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Teacher's Role in a Successful Behavior Plan

Over the last few years I have been very busy working with teachers to create individualized behavior plans for several different elementary school students. There have been amazingly successful plans where some of the most significant behavior problems in the school have turned it around. Children who made daily trips to the office are only there now to receive praise from the administration. Teachers previously brought to tears from the behaviors have stopped me in the hall to say "Oh my goodness, he's like a different kid!" Students who were close to being sent to a day placement school are now succeeding in a regular classroom. It's very encouraging if I focus on those students. However, there have also been some plans that have been revised and revised and revised and the student is still struggling and the teacher is still severely frustrated. I have been reflecting on why some behavior plans work and others don't. Of course one of the biggest factors is the student. All students are different and the motivation for the misbehavior or lacking skill is different in each student. While this is important to consider, this particular article does not focus on this. I'm going to focus today on the teacher's role in making the behavior plan successful.

  • Focus on the Positive!!! The behavior plans that have had the most dramatic success are plans that allow the teacher to focus on the positive. Classroom consequences are still in place, but are not connected to the plan. Here is an example: Johnny's teachers will offer positive reinforcement frequently in the classroom by giving Johnny a “warm fuzzy” pom pom when he is caught engaging in a desired behavior. Johnny will chose the bag to keep the “warm fuzzies” in and carry the bag with him to every class. Once the bag is full, he receives an immediate reward. There is no limit to how many “warm fuzzies” he can earn in a day. He does not loose “warm fuzzies” that he has already earned. All teachers and staff who work with Johnny can give him “warm fuzzies” for his bag. This plan works because Johnny who was used to receiving a lot of negative feedback, is now getting positive attention frequently throughout the day. He receives something tangible (the warm fuzzy) that he can put into his bag. This begins to change his perception of himself, which changes his behavior, which changes his teacher's perception of him, which can potentially change his future. Plans that offer positive rewards completely separate from the classroom consequences seem to have the most significant effects.

  • Be Consistent. Teachers who are able to be consistent and are able to follow through every time have the most success with the plan. Oppositional children are excellent at pushing limits to see how far they can push. Consistent teachers have more success because they don't offer the wiggle room.

  • Be Flexible. This is not the opposite of being consistent. This is having flexibility in your expectations and stating them upfront. If the student was able to behave like everyone else in the class she would be. She may need some flexibility in some areas. For example you may need to have area for her to work in the classroom for times she needs to cool down and get away from a stimulus. The teacher may need to allow her extra time to finish projects if it is the transition that sets her off. Being flexible and willing to make acceptable changes for the student sets everyone up for success.

  • Remember that all students are different. The behaviors may be exactly the same as a student you had two years ago. However, that doesn't mean that the motivation for the behavior or the lacking skills are the same. What works for one student may not work for the next. That is the reason for the individualized plan. I strongly recommend doing a formal Functional Behavioral Assessment and a Behavior Intervention Plan.

Teachers have a HUGE part in making the Behavior Plan sucessful. It is the teacher who has to follow through and implement it consistently every day. It is the teacher who has to push forward even when it appears it isn't working at first. It is the teacher who has a tremendous positive impact on the student when the behavior starts turning around. It is the teacher who does the work to change lives!

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Why is My Child Defiant or Explosive?

Dedicated to the lady at Walmart with the screaming kid and all of us "good parents" who have been that lady at Walmart.

One of the most difficult behaviors for parents or teachers to address is explosive behavior, a child who has little control over emotions and "melts down" in the classroom or at home.  It is frustrating, it is embarrassing, it is anxiety producing, it causes intense emotions in ourselves.  Parents agonize over why it happens or what they did wrong?  Often the parents are blamed or judged by bystanders in stores, family members, friends, or school staff.  However, I have seen parents with a variety of parenting styles have kids with poor emotional control, including those who are strict, those who are quick to give in, those who spank, those who use time out, those who take away privileges, and a whole lot of parents who feel like they have tried everything.  I know children with very little emotional control from homes that are falling apart, from homes that are loving and supportive, from poor families, from affluent families, from parents who have no clue how to parent, from parents with excellent skills, even from School Psychologists.  This is not to say that parenting styles do not have a role in this, but there IS more to it.  We have to stop judging each other and get to the root of the problem.  

What is the Root of the Problem?

The problem, the reason some children "explode" or act out with little emotional control, is because he or she is lacking a skill.  Emotional control is a skill.  Most kids will learn this skill through consistent discipline strategies, but some do not. 

Another way to look at it.

We don't tell our kids how to read and then expect them to do it.  We show them step by step.  Some kids will pick it up easy, others will need to be taught and retaught and retaught and will need extensive help in doing so.  Do we blame ourselves?  Do we look at our friends judgementally and think to ourselves "look at the book she is using, it's all wrong?"  No, we assume the child has a problem learning to read and we find a way to teach him.  WE HAVE TO START LOOKING AT BEHAVIOR IN THE SAME WAY.  When a child is exploding, the first step should not be to label the child or blame the parent.  Lets start looking for the skill that is lacking.  When we find that skill, lets teach it.

It's NOT always a control issue.  Sometimes kids act out because they have not been taught to obey and respect authority, but sometimes they act out in spite of good training at home.  The explosions lead to self esteem problems in the child and the child feeling like a "bad kid," which in turn makes explosions bigger and more frequent.  Have you ever looked at a screaming child and demanded he control himself right now or "act your age."  It's a common thing to do.  Have you ever looked at a child with a Learning Disability and said "read on your grade level, now!" or "I have told you and told you how to read, why aren't you reading?"  Of course you haven't.  We work with the reader at his level and patiently try different strategies to improve reading.  We can't demand them to be good readers and we can't demand that a child who does not have the skills to control his emotions "act his age."  These explosive kids need skills and truth be told, we who work with these kids need skills. 

If you are a parent with a child who acts "out of control" stop blaming yourself.  It isn't necessarily because you spanked or didn't spank or were too strict or too lenient.  Your child is lacking the skills she needs to control her emotions.  Also, realize you are going to need to learn new skills to help your child learn the lacking skills.  You are no longer in the Parenting 101 class, you need to move on to the Advanced skill- teaching parenting class. 

The BEST book I have read on this topic is The Explosive Child by Ross Greene.  He addresses the skills these children might be lacking and he has great strategies to address the issue. (see Amazon link below)

If you are a teacher and have an "explosive child" in your class, rethink your perspective of the student.  The child needs to learn skills, so lets focus on teaching the skills and being patient with the children who are slower to learn emotional control.  We as school staff can not make excuses or blame the parents.  We have to reach the child at her level.  We teach a child to read at her level.  We must teach a child to control emotions at her level as well. 

Challenge for Everyone
Let us stop labeling these kids with emotional skill deficits as "bad kids" and stop judging the parents.  Let's be honest with ourselves and recognize we all have shortcomings and could use skills in certain areas.  Maybe our kids need skills in emotional control, maybe we do, maybe we need skills in teaching emotional control, or maybe we need skills in some other area all together.  Let's be patient with our children and our peers and ourselves. Let's stop criticizing ourselves and others and start learning and teaching new skills.   We don't live in a world with bad kids, we live in a world will kids who need skills, so let's teach.

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What Parents Need to Know About the Special Education Evaluation

I spend most days of my life working with various students who are at different parts in the sped referral process. I attend Child Study Meetings where we decide if we are going to evaluate a student. I observe and screen children and talk with parents and teachers to help the committee make a good decision about whether we should do a special education evaluation.   I evaluate those students (this includes Psychological testing, observations, talking with student/teacher/parent, doing rating scales, etc.). I attend eligibility meetings where we determine if the student is eligible for for special education services. All of this is second nature to me and sometimes I need to stop and remember when a parent comes in, that this is NEW.

When I talk to parents, I find that many parents do not fully understand the special education referral process, even when they nod and act like they do. We as school staff need to do a better job of helping the parents understand the process. Parents also need to speak up and ask questions when there is not understanding.

This is a guide for parents to understand the process of special education testing, the testing components, and some of the test data. It is important to note that schools systems and states will vary to some degree. If you have any questions about the process in your school system, ask your school psychologist, teacher, or principal. Parents have every right to ask questions and usually school personnel are happy to help make this process less anxiety-provoking for you. It is important for parents to understand their rights during the special education process.

Special Education Process

After data shows that interventions have been attempted and if a student is suspected of having a disability, a referral is made to evaluate him or her for special education testing. Once the parents sign the Permission for Testing Forms, timelines begin and the schools have 65 business days to complete the assessments and hold the eligibility meeting. Some states may have a different timeline.

During these 65 days, several testing components will be completed with you and your child. The evaluators will write reports and a copy will be given to parents at the eligibility meeting. However, schools are required to have a copy available for parents to pick up two days before the eligibility meeting. It is advised, that parents take advantage of this and read reports before the meeting to help get familiar with the information and to formulate questions. The reports hold a lot of information that can be overwhelming if you are not familiar with this type of testing. Read Understanding Test Scores to understand the types of tests used and what the scores mean.

Additionally, the meeting is likely to bring forth strong emotions as your child’s difficulties are discussed openly. It can be overwhelming for parents, especially when not prepared. When parents do not read the reports prior to the eligibility meeting, they are the only people at the table who come to the meeting not knowing what to expect.

What if My Child is Found ELIGIBLE for Special Education Services?

Once a child is eligible for special education services, the schools have 30 days to develop an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for the student. This will consist of accommodations, goals, and describe the services offered. Parents are part of a committee to help create this document. Once it is signed, schools are legally required to follow it. It is reviewed once a year, unless parents or teachers feel that changes are necessary. Every three years, the committee will determine if the student should be reevaluated. This is called a triennial evaluation. Sometimes another full evaluation will be conducted, other times a review of records and updated teacher information is used.

What if My Child is Found INELIGIBLE for Special Education Services?

If your child was found ineligible for special education services and you agree with the eligibility findings, then your child will not receive special education. He or she was evaluated because of a problem that still needs to be addressed within regular education. Ask for a separate meeting with your teacher or a team to determine what accommodations or strategies can be used to help.

If you believe that your child requires special education services and has a disability, but was found ineligible for services, make an appointment to meet with the special education director. If an agreement cannot be reached, you may be able to have an Independent Evaluation at the expense of the school. The results of that testing will be brought back to an eligibility meeting. A child MUST have 2 things before they can receive special education services: They must have a disability and there must be a documented educational impact that the student requires special education services to be successful.

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Check out this Awesome Special Education Infographic by USC Rossier

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Sensory Processing

This article was originally posted on School Psychologist Files.  

Sensory Processing
Our senses help us understand and navigate our world. They help us feel, see, taste, etc. When one or more of those processes is more or less sensitive to world, life feels different to that person. It is hard to understand what it feels like to have sensory differences unless you have sensory differences. It’s easy to tell someone to ignore a noise that doesn’t seem excessively annoying to you. It’s hard to understand when someone has an intense need for pressure unless you have a similar need. Having these sensory differences can be anxiety producing and stressful. In a classroom, it can make that person less attentive or have a more difficult time sitting still. Kids don’t always have the words or understanding to express what they are feeling. As a result, children who have sensory processing issues are often misunderstood. Sensory issues are often associated with children who have an Autism Spectrum Disorder. There is also an association between Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and sensory issues. Many times a child will have sensory issues and not have any other disability. Those children may have Sensory Processing disorder, which is a neurological disorder that makes processing and responding to sensory information more difficult. A person with Sensory Processing Disorder may be more or less sensitive than most people to any or all of the senses. Sensory Processing Disorder is not yet widely understood by the majority of people. Most people have an idea about what Autism is or ADHD, but people often do not know about Sensory Processing Disorder. Many school professionals have not learned about it and do not understand it. Many parents have never heard of it. If you have any concerns that your child may have difficulty with sensory processing, I strongly recommend The Out-of-Sync Child: Recognizing and Coping with Sensory Processing Disorder, Revised Edition This book was explains the various types of sensory processing and helps parents to understand what their child may be feeling. It is transformative for a parent to finally understand what is going on with their child. Strategies for the Classroom:

 Often making small changes to the environment can help a child regulate his own body and focus in the classroom. A seating disk fits on a chair and is filled with air. It allows a child to wiggle in his seat, without moving around and causing a distraction. The bumps and the movement can provide the sensory input needed to help a child focus better. The ball chair also allows movement and is good for low tone as well. Weighted lap pads help provide proprioceptive input that helps establish increased body awareness, improves attention span and concentration, and has calming benefits.   Strategies for home: Trampolines provide deep pressure. Also, it is great exercise. For some children, when they start having difficulty regulating his or her body, jumping on the trampoline helps provide the needed pressure and will calm the body after a few minutes. The Body Sock is made of tight material that pushes back against the child's movement. This can help children with coordination and spatial positioning.

 Disclaimer: I am not an Occupational Therapist and am not an expert in this area. I am writing this article to raise awareness in sensory issues that can have a huge impact in the classroom and within a family. Sometimes, minor accommodations can make significant improvements in the life of a child, which I have witnessed firsthand. I encourage any parents who think his or her child may have a sensory issue to seek help through an Occupational Therapist. In most cases, this will fall outside of Special Education and schools, unless the sensory issues are associated with a disability, such as Autism. Some schools are more proactive than others and have more Occupational Therapy support than others. Because OT services are not mandated outside of an IEP or 504 Plan, many schools will not be equipped to help you with this. It is recommended that you seek support through an OT, who can provide individual strategies to use in the classroom and at home.

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Do you wonder if your child might have ADHD?

More than 5% of children now have a diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Parents often look at hyperactive or impulsive behaviors and wonder, “Is this normal or is this ADHD?”  The following charts are made to help parents get a sense of whether their child is exhibiting age appropriate behaviors or if it could be something more.  These charts are not intended to diagnose.  If you have concerns that many of the examples of ADHD describe your child, talk to your doctor or a Psychologist for a formal assessment.

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You can find all of the same articles in a more visually appealing Blog.  From now on use  Thanks!

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Protecting the DREAM: The Potential Impact of Different Legislative Scenarios for Unauthorized Youth

With the Trump administration having announced the end of the DACA program, Congress is facing growing calls to protect unauthorized immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. This fact sheet examines DREAM Act bills introduced in Congress as of mid-2017, offering estimates of who might earn conditional legal status—and ultimately legal permanent residence—based on educational, professional, and other requirements in the legislation.

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Differing DREAMs: Estimating the Unauthorized Populations That Could Benefit under Different Legalization Bills

2017 saw the introduction of several bills—two of them by Senate Republicans in the weeks following the Trump administration’s announcement that it would terminate the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program—that would provide a pathway to conditional and then legal permanent residence to unauthorized immigrants brought to the United States as children, if they meet a range of educational, professional, and other criteria.

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A Profile of Current DACA Recipients by Education, Industry, and Occupation

An average of 915 DACA recipients every day will lose their work authorization and protection from deportation once the phaseout of the program moves into full force in spring 2018, MPI estimates. This fact sheet also offers U.S. and state estimates of the school enrollment and educational attainment, workforce participation, and industries and occupations of employment for the nearly 690,000 current DACA holders.

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Mainstreaming 2.0: How Europe’s Education Systems Can Boost Migrant Inclusion

Rising numbers of young immigrants and refugees entering European schools following the 2015–16 migration crisis strained system capacity and injected new urgency into debates about how to support diverse learners and their families. This report examines the challenges facing European education systems and identifies key lessons to improve migrant inclusion in schools and integration more broadly.

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The Diversity Visa Program Holds Lessons for Future Legal Immigration Reform

On paper, the Diversity Visa Program is not set up to bring in the highly skilled; applicants need only a high school diploma (or equivalent) or two years of mid-level work experience. Yet as this commentary explains, the green-card lottery has become a channel for entry of the highly skilled—with half of recipients coming to the United States in recent years having a college degree.

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Immigration Data Matters

This useful online guide links users directly to the most credible, high-quality data on immigrants and immigration in the United States and internationally. The easy-to-use guide includes more than 220 data resources compiled by governmental and nongovernmental sources, covering topics ranging from population stock and flow numbers to statistics on enforcement, public opinion, religious affiliation, and much more.

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International Students in the United States

The United States has long been the top choice for international students from around the world, hosting about 1.1 million foreign students in higher education institutions in 2016-17. However, U.S. enrollment has slowed in recent years due to several factors. This article offers a data snapshot of the population of international students in the United States.

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Preparing Newcomers for the Jobs of Today and the Labor Markets of Tomorrow

This Migration Policy Institute Europe webinar examines possible scenarios for how social, economic, and technological trends could affect jobs, labor market policy, education and social policies, and migrant integration. Speakers also explored the potential of coding schools for refugees to help alleviate skills shortages and provide a pathway to work.

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Settling In: A Profile of the Unauthorized Immigrant Population in the United States

This fact sheet and accompanying interactive data tools provide characteristics of the estimated 11.3 million unauthorized immigrants in the United States, using a unique MPI methodology that assigns legal status to U.S. Census Bureau data. The fact sheet and tools offer statistics on these immigrants’ origins, U.S. destinations, educational attainment, English proficiency, employment, income, home ownership, and more.

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Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States

Immigrant arrivals to the United States and the makeup of the foreign-born population have been changing in significant ways: Recent immigrants are more likely to be from Asia than from Mexico and the overall immigrant population is growing at a slower rate than before the 2008-09 recession. This useful article collects in one place some of the most sought-after statistics on immigrants in the United States.

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Mexican Migration to Canada: Temporary Worker Programs, Visa Imposition, and NAFTA Shape Flows

Mexicans migrate to Canada in much smaller numbers than to the United States, yet over the last 30 years the country has become an increasingly attractive destination. Canada prioritizes highly skilled, educated Mexicans for permanent residency, but also attracts temporary workers from Mexico. This article examines Mexican migration to Canada and how it has been shaped by visa requirements, trade policy, and more.

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The Canadian Express Entry System for Selecting Economic Immigrants: Progress and Persistent Challenges

Since its launch in 2015, the Express Entry system has changed how economic immigration to Canada happens and how it fits into public and political debates. And while it has proven successful in cutting through application backlogs, some challenges remain. This report looks at how and why this points-based system was introduced, what its impact has been, and how it could be further finetuned.

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Explainer: How the U.S. Legal Immigration System Works

Through which visa categories can immigrants move temporarily or permanently to the United States? What are the main channels by which people come, and who can sponsor them for a green card? Are there limits on visa categories? And who is waiting in the green-card backlog? This explainer answers basic questions about temporary and permanent immigration via family, employment, humanitarian, and other channels.

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Can Return Migration Revitalize the Baltics? Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania Engage Their Diasporas, with Mixed Results

Faced with high emigration rates and shrinking, aging populations, the Baltic states—Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania—are exploring different ways to lure back nationals who have emigrated and establish or solidify ties with members of the diaspora. Of the three countries, Estonia is proving the most successful, while Latvia appears to be ignoring the looming demographic crisis and lacks an immigration plan.

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"Merit-Based" Immigration: Designing Successful Selection Systems

MPI and OECD experts discuss what policymakers should consider in designing and managing immigrant selection systems in a time of intense labor-market and demographic change.

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“Merit-Based” Immigration: Trump Proposal Would Dramatically Revamp Immigrant Selection Criteria, But with Modest Effects on Numbers

The Trump administration’s plan to create a "merit-based" U.S. immigration system, lessening the longstanding focus on family reunification in favor of more economic migrants, has met with a lackluster response from Democrats and Republicans alike. This Policy Beat article explores how the Trump proposal would reshape immigration to the United States, and how it compares to selection systems in other countries and past debates about changing the U.S. system.

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Rethinking U.S. Immigration Policy: New Realities Call for New Answers

The U.S. immigration system is in desperate need of an overhaul. What has been missing is an alternate vision for a path forward that treats immigration as a strategic resource while also accounting for heightened security and rule-of-law imperatives, which together can further U.S. interests, values, and democratic principles as a society. This concept note outlines a new MPI initiative, Rethinking U.S. Immigration Policy, that seeks to fill this gap.

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Brexit Day—Is This the Dawning of the Age of Immobility?

Brexit Day, on January 31, 2020, marks a dramatic turn for the United Kingdom as it leaves the European Union, in significant measure because it wants to control its immigration destiny. But it remains unclear whether Brexit will allow the United Kingdom to cast a net wider for the global workers it seeks or will deepen the moat around the island. Either way, Brexit is likely to spark new forms of mobility—and immobility.

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Understanding the Creation of Public Consensus: Migration and Integration in Germany, 2005 to 2015

As immigrant-skeptic movements gained salience, and even political representation, in several European countries in recent years, Germany remained a relative outlier until mid-2015. This report explains how a pro-immigrant consensus evolved and persisted in Germany during the period from 2005—as the country emerged from recession and embarked on a reform of its immigration laws—through to the events of mid-2015.

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When the Dust Settles: Migration Policy after Brexit

While the political and economic ramifications of the UK vote to quit the European Union hit with full force within hours, it will take far more time to sort out what Brexit means for migration policy. In the short term, the rights of EU nationals living in Britain are the most pressing, with border-control negotiations and future immigration levels also high on the agenda. Against a backdrop of deep public skepticism, this commentary suggests the next government should underpromise and overdeliver.

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Farm to Table: The Role of Immigrants in U.S. Farm Labor in 2016

A discussion featuring data on immigration trends and farm labor that could help inform future reform debates, including what adjustments farm employers are making, including increased mechanization, improved wages and benefits, and the increased use of the H-2A program.  

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Stepping into the Vacuum: State and Cities Act on Immigration, But Do Restrictions Work?

Over the past decade, state and local policymakers have increasingly stepped into the void left by Washington over legislative reform of the immigration system and have enacted their own policies, particularly in regard to illegal immigration. This article explores this trend of increased activism and examines whether restrictive state immigration laws have had an effect on the size of immigrant populations at the state level.

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The Dutch Elections: How to Lose and Still Shape the Direction of a Country—and Possibly a Continent?

The failure of Geert Wilders’ right-wing, anti-Islam Freedom Party (PVV) to become the top vote-getter in the Dutch parliamentary elections is being hailed as proof of the limits of anti-Muslim rhetoric and even the “waning” of the appeal of right-wing populism. But as this commentary explores, a closer reading leads one to a more nuanced interpretation of the results and the recognition that Wilders will remain a major force.

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Amid Economic Crisis and Political Turmoil, Venezuelans Form a New Exodus

Record number of Venezuelans are emigrating to escape the country's economic mismanagement, insecurity, and shortages. This article examines the causes of the current crisis and draws from a study of thousands of Venezuelans abroad to examine who is leaving, where they have headed, and what their hopes are for the future of Venezuela. It also scopes future opportunities for diaspora engagement.

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The International Migration System: Reflections on the Challenges and Opportunities Ahead

A reflection by MPI's co-founder, Demetrios Papademetriou, as he takes leave from his day-to-day role at MPI on the challenges and opportunities ahead for international migration systems over the next few decades. After opening remarks, Papademetriou engages in a conversation with incoming MPI President Andrew Selee about the trends and realities confronting policymakers and publics.

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From Emigration to Asylum Destination, Italy Navigates Shifting Migration Tides

Long a country of emigration—13 million Italians went abroad between 1880 and 1915—Italy has also experienced significant inflows of Middle Eastern and sub-Saharan African workers in recent decades. Italy has also been on the frontlines of Europe's refugee crisis. This country profile examines Italy's shifting migration patterns, policy responses over time, and debates.

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Once Homogenous, Tiny Iceland Opens Its Doors to Immigrants

A small, isolated country, Iceland has been home to a largely homogenous population for much of its history. But in recent years, a booming economy and expanding tourism sector have drawn rising numbers of immigrants to the island nation. This article explores Iceland's balancing act of maintaining economic growth through immigration while preserving its culture and language.

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Vanishing Frontiers: The Forces Driving Mexico and the United States Together

Wall or no wall, deeply intertwined social, economic, business, cultural, and personal relationships mean the U.S.-Mexico border is more like a seam than a barrier, weaving together two economies and cultures, as MPI President Andrew Selee sketches in this book, which draws from his travels and discussions with people from all walks of life in Mexico and the United States.

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In Search of a New Equilibrium: Immigration Policymaking in the Newest Era of Nativist Populism

In many recent European and U.S. elections, candidates touting nativist populist and anti-immigrant platforms have enjoyed rising support. As populism moves from the fringes into the mainstream, this report takes stock of the economic and social forces driving its rise, the diverse ways populists are influencing immigration policymaking, and what it will take to build a new center around immigration and integration issues.

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Sweden: By Turns Welcoming and Restrictive in its Immigration Policy

Swedish asylum policy has taken a restrictionist turn since the country received a record-breaking number of asylum seekers in 2015 and after electoral gains by the nationalist, anti-immigration Sweden Democrats pushed the governing coalition to a harder line. Still, other aspects of the country’s migration policy remain welcoming, as this country profile explores.

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Spain’s Labor Migration Policies in the Aftermath of Economic Crisis

A relatively new destination for immigrants, Spain has developed a labor migration system that builds on longstanding relationships with countries outside the European Union and that actively involves employers, trade unions, and regional governments. This report examines how this legal framework has evolved in recent decades, and how it could serve as a model for EU policymakers in admitting non-EU workers.

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Dependent on Remittances, Tajikistan’s Long-Term Prospects for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction Remain Dim

More than 1 million Tajiks migrate to Russia every year—a sizeable outflow for a country of about 9 million people. These high levels of emigration have had major effects for Tajikistan, especially in the generation of remittances that help lift everyday Tajiks out of poverty but have also made the country increasingly dependent on Russia. This article explores challenges faced by Tajik migrants in Russia and the effects of emigration on Tajikistan’s economy and society.

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Immigration and the U.S.-Mexico Border during the Pandemic: A Conversation with Members of Congress

In this bipartisan discussion, two border-state members of Congress—Rep. Veronica Escobar and Rep. Dan Crenshaw—discuss the response to the coronavirus outbreak, how it is affecting the interconnected border region, and what the future might hold.

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Vulnerable to COVID-19 and in Frontline Jobs, Immigrants Are Mostly Shut Out of U.S. Relief

On the frontlines of responding to the COVID-19 pandemic yet also more disproportionately affected by the virus and with reduced health care access, immigrants in the United States have largely found themselves blocked from federal economic relief. As states and philanthropic groups seek to plug the gap, this article examines conditions and changing policies around immigration and the coronavirus response.

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Eight Key U.S. Immigration Policy Issues: State of Play and Unanswered Questions

Amid a significant reshaping of immigration policy by the Trump administration, a range of immigration topics that have not been at the forefront of debate merit further information sharing with the public and policymakers. This report examines eight issues areas that are deserving of additional review and could form the basis for future action by Congress, including H-1B reform and treatment of unaccompanied minors.

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Immigration-Related Policy Changes in the First Two Years of the Trump Administration

In the two years since President Trump entered office, U.S. immigration policy has changed in many ways. Some actions have received significant media attention and public scrutiny, and others have been implemented with little fanfare. This document chronicles these wide-reaching policy changes, covering immigration enforcement, the immigration courts, humanitarian admissions, visa processing, and more.

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The Evolution of the Australian System for Selecting Economic Immigrants

Since the mid-1990s, Australia has moved away from a focus on family reunification to place greater emphasis on workers coming via temporary and permanent channels. The evolution of the country's points-based model for selecting economic migrants and move to a predominately employer-driven system offer lessons for other countries that seek to develop a tailored and targeted immigration selection system.

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Migration and Integration in Czechia: Policy Advances and the Hand Brake of Populism

Since regaining its independence in 1989, the Czech Republic has transformed from a country of emigration to one of rising immigration, amid growing labor market needs. Even as Czechia received few asylum seekers during the 2015-16 European migration crisis, the country has taken a harder line on immigration, and public opinion and political stances have grown more negative towards immigrants and refugees.

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Equipping Immigrant Selection Systems for a Changing World of Work (Transatlantic Council Statement)

As technological developments—from automation to artificial intelligence and machine learning—reshape the world of work, governments face the challenge of updating how they attract, select, and retain economic-stream immigrants. This report, concluding a series on building migration systems for a new age of economic competitiveness, lays out the key considerations for "future-proofing" immigrant selection systems.

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Chronicling Migration in the 21st Century Through One Family's Journey

This event marked the launch of New York Times reporter Jason DeParle's book tracing the arc of migration as a phenomenon, witnessed through three decades observing a particular Filipino family moving from Manila to Texas. The conversation explored both the human and policy aspects of migration and development.