнения, но я подумал: «Ладно, если они хотят взять всё на себя, мне будет очень больно, но пускай, просто они должны будут купить бренд, а я тогда организую свой собственный проект». И мы начали вести переговоры на этот счет, но ничего не вышло. Оглядываясь назад, я чувствую облегчение. Я благодарен, что ничего не вышло, потому что многие люди говорили мне: «Эй, чувак, ты не должен отдавать имя так просто. Ведь это дело твоей жизни, и звучание DELAIN очень сильно изменится. И это будет проблемой». В общем, никакой сделки не вышло. Затем я собрал осколки, и мне пришлось думать, как двигаться дальше. В итоге мы пришли к тому, что мне пришлось задуматься: «Итак, проект, группа, надо объявить об этом». Примерно так всё и получилось. И самое забавное, что всё это произошло во времена COVID. Это стало для меня своего рода спасением в странном и грустном смысле, но благодаря локдауну появилась возможность и время, чтобы собрать осколки и понять, что делать дальше».

На вопрос о том, готов ли он снова работать с Charlotte в будущем, если такая возможность представится, Martijn сказал:

«Ну, так сказать, душевная боль еще не прошла, так что по состоянию на сейчас — нет. К тому же, если вы послушаете сольную музыку Charlotte [после DELAIN] и сравните её с моей музыкой, она совершенно другая. Она проделала отличную работу по созданию своего собственного звучания и своей собственной музыки, но, как вы можете слышать, они разные. И я считаю, что это комплимент в её адрес. Но это также показывает разницу в том, что мы делаем. Так что я отношусь к возможности нового сотрудничества довольно скептически. Но в то же время, как и во всем, что происходит в жизни, никогда не знаешь, как сложатся обстоятельства, никогда не стоит говорить «никогда», но конкретно сейчас я не представляю, что это произойдет в будущем».
#Delain #GothicMetal #Gothic_Metal #SymphonicMetal #Symphonic_Metal



Charlotte, NC Author Publishes Art Therapy Book

A Collection of Poems, Songs, Drawings, and Paintings for Art Therapy Sessions.


Charlotte Emma

You can't spell Hutchinson without the final "n"! Our little "n" is expected to arrive in November and - it's a GIRL!!! We are so very thankful for the Lord's abundant blessings. 


Charlotte Emma-Faith is here!!!!

Charlotte arrived quite unexpectedly and very early on Friday morning!!! Here are her stats and a couple of pictures and I will post her birth story once I get settled in at home. The boys are in Gadsden and have not met her yet. I'm posting these pictures from my phone so I hope it works!

Charlotte Emma-Faith
7lbs 15 oz
20 1/4 inches
12:50 am

It looks like my pictures are not showing up. Will try them again later. 


Charlotte's Pictures From the First Few Days

Here are a few pictures from Charlotte's first week. I'm planning to write up the story of her birth in the next few days so I will not forget anything.

This was about 30 mins before Charlotte was born. Rick was most proud that this was his 2nd "selfie." I was in severe pain at this point. They were monitoring Charlotte and I was waiting on the anesthesiologist to come and talk to me. My contractions were 2 minutes apart with almost no downtime in between. 

Right after Charlotte was born. She was 7 lbs and 15 oz which puts her as the 4th smallest baby. 

Kate and Claire are completely in love with her. 

First picture with her 5 big brothers. Can you even imagine? She is going to be one loved and protected little girl. They all ask to hold her multiple times a day (well, not Luke.) The boys only hold her for about 30 seconds and then they are off to something else.  :)  

 First picture of all 8 children. I cannot believe all of these sweet little ones are ours. 

Kate - 10, Claire - 9, Henry - 7, Jack - 5, Sims - 4, Miles - 2, Luke - 1, Charlotte - 1 week


Charlotte's Birth Story

Things to know before reading:

1. Charlotte was breech
2. I had a version preformed to flip her
3. She flipped back

When I last left off, I was waiting on our planned c-section. I had a list of things to do and by the Thursday before her Saturday arrival, nearly everything was finished. All of our school work for the semester was complete and all of the laundry in my house was washed, folded, and put away. The only major family thing I had left to do was packing. I never got around to packing.

Thursday afternoon I noticed I was having about 4 contractions an hour. I paid no attention to these because in my previous pregnancies, I had weeks and weeks of contractions prior to actual labor. This pregnancy, I had NO "practice" contractions. I just assumed it was because she was breech and so there was nothing to get ready for. My cervix was also closed at every appointment in the last weeks which is also not normal for me. I normally am between 3-4 cm before I go into labor. So back to the few contractions, I just assumed these where the ones I had been without for the last 6 weeks.

I started cooking dinner on Thursday night and got about halfway through cooking when I felt the first painful and long contraction. It was at 5:15. From that point on, they were coming every 2-3 mins without stopping and lasting over a minute. They went from 0-60 immediately. I couldn't finish making dinner so I really have no idea what the kids ate that night. Rick walked in the door at 6 and I asked him to take Kate to dance and take all of the other kids with him. He asked if it was "time" and I said, "No, I just need to try and make them stop." I had 2 times with Luke where I had similar contractions prior to labor that lasted 2 hours and then stopped. I was assuming that's what was going on here. So from 5:15-9:15, I walked around my house, laid down in my bed, took 2 baths, but nothing was stopping them. It was the same pattern, 2-3 mins apart and lasting from 1-2 mins. I wasn't getting any relief or downtime in between contractions. At some point during this 4 hour period, Rick picked Kate up from dance, printed and folded the bulletins for Sunday, and took them to the church.

I told myself if they were still going at 9:15 that I would call my doctor. My doctor told me to come on in and get checked out and that they would probably keep me overnight to monitor me and decide what to do early Friday morning. I still wasn't sure if I was in labor or not and really didn't want to go and then get sent home so I was relieved that they were going to keep me and that Charlotte would probably be born the next day when my doctor was on call. (He delivered all 7 of our other kids.)

I texted my sister to come stay with the kids and started packing my bags. I always wondered why people packed their hospital bags early. I thought you would have plenty of time in between contractions to get what you needed. Haha! I ended up at the hospital with 6 shirts and 1 pair of shorts. :) I guess I really was in pain.

The ride to the hospital was horrible. Every bump magnified the pain. The contractions didn't slow down and that was when I finally realized that I was actually in labor. It took us about 45 minutes to get to the hospital. I think we arrived around 11:00pm and I was taken to triage to get things checked out. I had never actually been to triage so that was something new. They monitored me for an hour and I had to lay on my back that entire time. That was horrible. I'm pretty sure you are not meant to lay on your back without pain relief during labor. :) They also did an ultrasound to check her position and she was in fact, still breech.

Around 12:20am, Friday morning,  the doctor on call came in said it was time for Charlotte to be born and that we couldn't wait any longer. My contractions were not stopping and my cervix was opening.  From that point on, everything moved quickly and slowly at the same time. The anesthesiologist came in and said I would be getting a spinal because they couldn't wait for an epidural to work. He told me all of the side effects but I'm not really sure what he said. I had to sign about 20 pages of release forms and they I was wheeled off to the operating room while Rick waited in triage to be called back.

I remember the operating room being very, very bright and there were a lot of people in there - I think 10. I'm used to the quiet dark delivery rooms with just one nurse and the doctor so this was a change. I moved from the triage bed to the operating table and was given my spinal. I do remember the anesthesiologist saying that if the spinal didn't take for some reason that they would immediately knock me out and that when I would wake up I'd have a baby. I was hoping that didn't happen. He poked my arm with some kind of sharp object and then would poke on my stomach to make sure I didn't feel anything. The first 2 times he did it I felt it but by the third time, I couldn't feel anything. At that point Rick was let in the room and they began. They had been prepping and draping me during this time as well. Charlotte was born at 12:50 am. She was born toward the beginning of the surgery and it seemed that the bulk of the time was spent getting stitched back together.

She was immediately shown to me over my drape and then taken to get cleaned up a bit. About 2 minutes later she was brought over to me and placed on my chest and I held her for about 5 mins. She was then taken away (in the same room again) to be weighed, etc and Rick went with her. She was then brought back to me all bundled me for a few kisses and then Rick was able to carry her to the recovery room to wait for me. I was in the recovery room for 2 hours and during that time my parents came up to see her. I was able to nurse her which was great. I was also given a pump for my pain medication. The nurse sacred me because she told me to push the button every 8 mins and to stay on top of the pain. She warned me not to fall asleep because if I did and then woke up an hour later, I would not be able to handle the amount of pain I would be in. It was 2:00 in the morning and I was drugged up on morphine and she was telling me not to fall asleep! I guess it worked because I didn't sleep until later that morning, after the pump was turned off. :)

I was in love with her from the moment I saw her. My main concern with having a c-section, prior to having it, was that I would somehow feel like I missed out on the birthing process. I never felt that way. I carried her for 9 months and she arrived in the safest way possible for both of us. It was perfect. The only thing I was sad about was that my doctor missed delivering her by 5 hours. However, that was the Lord's will too. He was on call all weekend so he checked on me everyday while I was in the hospital. C-section recovery is painful. That's all I want to say about that. I just want to remember the hours and minutes before, during, and after her birth. I am thankful for every moment of it.


Concerning Charlottesville and Related Disasters

What does the Orthodox Church have to say about Charlottesville? In the vocabulary of the day, nothing. In the language of the redemption of mankind: the Good News of Redemption found alone in Jesus Christ, and a life committed to imitation of his Royal way. The greatest mistake any human person can make, in this situation or any other, is to think that human means and ways will solve the tragedies and disasters of the fallen world. The solution must come from outside us, above us. Salvation is not found in killing our neighbor or our enemy. Salvation is found is seeing the Lord Jesus Christ in neighbor and in blessing our enemy, both. So if you wish to be saved, and if you want to make “a positive change in the world,” look neither to the Left, nor to the Right. Look up to Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the World.


SDM 2019 Dealer of the Year: CPI Security of Charlotte, NC

From its humble beginnings in a Toyota Corolla, CPI Security — originally Crime Prevention Inc. — has operated with a singular focus.


Catawba Co., UNC-Charlotte sign agreement to collaborate on environmental and energy research at EcoComplex

Three applied research centers at the Charlotte Research Institute will install instrumentation and conduct experiments at the Eco-Complex, an expansion of innovative waste reduction and waste processing technology already underway at the Complex.


Catawba County Dir. of Utilities & Engineering wins Energy Leadership Award from Business Journal of Charlotte

Catawba County Director of Utilities and Engineering Barry Edwards has been named one of the winners of the 2013 Energy Leadership Awards by the Business Journal of Charlotte.


Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Co. large diameter fittings

Charlotte Pipe’s large diameter fittings include injection-molded and fabricated fittings produced by experienced fabricators with the latest technology available.


NeXT Charlotte Selected as a NC IDEA ECOSYSTEM Grant Recipient. Awarded $100,000 for supporting businesses owned by Black, Indigenous, and People of Color in the Charlotte Metro Area

NeXT Charlotte (NXT|CLT,) a non-profit entrepreneur support organization (ESO) whose vision is Transforming Lives to Equitably Serve Entrepreneurs in Our Communities, announced receiving a generous donation of $100,000 from NC IDEA Foundation.


Forward-thinking Entrepreneurs To Launch Day & Night Exotic Cereal Bar Charlotte In A Grand Opening

Entrepreneurial couple artist Greg Robinson and his girlfriend Danielle Booker bring nostalgic West Coast foodie trend To Charlotte, NC with the grand opening of Day & Night Exotic Cereal Bar Charlotte


NeXT Charlotte Celebrates $125,000 Impact Gift From 2022 President's Cup During the PGA Tour

NXT | CLT continues its work to grow and scale untapped talented BIPOC business owners in Charlotte.


FastAid Appliance Repair: Charlotte's One-Stop Solution for All Appliance Repair Needs

FastAid Appliance Repair, a rapidly growing appliance repair company serving Charlotte and the surrounding areas, is proud to offer a comprehensive range of appliance repair services.


Belvedere Family Dentistry Commits to Providing the Highest Quality Dental Care in Charlotte, NC

Uptown Charlotte Dentist and Orthodontist Offers State-of-the-Art Services and a Commitment to Patient Comfort and Happiness


NeoGenix Now Offers Regenerative PRP Treatments in Charlotte NC

Innovative platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections help treat patients in the Charlotte NC area for painful joint conditions.


The Votes Are In! The Wellington CBD wins Charlotte's BEST CBD Store for the Second Year in a Row!

Charlotte's First and Only Upscale Cannabis Store Wins Charlotte's Best for 2023


Catch Your Breath: A New Wellness Initiative for Charlotte Entrepreneurs Launches to Promote Sustainable Business Success

Catch Your Breath


Charlotte's Trusted Dentist for Families: Crown Point Family Dentistry Expands Services to Meet the Needs of Every Patient

A Family Dentist that Provides Expert Pediatric and Family Dental Care for a Healthier Smile - from teeth cleanings to oral surgery


The Author Charlotte Kemmerer is happy to announce the release of her new children's book "Red Is My Favorite Color"

If you're looking for a children's book that celebrates self-expression and the beauty of one of the most vibrant colors in the spectrum, look no further than "Red Is My Favorite Color" by Charlotte Kemmerer.


Catch Your Breath Cohort Program Launches in Charlotte, NC

Empowering Entrepreneurs with Tools for Well-being and Burnout Relief



Alsco and Richard Childress Racing celebrate 10-year partnership


Fusion Hippie LLC Recruits Linsey Beford Three Time Winner of Charlotte's Best CBD Store to Launch Their New Microdose and CBD Line, Marking Mainstream Brand Expansion

Poised to Debut Their New Cannabinoid Wellness Line, Fusion Hippie Taps In Well-Known CBD Veteran


Work Comp Matters - Free Weekly Podcast - Episode 33: Charlottesville

"Work Comp Matters" - the central location for all your workers' compensation, employment and labor law matters. Steve Appell hosts this weekly podcast from sunny southern California - presenting some…


Trane Charlotte Plant Marks Workplace Safety Milestone

Trane Charlotte employees achieved 3 million work hours, or approximately ten years, without a workday lost due to a work-related injury or illness.


Karla and Katrine + Q&A with Director Charlotte Sachs Bostrup

Karla and Katrine + Q&A with Director Charlotte Sachs Bostrup, in association with the Danish Embassy


Princeton Sound Kitchen presents Gemma Peacocke: ‘A Strange Power,’ Sputter Box, Charlotte Mundy

Gemma Peacocke’s ‘A Strange Power’ is a 45-minute cantata about the tangled web of romance, free love, creation, and death in the early lives of Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley and her step-sister, Claire Clairmont. Scored for two sopranos, clarinet, piano, percussion, and cello, the work will be performed by Sputter Box with guest vocalist Charlotte Mundy. The program also features new works for the performers by other Princeton University graduate student composers Aliayta Foon-Dancoes, Devin Greenwood, Gemma Peacocke, and Onche Rajesh Ugbabe.


Chance Gray ties program record with 9 3-pointers to help No. 12 Ohio State women beat Charlotte

Chance Gray scored 14 of her career-high 31 points in the third quarter and she tied a program-best with nine 3-pointers to help No. 12 Ohio State beat Charlotte 94-53 on Tuesday night. Gray finished 9 of 14 from 3-point range to top her previous best of six makes. Gray scored 11 points in the first half after making all three of her 3-pointers to help Ohio State build a 43-17 lead.


Ohio State records 40-plus point win vs Charlotte despite apparent Jaloni Cambridge injury

Early in the second half, Ohio State freshman Jaloni Cambridge went down with an apparent lower-back injury.


New Charlottetown crosswalk design honours fallen soldiers

The City of Charlottetown is honouring veterans with three freshly painted crosswalks near the cenotaph where Remembrance Day ceremonies will be held on Monday.

  • News/Canada/PEI


Hundreds gather in Charlottetown to honour and respect P.E.I.'s veterans

In the pouring rain in downtown Charlottetown, hundreds gathered to pay their respects to veterans and remember the fallen.


Faith, hope and love echo throughout Remembrance Day service in Charlottetown

On a cold, wet and grey November morning, Islanders gathered with umbrellas in hand around the cenotaph in downtown Charlottetown.

  • News/Canada/PEI


B.C. man charged with fentanyl offences after Charlottetown search

A 22-year-old man from British Columbia has been charged on P.E.I. after hundreds of grams of fentanyl and cocaine were seized in Charlottetown on Saturday night.

  • News/Canada/PEI


Is a Charlottetown business group's call to remove rent controls 'ridiculous' or necessary?

Some business owners in Charlottetown have made suggestions for increasing the city’s housing supply, but not everyone is happy with their recommendations when it comes to rental properties.

  • News/Canada/PEI


New housing minister Myers stands firm on Charlottetown Outreach Centre: 'It's not moving'

Steven Myers, who has been Prince Edward Island's housing minister for just over a month, says the Community Outreach Centre will remain at its current location on Charlottetown's Park Street whether city councillors like it or not.

  • News/Canada/PEI


Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation named 2024 Foundation Partner of the Year

Penn State has named the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation its 2024 Foundation Partner of the Year.


William tops Bald Man list despite Charlotte's 'floods of tears' over his beard

William's new beard style didn't go down well with his daughter, Princess CharlottePrince William has reclaimed his title as the "Sexiest Bald Man Alive" for the second consecutive year, surpassing Hollywood stars like Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. This honour, based on a study of search traffic...


Writings on media : history of the present [Electronic book] / Stuart Hall ; edited by Charlotte Brunsdon.

Durham : Duke University Press, 2021.


What's in a name? : talking about urban peripheries [Electronic book] / edited by Richard Harris and Charlotte Vorms.

Toronto ; Buffalo ; London : University of Toronto Press, [2017]


A mind of one's own : feminist essays on reason and objectivity [Electronic book] / edited by Louise M. Antony and Charlotte E. Witt.

New York, NY ; London : Routledge, 2018.


History of Intellectual Culture 2/2023 : Modes of Publication [Electronic book] / ed. by Charlotte A. Lerg, Johan Östling, Jana Weiß.

München ; Wien : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2023]


But I live : three stories of child survivors of the Holocaust / Miriam Libicki and David Schaffer, Gilad Seliktar and Nico and Rolf Kamp, Barbara Yelin and Emmie Arbel ; editor: Charlotte Schallié


2024/10/05 (Billings, MT): Charlotte Bellows at the High Plains Book Awards

The Definition of Beautiful has been shortlisted for the High Plains Book Awards in two categories: Creative Nonfiction and First Book. The winners of both […]

The post 2024/10/05 (Billings, MT): Charlotte Bellows at the High Plains Book Awards appeared first on Freehand Books.


The real Charlotte / E. Œ. Somerville & Martin Ross ; afterword by Malcolm Jones.

New York, NY : First Warbler Press, m [2022]


Nicolas de Staël / sous la direction de Charlotte Barat et Pierre Wat ; textes de Charlotte Barat, Laurence Bertrand Dorléac, Marie du Bouchet, Fabrice Hergott, Philippe Lançon, Brigitte Leal, Thomas Schlesser et Pierre Wat.

Paris : Paris Musées : Musée d'Art moderne de Paris, [2023]


L'art médiéval est-il contemporain? = Is medieval art contemporary? / édité par Charlotte Denoël, Larisa Dryansky, Isabelle Marchesin and Erik Verhagen.

Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2023]