god and spiritual

Palm Sunday

Fr. Philip invites us to follow Jesus through his passion, bringing victory through the cross.

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His Bodily Wounds and Ours: Homily for Thomas Sunday

On Thomas Sunday, we are reminded that Christ rose victoriously with his wounds and that we too may bring our bodily limitations and challenges into the redeeming light of the risen Christ.

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The Myrrhbearers

Fr. Philip challenges us to respond in humble obedience to the resurrected Christ, following the example of the Myrrhbearers.

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Overcoming Hatred and Division Through the Resurrection: Homily on the Samaritan Woman

Do you understand the Gospel as being good news for all, even for those whom you hate?

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The Blindman

Are you experiencing healing from the blinding power of sin and death through the resurrection of Jesus?

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Ascending with Christ in Holiness

Are we ascending in holiness with Christ through the pains and challenges of this world?

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Fr. Philip reminds us of the significance of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church.

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Learning from Martyrs, Confessors, and All the Saints

Like the Saints, our path to holiness will be through the daily struggle to be faithful in small ways that few will notice or celebrate.

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Hear, Follow and Obey

Fr. Philip calls us to engage in the practices of prayer, fasting and generosity - the basic building blocks of Christian faithfulness.

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St Joseph of Damascus

Fr. Philip calls us to endure suffering in striving for the salvation of our souls as modeled by St. Joseph of Damascus.

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Christ's Shocking Mercy: Homily for “St. Timon” Sunday

Fr. Philip calls us to become vessels of the shocking love of God that is the salvation of the world.

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On Being the Light of the World

Fr. Philip encourages us to be the light of the world by serving Christ in our immediate circumstances.

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Healed from Paralysis for Active Faithfulness

Fr. Philip calls us to actively engage in the journey towards the Kingdom of God through the Dormition Fast.

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Being Transfigured Through Prayer

Are you stumbling around in spiritual darkness? Prayer is how we open the darkness of our soul to the brilliant light of Christ, presenting ourselves in faith for His healing.

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Our Hope for Eternal Life:  Homily for the Dormition

The dormition of the Theotokos is an icon of our hope for eternal life.

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How to Avoid Sinking

Are you keeping your eyes on Jesus when the stormy seas of life stir up the fear of death?

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How quickly are we to forgive those who have wronged us in some way?

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The Cross and the New Creation

Are we participating in the new creation that Christ offers to us through his life, death and resurrection?

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Obedience Despite Disappointment

Jesus called the Apostles to leave everything to follow Him and become fishers of men. And He calls all of us to take up our cross and follow Him right in the midst of our daily lives, making those places of weakness and failure become occasions of beauty and blessing.

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The Widow of Nain

In the story of Jesus raising to life the son of the widow of Nain, we see the author of life entering into the painful realities of our world. We too are called to extend the compassion of Christ to the world around us as living icons of His great mercy and salvation.

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Faithful Witnesses

Jesus Christ gives us back our true identities, making us into faithful witnesses of His redeeming work.

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Reach Out in Humble Faith

Are we coming to Christ with a humble and sincere faith? If so, then we too will experience the gracious mercy which Jesus gives to all who reach out to Him in faith.

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St. John Chrysostom

Does worshipping God in beautiful liturgical services distract us from serving those in need in the world around us? Do we need to pick one over the other?

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The Entrance of the Theotokos into the Temple

Like the Theotokos, we are called to welcome Christ into our own lives and become the Temple of God.

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Advent Grace

Does your approach to this Advent season reflect an attitude of self-sufficiency, or does it reveal your reliance on the mercy and grace of God in Christ Jesus?

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Becoming Our True Selves in Advent

What is keeping you "stooped over," hindering you from becoming more like Jesus?

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Sunday of the Forefathers

Are you prepared to receive the great blessing of the coming of Christ?

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Who exactly belongs in the story of Jesus - the perfect as well as the imperfect, the sinner as well as the saint? Perhaps the true meaning of Christmas is more shocking than we first imagined.

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The circumcision of Jesus is a sign that He fulfilled the requirements of the Law, and an invitation for us to receive the circumcision of our own hearts.

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We are called to become living epiphanies of God's salvation by offering every dimension of our lives to Christ.

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Paths to the Kingdom

Does everyone walk the same path of repentance into the Kingdom of God?

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The Canaanite Woman

The Savior came to heal, bless and sanctify all who bear his image and likeness. Are we living into that healing and blessing?

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Prayer and the Danger of Pride

During the coming Lenten season, spiritual disciplines like prayer are intended to help us humble ourselves before the Lord and make us aware how far we are away from God. Pride threatens to weigh us down, while humility lifts us up to God.

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The Pharisee and the Publican

Is pride derailing your spiritual life? The season of Great Lent helps us see our need for repentance and humility.

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The Last Judgment

Are we truly becoming partakers of the divine nature? Our actions reveal what is true our about lives, and will be revealed at the last judgment.

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Forgiveness Sunday

Are you prepared to enter the Kingdom of God? If not, the Church calls us to enter through forgiveness into the journey of repentance of Great Lent.

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Icons: The Sunday of Orthodoxy

How can we find joy and healing for our souls as image bearers of God?

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Paralysis: The Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas

How do we break free from the paralysis of our own sin and brokenness? The disciplines of Lent are tools given to us to help us move towards our own salvation.

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The Cross Kills the Fear of Death

Is the cross a symbol of death or life, victory or defeat? This Lent we are called once again to take up our cross and follow our Savior, setting us free from the fear of death.

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The Simple Path

During the season of Lent, we are called to crucify our passions and turn from sin so that we can gain the strength to respond like the Theotokos in simple, trusting obedience.

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The Path to True Greatness

Entering the final week of Lent, we are reminded once again of our own weakness and failings and our needs for the mercy of God.

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Palm Sunday

Why did Jesus come as one of us, entering on the foal of a donkey on his way to the cross?

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Bearing Witness to the Risen Christ

We are called to bear witness of the resurrected Lord, along with St. Thomas, who sought to know Christ through a personal experience with Him.

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The Sunday of the Myrrh-Bearing Women

The Myrrh-Bearers lived a life of service for the flourishing of the Church, much like the early Deacons, modeling the kind of life that all Christians are called to live.

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Sunday of the Paralytic

Along with the paralytic man, Jesus asks us, "Do you want to be healed?" Or have we become so accustomed to our illnesses that we no longer feel the need for healing and transformation?

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Sunday of the Samaritan Woman

How do you decided whether you measure up or not? Does shame or blame keep us from opening our souls to the new life offered by our Lord?

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Sunday of the Blind Man

Each of us are in need of the healing and illumination of our risen Lord, opening the eyes of our souls to himself.

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Ascending with His and Our Wounds

Christ calls us to ascend with Him into the Kingdom of Heaven, becoming like Him in His holiness even now in the Church.

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Follow Me

All disciples of Jesus are called to follow Him, in the power of the Holy Spirit, into a new life of holiness.

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Healing of the Demon Possessed Men from Gergesene

Being set free from those things which possess us is just the beginning of the process of salvation.