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The marriage record of Roberts, Austin G. and Harman, Allie

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The marriage record of Mears, Robert E. L. and Robles, Matha Daisy

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The marriage record of Suarez, Joseph R. Alagato y and Castro, Maria Luisa

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The marriage record of Thomas, Jacob F. and Cook, Cornelia E

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The marriage record of Soter, Willie and Brumick, Caddie

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The marriage record of Duffie, William T. and Peron, Annie

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The marriage record of Hazzelling, William and Altman, Sarah

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The marriage record of Valente, Antonio and Figarotta, Angelina

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The marriage record of Cacciatore, Cajetano and Spotta, Maria

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The marriage record of Bridges, John J. and Duffie, Mattio

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The marriage record of Benjamin, Paul and Pierce, Rachel

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The marriage record of Hudmall, Johnnie and Buchannan, Alice

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The marriage record of Lyons, Johnnie and Williams, Nancy

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The marriage record of Jackson, Scipio J. and Middleton, Matilda

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The marriage record of Johnson, James L. and Wilson, Minnie

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The marriage record of Gonzalez, Jose and Abbott, Anita

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The marriage record of Gadedson, Henry C. and Wood, Margrett L

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The marriage record of Keen, Linton B. and Ashley, Della M

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The marriage record of Baez, Charles and Perrot, Maria Santa Cruz y

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The marriage record of Washington, John and Zimmerman, Clara

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The marriage record of Hill, Eddie and Collins, Mary

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The marriage record of Granado, Fernando and Lowe, Ellen

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The marriage record of Vearance, George and Edwards, Gertrude

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Conquistadores in the land of flowers

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Budget reduction proposal, July 1, 2007-June 30, 2009

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State of the university, 2006

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Letter, 2005 March 24, Tallahassee, to President Judy Genshaft

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Report of the Technical Services plan for optimization and productivity

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Academic Resources overview of departmental workflows

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Particular draughts and plans of some of the principal towns and harbours belonging to the English, French, and Spaniards, in America and West Indies

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Virginiae partis australis, et Floridae partis orientalis, interjacentiumq[ue] regionum nova descriptio

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Puerto Rico

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Plan of the city of Washington

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Map of the state of Virginia

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Graecia antiqua, Sophiani

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Imperium Romanum

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Effigies antiquae Romae, ex vestigiis aedificiorum ruinis

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A map of the whole continent of America

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Carte des environs de Paris

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Plan of Edinburgh and its environs

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Southern coast, U. States

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Official map of Cuba

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Map of the states of Maryland and Delaware

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Map of North and South Carolina

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Chart of the world on Mercators projection

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Carte de la Caroline et Georgie

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A chart shewing the track of the Centurion round the world

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A chart of the Pacific Ocean from the equinoctial to the latitude of 39 1/2 d. no