god and spiritual

Holy Martyr Charitina of Amissos

god and spiritual

Holy Apostle Thomas

god and spiritual

Holy Hieromartyr Polychronius

god and spiritual

Blessed Fool for Christ Andrew of Totma

god and spiritual

Our Holy Father Philotheos Kokkinos, Patriarch of Constantinople

god and spiritual

Holy Martyrs Probus, Tarachus and Andronicus

god and spiritual

Holy Martyrs Carpus and Papylus, with Agathodorus and Agathonica

god and spiritual

Saint Cosmas the Hymnographer

god and spiritual

Holy Prophet Hosea

god and spiritual

Holy Apostle and Evangelist St. Luke

god and spiritual

Holy Prophet Joel

god and spiritual

Holy Great Martyr Artemius

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St. Hilarion the Great of Palestine

god and spiritual

Holy Martyr Arethas and Those with Him

god and spiritual

Holy Martyrs Marcian and Martyrius

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Holy, Glorious and Great Martyr Demetrius the Outpourer of Myrrh

god and spiritual

Our Venerable Father Demetrius of Basarabov

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Holy Hieromartyr Cyriacus, Bishop of Jerusalem, and His Mother Anna

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New Martyr Nicholas of Chios

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Holy and Wonderworking Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian of Asia

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Holy Martyrs Acindynus, Pegasius, Aphthonius, Elpidophorus, and Anempodistus of Persia

god and spiritual

Holy Martyrs Acepsimas the Bishop, Joseph the Priest and Aithalas the Deacon

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Our Holy Father Joannicius the Great, Hermit on Mt. Olympus

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St. Hieron and his Thirty-three Companions, Martyred at Melitene

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Synaxis of the Chief Captains of the Heavenly Host, Michael and Gabriel

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Our Father Among the Saints Nectarius (Nektarios), Bishop of Pentapolis

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Our Venerable Father Arsenios of Cappadocia, the Wonderworker

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Holy Martyr Menas

god and spiritual

Holy Apostle Philip

god and spiritual

Our Venerable Father Paisius Velichkovsky

god and spiritual

Holy Apostle and Evangelist Matthew

god and spiritual

Our Venerable Father Gregory the Wonderworker, Bishop of Neocaesarea

god and spiritual

Holy New Martyr Anastasius of Epirus and Daniel, Whom He Converted

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The Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple in Jerusalem

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Holy Apostle Philemon and Sts. Apphia, Archippus, and Onesimus

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St. Alexander Nevsky

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Holy Hieromartyr Clement, Bishop of Rome

god and spiritual

Holy Great Martyr and Most Wise Catherine of Alexandria and Those with Her

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Our Holy Father, Confessor, and Martyr Stephen the New

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Our Holy Father Pitirim of Egypt

god and spiritual

Holy, Glorious, and Illustrious Apostle Andrew the First-Called

god and spiritual

Our Venerable Father Eligius, Bishop of Noyon

god and spiritual

Holy Prophet Habbakuk

god and spiritual

St Cosmas the Protos of Mount Athos and His Companions

god and spiritual

Our Father Among the Saints Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra

god and spiritual

The Martyrs of Africa, Who Suffered During the Vandal Persecution

god and spiritual

Holy Apostles Sosthenes, Apollos, Tychicus, and Epaphroditus, Cephas and Caesar

god and spiritual

St. Stephen the New Light (Neolampes) of Constantinople

god and spiritual

St Finian of Clonard

god and spiritual

Martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, and Orestes at Sebaste