apple card

Конкурент Apple Card и Google Card: Samsung готовит к выходу свою дебетовую карту

Недавно мы писали, что Google, вслед за Apple, собирается выпустить свою собственную дебетовую карту. Сейчас о таких планах объявила компания Samsung.

apple card

Apple Card Now Rolling Out to Select Consumers

In conjunction with the soft launch, Apple uploaded 10 YouTube videos that explain how consumers can apply for the credit card and use it. Sign up in the iPhone's Wallet app.

apple card

The Apple Card is an expensive way to pay

It is right for the Fed to lead America towards faster and more efficient bank payments

apple card

Samsung Said to be Working on its Own Smart Debit Card to Compete Against the Apple Card

Samsung's physical and virtual smart debit card could become a part of the company's existing Samsung Pay platform.