god and spiritual

Act Now!

The Paralysed man's friends didn't hesitate to bring him to the feet of the Saviour. Don't hesitate to bring yourself to Him either. Don't neglect so great a salvation.

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The Apostle Thomas and the Resurrection

Make the Resurrection your own. The Apostle Thomas wanted to put his hand into Christ - you must put Him on.

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This I Know . . .

The Man born blind didn't know much but what he did know he shared.

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St. Luke shows us that the Lord is real - not imagined - flesh and bones, the disciples can handle him and he can eat with them. Acts 1: 1-12, Luke 24: 36-53.

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Jesus the Author and Perfecter of our Faith

How to become a Saint. Focus on Jesus Christ.

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Following Christ

Who follows Christ and who stays behind?

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Priceless fashion. Yours for the asking. Matthew 6: 22-33

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Life or Death

In the old prison in Lincoln, England there is a notice which says "The Wages of Sin is Death!" That is much less than half the story.

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Crying Out! A Lesson in Prayer

Those blind men knew how to use their lungs and they certainly knew how to pray. Matthew 9: 27-35

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Being Transfigured

The Apostle Peter witnessed the Transfiguration and wanted it to stay there but God the Father had other plans.

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The Morning after the (Transfiguration) Night before

So What had the other nine apostles been getting up to?

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As St Paul says "Let all your things be done in love." 1 Corinthians 16: 14

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God Has You

Strip away all that is filthy of flesh and spirit.

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The Man WIth No Name

What if you had everything but no one could remember your name? What is you had nothing but God knows who you are? One day we will each have nothing.

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Mercy, Love, Life and Grace

On the Sunday when in Britain we remember those killed annd brutalised in war we look to see what God's Kingdom is like.

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A Place of Darkness

The Lord shines into the place of greatest darkness.

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The Camel Goes Through The Eye Of The Needle

Zaccheus does something unexpected.

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Have you seen the guest list? I won't go to that party!

The good townsfolk of Jericho, the Pharisee (who did everything just right) and now the obedient and hardworking older brother - none of them went to the party. Ooops!

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Fr. Philip Hall says that with evangelism, sometimes you just have to get on with it (no matter how sceptical your audience).

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Holy Cross

Point out one thing in your house that will still be yours in 100 years from now.

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Now THAT Hurts

Faith, prayer and fasting each strengthen the other two ... but don't expect it to be painless.

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Rejoice? The Archangel tells Mary that God intends to turn her life upside down and inside out! Then he goes away! Rejoice?

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God won't, you can't. Together He will and you are made able.

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Offering God Hospitality

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Zapping Sinners!

Rather than zapping us, God choses to fix us.

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Written On Your Gravestone

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Taking Delight in Jesus

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Follow Me!

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Clothing Your Soul

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Spiritual Experiences

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Becoming Holier than God

Don't try this on with God: He doesn't like it. Mark 2:23 - 3:5

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Get Growing Figs!

What was Nathaniel doing under his fig tree? You need to do the same!

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Still in Bed?

Get up, take your bed and go home. Mark 2: 1-12

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The Throne of Grace!

The most beautiful throne of all.

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Convulsing at the Feet of Christ

Coming to Christ can be a painful experience.

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Me! Me! Me!

It's for them.

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Mind Your Own Business!

Judas or Mary - your choice.

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The Rocks Crack

Cracking the rocks - opening the tomb! The Resurrection.

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Running Into Town

Astonished by what she finds out she cannot wait to tell others. So what do we do?

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No Eyes?  No Problem!

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What's The Point

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Everywhere Present

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Your Turn!

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Laborers Needed

Don't apply within. You already have the job!

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Labourers Needed

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So Close

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Spiritual Gifts

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Here, there, everywhere