academic and careers

Vaccinating Britain : Mass vaccination and the public since the Second World War [Electronic book] / Gareth Millward.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2019]

academic and careers

Using Commonplace Books to Enrich Medieval and Renaissance Courses [Electronic book] / ed. by Sarah E. Parker, Andie Silva.

Leeds : ARC Humanities Press, [2023]

academic and careers

Urbane Muße : Materialitäten, Praktiken, Repräsentationen [Electronic book] / Peter Philipp Riedl, Tim Freytag.

[s.l.] : Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2023.

academic and careers

Urban transformations and public health in the emergent city [Electronic book] / ed. by Michael Keith, Andreza Aruska de Souza Santos.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2020]

academic and careers

Unternehmenshaftung : Dogmatische Rekonstruktion der deliktischen Schadensersatzhaftung von Unternehmensträgern [Electronic book] / Carsten König.

[s.l.] : Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG, 2023.

academic and careers

Unseen Flesh : Gynecology and Black Queer Worth-Making in Brazil [Electronic book] / Nessette Falu.

Durham : Duke University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

Universality after Universalism : On Francophone Literatures of the Present [Electronic book] / Markus Messling.

Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2023]

academic and careers

The United States in the Indo-Pacific : Obama's legacy and the Trump transition [Electronic book] / ed. by Oliver Turner, Inderjeet Parmar.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2020]

academic and careers

The United States Congress [Electronic book] / Ross English.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2010]

academic and careers

The United Nations, intra-state peacekeeping and normative change [Electronic book] / Esref Aksu.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Unions and divisions : new forms of rule in Medieval and Renaissance Europe [Electronic book] / edited by Paul Srodecki, Norbert Kersken and Rimvydas Petrauskas.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2023.

academic and careers

Understanding political ideas and movements [Electronic book] / Kevin Harrison, Tony Boyd.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Understanding medical education evidence, theory, and practice [Electronic book]/ edited by Tim Swanwick, Kirsty Forrest, Bridget C. O'Brien.

Hoboken, NJ : Wiley Blackwell, 2019.

academic and careers

Understanding clinical papers [Electronic book] / David Bowers, Allan House, David Owens, Bridgette Bewick.

Chichester : John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2013.

academic and careers

Understanding British and European political issues : Second edition [Electronic book] / Krystyna McNaughton.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Uncovering Anna Perenna : a focused study of Roman myth and culture [Electronic book]/ edited by Gwynaeth McIntyre and Sarah McCallum.

London, England : Bloomsbury Publishing, 2019.

academic and careers

Unbinding Isaac : the significance of the Akedah for modern Jewish thought [Electronic book] / Aaron Koller.

Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, [2020]

academic and careers

Ukraine's Patronal Democracy and the Russian Invasion : The Russia-Ukraine War, Volume One / volume one / edited by Bálint Madlovics and Bálint Magyar. volume one

New York : Central European University Press, 2023.

academic and careers

Two Shakespearean Actors [Electronic book] / Richard Nelson.

London : Faber & Faber (Plays), 1999.

academic and careers

Turkey: facing a new millennium : Coping with intertwined conflicts [Electronic book] / Amikam Nachmani.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Tuesday (Welsh language) [Electronic book] / Alison Carr, translated by Daf James.

London : Nick Hern Books, 2021.

academic and careers

Tuesday [Electronic book] / Alison Carr.

London : Nick Hern Books, 2021.

academic and careers

The truest form of patriotism' [Electronic book] / Heloise Brown.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

The treatise on the divine nature [Electronic book] : Summa theologiae I, 1-13 / Thomas Aquinas ; translated, with commentary, by Brian Shanley ; introduction by Robert Pasnau.

Indianapolis : Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., [2006]

academic and careers

Transnational Fiduciary Law [Electronic book] / edited by Seth Davis, Thilo Kuntz, Gregory Shaffer.

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023.

academic and careers

Translocal Care across Kosovo's Borders : Reconfiguring Kinship along Gender and Generational Lines [Electronic book] / Carolin Leutloff-Grandits.

New York; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2023]

academic and careers

Transcending the Nostalgic : Landscapes of Postindustrial Europe beyond Representation [Electronic book] / ed. by Juliane Tomann, George Jaramillo.

New York; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2021]

academic and careers

The Train Journey : Transit, Captivity, and Witnessing in the Holocaust [Electronic book] / Simone Gigliotti.

New York; Oxford : Berghahn Books, [2009]

academic and careers

Tradition and apocalypse an essay on the future of Christian belief [Electronic book] / David Bentley Hart.

Ada : Baker Academic, 2022.

academic and careers

Trade policy and gender equality [Electronic book] / edited by Amrita Bahri, Dorotea López, Jan Yves Remy.

Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Cambridge University Press, 2023.

academic and careers

Toxic truths : Environmental justice and citizen science in a post-truth age [Electronic book] / ed. by Thom Davies, Alice Mah.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2020]

academic and careers

Toronto the Good? : Negotiating Race in the Diverse City [Electronic book] / Shana Almeida.

London : University of Toronto Press, 2022.

academic and careers

Top Ten Fictional Narratives in Early Modern Europe : Translation, Dissemination and Mediality [Electronic book] / ed. by Rita Schlusemann, Helwi Blom, Anna Katharina Richter, Krystyna Wierzbicka-Trwoga.

Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, [2023]

academic and careers

Too Much World at Once [Electronic book] / Billie Collins.

London : Nick Hern Books, 2023.

academic and careers

Tokens and Social Life in Roman Imperial Italy [Electronic book] / Clare Rowan.

Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2023.

academic and careers

Together, Somehow : Music, Affect, and Intimacy on the Dancefloor [Electronic book] / Luis Manuel Garcia-Mispireta.

Durham : Duke University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

Time, space, matter in translation / edited by Pamela Beattie, Simona Bertacco and Tarjana Soldat-Jaffe.

Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2023.

academic and careers

Time for mapping : Cartographic temporalities [Electronic book] / ed. by Sybille Lammes, Chris Perkins, Daniel Evans, Sam Hind, Clancy Wilmott, Alex Gekker.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

Thucydides on strategy [Electronic book] : grand strategies in the Pelopennesian War and their relevance today / Athanassios G. Platias, Constantinos Koliopoulos.

Oxford : Oxford University Press, [2017]

academic and careers

Three Days in May [Electronic book] / Ben Brown.

London : Faber & Faber (Plays), 2011.

academic and careers

The Third Way and beyond : Criticisms, futures and alternatives [Electronic book] / ed. by Will Leggett, Luke Martell, Sarah Hale.

Manchester : Manchester University Press, [2018]

academic and careers

The third sector in Europe [Electronic book] / edited by Adalbert Evers and Jean-Louis Laville.

Cheltenham ; Northampton, Mass. : Edward Elgar, [2004]

academic and careers

Thinking the photobook : a practical guide [Electronic book] / Bettina Lockemann.

Berlin: Hatje Cantz, [2022]

academic and careers

Theorising Justice : A Primer for Social Scientists [Electronic book] / ed. by Stephen Przybylinski, Johanna Ohlsson.

Bristol : Bristol University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

The Museum as Experience : Learning, Connection, and Shared Space

[S.l.] : ARC HUMANITIES PR, 2023.

academic and careers

The Cambridge history of nationhood and nationalism. Volume I, Patterns and trajectories over the longue durée [Electronic book] / edited by Cathie Carmichael, Matthew D'Auria, and Aviel Roshwald.

Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 2023.

academic and careers

Þáttasyrpa - Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa : Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper [Electronic book] / Anna Katharina Heiniger, Rebecca Merkelbach.

[s.l.] : A. Francke Verlag, 2022.

academic and careers

Terracene : A Crude Aesthetics [Electronic book] / Salar Mameni.

Durham : Duke University Press, [2023]

academic and careers

Tartuffe [Electronic book] / Frank McGuinness.

London : Faber & Faber (Plays), 2023.

academic and careers

Tales from the Vienna Woods [Electronic book] / Ödön von Horváth and David Harrower.

London : Faber & Faber (Plays), 2023.